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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Week - January 1, 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, January 01, 2017, 07:59:03 AM

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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is currently 28 degrees but with the expectation of the mid-40's this afternoon.  We have a pretty busy day planned as Pat has a doctor's appointment at 10:15.  After that we plan on stopping at COSTCO so she can ordered new glasses, I can get mine adjusted and to pick up a few items as well as fill the gas tank for the car.  We also need to go to Walmart to pick up prescriptions for Pat.  Later this afternoon or early evening we plan on going to Ruby Tuesday's for our main meal of the day. 

I didn't make it through all of the college football championship last evening but only the first half.  It looked like Alabama would win so was quite surprised when I looked at the score this morning and saw that our Clemson team had won.  It is a great honor for a South Carolina school.

Janet, something wrong with the picture of Kansas in winter being warmer than it is in South Carolina.  :)  I hope the operation for Darrel goes very well today and you had a good trip to the hospital. 

Marilyn, sorry about your Hospice client passing away but with that area of work it is the inevitable or they wouldn't be Hospice clients.  I expect your visits with the children and the others who benefit from Freckles visits help offset the other work you do with Hospice. I can't even imagine having that many broken bones and it sounds like she was very luck to have survived the accident but will suffer much pain and rehab. She certainly does need the healing of Jesus hand laid upon her. 

If you haven't seen this I think you may find it very interesting:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h60r2HPsiuM


Heavenward by Scotty Smith

Trusting God with Our (His) Kids and Grandkids

     Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Ps. 127:1-3 (ESV)

Heavenly Father, yet again we turn to you as the architect, financier, and builder of everything that matters and lasts—including the lives of our kids and grandkids. Thank you for reminding us, in this great Scripture, that our children are your gracious gift, not our science project.

Continue to use your gospel wrecking-ball on the grace-less ways we parent. Free us from being overbearing or under-believing; too disengaged or too enmeshed; full of fear or lacking in faith. Continue to rescue us from relational "laboring in vain"—assuming a burden you never intended parents to bear.

Father, only you can make the gospel beautiful and believable to our kids. Only you can give anyone a new heart. You've called us to parent as an act of worship—to parent "as unto you," not as a way of proving our worth, saving face, making a name for ourselves.

It's the height of arrogance to think our "good parenting" accounts for the best of what we see in the lives of our children; and it's a lie from hell to assume our imperfect parenting is the only reason our kids make poor choices in life. Free us, Father, free us, and forgive us. We put unfair pressure on our children when we parent more by fear and pride, and less by your love and grace.

Since our kids are your inheritance, Father, teach us how to care for them as humble stewards, not as anxious owners; as hopeful encouragers, not as self-appointed sheriffs. Grant us quick repentances when we fail them, and multiple kindnesses and words of life for them. Father, we want to love and serve our children, "in line with the truth of the gospel" (Gal. 2:14). So very Amen we pray in Jesus' faithful and powerful name.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I started my day with the temperature outside of 54 degrees and it is overcast this morning with very little chance of rain today.  Yesterday was a full day that left both of us worn out.  As usual the doctor's appointment took well over an hour, most of the time waiting.  She then had to go fairly close by and have a couple of x-rays done on her back and hip.  By this time it was after lunch and we decided to have our big meal at Cracker Barrel, which was close to where the x-ray was taken.  We had a good meal and then on the way home stopped at COSTCO.  I had my glasses adjusted and Pat started to pick out new frames.  I then started doing the list shopping.  Fortunately I had been able to get an electric cart to use and that really helped.  However, Pat decided she was too tired and her back hurt too bad to make a decision on the new frames so waited for me in the food court area while I finished the shopping.  It was around 3 pm when we got home and we both took naps but were still tired.  I went to bed early and had a good nights sleep and she did also.

Today has much less strenuous schedule.  Pat has an appointment at 9:30 to get her hair cut and then at 4 pm an appointment with the Chiropractor.  At 5:30 I will meet Scott and Jennifer at the Church for our Wednesday night dinner and then they will come out to the house for awhile.

Pat, thanks for sharing the fine piece by Scotty Smith.  I hope you are feeling a bit better. 


 :o :o :o :P :P :ticked: :ticked: :ticked:I just lost my whole post!! >:( :(  That hasn't happened in a long time!

