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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Month~August

Started by Pat, August 07, 2017, 03:31:51 PM

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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. It is starting out to be a beautiful and sunny day.  By late afternoon we will be in the low 90's again and there is no indication of any rain.  I did watch a lot of football yesterday and all the teams I follow won including the two here in South Carolina although that game wasn't decided until the last few plays. The other two games were lop-sized scores.  We anticipate having our normal Sunday with Sunday School and Church and then out to lunch.  So this should be a very pleasant day.
Jackie, sorry to read that your day yesterday wasn't as good as the couple before it.  I sure hope today finds you feeling better and more able to get around and your head, eyesight and ears feeling back to normal. 


I tried to increase the font size, but not successful.
My GrDtr Sara is getting married today!  She and Kevin have been engaged for several months but never could make plans for a wedding date. I think this scare caused them to decide pretty quick! They chose going to Ruidoso for the wedding this afternoon.  If you know about Ruidoso, it is a popular vacation spot, mountain site, lots of pines and a stream or two.  Also, it is about halfway between here and El Paso where her sister Patty lives, so she will be able to be there too.  I would love to be there, but too much pain to deal with.  Sara's middle name is Janice.  She was born in England where her military dad was stationed at the time.  Earl and I flew over there and picked the right day! Sara was born that night, after we arrived.
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


I will try to condense this as much as I can!  Beth hasn't been eating NOR drinking, because she's having such severe pain in her mouth!  We believe this is caused by the MS.
Anyway, the nurses in charge at the Home weren't doing anything to help her, just trying to crush Tramadol and give it to her in yogurt.  But it was too painful, as when the spoon or anything touched her teeth, she literally cried in pain!  And Beth is nor nor has she ever been a crier.  So I knew the pain was terrible!  Yesterday, when I saw how she was suffering, and that she was dehydrated, I took matters into my own hands, talked to our wonderful chiropractor friend, followed his suggestion to call the doctor who used to take care of her, who works in a neighboring town now.  Anyway, he arranged for that small hospital to take her, and John and I took her there.

The diagnosis was:  Bad UTI, severe dehydration, highly elevated liver enzymes indicating either a blocked duct or liver failure!  Not good, for sure.  The wonderful nurse there really struggled to find a vein in her dehydrated state to use for the blood draw and to insert an IV.  But I was behind her, praying for her, and after she succeeded, she said she could feel my prayers and they made the difference.  John and I stayed until she was settled, then came home.  I could tell she was starting to feel better, just getting some fluids into her system!

I called this morning and they said she'd slept soundly through the night, woke very early with mouth pain, they swabbed her mouth with Lidocaine and she was sleeping again.  I'm relieved she can rest, as she had been suffering so and not sleeping.  We are leaving as soon as I get to the car, more tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet Praying for Beth.

I wish I could get out and go for a walk with freckles today, but, the smoke is so thick that we are keeping the animals in the house and we are staying in as well.   We did go to church this morning on the way home we couldn't even see the bay from up on the hill road we were on. It is only about a quarter mile from there to the bay.  Quite a few people in the church were coughing from the smoke that came in every time some one opened the door.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Janet, I am so sorry that Beth's health is so compromised that she had to go to hospital for help.  I pray for her and for you during this time. Hope she improves from now on.  Sometimes those homes are not all they should be. 
My sister in Arkansas has been in a home for several years.  She has been taken care of quite well, but they had to send her to hospital one day last week, she was full of congeation and poor blood pressure.very difficult breathing.  She has been unable to talk for a long time, the last stroke she had did its final damage that she cannot seem to overcome.  Her 3 daughters keep the rest of us notified, and Wilma was improved enough to go back to the home a couple days ago.   She had a bad case of Lupus for several, make that many, years and that has led to strokes etc

Janet, I also got one of those Instant Pots last week.  I have not cooked anything in it yet though. I hear they are very popular. I have been reading the manual to learn more about it.

I was not able to go to Sara and Kevin's wedding. To much neck pain and weakness.
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Something completely off topic.
I have a church member I know who is moving to Sheffield England to attend college. I was wondering if anyone here knew of any good churches in Sheffield that a college student could get to.
You might be a dog lover if:
You have more dog toys in your bed than people.


