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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Week - January 1, 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, January 01, 2017, 07:59:03 AM

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Jeanne Lee

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

Morning Devotional...



Making resolutions for the new year is a common tradition in our culture. There are many options to choose from as we decide on our resolutions. We can choose to focus on self-improvement and end bad habits. Or we can choose to focus on the betterment of others and begin good habits.

Our resolutions usually center around things like body image, career goals, personal achievements, and even seeking to do good or give back. Usually these goals are short-term, and often these resolutions, though positive and good, don't last. But that's okay as long as we don't give up on the ones that have an eternal impact.

Most resolutions focus on just the here and now, but the resolutions that deserve our greatest effort, faithfulness, and attention are those that address eternal matters. Let us not focus on strengthening our temporary physical bodies, while neglecting our eternal soul. Let us not create a to-do list of projects to improve our houses, but fail to prepare for our heavenly dwelling place.

It is natural to set short-term goals, but most of them have no eternal value. The most meaningful resolutions we can make are the ones that will have an eternal impact.

It is easy to become distracted by earthly concerns. It is easy to focus on building a successful life here on earth. Yet Jesus tells us, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:19-21).

Ask God to show you which earthly concerns might be distracting you from eternal matters. Make a commitment to pray each day for God's help to stay focused on heavenly goals.

Prayer: God, reveal to me any earthly concerns that are distracting me from eternal matters. Help me to stay focused on heavenly goals. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' . . . But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:31, 33).

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Jeanne Lee

May God grant all a New Year filled with His blessings!
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Larry Hanna

Happy New Year Everyone.  We had a rainy night and it continues to rain today with a high probability all day long.  I am going to Sunday School and Church and then will pick up my granddaughter and take her to lunch and then out to do some shopping.  She came here with only a small bag so basically needs everything.  Pat had put together a basket of personal type items that she had already sent home with Scott to give to her.  I will give her a dollar limit and let her shop.  I expect it will be to Walmart we will go and I can sit inside on the benches and let her shop and then pay for the things when she has finished.  I will be ready to rest when she has finished shopping and I get home.  I did watch the college football games yesterday where Alabama and Clemson won.  Clemson is a South Carolina school located about 90 miles from here.  These teams were ranked number one and two in the nation and had been throughout the year, if I remember correctly. 

Jeanne, thanks for getting us started on a new year with the thoughtful writings of Dr. Youssef. 


It is really too easy to be distracted by earthly concerns.  Thanks for the reminders.

It is raining in Tucson - heavy rain and there will surely be flooding on some of the washerboard  streets.  We had three friends over last night and they left before midnight.  No one cares to sit up to midnight anymore. 

Larry:  Enjoy your visit with your granddaughter.  How wonderful she is visiting and I hope you have some quality time with her. 

We are waiting for Don's hearing aides - this is almost a full month and difficult for both of us.  Otherwise, so very grateful for good friends and terrific relatives. 

Jeanne Lee:  thank you for your blessing on this new year.  Same message for you as well. 


What are your plans for 2017?  I'm sure that none of us know what this new year may hold for us, but I pray for good things for all of us!  On January 20, our country will get a wonderful relief, in my opinion!

It seems I cannot get ahead or even caught up on emails, no matter how I try!  I'm about ready to delete the whole lot!

John was sick yesterday, and his birthday was New Year's Eve.  So I need to go check on him.

Oh!!  The Rose Bowl Parade is on!  See you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


I got all signed up at the gym first thing this morning then did a 45 minute workout. It feels so good to get back in the gym and start a healthier lifestyle in 2017. I've missed going to the gym . I have taken down the Christmas tree and put all the Christmas stuff away. ow I have a helathy loaf of  bread in the oven. It has flax seed, walnuts, and sun flower seeds in light whole wheat bread. I put the Christmas tree (fake one) in the garbage, as I was removing the ornaments I discovered that one of the cats had urinated on the tree. I am very angry at that cat. He isn't fussy about where he goes, we have to watch him because he rarely uses the potty box. He is the one we haved had the longest, the other cats use the box or go outside. he goes outside but he also goes where ever he feels like going.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We have really had the rain the last 24 hours or so.  Our chances of more rain today are not high and I see a little clouds and sun forecast for later today.  I am awaiting the termite man to come for his annual inspection.  Then I need to make a quick trip to Aldi's for a couple of items.  I think we will go out to eat this evening as Pat has been house bound for almost another week. 

