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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Week - January 1, 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, January 01, 2017, 07:59:03 AM

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Today was really foggy in the morning, but has gradually cleared.  It isn't very cold; was 30 early, and working our way up to a high of 48*

Yesterday was a "Beth" day.  I did go meet her new doctor and wasn't too impressed.  All he did was listen to her heart, make a few comments about the Bible verses on her walls (Mostly plaques they got as wedding gifts) and then was about to leave when I asked Beth if she had any questions.  She did.  I understood her question, which was about her not sleeping well lately, so later they called to tell me he prescribed something to help her sleep.  For those four minutes, he gets paid $82.00.  Then at 1:30 I met them at the dentist's office.  He took x-rays and looked in her mouth, then told us it wasn't her teeth, but the Neurofibromas on her gums, which have spread to the very back teeth, and were swollen, red and very inflamed.  He said there was nothing he could do about it; then he asked if she can still "swish".  Johnsaid she can, so he prescribed a mouthwash the pharmicist makes that contains a numbing agent and something to reduce the swelling, along with several other ingredients.  She is to swish it around in her mouth for a full minute, then spit it out, 30 minutes before each meal.  I sure hope it helps, as she can barely eat the way it is.

I need to call and ask John if he has found those keys yet!

Glad Pat found some frames she likes.  My lens hasn't arrived yet, so I went by the eye doc's office to ask about it.  They said it had left point A but didn't arrive at point B, so faxed about it.  They said even if it hasn't been made yet, it should be here in a week.  It has been over 2 weeks already.
Larry, I hope Jennifer is feeling better now.

When I left the gym this morning, I told Kristi that if I'm not there in the morning, it's because I'm watching the inauguration.  She came back with, "You can watch it here!  I have TVs all over the place, so don't give me that excuse!!"  Hard to get ahead of that little gal! :) ;)

Darrel continues to get a little better each day.  He says he may go back to the gym on Monday. 

Ruth Ann, I had a "J" night, too!  I slept well until about two, then never could fall asleep again.  So I haven't accomplished what I had hoped to this afternoon.  Well, I guess tomorrow is another day---and if not, it won't matter!

I hope everybody is doing well, and I'll "type" to you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a cloudy but warm morning.  I expect to watch a lot of TV today as this is a historic day, as all inaugurations are.  The only thing I may due today is make a trip to our County Seat, about 20 miles away, to finally be able to file my Homeowner's Exemption Form.  I plan on taking the rest of the day restfully.  This is the longest down exhausted period I have probably ever had after I recovered from my first heart surgery 30 years ago. 

Scott did take our Granddaughter to the ER after he left here Wednesday night afraid she might have appendicitis but they felt it was something else and so sent her home with some medicine. 
Janet, if the new doctor saw all the of the residents of the care home for $82 each he had a very good day.  Of course, Medicare/Medicaid may not pay that full amount.  I sure hope the mouth wash will eliminate the pain for Beth.  Pat was told her new glasses would be back within a week (as mine had been).  Glad to read that Darrel is getting better day by day. 


Marilyn:  I must have misunderstood your "side" ailment  - sorry for the mistake. 

We did watch the inauguration and there is a protest in this city area - breaking windows is such a meaningful thing, isn't it?  They showed a huge table of city paid people arguing about the dropping of Obamacare - and it is odd that they don't even know what the new idea can be yet?

Chicken noodle soup is in the crock pot and Don is making his famous sausage and gravy.  We shared an Asian meal yesterday on the way back from shopping at COSTCO.  Our daughter told us to buy a new coffee pot there because they will take it back --- we are notorious for wrecking toasters and coffee pots.  Wishing I had kept the old electric Farberware coffee maker we used for years. 

Larry:  Sorry about your exhaustion today.  Don slept late and feels  that way so we are probably staying in this rainy day.  I hope you feel better after you rest. 

Janet:  Good that you asked Beth if she had any questions - that doctor might have missed something in his visit.  Actually, $82 for a few minutes is probably less expensive than a "city" doc.  Sad to say.  Prayers for Beth and you. 


Interesting and historic day in America!!  I asked my beauty shop gal if she could do me early because I wanted to watch the inauguration.  She said she was doing a complicated color and to come at 9:00, which I did.  The other gal was late, and Brenda is very fast, so she was getting ready to wash my hair when the other gal walked in.  But she couldn't get any hot water!!  I said, "That's okay, I'm tough; just go ahead."  She couldn't believe I meant it, but I did, so she went ahead and it didn't bother me in the least.  She called the landlord, who showed up to try to light the water heater just before I left.  The other gal said, "Well, I sure don't want you to wash MINE in cold water!!"   :) ;)

I love the sense of optimism and hope that is prevalent in our country today.  Stupid protesters breaking and smashing and yelling and screaming.  Ugh.  Just suck it up and go home--YOU LOST!!  Okay, off my soapbox now!

