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Bird Photos In Snow

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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week May 12

Started by JudyB, May 12, 2013, 07:52:15 PM

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:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

Morning Devotional...

This is a recent quote from Paul Washer.

"Why is it that something so simple, so common sense is thrown out the window when we come to Christianity, that we actually believe someone can be Christian and yet live a life of continuous rebellion against God, without remorse, without conviction, without anything, running wild, yet they are Christian?

Don't you say they are not.  Judge not lest ye be judged.  Yeah, twist not Scripture lest ye be like the devil, because that is not what that verse means.

So, you see, he is saying, "Look, there is a reality here."  Again, to deny this reality is to deny the very work of God in his intent in the entire purpose of salvation.  You go back to Ezekiel 36 you understand why he saves people.

"I am doing this for my name's sake," he says.  Jeremiah tells us, "I am making an internal monument to me, to the saving work I do in this people."

And for preachers to say that a man can live in a continuous state of carnality all the days of his life and then he is somehow miraculously transported into heaven is an absolute denial of everything the New Testament teaches and the Old Testament teaches on the saving work of God, the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit and the work of sanctification in the life of a believer."

~Paul Washer

We need to repent of our sin, and apathy.  People are dying in their sin believing they are going to heaven.  We need to reach them.

I Surrender All
(Click to hear music)

Author:  Judson W. Van DeVenter, 1855-1939 alt.
Musician:  Winfield S. Weeden, 1847-1908

All to Jesus, I surrender;
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessèd Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender;
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.


All to Jesus, I surrender;
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.


All to Jesus, I surrender;
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power;
Let Thy blessing fall on me.


All to Jesus I surrender;
Now I feel the sacred flame.
O the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory, to His Name!




This is our weather today, May 12, 2013.  All my plants are inside, and my house is warm.

I had a great brunch with Heather and her family, a Christian friend joined us and that was an extra blessing.  Kassie also joined us and that was fun too.

John has left for his week's work, We really wish he had a full weekend off.  He didn't get home till about 1:30 on Saturday morning, we were up till 5:30 talking with Jon and Heather.  What fun, laughing and sharing.

Marilyn sending you a PM.

Please head to the challenge area and vote.....Challenge!!

I read all the posts, enjoy hearing about your days.  Betty Keep on Posting!  Gord? Where are you???

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We awoke to a 43 degrees this morning but a cloudless sky.  It is suppose to get up to about 70 by late afternoon.  We didn't hear from Stacey yesterday but Pat talked with her this morning and she is down with the flu or something.  Fortunately the visiting nurse will be to see her today.  She can get dehydrated very easily and she can't keep anything down.  Pat talked with our son last evening and he had been down for a couple of days with the flu but is better and was back at work yesterday.  I stopped at the insurance agent's office and paid my annual insurance bill for this year, which was a big hit on the old checkbook but a necessary expense.  The yard people are here already this morning, which means they won't be here when I am resting this afternoon.

Marilyn, congrats on your weight loss.  Your pictures look like the before and after that you see on TV and in ads. 

Carol, I am surprised they can measure 1/3 of a second.  I except your grandson was very disappointed.  He must be a good swimmer. Nice that the Minnesota grandson could be with his mother for Mother's Day. 

Judy, thanks for the devotional thoughts for this week.  I guess your photo shows that winter isn't completely over up in your area.   


G'morning.   I am waiting to call a dermatologist this morning - a first time for me.  Don is going to call the VA because he isn't sure of an appointment for a blood draw this morning.  They didn't confirm.  The week will be hot and now with snow melting so quickly there will be eyes on the melting.  They need to find out what is causing his allergic reaction to the medicine in the CT scan which he will have this Thursday.

Has Janet left for Turkey?  It is a big country so just because there were explosions that doesn't mean she would be anywhere near that mess.  Sending a prayer for safe travel. 

Did I tell you that our son's two ducklings are named Dilly and Dally?  Now I can't get those words off my mind.  Our dear friends are unable to visit this week as they return to Minnesota as he is not doing well at all so this will be a really tough drive for her as she will be the main driver for almost three days. 

Etta Sue

Marilyn!  Congratulations on your weight loss.  I would love to lose some weight but I have a lot more to lose than you! 

Betty and I didn't have Mother's Day dinners after church to go to so we thought Steak and Shake would be a good place to go.  Well, we didn't have to wait but it was packed....and noisy with so many little kids there! 

Then when I got home, I set the alarm on my phone and Inky and I took a nice little nap.

I was up past midnight finishing my purse.  I didn't like it since it is soooo wide.  When you pick it up anyone could pick out anything and take it!  So I slip stitched 8 stitches on each end of the top.  I think I like it now!  It's done!! 

Ivalou and I went to Melissa's, her g-daughter, at 5pm for Mother's Day.  There were 6 Mother's there.  Steve grilled burgers and hot dogs out and all the other fixin's were on the island in the kitchen.  Soo much food with strawberries and Angel Food cake topped with whipped cream for dessert! 

Then today is my stress echo test.  Kitty is taking me. 