Carol, I hope those hearing aids arrive shortly as know that has to be frustrating for you both.

Janet, my main goal for this year is to stay out of the hospital.  I hope you found John feeling much better.

Marilyn, glad to see you have been able to start back at the gym. We did put our few Christmas decorations away yesterday, which took maybe 15 minutes.  This was the least decorating Pat has ever done in our married life and I think it was just fine. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Today won't be as warm as it was yesterday here when we got to around 70 degrees and saw the sun for the most of the day.  Our high today is predicted to be 62 but a fair day with no rain.  Yesterday evening we met our granddaughter at Pizza Hut for our dinner meal and then she came out to the house for the first time for a little while.  Today's schedule should be fairly light.  Pat left me a note on the coffee pot not to fix her breakfast as she wants to go to the hospital lab to have blood drawn for the tests ordered in preparation for her next routine appointment with the GP, which is a week from today.  Then she mentioned stopping somewhere for breakfast. This evening our Wednesday night dinners at church resume and I will be joined there by Scott and granddaughter Jennifer and then they will come back out to the house for awhile. 


Good morning for the snowy Oregon coast. All Therapy D visits have been cancelled for today due to the snow, it appears to be about 3 inches thick and is sticking.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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My kitchen and bathroom floors are drying nicely with windows and doors open - here in Tucson.  I think it will snow about 12 inches or more at home and that is always great for water needs. 

We were out yesterday running to COSTCO and more - only to return to a phone message that the VA had Don's repaired hearing aid.  The new one is still to come.  We tried to call the VA and could not get through - drove to the VA, and they had shipped that aid out to our address so it will take another day at least as it was not in today's mail.  Going in circles some days.

Today, I am praying for a new friend's husband who just started home hospice.  She goes to the gym for a little time every morning - how thankful she is for her time of exercise and a few moments of peace.  They are far from the children - so many stories like hers in the sunbelt. 


I didn't even turn this computer on yesterday, nor today until this evening.  But I'm caught up now.  (So few are posting now that it doesn't take long.  I miss the others, though!)

I spent hours yesterday in Beth's room, cleaning out her little refrigerator.  YUCK!!  It was just awful!  I had been telling John to please clean it up, but he hadn't, and I couldn't stand it any longer!!  I threw away all the food that was in it, poured little dabs of stuff out of a lot of bottles and got rid of them, and scrubbed and scrubbed at the sticky, dried-on spills of "mystery food residue."  I had to leave it unplugged and thawing overnight, as the little freezer compartment was solid ice!  I went back this morning and finished.  And when John came in I asked him again to PLEASE not let it get in that shape again!!  He said,  "Beth did it!" and laughed.  :clobber:  I love that guy, but sometimes he can really try my patience!  He didn't come in all day yesterday; said he hadn't slept well and was tired.  Beth really missed him, and asked me to call him twice.  Finally I asked him to call her, so I could put her phone on speaker and lay it on her shoulder and I didn't have to stand there and hold my cell to her ear.

Darrel and I went to Garden to do some shopping today after I got back from Beth's.  Everything costs so much now that I'm always shocked by the totals!!  :o

Carol, glad to hear that Don will soon have his new hearing aid, and the repaired one.  We waited for over six months to get Darrel's from the VA after his were lost in the car wreck.  Too long!

Larry, it's so good that you are getting to spend some time with your granddaughter.  What is her name?

We need to get back to the gym tomorrow!!!  We have only gone once this week!  Marilyn, good for you for going!

See you all later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone from a very pleasant South Carolina.  We will get into the mid-50's this afternoon and then we are headed to a period of much colder weather with a good possibility we will be seeing a little snow on Saturday as well as rain and going down to about 20 degrees at night. 