Larry, I sure dislike hearing this is the worst tired and worn out you have felt in 30 years.  I'm praying for you, my brother.  ((((hugs))))

Carol, isn't it sad they manufacture everything today with "built-in obsolesence?"  They used to make things to last, now it's Oh, throw it away and get a new one!

I think I heard the mail come, will go check it out!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a cloudy with according to what the radar shows rain on the way for today and definitely for tomorrow.  I did get to the County Courthouse yesterday morning and filed the documents needed for the Homestead Exemptions so that item is off my list of things needing to be done at this time.  The rest of the day I watched the Inaugural activities. I enjoyed watching his young son, who didn't seem to be very impressed with everything, and the littlest grandson who, at the signing of documents, was obviously very tired and wanted to go home.  The little girl also wanted to play with the pens, which I thought was cute.  I have nothing planned for today so will be able to just rest. 

Carol, I was happy to see that the protesters were not given television coverage, at least by Fox. 

Janet, I really liked the speech President Trump delivered yesterday.  It was short and pretty blunt.  He does not appear to be a man to be trifled with although he obviously is a negotiator.  What the protestors hoped to achieve by burning and harming policemen or women is beyond my comprehension.  I know they have the right for peaceful protest, as those on the parade route did.  We each have our own opinions.  Thank you for your prayers.  I have known for a long time that a time is coming where I will become weaker but am hopeful this isn't it.  Pat helped me today and made her own breakfast, although I had gotten it started.   


Hi all, let us all pray for peace and reconciliation for our country.  The only thing in the speech missing was THE NATIONAL DEBT.  Why is that so hard to figure out? 

Larry:  Sorry for your really tired time.  Don has that happen some afternoons too.  Our daughter is a busy gal and she wears us out - besides driving her to the poorly planned Phoenix airport and the six lane gridlock traffic, we came back just exhausted too.  It took us a full day of rest just to think straight.  Good for you for filing Homestead exemptions - that is some savings. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We have had a very rainy yesterday and all night but it has now stopped and only a 15% chance we will get more before later this afternoon.  Yesterday was pretty much a lost day as I really accomplished nothing.  I seem to be feeling better today and am ready too head to Sunday School and then will come home to pick up Pat for lunch and out to lunch.  Later this afternoon I plan on watching the two Pro football games that start around 4 pm. 

Carol, I hope to stay out of that 6 lane traffic as have had enough of it for a lifetime.  The only time I have seen our Interstate clogged up here is when they have been working on the road and take it down to one lane and take the speed way down.  Otherwise the traffic moves wonderfully well in the Augusta area.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We had another very rainy afternoon and evening yesterday and were under a tornado watch for a couple of hours.  Fortunately there were no tornadoes in our area and no high winds.  It was not raining all morning so didn't interfere with going to church and then out to eat lunch.  I felt much less tired yesterday than I had all of last week so am hopeful that situation is behind me for awhile at least.  The schedule is very light today.  I plan on attending my Monday noon meeting and will stop at COSTCO on the way to fill my car with gas.  I had thought about picking up a couple of items and then remembered we should be going back there probably around Wednesday so Pat can get her new glasses and I can get the items then.  I did enjoy the football games yesterday, especially the win by the Atlanta Falcons that put them into the Super Bowl in a couple of weeks.  They really ran all over Green Bay yesterday.  They will play the New England Patriots who won their game over the Pittsburgh Steelers in the late game yesterday.

Jeanne Lee

It's dark and dreary this morning, but it's going to get worse than that.  Rain, snow, freezing rain, high winds...  a "winter weather advisory" from 1:00 p.m today until 1:00 p.m. tomorrow.  The worst conditions MAY be south and east of us.  There are already notices of early closing this afternoon and all day tomorrow for schools in Vermont.  My church friend took care of my food order on Saturday so I am well prepared with a full freezer and pantry and my propane tanks were filled during the past week so I'll keep warm (if we don't lose power). 

Winter is more than 1/3 over!   :cheer: :cheer:
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Jeanne:  You probably have already thought of this but freeze any empty water bottles, even gallon size now & keep them in the top of fridge and wherever you freeze your food.  Hope you do not lose power.  We used to go through this when we lived north of the Twin Cities. 