Smokeythe dog...
...I dont come from that area, nor do I know that area of South Yorkshire, the Midlands but...I have done some googling and distance finding and have come up with two very close to Sheffield College Churches...seems they are both C of E with the first being United Anglican and Baptist traditions...

St Thomas ( Crookes ) Church 2.08 miles from the College....

St Marys Church 0.06 miles from the College...

Both seem to be large Churches...I hope this helps...

I wish your friend the very best in his move to UK and in his chosen College course subject..and wish him a safe journey..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. It looks like we will be having a very nice day on this Labor Day with sunny skies and a high of around 90 degrees.  I have to meet my son downtown at 11 this morning to take care of some business.  The rest of the day I will be working on Pat's main laptop as am going to restore it to factory condition and then put it back as close to how she likes it as I can.  It hasn't been acting right for sometime so decided this was the best way to address the problem.  It will likely take a couple of days to get it set up again. 

Janice, congrats to your great granddaughter on her marriage. 

Janet, it sounds like Beth is where she needs to be so they can at least keep her reasonably comfortable.  Being dehydrated alone would have caused her to feel very badly and then to add the other complications on top of that certainly are alarming.  I will continue to pray for Beth and for you and the family during this very trying time.  I feel for your poor sister as can't even tell someone how she is feeling. 

Marilyn, that smoke sounds terrible.  You are wise to stay inside as much as possible. 

Smokeythe Dog, sorry I can be of no help as have never been to England. 

Jackie, hope today will be a reasonable good one for you. 


Hello, friends,
I was up early and left for the hospital before 8:00.  Beth was doing a little better, in that her kidneys are functioning well and they have her completely hydrated again.  The terrible pain in her mouth was from Thrush!  The Dr. said the whole inside of her mouth was raw!  No wonder it was so painful.  They have learned to watch hr eyes for answers to their questions, and are already growing fond of our girl.

Beth's prognosis is not good at all, because of the liver problem.  She will get a sonogram on Thursday which will tell them what we are looking at, whether a plugged bile duct or liver failure.  Dr. said it is just the normal process of both the terrible diseases she has, and she likely hasn't much time to live.  I sat John down and tried to get him to understand this, but he is in total denial, and he just keeps saying, "I know she will be all right!  God wouldn't have me come out here from New York and marry her and then take her away this soon!"  No matter what I say, he keeps denying the gravity of the situation.  Sigh......

On a happier note, we just got home from G-Granddaughter Jenna's 5th birthday party.  Boy, they grow up so quickly!  I guess it's always seemed this way to grandparents, huh?

And I had a lovely chat with our Pat last evening.  She is still in bad pain and has limited mobility. How I wish there were something I could do to help her!  Paul was there, but was planning to leave today, I believe.  And she sends greeting to each of you!

I need to call my youngest daughter and update her on Beth.  If she wants to see her again, I think she needs to come soon.   :'(

My book Rising Above available at


...I feel so sad hearing of your Beth, especially that we both share the same Illness-disease, although mine is Progressive...I hope this gives you and hubby John some peace and answers but, MS itself, does not kill, but, complications due from MS sure can shorten or take our life, same as anyone else, it is just that our bodies cant fight off as well as a non MS persons body can...our body attacks itself.....Why would that Doctor say to John..." it is just the normal process of both the terrible diseases she has, and she likely hasn't much time to live...."
It is not MS that kills but what we suffer due to MS, where our bodies fight - attack, rather than heeling as a normal healthy body would be basically, although our lives me be shortened, in theory we can live as long as anyone else...but we may die of MS complications, otherwise we may die of any other illness, same as anyone else..

Guess what I am trying to say is...please dont give up on your Beth...Janet and John...shame on that Doctor telling John she may not live for much longer, and placing this extra burden and worry on him, who himself, is not a well person...I hope and pray John hangs onto what he believes...

" "I know she will be all right!  God wouldn't have me come out here from New York and marry her and then take her away this soon!"
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We are to have a mostly or partly cloudy day all day today but still getting up to around 90 degrees this afternoon.  I expect to spend most of today working on Pat's laptop.  I have run into no snag yet and don't anticipate any but it just takes time to deal with the little details of loading and setting up various programs and games that she likes.  I had a good but busy day yesterday.  Our son needed a new bed and we decided that would make a good early Birthday and Christmas present so yesterday I went with him and he selected the one he wanted.  I did enjoy the final day of the golf tournament yesterday afternoon.  It was another good ending with the lead changing hands several times close to the end. 