Pat did get her blood tests done.  We then went to Denny's so she could have breakfast and could have lunch.  She ordered an omelet and I decided on pancakes.  However, since Pat didn't want the toast or grits or pancakes, the waitress pointed out she could just include the pancakes with her omelet and save us a couple of dollars by not doing a separate order of pancakes for me and then I ate the pancakes. 

Today I will follow my usual Thursday routine and pick up my friend from the care facility and we will go to coffee, I will take him home and go back to the Church for the Wisdom Group.  I have no idea what the rest of the day may bring.

Marilyn, I am sure the patients missed the visit from the Therapy Dogs.  I hope you all are snowed in and didn't get much more than the 3 inches you mentioned.

Carol, it is a good time to be in Arizona and avoid that snow in Colorado.  Must have been frustrating to expect to pick up the hearing aid only to find it had been mailed.  Hopefully today will be the day.

Janet, one has to wonder if John has ever had to accept responsibility and do things he didn't want to do.  I agree with you on the high cost of everything.  I noticed that the price of eggs at Aldi's almost doubled over what they had been selling for.  However, that price is still lower than other places.  We had been getting them for $0.49 to $0.69 per dozen for large eggs.  I think this was a loss leader for them but still was shocked to find them at $1.19/dozen.  My granddaughter's name is Jennifer.


 :coffee: It is impossible to change some people's habits.  If they are going to be irresponsible, they will never change. 

It is so dark here in the morning because street lights are not allowed except for thorough ways.  There is no way I want to walk even with a flashlight - might meet a javalina.  One hearing aid may arrive today.  Don could hear the sermon at church last night because they have a hand-out speaker ready.  Nice. 

Larry:  You mentioned the price of eggs and gasoline.  Eggs are leaping up in price - and gas is as well.  Over the border, not far from here - there are protests in Mexico over the price and they drive to this side to fill up their tanks.  Everything is going up at a really fast rate and so difficult ahead for those on fixed income.  One of our perks for ourselves is to have an early blood draw and then go out for coffee and a bagel or a breakfast - it sounds like you look forward to the same treat. 



Another day is gone!  They just do not seem to last as long as they used to!  ;)  I have been waking up at around 2 in the morning and lying awake for 2 to 3 hours.  If I get up and read for a while, I usually get sleepy and can go back to bed and sleep; if not, I finally give it up and get up around five.  Then I can barely stay awake in the afternoon, especially if I sit down to watch my favorite TV program.  :sleepy:  I wish I knew why I keep waking up so early.  I need my sleep!!  :-\

Much colder here today.  It was around 12* when I got up early today, then went down each hour until it hit about 5*.  And we did get a little snow!  Looks like about an inch accumulation, maybe a little more.  If it isn't too bad tomorrow I may go get more stuff moved out of Beth's room.  What I did really makes a difference, but the things I specifically asked John to take home are still setting there.  :(  He seems to be responsible when it comes to paying his rent, car payment, etc., but I would hate to see what his apartment looks like, now that he's been there over a year!

I hope Don's hearing aid arrived today, Carol!

Larry, that was kind of your waitress to help you save a couple dollars. Every little bit helps!  We have been buying eggs at Dollar General for $1.00 per dozen; they are higher in the grocery store.

I'm all "talked out", so---see you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I'm staying in today. We had a flurry of excitement last night. Somehow the dumpster caught fire, and we listened to recordings and endured flashing lights for 90 minutes- long after they personally came to each floor to let us know the fire had been put out.

Quite disrupting. Janet, I can empathize with not sleeping well after last night!

Y'all have a wonderful day.
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on an overcast morning.  We are to get rain later today and it is will in the 40's.  If we get any snow it should be tomorrow but only for a couple of hours. 

I have nothing scheduled for today that would require me leaving the house.  Pat is going to put together a vegetable soup for our dinner tonight so I got everything out of the freezer that she would need plus the crock pot. Yesterday went as I had expected it to and we have a quick supper of salad with tuna on it. 

Carol, I sure hope Don got his hearing aid in the mail yesterday.  Our church also has those hand-out hearing devices for the hard of hearing as did the church we came from.  We don't go out to breakfast very often as Pat is not an early riser so there has to be some special occasion.