We had a surprise call from a couple we met while on our trip to France last year - they could be here in 3 hours time and would like to stop by.  Of course !- a crockpot of of chicken soup was already simmering - I had spinach and mandarin oranges, then sugar-glazed some almonds for a salad - rolls from Safeway and whew! made it all work just in time.  They parked their Toyota RV in our driveway - gladly accepted offer to use our shower.  We talked way into the nights - had a little prayer session and they went on their trip going east early in the AM.  They may stop by on their return to Oregon.

We still cannot sit outdoors because the cushions are fully soaked.  So much for Scotchguard and all the cushion promises.  Don is off to listen to a lecture today and next week we and friends want to go to the lecture on water shortages for Arizona.  I will be glad to tell them to stop building water features when they are using water from Colorado - six states use that water and it is not consistent. 

OK - break is over.  The kitchen floor is dry.  We had already invited 3 people for dinner tomorrow night.  It is a Swiss meal with cheese ( raclette) toasted then scraped over veggies.   Very filling so other things will be light.  Very pricey and hard to find the correct cheese - no, it is not a fondue in case you are thinking. 

Isn't it just wonderful to have friends in the Word? 


I took Keith to the dr. this morning for a recheck on  the prostate. His PSA went from 10 to 5.9 which is very good. He goes back in  three months.

So that said all is well here. I do have a praise report; one of our church members had been in  ICU   in a drug induced coma for a week because of a bad case of an infection in his one lung. Yesterday at at church pastor told us he was still there, So One of the men with whom I pray for sick with  prayed for him after the service. Last night pastor called me to tell me that he was out of the coma and ICU and was  to go home today. Hallelujah and Praise the Lord for the miracle was my response. Pastor did say a few weeks ago that  my prayer partner has the gift of healing that I was right there with him. Oh my that sure  made me feel uplifted, now that I look back whenever  the congregation is asked on pray for someone they call on either Bill or I to say the prayer. I hadn't been fully aware of that until recently. It is so humbling to be told that I have that gift by my Pastor.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Oh what a day!  I have been working to get Beth's room decluttered for some time now.  I also had some paperwork from the home that I needed answers to; so I have been up there since 10:00 this morning!!  I came home disgusted, frustrated, angry and HUNGRY!   :-[  More things to pray about!  I asked John if he had missed the van keys BEFORE he called AAA down to unlock it--yes, he said, he thought he'd locked them inside.  :(  And he STILL hasn't found them!  I told him he needs to be hunting harder, before the battery goes dead and freezes and bursts! 

I started cleaning the drawers in Beth's room, brought home a huge bag of things she can no longer use;  I wasn't going to bring them home, I wanted to just drop them by the new second hand store we have; but they were closed today.  So I will do that tomorrow.

The rest of the time and frustration--and anger--was caused by paperwork.  Too complicated to explain here, but they are charging Beth for eye, ear, dental, foot and general physician care, the bill I got is $2,900, and the only one she has seen is the doctor I told you about.   :ticked:  So I'm not done with that fight yet!

On a much brighter note--Grandson Mark called and Darrel and I both had a good visit with him.  He's still in Florida, training to fly those 767's and had been looking for a house.  They have found one they like, now are putting together the finances to get it.  He said it has 6 bedrooms!  I said, "SIX!!  We can all come down and see you!"  And his response was they want us to, that's why they want a big house!  Gotta love those Grandkids!  :)

Larry, I'm so happy to read that you are feeling less tired.  Praise God!

Jeanne, sorry you are having such cold, dreary weather!  Stay all snuggled up indoors!

Carol, how wonderful to hear from folks you met on a trip!  I'm still in contact with a number of folk we have met while traveling and really enjoyed, but none has ever come by nor called.  That is special!

I think the enemy is just trying really hard to steal the wonderful blessing we got from hearing Chip Brim speak twice this weekend, and spending time with the kids.  But he CANNOT have it!!

Marilyn, what a blessing to be told the gift of healing flows through you.  What a motivator to keep you praying for folk!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a beautiful, sunny 44 degree morning.  We are headed up to 65 degrees this afternoon. Pat has an appointment this morning at the sleep doctor's office for her annual evaluation and that is all that is on the schedule for today. She tried to get her new printer to print a color copy without success so I will have to work with that a little later today.  Guess I will have to read the book--Drat!!  Nothing seems simple anymore. 