Janet, glad the report was that Beth was doing a little better after being completely hydrated again. It sounds like the birthday party was fun.  Glad you were able to chat with Pat but so sorry to learn that she is still having bad pain and has limited mobility. 

Jackie, I hope today is being a good one for you and you are having some nice weather over your way. 


Larry Hanna... day with MS is a good day...ask anyone who suffers with this disease, and they - we, will all tell you the same...MS is what it is...Our today weather is non stop rain, not heavy, just grey, no sunshine...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


It is still pretty smokey here, I did manage to get in two walks so far today for a total of 10,899 steps and 45 minutes at the gym this morning. I did take a fall this morning coming back into the house after taking a bag of trash to the trash bin. But all I did was scrape my elbow a bit, no other damage.

Jackie, I can tell you that Janet's Beth has some other serious problems with the Neurofibromatosis.  Google that. Janet has written a book all about Beth's life with this disease. I believe it is called Rising Above.

Janet, I'm so glad you had a chance to talk with Pat. Sorry to hear she is still in so much pain with limited mobility. I will keep her in my prayers.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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...had no Idea that Beth suffered something else...something I am not familiar with...I made my posting on what I was aware of...MS...I hold prayers on behalf of Beth and hubby John...

Edited: yes I now have the picture of Beth and John on their wedding day...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. It is another overcast morning with a good chance of some rain today and a high of only about 80 degrees.  Tonight is our first Wednesday night dinner at the Church for the fall and Pat has decided to go again this year.  Then we will enjoy having Scott and Jennifer out for a couple of hours to visit. I spent most of yesterday and last evening working on Pat's laptop.  About 9 pm I did something and lost the shortcuts I had spent several hours getting set up on it.  I got up early this morning and recreated them.  Now have only a few other programs to install and then will be done with the restoration. 

Jackie, I know that your days are not going to be good but my comment was met to say I hope maybe if you had a bad day the day before it might be less so.  It sounds like your weather gave you a very dreary day yesterday. 

Marilyn, it sounds like yesterday was a pretty active day for you.  Glad you didn't hurt yourself any worse with the fall.   


Jackie, the doctor didn't say that to John, but to me.  He knows I always want him to be honest with me about my daughter's condition.

Beth was so very weak and not able to eat nor drink; I was really afraid this was to be the end for her. But, as she has done many times before, she rallied!  Yesterday she was so much improved, I was really thrilled to see her color better, the sparkle back in her eyes.  I could see that she felt better and wanted to stay with us a while longer.  She was having TMJ pain in her jaw they had to address before she could eat or drink, but then she did start eating.  I'm sure that after over a whole week, she was hungry! They will cook her anything she wants, at any hour of day or night!  For a tiny hospital, they do a super job, and are wonderfully caring and kind.

I have a list of things I need to do, had thought I might not go over to the hospital today, but Beth has already had John call and let me know she needs her Mom.  So of course, I will be going!  How could I not?

That's all the time I can spare this morning, but wanted to let you know the good news.  I need to go to the care home and see if they are going to give me any trouble about readmitting her.  Hope not.
My book Rising Above available at


...happy to read of the latest news, re, your Beth...sounds like she is a fighter...I shan't poke my nose in again if I am not familiar with all the facts...

Larry Hanna...
...I hope my post didn't come over blunt or sharp, if so, is wasn't meant to be so...

I think apologies on my part are in order for you both...Larry and Janet...I have learnt when to listen and not least I hope I have... :-X