Janet, it sounds like it is probably wise that you don't see John's apartment.  I hadn't thought of checking egg prices at Dollar General but expect they sell a lot of them. 

Ruth Ann, what time of the night was the dumpster fire?  At least the dumpster would contain the fire so no real harm done and it did add excitement to your lives. 


Janet have you ever gone to a sleep lab and had a Polysomnography (Sleep Analysis)?  Your sleeping problem sounds similar to Sleep Apnea. It would be worth checking out. I used to be that way before I got my CPAP Machine, now I can sleep quite well. I used to fall asleep if I sat down to watch TV and sometimes sleep would try to overcome me while I was driving. I couldn't drive long distances as I was afraid I would fall asleep.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Hello from a very chilly island.

We are having snow and cold that seems to have become the new normal the past few weeks.  The birds are eating loads of food at the feeders and doing there best to survive.  Nothing like the praires but our cold is very damp and chills to the bone!

Janet you and I seem to have copied each others sleep habits. At my age it is probably perm. but hope you find a solution.  I do get in a lot more reading this way.......

I am still chugging along but enjoyed 70's lots more than 80's.  Enjoy reading all the posts and care about everyone.  At the moment I am curled up under a warm quilt with my cat Billy Bob.  He hates the cold too....

We are all struggling with health problems here but God is good and our lives are blessed.  So much sorrow in our sad, broken world.  I tell myself to Buck Up and that for everything there is a season.

Just wanted to say that your posts are appreciated.  We live in different countries but are united by our faith in God. Lets all hold fast to that in 2017!

God Bless,


Liz!!  How wonderful to have a post from you!  I've missed you! 

Thanks for the words and advice about my sleep problem.  I really don't think I have sleep apnea, as there are nights I sleep soundly all night, only waking to go to the bathroom and then falling asleep again quickly.  I think there is a sleep clinic in Garden City, so if it gets worse I may inquire into that.  My sister uses a cpap machine, but she is very overweight, and also snores loudly.

Today, after a really good workout at the gym, I had my hair done, then after lunch, I took one of the large totes and went to Beth's room and stuffed it as full as I could get it with her stuffed animals--and it only held about half of them!  I told her she can be thinking about whether she would like to give some of them away.  The small ones would be good to put into shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  One of my friends told me to just give all her things away, and I said NO WAY!  There is nothing wrong with her mind, it's her stuff, and I have to respect her right to decide what she wants to do with it.  Right now, I am trying to clear out her room to make it a more peaceful environment for her.  Those totes sitting in her garage won't bother anybody!!

We had about two to three inches of snow, and it was really cold this morning--I think 9*.  But it wasn't windy, and this afternoon felt quite nice.

I hope to see some of the others who used to post regularly come and update us on their lives.

Tomorrow I will go get the great-grand-girls for that promised "sleep-over at Grandma's."  I know Lexi and Chelsea will be wanting to paint, maybe Jenna, as well.  So I will be quite busy!

God bless each of you dear ones.  I sure love you!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We are fortunate and they have taken the predicted snow out of the forecast for today.  We have had a lot of rain starting yesterday afternoon and throughout the night but it is suppose to end later this morning.  It is now 33 degrees and will stay in the 30's today and get down to 22 degrees tonight. 

I don't expect to leave the house today other than walk the few steps to the mailbox.  I just plan on working more on getting my taxes started and also preparing a devotional for our Sunday School class tomorrow.

Marilyn, my sleep study was done overnight at home and it was sure better than going somewhere and trying to sleep.  I was shocked to find out I needed a CPAP machine but have had no problems using it now for almost a year.  In fact, I just got all new supplies to go with the machine.  What brand of CPAP machine do you have?  Pat and I both use the ResMed Airsense 10.

Liz, it sounds like you are not having a good winter so far.  Glad you are staying warm.  It sounds like your whole family is still dealing with health issues.  Is your granddaughter still in school and following her love of art. 