Jeanne, I just heard the forecast for the NE and it doesn't sound good.  Glad you are all stocked up with food and fuel to weather the storm. 

Carol, nice to be able to visit with new friends like those you met on your trip to France last year. 

Marilyn, glad Keith had a lower PSA reading.  Is he still taking medication for possible infection?  Nice praise report and thanks for sharing it with us.  We have an amazing God.

Janet, it sounds like John may not be a highly motivated person when it comes to looking for the keys for the van.  Is the billing for charges for the home or from individual doctors?  That is certainly a significant bill.  Nice you got to visit with Mark.  I am with you in regarding having a six bedroom house for only two people.  They must be planning on having a lot of little ones.     


Hello!  It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, as Mr. Rogers always said!  We have been to the gym, I had a good workout and Darrel had a more careful one.  He hasn't been released by his doctor yet!  I think our high is to be in the 50's today.

Larry, I really don't think Mark and Tiffany plan on having a large family.  I think they are just thinking they are in Florida and a lot of family will want to visit.  But what do I know about their thinking, right?  I know Tiffany is really good with children, as I have watched her with Curtis' little girls.  Anyway, this house is a good deal and about half the cost of the first ones they looked at!

Nope, John isn't motivated at all about those keys!  And it's driving Darrel crazy!!  He keeps thinking of all the problems it will cause if they aren't found, and all the expense!!  :o  When I gave John a hug yesterday, I shook him and said, "FIND THOSE KEYS!!"  I doubt if it helped one whit!  Sigh.....

Darrel brought the Mercury around in front yesterday and flushed the heater in it .  We will drive it to the Oklahoma City airport; that way the Lincoln can stay in the garage.   :) ;)

It's almost time to go to lunch.  We were invited to a dinner last night, but I was so wiped out by the time I came home that I forgot about it until this morning.  Oh, well!  (It was about investments, etc.)

See you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

So far, and I don't think the storm is completely over yet, we got about an inch of something.  I didn't go out to check to I'm not sure if it's snow, sleet or a mixture with ice  The temperature is hovering just about freezing so whatever it is won't be going anywhere for a while.  But at least with only about an inch accumulation there's not that much to melt when it gets warmer.  ;)
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


We just covered three small fruit trees in the back yard for the freeze beginning tonight.  Yesterday, I sewed old shower curtains and bedding together to make 3 heavy toppers then we wound twine around and hope the winds aren't too strong.

A pan of chocolate brownies is almost baked so I came to check in with everyone. Jeanne Lee don't step outside if there is any sleet.  3 for company arrives after 5 tonight and is my goal this week.  This quilt is just nagging me to finish my job. 

Jeanne Lee

Carol, don't worry, I have no intention of stepping outside!  I'll stay tasty warm, snuggled into my cocoon.    :D
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is cooler this morning but headed up to a sunny 72 degrees this afternoon.  We had to get up earlier this morning as Pat has a Physical Therapy appointment at 9:15.  Fortunately it is only about 15 minutes from the house.  On the way back I plan on stopping at the City Hall and paying the taxes so I can get a new tag.  Pat expects to get a call from COSTCO about her new glasses sometime today.  This evening I will have dinner with Scott and Jennifer at the church.  So it is going to be a full day. 

As seems to be normal now at doctor's offices, we were kept waiting more than an hour past Pat's appointment time to be called back into the exam room.  The doctor was very pleased with the report on Pat's CPAP machine and she won't need to see him again for a year.  On the way home we stopped at the Longhorn Steak House and had our main meal for the day. 

Janet, I hope mark and Tiffany are successful in getting the house they want.  Perhaps if John understood it would be his responsibility to fix the situation and not that of you and Darrel.  After all he is married and responsibilities go with marriage.  At least you didn't get your arm twisted to buy an annuity since you missed the dinner.  If it was like the last one I attended it sounds so good until you realize it basically ties up your money for several years before you can get it without severe penalty. 

Jeanne, hope the storm has moved on by this morning and it will warm up enough to get rid of any ice that may be around.


First of all, I would like to thank you all for your prayers on my behalf. Last Tuesday, January 17 I went to a new specialist here in Guelph. 

I will just post a few things about that appointment.  It was interesting that the hour long appointment turned into 2 ½ hours.  The doctor was in no hurry to end it even then.  I have many tests to go through ahead of me.  Some may be a muscle biopsy, bone density (to see if the long term prednisone has done any damage in this area), many, many blood tests of many sorts, and x-rays, ultra sounds and brain scan.  She (Dr.) is also going to be sending me to a neurologist who will be doing intricate nerve tests to try to find out the real reason for the many overwhelming "weak spells" during the day and night which ends up sometimes with my falling down (as occurred today twice yesterday).  Apparently the weak spells don't "fit into the mold" of polymyositis so this is something she wants to find out about as soon as possible.