I took a phone call from a " Community Angel, " seems a group of volunteers attached to my local GP surgery and a local Church, one I have not attended, yet...but it is on my agenda to go as soon as I can make sense of the " circuit " schedule..although to use this volunteer group I dont have to be a part of their churches group, but I feel it may help if I did...I was given this leaflet by my GP doctor,
in aid of broadening my social life, and befriending, so although I hung onto this leaflet for some time, until Dr was going to offer me the leaflet again on my last visit, I had to be honest with her and tell her I hadn't yet made that phone call since she first gave me the leaflet, re, a previous visit...I told her I will, so I have...He phoned and said today, he was in the area, that was only 20 minutes away, he arrived 15 minutes late saying he has another appointment at 3.30...anyway he took various details to see how I can be helped, he will soon get in-touch as they hold a once a month mid day meet up, so I can get to meet the people and find out more of what they do, how they can help...
The leaflet says, Befriending - Shopping and running small errands - Transport - Accompanied walks - Help with correspondence - Gardening - Companionship - Provide Information of other agencies - Dog walking...
Until my GP gave me this leaflet, I never knew this charitable organisation existed, seems it is only linked to my surgery, and covering our areas..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We are expecting a beautiful day with sun all day and only getting to around 80 degrees.  I had a good day yesterday and finished up Pat's laptop and showed her the few things that are different for her than the previous setup.  We did enjoy a great meal at the Church last night and then some nice visiting with Scott and Jennifer.  Scott returned our PT Cruiser as he had his car repaired.  Today will be a more restful day.  I will go to coffee and then after returning my friend to his home I plan on going back to the Church for our Wisdom group. 

I am just now watching the Weather Channel and it looks like South Carolina is now in the path for Hurricane Irma.  They are showing that the entire State is covered in the area that may be impacted by the high winds.  I will be keeping an eye on the situation.  It is still early and I know the path can change daily.

Janet, certainly good to see that Beth is doing better and is starting to eat again.  That sure sounds like a caring staff at the hospital.  Did you have to vacate her room in the care home when she went to the hospital? 

Jackie, certainly no apology is needed for me.  I would never take offense from what anyone writes on these boards.  Doing so requires an action on my part to "take" the offense and my philosophy is to just not take it.  It sure makes my life more enjoyable.  So please give this matter no more thought.  I am happy to see what you have written about the " Community Angel" group.  It sounds like they have a very caring group who recognize a need in the community.     


Jackie, I was not offended, either.  I knew you probably didn't know about Beth's Neurofibromatosis and all that entails, just as I don't know all about MS--neither hers nor yours.
As Larry said, it's far better just to not take offense.  And I'm happy to hear about the "Community Angel" group.  Sounds like it should really be a blessing to you.

Marilyn, how kind of you to explain about Beth and mention my book.  The head nurse who was caring for her bought one book to send her nurse sister for her birthday.  :) 

AND,,,,,,,,DRUM ROLL,,,,,,,,,,BETH IS HOME!!!  She arrived at lunch time and was hungry!  So good to see her able to eat again!  And her sonogram showed no liver damage nor problems, for which we are thanking our merciful God.  I went and talked to two of the Registered Nurses at the home, told them we were very upset that everyone dropped the ball and let Beth get into such bad condition.  They blamed the fact of the new owners taking over, all the meetings going on, etc. but said after they learned I'd taken her to the hospital they two agreed to let the DON go to the meetings and they concentrate on Resident care.  I agreed that their care should come first.

Dr. Appling called me this morning and told me about the sonogram, and he also said if I'd not seen she was in trouble and gotten her to the hospital quickly, she likely would have died.  My answer was that I'm glad I'm still here to be her advocate!  Thank God for caring physicians, and Beth has had many, all through her ordeal, not just now, but for years.  I'm so thankful!

I need to get a few things done, but wanted to let you all in on the good news!  Our Beth will be with us for a while yet!  :) <3 :thumbsup:
My book Rising Above available at


" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Jeanne Lee

Janet, thanks for the good news about OUR Beth.  <3
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We are to have another beautiful day in the low 80's and sunny.  I have an 11 am 6 month routine appointment to have my pacemaker/defibrillator checked.  Then I have an appointment to have the Hyundai checked for a possible leak of some type and will wait while they check it.  The housekeeper will be here this morning and I expect Pat and I will eat our big meal out this evening as we usually do on housecleaning day. 

I have been keeping my eye on the hurricane reports as it appears our area will be affected by it at the first of the week with wind and rain.  This weekend I will get all of the emergency lighting and the radio gathered together as we likely will lose power.  We have plenty of food and water so we should be fine.  It is comforting to live at the top of the ridge so have little concern about flooding.  I should be able to keep my iPhone charged as the battery powered lantern I got a few months ago has a usb port.  The Augusta area is preparing for an influx of people who are evacuating. 