I just told you all that Darrel is doing great; we got home around 1:30, and he thinks he feels up to going to the Wednesday night dinner at church.  (Plus a lot of other details, but I don't feel like retyping the whole thing.)

My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Pat:  I thought you wrote the message today - thanks for sharing Scotty Smith's wise words.  It is so wonderful to see your messages.  Please take care and continue to recover from ills.

Last night, we were driving home and very near the house when we hit something very hard under the car.  Making a U-turn, we found an empty manhole.  The cover was nearby and we believe that the front left tire partially dropped into the opening and the cover flipped under the car.  Such a shock & what a loud clunk but thankful that no person or animal was hit - it is very dark here with no street lights allowed.  A county truck was working a block away and I talked to them, they came to check the car and put the lid back - telling us that they had been working on safety issues.  - Here is my safety issue advice - Put the Lid Back on the Manhole!

Otherwise, we had a quiet day and I am picking up all the quilt blocks to put away as our daughter arrives Friday afternoon at the very busy Phoenix airport - about an hour and half drive each way. 

Janet:  I saw the pictures in Facebook - so happy for Darrel's surgery success.  Take a deep breath and I know you give thanks. 

I saw the neighbor today who lost a son a week ago in a motorcycle accident but did not bring up the subject with several other neighbors standing there as well.  I will check on her later. 

Our children played a joke on Don - they love to catch us in a joke and all of us had a good laugh.  Love those kids - they are not kids anymore.  the oldest one has 9 planes to catch all of next week - All have been shoveling snow and it is heavy snow with the deepest in 100 years in some places of Colorado.  Avalanche danger & some of the boys have been raking snow off their roofs.  Here, I am not going to complain if it rains. 

We are expecting cousins and friends for visiting and we will drive in their directions as well as time permits.  Don has appointments this year so we will just work around that - keep on keeping on. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a bit foggy morning but in the mid-50's.  For the second day in a row we are expecting 70 degrees this afternoon.  Not bad for mid-January.  I will be gone all morning with coffee and then going to the church to have some papers witnessed for the Living Will and related document after I drop my friend off for coffee.  I am preparing them for both South Carolina and Georgia since we live in South Carolina but the hospital and most of our doctors are across the river in Georgia. Then I will go back to the cafe for the rest of the hour for coffee and then take my friend back to his assisted living facility.  Then another trip downtown to the Church for the Wisdom group.  Finally on my way home I will stop at Aldi's for just a few items.  That will be it for today.  I shouldn't have to cook supper tonight as the we a rotisserie chicken and some leftovers in the refrigerator for dinner so can have a quiet afternoon and evening.

We had a good meal at the Wednesday night dinner at Church and then a very nice visit with Scott and Jennifer.  Jennifer was much more relaxed last evening than a week ago and is enjoying living with her dad.  We also see that Scott seems much happier so this seems to be a win all around.

Janet, glad to read that Darrel came through his procedure well.  I hope you were able to attend the Wednesday night dinner at your church. 

Carol, I take it from what you wrote that your car was not damaged by the manhole cover.  That would have been a very frightening experience for anyone and especially in the dark.  I can't imagine having to catch nine planes in one week.  I would think your son would be exhausted.  With all the winter weather I would think this would be rather problematic that he can pull that off but sure hope he is able to do so.     


It is presently 27*, heading for a high of 38* here today.  The huge snow and ice storm is headed our way, probably will get here on Friday night.  Abby is heading back to college early to try to avoid it, as it's coming from the East!  We sure want her safely back in Manhattan and not out driving on icy roads!  She and I had planned to attend the Miss Southwest Pageant here on Saturday night, but I'd much rather know she is safe!  And I hadn't bought the tickets yet!

Carol, that would be a really scary thing to have happen!  And how careless of them to leave the cover off the manhole!  I thought you were going to say it did damage to your car; so glad it didn't!  That would certainly give me a good scare, too!  :o  Nine flights in one week?  Wow!  Makes me tired to think of it!  Our next trip is coming up fast--we are to leave on Feb. 8th.  So Darrel needs to recover really fast!!  :)

Larry, sounds as if you had a really busy day.  So glad Jennifer is settling into her new location/life.  Where did she live before?  I'm sure it's good for Scott not to be alone; and likely for her, as well.

We have to drive to Johnson tomorrow to get Darrel's catheter out, so I'm glad the ice storm isn't supposed to hit until Friday night.  Today I need to go to the grocery store, and to see Beth and John.