Janet, I was shocked to find out I had sleep apnea as well but found out that I do.  It might be worth checking out.  That was rather a heartless remark by your friend that you should give all of Beth's things away.  After all they are hers and she is still with you.  There is a time and place for everything.  I hope you enjoy the painting session with the great grands.  That should keep you very busy.  You are an inspiration for them


I decided to check back in order to see if anyone remembered my name. 

Larry, Amanda has been out of school for some time now.  She still does art and sells to friends when they want something special.  Decided to take a numer of Medical Courses and has worked for the Cancer Clinic in Victoria for a few years.  Has her own place not too far from here and is still single. 

I still do some painting but eyes rather weak, so find it hard to zero in on the work.  Have always liked to do small paintings and that is a problem.  Time marches on.....

Just wanted to answer your question and will probably not be back for ......Not much to say that would be of interest.  Frankly, find the world very confusing now.  I admire what Marilyn is doing with her cute dog.  Should I end in a care home, would certainly love to have a visit from a pet.  It must mean the world to many.
Hope that this will be a good year for everyone and that God will keep a close watch over us and the world.



Thank you iz I love what I do with the dog and she loves her "job" of going to the various places to let people love on her.

Larry mine is a ResMed S-9, it has a heated humidifier and heated hose as well. I also wasn't aware that I had sleep apnea, as some nights I slept fine and other nights it seemed like I was awake more than asleep, I thought I just had some insomnia. A friend told me I should get checked out  and also I asked Savannah if I snored, she made a face and yes you do grandma. So I spoke to my dr who sent me for the test. I had all the symptoms and didn't even know it. Gilbert  has a machine now too. I kept telling him to get checked out and it took years before he did he was in denial for sure.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Tis a Banner Day with reports from Ruth Ann and Liz! 

Yes, Don did receive his hearing aids and now must drop in to get them tuned a little.  At least he believes they will do it at a drop-in site.  He assumes - I rarely assume.   

A neighbor dropped in to let us know that another neighbor lost their son in an accident this week and the memorial was this afternoon.  Wish we had known.  How sad - it seems like so many of our Christmas notes and news of neighbors has been much too sad lately.  Faith and prayer is the only way to get through the low points in life. 

I am listening to an audio book by Maeve Binchy - love the Irish accent to the story.  We plan to go to a 5 PM service at the community church today.  We keep trying to find services with little music and a good sermon.  Just finished cutting out and sewing all the blocks for a quilt - now to spread it on the carpet and try to make some sense out of the pattern.  Not today.  This is slowly taking shape and I hope we don't have company until this project is somewhat organized. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  When I arose this morning it was 22 degrees and that is cold for South Carolina.  The sky is clear and the sun is now coming up but it will only get up to maybe forty by mid-afternoon.  I expect today will be my typical Sunday with Sunday School and Church and then bringing home something for our main meal of the day.  I will be doing the Devotional in our Sunday School class again this morning.  The rest of the day will be for rest and watching football.

Liz, how time flies and thanks for the info on Amanda.  Please don't be a stranger.  If the criteria for posting here was having something interesting to say I certainly would not be posting here daily as most often it is just routine but it helps keep the dialog going.  I expect most of us live very routine lives. Personally that is the way I like it. As we are in essence a family we want to know that all is OK or, if not, what is going on so we can pray for each other. 

Marilyn, I think our CPAP machines are basically the same as when I was checking out getting filters from a source other than our current provider I saw that both machines use the same filters and have the heated hose and water tanks as a part of the equipment.  Last week I got some of the larger filters for the unit itself and they were priced at $10 each, which is ridiculous.  I checked online and found a website called CPAP.com and the filters were $5.95 for 10.  Needless to say that is where I will be buying the filters as much less out of pocket at full price than my health insurance co-pay would be.

Carol, glad that the wait is over for Don's hearing aids.  Hope the church service you attended last evening is more suitable for Don.  Sorry to learn of another family loving a child from an accident.   


Larry Medicare part  covers part of the cost of the replacement parfts for the CPAP, I pay nothing for mine between Part D and Medicaid. I order mine from Verus Healthcare
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Liz, please do come and chat with us about your daily doings  What seems boring to you is interesting to us, as we care about you and want to hear what's going on in your life.