Janet, what good news concerning Beth's return home and the results of the sonogram.  It sounds like you had a good talk with the nursing staff.  You are a wonderful advocate for her. 

Jackie, I loved the little graphic you posted about the mysterious ways that God works.     


I have a social meet up tonight, be leaving within the next hour, starts 7pm-ish....last week Thursday when we went to the church's mid day tea, cake and biscuits, and I sat with the small group of seniors, we put our names down for their next social meet up, tonight we have fallen in with a fish and chip supper...My MS is not great ( it is affecting my stomach, walking and head ) but, otherwise my mind is on the ball, and I will make sure I not only go but, actually enjoy myself...I would have gone again yesterday but Toby was booked at the groomers mid day for the couple of hours...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Almost forgot, we are both going but he is hardly talking to me as usual, he is just going for the fish and chips, he is not part of, nor ever will be, a part of a church, seems once we are there, we will go our separate ways with who we socialise and talk with, although as usual, I will be the talker, and laugh'er....I am just happy I shall be communicating with live, real people for a couple of hours.... :thumbsup: 
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


I just finished dividing up some homemade dog food into containers that hold two days each of food for Freckles. I  will give her   ? cup of that mixed with ? cup of her low-calorie kibble to equal  264 Calories per meal she is allowed 550 calories per day for weight management. She will be getting 528 close enough. When she gets to the weight the vet wants her to be I will increase her food just a bit. I just want to be able to monitor her food intake and not have all the additives that come with commercial dog food.

All is well here, Keith is doing better since he started taking the Aricept., I have noticed the difference. Air quality has improved since we had some rain yesterday.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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I am back, been an enjoyable couple of hours...tables were laid out and the volunteers gave out our fish and chip meals followed by a bowl of fresh fruits and vanilla ice cream, that came as a surprise...I still have my MS stomach bloat and even had two MS spasm-ings, I really dont want them to start up again...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Please, please pray for Beth.  She has already regressed so much since coming back here.  Terrible mouth pain, not eating, not drinking.  When I was there this evening, I asked them to offer her sweetened, thickened iced tea, as she likes that.  I just called and they said she took a pretty good amount of that.  She had taken only a few spoonfuls of liquids throughout the day, and three tiny bites of food.

If things haven't improved, we will take her back to the hospital tomorrow.  I'm really afraid for her this time.  Thanks for praying.
My book Rising Above available at


...I will willingly pray for anyone who is suffering with MS....I will have no hesitation...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. Another beautiful, sunny and cooler day here in South Carolina.  According to the Weather Channel projections this morning our State appears to be out of the cone of the anticipated hurricane path as it has moved to the West. On Monday we still will be getting some heavy rain and fairly strong winds.  So I really don't know what to expect.

Yesterday I did keep my appointment regarding my pacemaker and all was well.  I still have 2 1/2 years before it will need to be replaced when the battery runs out of power.  I decided to cancel my appointment at the garage as the burning type smell has greatly lessened so think it must have been something I picked up rather than a problem with the car.  I will just keep an eye (or nose) on the situation and take it in later if needed.  Pat and I did go to Ruby Tuesday's yesterday at noon for our main meal of the day.  I think I will probably stay home today unless I decide to go to a meeting later this morning.   

Jackie, I see you had a nice time at your social meet up.  It is nice to see that Richard went with you even if it was just to eat.  Perhaps he will meet some folks that he will want to get to know better and will attend with you regularly. 

Marilyn, nice of you to prepare special dog food for Freckles.  Nice to read taht Keith is doing better. 

Janet, what a quick change of the situation for Beth.  I will keep her in my prayers. 

Jeanne Lee

Janet, special prayers for Beth and for you.   <3

Yesterday afternoon I woke up from some ZZZZ's and saw a truck outside my window.  Closer inspection revealed it was my son's camper - here for a quick visit.

Two of my daughter-in-law's daughters are on St. Marten, stranded of course.  And the third daughter is heading to the Outer Banks of South Carolina.   My poor daughter-in-law is a nervous wreck, even though she's heard from the "girls" in St. Marten that they are safe in a protected hotel and the major concern is the long delay that's anticipated until they can leave. 
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