And I need to get off here now and help Darrel take a shower!  Later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Don is heading to the VA to have his hearing aids adjusted.  I am baking and freezing muffins and loaves to keep handy.  Our neighbors just pulled out of here with their new to them, used trailer.  It is a little chilly to camp but they are going with the RV club. 

One of our sons has a boss who is a druggie and alcoholic.  Those people are so difficult and cannot think straight evermore.  The future of many people rely on whether the company is sold or goes down in dust. 

Daughter arrives tomorrow - the little guest room is ready as I stashed all of the sewing.  We have a trundle bed in here and no one complains.  Chocolate chip muffins for anyone who wants it - now to put together some more simple meals.  I have a small desk with my laptop in here and just move it out of the way so anyone can keep on working with their electronics.  Another son has meetings in Phoenix soon and he will try to visit - stay here and stay online too. 

We did our exercises early this morning at the gym - the one for my lower back seems to be helping and I still like to use the rowing machine.  Don puts in a full hour and then takes another walk in the afternoon - he is so diligent and it helps in his medical condition. 

Janet:  When we get storms from the east at home - they are much more dangerous.  Glad Abby is traveling early.  Really some bad storms out there and the snow is so dangerous this year especially after such dry winters.  There will be water for all - but I fear there will be flooding and avalanches as well.  Sending up a prayer for Darrel to mend FAST!  What area of the world will you be going to next?   

Larry:  How special it is for you and Pat to have your g-daughter close and such a good time for your son as well. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We are in for another beautiful 70 degree day today.  My big activitiy for today is to be at the church at 11 am to help pack meals and then take them to a couple of the locations where our church is working on homes that need aid for people not able to do it themselves or afford to have someone do it for them.  This is the annual Project Warm that was started when our minister came to this church 6+ years ago and is an annual event.  They are working on 8 homes today and tomorrow fixing roofs, floor and in general things that need to be repaired in these homes.  This project is done in cooperation with the United Way that provides the funds and the church provides the labor.  While I am not able to do manual labor anymore I can certainly deliver meals to a couple of the homes.  I did the same thing last year. If Pat feels up to it we will go back to COSTCO this afternoon for her to pick out new frames for her glasses.  The housekeeper will be here this morning. 

Janet, where are you headed to on your next trip?  I hope you are able to avoid the ice storm as they can be so damaging.  I think all the activities of the week have caught up with me as I slept at least 10 hours last night and am still tired this morning. 

Carol, it is sad that your son has a boss who doesn't think straight as that is not a good sign for the company.  It must be his own company or he probably couldn't have held on to this job while drinking and drugging.  Enjoy your visit with your daughter. 


Yes, we all want to know where Janet and Darrel are traveling.   :thumbsup:

Larry:  The church here and our church at home have volunteers just like your church members.  Such good people to help those who need a little project on their homes.  Staying warm or staying cool is critical.  We always search for a church that is heavy into outreach.  It looks like we will be going Wednesday nights because Don can understand that pastor - it is a simple service and they also have a healing service that is so peaceful. 

Checking with friends at home and one who has endured cancer for over five years is slowly going downhill.  All the pain and loneliness (friends have stopped visiting) he has endured - it is so sad. 


This has been quite a day!  Abby wanted to come by and have breakfast with us--we were delighted!--and while she was here Darrel's doctor's office called to say the Dr. wasn't coming to Johnson today, as he was afraid of the weather!  Huh!  So instead of driving 22 miles each way, we had to go to Liberal, 60 miles each way! Pffft!  But he got the catheter out, so that helps his pain level.  We stopped in Hugoton and bought some groceries, and now we don't plan to go out again until maybe Tuesday!  Predictions are for freezing rain, accumulating as much as 1/2 to 1 inch!!  And then snow on top of that!

Abby texted about three that she was in Manhattan safely.  Big sigh of relief!  So good to know she made it ahead of the storm.

We are going to cruise the Adriatic---yes, again.  This is the same trip we did last year, except we will be on a different ship (sister ship to the Athena which we were on last year.)  Darrel's leg was still bothering him quite a bit and he missed several of the off-ship trips last time; then we got a flyer with such a good price he decided to go again.  And you never see all there is to see in just one time, I'm sure.  So we are going to Bosnia, Croatia, Herzegovina and ...........uh..........phooey!  I can't think of the other one right now!