I think that this probably is enough information for all at one time but I wanted you to know.  I've been slow in writing this as it's been a very terrible week.  I'm on the reduction of the prednisone once again and this is always a very, very difficult time.  I get so many weak spells and they are very difficult to cope with and with the reduction, I am also experiencing much more pain in my muscular system throughout my body and so have been spending quite a lot of time in bed (or on my bed) as walking—even with the walker--has been very difficult.

So, again, please accept my sincere thanks for your very valuable prayers on my behalf.  How awful it must be for people who cannot call out to their Lord and Savior!  I just pray that this long journey of 14 months (to me it has been so long) will finally have light at the end of the tunnel and I once more will have a better quality of life—but whatever is the Lord's will, I'm willing to accept.

I see the doctor again when my prednisone level is 20mg a day.  I will let you know when that is.  I was at 60mg when the reduction started and I haven't had to increase it as yet due to unbearable pain or other reasons.  The level right now is 40mg.

God bless you all.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Dear Pat,  Thank you for updating us with your health issues and now it sounds like you will get more information for all of these scheduled tests.  We pray for you, Pat, and for all the technicians and doctors working on your health issues.  We send prayers for you to become stronger each and every day.  It was a long and difficult day for you and now you are "noticed" and "interesting case".  This is a good thing - you will not be forgotten.  Love to you and the family. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a rainy 64 degree morning.  However, the rain is not suppose to last very long and should be over by the time I head to coffee and later to the Wisdom class.  Yesterday as we returned from Pat's PT appointment we stopped at the City Hall and I went in and paid the taxes on our cars.  I was very pleased when I realized the receipt also had the tags I needed for the license plates.  I came home and put them on and that was it for another year.  There was no line and I was in and out in no more than 5 minutes or so.  Pat did get notice yesterday that her new glasses are ready so we may go over to COSTCO to get them later today.  This will be our exciting day. 

Pat, what an ordeal you are experiencing with your illness.  I sure hope the new tests and procedures will provide some answers that will relieve the pain and restore your strength.  As Carol said you are not forgotten.

Jeanne Lee

Pat, thanks for updating us regarding our illness/disability/whatever.  You are loved, prayed for, and missed.   :aaah:
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a clear but chilly 40 degree morning.  We expect to reach only the low 50's this afternoon.  This is going to be a busy day for me as I am going to drive the 1 1/2 hours to Madison, Georgia to meet with several of my men friend's for lunch.  We have been meeting at the Steak and Shake but today the group wanted to eat at Cracker Barrel so that is where we will meet.  I am looking forward to it as I haven't seen them for probably nine months or more.  The housekeeper will be here while I am gone. 


Pat!  So good to read a post from you!  And I do hope that typing all that didn't wear you out too much.  What an ordeal you're going through!  Many prayers have been winging their way heavenward for you, my dear friend.  I so hope you will be feeling much better very soon!

Larry, hope you had a good time visiting with your friends and are safely back home now.

I spent a couple hours on the phone today straightening out credit card charges and getting several of them canceled.  Ugh.  How I dislike jobs like that.  But I got the bill down considerably, so it was worth it

Sunday is Kansas' birthday--156 years!  So the Care home was having a Happy Birthday Kansas meal at lunchtime.  John called to tell me about it so I went in and ate with them.  We had buffalo burgers!  The meat was dark and chewy, good flavor but much tougher than beef.  They had good side dishes, too.  Family members can eat with their residents for $5.00.  It was worth it.

Darrel thought he would miss the Super Bowl, but we aren't leaving until the 8th, so he gets to see it.  :)  He got dismissed by his doctor today, so that's a good thing.  :)

Looks like Darrel is going to watch The Blind Side again.  I may watch some of it, but I plan to go to bed early.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Thanks Everyone for your nice comments but especially for your prayers on my behalf.

Janet, where are you off to now?

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Checking in at the end of this day.  We did our regular morning exercise and met a new neighbor who lives fairly near us in Colorado.  It has been very windy and a good day to catch up on little things.  Too windy and too chilly to sit outdoors so everything is indoor activity.  The winds have whipped off our covers on the little fruit trees with even the rope tying everything down.  We can see the same problems on two of the neighbor's yards. 