Larry, it was 13* when I got up this morning, but pretty pleasant by afternoon.  The snow is not melting, except on the highways where they applied the salt before the snow came.

Abby (granddaughter) and I had a wonderful time of visiting yesterday, as she went with me to Hooker, Oklahoma, and we got manicures.  What a wonderful, sensible, caring, Christian young woman she has grown up to be!  She invited three friends to a youth conference in Oklahoma City, and at least one of the four accepted Christ as his Savior.  She is mentoring him, via text message, and it sounds as if he is really turning his life around!  This boy is her former boyfriend, but they aren't dating now.  I hadn't gotten to spend time with Abby while she's home on Christmas break, until yesterday.  On the way home, we stopped and picked up the two older of the great-grands (youngest backed out of coming home with me).  Then we took Abby by her house, and stopped at the store to give Diane hugs.  She and Abby left for mkt in K.C. this morning.

Lexi and Chelsea (and I) enjoyed our time together.  We painted, drew, colored, read books, sang songs and had a good time in general.  And they really enjoyed church this morning, too!  Darrel and I took them home about 4:00.

Carol, so glad to hear Don got his hearing aids!  Not being able to hear clearly is terrible.  I hope they can adjust them to give him a much better quality of hearing.  Yes, lots of sadness.  We have lost numerous community members during this holiday season.

Marilyn, I think that would be really enjoyable to go visit the folks with Freckles.  :)  I know Beth would love a visit, as she is a true dog lover, too.

I have noticed my eyesight is giving me some problems even in daytime driving.  So I hope the new lens will take care of that, at least for a while.  I'm not ready to give up driving yet.  It's bad enough that I can't drive at night anymore.  But I trust God to allow me to see as long as I live, at least to read and paint!  Liz, I understand about your eyes, especially since you prefer to work small.

Has anyone heard from Pat?  I think about her so much, and pray she is improving.

Hey, Jeanne!  And the rest of you missing family members!  Come back, please!  We miss you!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another beautiful, sunny and chilly 34 degree day here.  We will only be in the low 40's this afternoon.  The only thing on the schedule for today is my noon meeting.  Pat may want to go to COSTCO and order new glasses.  She has had the prescription for some time.  We had a big turnout for both Sunday School and Church yesterday.  The church actually exceeded its budget last year and ended up in the black.  I think this is the first Church I have ever attended that has experienced this.

Marilyn, I do not have Part D nor Medicare and have to pay 15% of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield allowed amount. 

Janet, nice that you could spend some quality time with Abby.  She sounds like a wonderful young woman.  It sounds like the great grandchildren who spent time with you were well entertained and had a great time.  I have not heard from Pat Halbach since her last posting.   

Jeanne Lee

The last I heard from Pat she was still struggling with the pednisone vs. pain problem.  At the time, she had returned from visiting Virginia for Thanksgiving and was considering a longer visit for Christmas, with insurance costs being a major consideration.  I haven't heard from her since the holidays.
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It is nice here today--we are to get up to 60*  The wind isn't blowing so that is really nice!  The snow still isn't melted yet.

Thanks for the information on Pat.  I want to call, but hesitate to do that, as last time I did, she said that even talking took almost more energy than she could muster.  :'(  I will keep praying for her and hope for better news soon.

Thanks for the kind words, Larry.  It did me a world of good to have that few hours with my Abby!

The Meade hospital just called to tell us they need us there in the morning at 7 instead of 8!  So we will be getting up really early tomorrow!

It's time for the 700 Club!  See you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


This morning I got a call from the social worker at Hospice to tell me that my hospice client passed away this morning. Freckles and I have 4 visits next week and  none this week. One of our visits will be to the library for the children's reading program,  Furry Friends usually has 4 teams going.

I met a lady at the Rehab I visited on Saturday that had been in a terrible accident, she had been in a terrible accident, injuries included, two broken arms, two broken legs, facial  damage, and some broken ribs. I laid hand on her and prayed for her and told her to keep beliving that Jesus would heal her broken body and that he would hear her prayers. she had tears in her eyes when i left. I didn't get her name but God knows who she is. Please putt her on your prayer list.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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