Supper tonight was baked chicken breasts with cranberry sauce (baked with them) and baked sweet potatoes.  It was quite good!  Darrel said that was the best sweet potato he'd had in a long time!  I told him it was because I baked them in the oven, not the microwave!  :)

I really hope we don't lose our electricity during this storm!  But if we do, we can cope.  We still have a gas range in the back, in what we call our canning kitchen.  And we heat with propane, so won't be cold.  Just no connection to you nice folk without the power!

I wish you all a peaceful night, with restful, refreshing sleep! 

I thought of it!  Montenegro!!  That's the other country we will visit!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

that sounds like a wonderful cruise, Janet.  How long will you be gone?
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Jeanne, we will be gone for three weeks, including the day to airport and the day home from same.

Darrel is sore all over, so he needs to keep moving and drink a LOT of water!  He is hoping, as am I, for a rapid recovery.

This the last weekend with Obama in office!!  How very thankful I am!!  :)  I am praying for a peaceful and safe transition of power.  Those who lost need to just accept that fact and move on!  :clobber:

The rain/ice hasn't arrived here yet.  Wonder if it will be like the huge blizzard they predicted last winter?  You know, the one that wasn't!  :lol:

I am looking at soup recipes, soup sounds very good in this kind of weather!

Nothing new here, will talk to you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Hello everyone, it has been a couple of days since I posted.

Janet as for myself I will have to just wait and see how the government turns out under the supervision of  the new president and how he responds to his cabinet's, advice, whether he  acts on their advice or goes his own way. That will tell me what kind of president he will be.

We did our weekly Walmart run this morning. Parking lot was still icy until the sun hits it to melt the ice.

I didn't have any Furry friend visits this week nor do I have any the  last week of the month. I worked it that way so I would have 2 free weeks to do pother things. I went to the gym 4 days this week and I think I  need to go back to the chiropractor. I have some problem with one of my ribs popping then causing my shoulder to hurt and a pain in my upper back.  I have to figure out exactly what I am doing that causes that to happen.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Well, good news, the doctor finally told me I could wear both shoes this week.  I'll be preparing a box to send to my son later today. Then it will go out to the post office Monday.

It was wonderful to be able to keep up with each of you this afternoon. 

Love to each of you.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Jeanne Lee

Janet, I'm not sure I can allow you to be away for that long a time!  We need you here!!!  :D  Seriously, enjoy every day of it and we'll be glad to have you back.  And don't forget pictures now that you've found out how to forward them to me.   :thumbsup:

Oh, Marilyn, that sounds so painful!  I hope you learn what's causing it so it can ba avoided in the future.

Ruth Ann, it must be a great feeling to wear both shoes now!

Remember my losing a hearing aid and having it found after several days?  Well, I have another hearing aid problem and this won't be so easy to fix.  The tiny plastic wire that relays sound to the inner ear has a break in it.   I think the entire hearing aid will need to be replaced - and it's three years beyond the warranty.   :(
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. I decided to read the postings and write tonight rather than in the morning as I never have much time on Sunday morning.  Pat said tonight she plans on going to church with me tomorrow so I will go to Sunday School and then come home and get her for church.  It has been several weeks again since she attended.  I had another busy day.  I did get the meals delivered at noon for the Project Warm folks and then went on to Walmart to return the printer that would not work with my wi-fi.  I came home and had lunch and napped for awhile.  Then I went to Office Depot and got an Epson printer for Pat.  I will install it in the morning.  I don't think I have ever had an Epson printer.  This afternoon I watched the Atlanta Falcons beat the Seattle Seahawks and am now watching the Houston/New England game.

Janet, that is a long time.  I sure hope the soreness will soon leave Darrel so he can enjoy the trip.  Pat spoke with her sister in Independence, Missouri and they had ice and expecting more tonight. 

Marilyn,  it sounds like a good idea to give yourself full weeks off from your visits with Freckles.  I hope you can get in to see your chiropractor.

Ruth Ann, you have had quite a long bout without being able to wear the shoe.  I am sure that was what you were wanting to hear from your doctor.