Janet:  What is it about the Super Bowl that attracts so much attention even if the guys don't care who wins?
Blind Side is a good movie.  Happy Birthday to Kansas! 

Larry:  I hope you had an uneventful drive.  You will need a nap after that return trip and all that talking  ;D

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is a glorious January day here in South Carolina. It is currently 43 degrees and will only get to about 53 degrees this afternoon but it is nice an sunny.  I had a fine trip to Madison, Georgia yesterday to meet 5 of my friends for lunch.  The only problem encountered was a fairly long delay due to road work and taking the Interstate down to 1 lane.  However, I got there with about 5 minutes to spare.  We visited and ate lunch for about 90 minutes and I got home before 2 pm.  I have been busy this morning as have more sausage muffins in the oven for Pat after fixing here scrambled eggs with all the trimming for breakfast.  In a few minutes we will head to COSTCO so Pat can get her new glasses and while she is doing that I have three items to pick up that we need.  When I get home I will fix my frozen fruit.  I think that will be it for today.

Janet, glad you were able to straighten out the credit card charges.  Those are the types of calls we dread.  Happy Birthday Kansas. That is certainly a reasonable price for the meal.  I will also be watching the Super Bowl and glad that Darrel won't miss it.  I heard that a 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl will cost around $5 million this year.  I guess it shows the power of television and what having a very large audience will do for ad rates. 

Carol, it is not only men who like football as a lot of women do as well.  I do want the Atlanta Falcons to win but also hope it is a good competitive game.  I did rest for a couple of hours when I got home yesterday.


Larry:  I will watch the bowl game as well, unless it gets boring.  My games are basketball and hockey and sometimes baseball.  Glad that you had a good visit with your friends and a safe trip as well.  Perhaps you can talk them into coming in your direction later? 

There is a Saturday night service here that is a bit shorter without so much music and we have been to it - Don especially can enjoy the more quiet time. 


Hi Pat!!  :)  We are going to cruise the Adriatic--Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Montenegro.  It's a small ship, only 50 passengers, so will be nice.  And they will have at least two tour directors, so we won 't be in huge groups anywhere we go.  Yes, this is the same trip we did early last year, but they had a great price this time and Darrel wanted to do it again, as he missed a lot due to leg pain following our accident.  Ok, TMI  ;)  I hope you are having a better day than usual and will soon be feeling GOOD again!

Larry, so glad you had a good trip and got home early!  We do need friends!  Yes, those ads on Superbowl day are atrocious in price!   :o  Can you even imagine spending more than most of us will ever make in a lifetime, for a mere 30 second ad??  Crazy!!  But I guess they must think it worth the price or it wouldn't happen.

Carol, I think it's just because the Super Bowl is considered THE game of the year, pitting the two biggest winners against each other.  And a lot of people watch it just for those $5 MILLION dollar ads!!  They get excited over them and talk about them for days afterward.  I enjoy watching when it's a good, competitive game, and some of the ads are cute.  My favorites are usually the Budweiser ones because I like those big horses!  :)  It sounds as if your weather is a lot like ours lately.  It's cold and windy again here today.

Jeanne, are you still snuggled into your cocoon?  ;)  Good place to be!

Men!!  ^-^ :D  Darrel asked me this morning what I had done with his several pairs of new underwear.  I told him I hadn't even touched them!  He said he put them in his suitcase and now they were gone!  Later, I went out in the garage and there was his suitcase, so I looked in it, and sure enough!!  So I came in and got him by the hand, led him into the extra bedroom where he had set the suitcase he was packing and I had just put the one from the garage.  He looked a little sheepish when he opened it!  ;D  He siad, "Well, I thought this was the one I started packing!"  Gotta love 'em anyway!   :lol:

People around here, in adjoining counties have had their property taxes almost doubled this year!!  :o :o  So far, our county hasn't followed suit, but the kids are really getting hammered, because of their businesses.  It's just hard for younger folk these days.

Okay, I've yakked long enough!  I wish you all a blessed day!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

Just got a phone call from #1 son - he calls now and then just to check on me  ;)  This time not a happy call - he had a report from #2 son in Arizona.  The daughter-in-law in Arizona has cancelled the chemo that was seeming to do more harm than good.  Her original diagnosis and prognosis gave her six months without chemo so it looks now as though it won't be long.  She's now at home, being kept as comfortable as possible, with Hospice there as well.  So I'm asking for prayers for her and for the family members as they prepare to let her go.   
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