Jeanne, I do hope they will be able to replace that little plastic wire.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on what is to be another beautiful day and get into the mid-70's. When I got up this morning I decided to fix Pat some sausage muffins for her breakfast.  I got everything out and then went to get the sausage out of the meat tray so I could fry it up and I couldn't find it.  I searched for the package in the freezer and the refrigerator without success.  So I decided I would fix her scrambled eggs with bacon bits, cheese, green onions and yellow peppers.  I got everything in the skillet for it would be ready to cook when she arose.  I had to go back to the refrigerator and in a little container I found the sausage that Pat had fried up and crumbled last night after I went to bed.  So I quickly put together the muffins and baked them.  When she got up I did fix the scrambled eggs for her breakfast and she can have the sausage muffins for her breakfast tomorrow. 

I am not sure I will try to attend my Monday noon meeting as am feeling pretty tired.  However, maybe by noon I will feel refreshed.  I do plan on attending the monthly men's dinner at the Church this evening.  Pat did feel up to attending Church with me yesterday.  I went to Sunday School and came home and got her for Church.  We went out for lunch following Church. 


It feels like I haven't been out of the house for a week!  It has been two days, this will likely be the third, as we did get some snow on top of the ice.  Since it is MLK Day, that may be the reason the school bus didn't pass by at 7:30 this morning, or it may be that school was canceled.  I expect this whole week will seem strange, since we didn't have church yesterday.  That always throws off my sense of knowing what day of the week it is.

Darrel is watching Bizarre Foods.  Oh, my!  The things that guy eats--all over the world.  I sure do not want his job!  :P

I spent a good part of the day yesterday going through the several Paleo cookbooks I have gotten recently.  I've been spending lots more time than usual in the kitchen, trying to cook healthy meals for us.  It's a new concept to me that we actually need to eat MORE fat, to burn fat!  And not eating bread, white potatoes, rice, or sugar will take a little time to adjust, but we are doing very well so far.  We need to go to a store where we can buy things like coconut or arrowroot flour, etc. before too long, so I can make some kind of acceptable bread.  One recipe I have shows making bread from plantains!  Interesting!

Ruth Ann, I'll bet you feel more balanced wearing both shoes again.  :thumbsup:  Jeanne, I do hope you can get just that little wire replaced, and not have to buy a whole new hearing aid.  I was having problems with mine, when I would pull them out of my ears, the little soft rubber (or maybe plastic) things that hold them in would come off in my ear, and I'd have to fish them out.  Seems to be better now.

I mixed up a big meatloaf yesterday afternoon, so dinner and supper are mostly taken care of already.  :)

Larry, you sound like Darrel (and most men I know!) in not seeing the sausage in the refrigerator.  It wasn't where you expected it to be!  ;) :)

We were making our bed yesterday evening, after washing the sheets, and I tripped over nothing but my own feet, I guess, and fell quite hard against the furniture, banging my side and my head.  I managed to get up by myself, as I didn't want Darrel lifting or pulling.  Then I took a couple of Tylenol, and seem to be no worse for wear this morning.  I do need to see my chiropractor, though.

I guess I need to see what I'm going to do today!

My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

HI everyone.  It is an overcast morning but little chance of rain and we are to get into the mid-70's once again today so certainly no complaints.  Yesterday turned out to be a sort of wasted day and was feeling so tired by 11 am I went and laid down until after 2 pm.  I did go to the men's meeting since I had committed to be there.  The steak and salad were delicious and the vegetables were OK.  The program was information about the Project Warm that had been done by the men and women of the church last Friday and Saturday.  I came home and went to bed a little after 8:30.  Unfortunately I am feeling the same exhaustion again this morning.  However, I have to take Pat for the first appointment with the physical therapy group this morning and that will likely be it for today.

Janet, I just had no idea that Pat had cooked the sausage last evening as there was no evidence of that in the kitchen and I just happened to see the plastic container she had stored it in on my second go around in the refrigerator/freezer as knew we had another pound in its wrapper.  Sorry to hear you fell but happy that you seem no worse for the experience.  Your Paleo diet sounds very much like what Pat has been trying to follow for several months now.  It is a different eating experience. 


Good morning I see I haven't posted in a day or two. the weather here was so nice Sunday and yesterday it warmed up some and I got out 4 times to take Freckles for her walks. On sunday I took a pretty good fall slipping in the mud But I am not damaged I think I worked out the soreness at the gym yesterday., It sure feels good to be back at the gym. However when taking Freckles for all those walks yesterday I spaced out going to the Tai Chi class That's two classes i  a row that I missed. Last wednesday and yesterday.

It started raining this morning after I took Freckles out to potty at 5:30, By the time I started to get out of my pj's it had started to rain, I could hear it on the skylight in the master bath.

On of the Daughter i n laws sent us a package with some organic seed packets and little  pots to plant them in it is all part of a set she got from Amazon. My goodness I don't know what I am going to do with all those seeds. There is Cilantro, Thyme, Basil, Garlic Chives (I have some of those in the front planter), sage, Rosemary, etc. I woluhld need a large garden space, witch we do not have, they will have to be in containers.

My neighbor across the street it really having some major health problems, Her heart is only working at 48% capacity, she is in cancer treatment and her sight is failing, So I fixed a huge pot of Spaghetti yesterday and took some to them for thier dinner, wse have  way too much left so I will definitely have to freeze some.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Happy Tuesday, everybody!

Our snow is disappearing very rapidly today!  It felt so good to get out of the house this morning and go back to the gym, after missing a whole week.  Darrel didn't feel up to going yet, though.  After that, I went to see Beth and John, then went to the grocery store.  Now I'm content to be back in my snug little house!

It's a really beautiful day here, was in the 40s last time I checked.  There were a lot of tree limbs that broke off because of the ice, but we had no damage out here.

The housekeeper just left.  She had missed two weeks, so was needed!  I have kept things up, except for the mopping and vacuuming, and it's nice to have that done again.  I have been doing a lot more cooking lately, making the paleo recipes.  So far, we have enjoyed every one of them I have tried!  ;)

Larry, I hope your energy comes back soon.  It's not fun to feel tired and draggy.  You mustn't push yourself too hard, though!

Marilyn, I know what you mean about it feeling good to go back to the gym!

Hey, everybody!  Come back and talk to us!  We're getting lonely in here!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi friends,

I was able to get a box sent off for my son today. That made him happy.

The temps here in Nashville have really been warm these last few days. I'm thankful. I'm definitely a warm weather person.

I have difficulty in typing since the computer shop worked on my computer. However I'll tell a brief story:

When my son was living with me, he carried in the groceries. Once I couldn't find the several little tubs of yogurt, so I went back to the store with my receipt, and they re-filled that portion of my receipt.  Two weeks later, I found the original yogurt tubs in my cheese drawer in the fridge. So, off I went and settled the bill by paying for what was given to me.  To this day, they say I'm the most honest customer they ever had.  :)

Y'all have a good night,

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Jeanne Lee

Ruth Ann, that's the right kind of reputation. 

This is going to be another of those mixed up days, expecting snow, sleet, freezing rain and maybe later in the day a change to plain rain.   This is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad.  :)
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We have another mid-70's day ahead of us with no rain.  Pat's physical therapy appointment yesterday went well and she will have 5 more once a week appointment.  It was after noon before she was finished so we decided to have our big meal of the day while we were out.  Today we are going to go to COSTCO about the time it opens so Pat can select new frames and get her new glasses made.  I will pick up a couple of items for our son while she is at the optical department.  That will be it until this evening when I will meet Scott and Jennifer at the church for the Wednesday night dinner and they will come out and visit for awhile.

Marilyn, glad you can get back to the gym and that you were not hurt in the fall you took in the mud.  I planted two different herbs in a planter on our back patio but we never used one sprig of them.  They did make nice foliage.  This year it will be some flowers in that container as well as in the big planters I raised a few small tomatoes in last year. I can relate to your neighbor in terms of the heart working.  The last time it was checked my ejection factor was between 20 and 25% while the normal is 55% as I recall. 

Janet, glad you could enjoy a nice day yesterday and get out of the house for awhile.  I did feel better last evening in terms of energy and we watched a couple episodes of the Reign on Netflix, which is about Mary, Queen of Scots.   

Ruth Ann, is your son still in the Philippines?  Good for you in returning to the store and paying for the extra yogurt they had given you.  Honesty is always the best policy. 

Jeanne, I sure wish I could share our nice weather with you.  It has been so nice down here that not even a sweater is needed in the afternoons.  However, I see that tomorrow we will stay in the 60's.


Jeanne Lee Good wishes for a new set of hearing aids.  I hope it works out for you.

Honest Ruth Ann  Hooray for your feet healing!

Larry:  Some days in "retirement" are busier than old "working days". 

Marilyn:  Good luck with getting a handle on the new side pain!

Thankful for daughter's 5 day visit!  It did rain every day so that wasn't so good but we had a super visit.   She worked on her phone and computer so much - she works for a CA tech giant "in the cloud" - we had a terrible time both picking her up at the Phoenix airport and later sending her off.  the airport has terrible signage - and wrong directions.  Our drive back should take about two hours and ended up at 3 1/2 hours of sitting on a freeway, etc.  We did stop for gas and a corn dog but it was a very long gridlock so it reminds us of our L A trip two years ago.  INSANE 

We watched a movie based on a book of the Benghazi tragedy - it certainly has a different message than we read in the newspaper. 


Carol, What side pain? Are you sure you meant me?
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Sorry for the tiny print yesterday!  I know some of us have trouble reading it.  I did try to change it but couldn't figure out how to do that without retyping the whole thing.

It's another beautiful day here, I only needed a sweatshirt when I went out this morning to the gym and to see Beth.  I hadn't met the new doctor they hired for the residents (he is from another town) and I like to know what's going on with her health care.  He came in and listened to her heart, chatted for about two minutes, and that was that!  He didn't even ask Beth if she had any questions or concerns, so I asked her.  She said she hasn't been sleeping very well, so at least she was heard. (I had to interpret that for him.)  This afternoon at 1:30 I will go meet them at the dentist's office, as she is complaining of pain in her mouth.  She does have neurofibromas on her gums--thinking that may mean more surgery.  :(

The first thing Beth told me when I walked in was, "John lost the keys to my van!"   :o :-[  Of course he hopes they will turn up, and I sure do, too, as we don't have a spare, and no telling how long it would take or how much it would cost to get a replacement!!  So the Legacy will be taking her to the dentist's office, which isn't a problem, but it also means they won't get to go to church or anywhere like that on their own. :ticked:

Glad you are doing better, Larry.

Glad you had a nice visit from your daughter, Carol, sorry about the traffic, etc.

Ruth Ann, always good to see a post from you!

Jeanne, wish I could send you some of our lovely weather--before it changes again!

I have a few things to do before I go back to town to meet Beth at the dentist's office.  Later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I've had a "J" night.  But I'm thankful to hear from all of you. 

Today looks to be quite busy.  I'm sending off another small box to my son in the Philippines.

Yes, it looks as if he plans to make his current location his permanent home. And, it looks as if his difficulties with depression have greatly lessened. Much love and thanks to you all who have helped me pray for his recovery from depression, headaches, and a deep grudge against God for letting his dad die.

Then, I will drive the 12 miles to Walmart for both shopping and then a haircut.

After that, methinks it's going to be time for a nap. :)

Y'all have a good day.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We will only be in the mid-60's today with no chance of rain.  The sky is clear and the sun is bright this morning.  Today will be my typical Thursday with coffee with friends, the Wisdom group at church, and then I will pick up an online grocery order from Walmart before coming home with a brief stop at Aldi's.  We did go to COSTCO yesterday and Pat picked out new glasses while I did the shopping.  Fortunately, we each were able to use the riding carts.  However, yesterday was another day where I experienced a lot of weariness and as soon as I got home I skipped lunch and laid down for about 3 hours to rest.  I did get to the Wednesday night dinner at church with Scott. My granddaughter wasn't feeling well so he took her dinner home to her in a box after we finished and then he came out and spent a couple of hours with us.

I did read in the newspaper yesterday that our little town will have a Dairy Queen open by the end of April.  It is to be on an out parcel where our closest Walmart is located.  I am delighted but realize it will be a great temptation as I do like those Dairy Queen Blizzards. 

Carol, I seem to get a lot less done now that I am retired than when I worked.  Glad you had such a nice visit with your daughter.  I have been to the Phoenix airport and it was busy back 15 to 20 years ago so can imagine what it must be like now. 

Janet, I can tell from your comments that you are concerned about Beth's new doctor.  I hope the dentist appointment for Beth went well and he had some suggestions for relieving the pain short of surgery.  I hope the keys to Beth's van have turned up by now. 

Ruth Ann, sorry to read you didn't sleep well last night.  Nice to read of the improvements your son has made health wise.  I keep hoping and praying that my son will come back to God and give up the anger he has had for so many years since his baby son died over 30 years ago.