It is so bright and sunny with some wind!  Beautiful out there.  BUT cold.  It is only 48° right now and only to get to 60° for the high today!  Hope I am not too tired when I come home to mow!  The dandelions need cut!!



Etta Sue how about a picture?

The snow is almost gone the sun is shining brightly.

Larry sorry your children are not well......they are always our children aren't they!

Marilyn Meant to say Well Done! when I commented on my last post.

I have a huge exercise in my course so I had better get at it!

Don't forget to vote!  Here is the link!


In the Sweet By and By
(Click to hear music)

"In My Father's house there are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you." John 14:2

Words: Sanford F. Bennett, 1868.
Music: Joseph P. Webster, 1868

Mr. Webster, like many musicians, was of an exceedingly nervous and sensitive nature, and subject to periods of depression, in which he looked upon the dark side of all things in life. I had learned his peculiarities so well that on meeting him I could tell at a glance if he was melancholy, and had found that I could rouse him up by giving him a new song to work on.

He came into my place of business [in Elkhorn, Wisconsin,] walked down to the stove, and turned his back on me without speaking. I was at my desk. Turning to him, I said, "Webster, what is the matter now?" "It's no matter," he replied, "it will be all right by and by." The idea of the hymn came me like a flash of sunlight, and I replied, "The Sweet By and By! Why would not that make a good hymn?" "Maybe it would," he said indifferently. Turning to my desk I penned the words of the hymn as fast as I could write. I handed the words to Webster. As he read his eyes kindled, and stepping to the desk he began writing the notes. Taking his violin, he played the melody and then jotted down the notes of the chorus. It was not over thirty minutes from the time I took my pen to write the words before two friends with Webster and myself were singing the hymn.

Sanford Fillmore Bennett (1836-1898)

This song was sung in the 1941 Academy award winning movie "Sergeant York."


There's a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there.


In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

We shall sing on that beautiful shore
The melodious songs of the blessed;
And our spirits shall sorrow no more,
Not a sigh for the blessing of rest.


To our bountiful Father above,
We will offer our tribute of praise
For the glorious gift of His love
And the blessings that hallow our days.



Ruth Ann Bice

It was a good Mothers Day yesterday. It was nice to be with my daughter and son in law. Their little chihuahua dog is SO tiny. I would guess at most she weighs 2 lbs. She let me pet her even though it's been quite a while since we were together last.

It's already started out to be a busy day. Had someone to pick up from the hospital very early, then helped them get settled in at home, etc. Then, the quarterly inspection at the apartments was today.

And, I think I'll round out the day by running a few errands including giving my car an oil change.

Y'all have a wonderful day with our Lord.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Thanks Judy I got the message. Thanks to all who sent me their email address. Much appreciated.

Good Morning almost afternoon here on the west coast. I've been to the gym a little later today because I wanted to stop oat the bank on my way to Walmart. Unbelievable I bought a pr of 12-14 capri length yoga pants and a pr of 8-10 shorts. Woo Hoo. The tag on the shorts said loose so I decided to get the smaller size. I waited until I got home to try them on and woo hoo!!! they fit!!!!!

I also bought some birthday cards and some underwear for Keith and a new bra for me.Since I've been home I cleaned the hall bathroom and the kitchen and set out what I will make for lunch. We are having Cheese sticks and Sirloin Burger soup, cake for desert. Our next door neighbor gave us a cake yesterday with only one piece cut out of it. I don't know what kind it is it sorta looks like custard but closer to cheese cake. It isn't either one though.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Judy: I thought you must have gotten snow. We had snow but it didn't.stay on the ground. I saw some other pics up your way. It looked like winter wonderland again. We had a lot.of wind and the waves.were hig. My husband has most of the boards from the demolished boathouse up high enough as far as we know.
We are at our daughter's in Renfree  right now. Her fence came down in the storm that  destroyed our boathouse, so my husband and son are replacing the fence. It's cool here but no snow. I'm enjoying spending time with grandchildrn :)
My sister has her third chemo treatment on Thursday and would appreciate prayers.

Enjoying God's handiwork!


Betty:  Prayers for your sister.  So many we know are undergoing chemo therapy.  We lived on a Minnesota lake for 9 years and know all about those storms and all the work regarding docks and boats.  Sorry about the work ahead for your husband.  It is beautiful to see the water. 

Just back from three stores and I potted some herbs and a lavender tiny bush that will have to go in the full sun area.  Hot outdoors - we just had snow a few days ago so this is a jolt to the system.  Time to make iced tea tomorrow for the quilt group tomorrow night. 

I voted on the photos.  Did you? 


Thanks Carol

Betty snow is all gone!!!!

I am struggling with the course I am taking so it is back to where I got lost and study it I will be scarce here for a while.  Exam is on the 19th of June and i have to know this stuff!!

Ruth Ann Bice

Good morning, friends,

It promises to be another busy day here in Nashville. I have a hospital pickup in 30 minutes, then we have devotions downstairs, followed by an about-town shopping trip with son, followed by a doctor's appointment, etc.

So, thought I'd better say "Hi," while I had a moment. :)

Y'all have a wonderful day with our Lord.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is going to be another glorious day here in Georgia with a bit warmer temps and a sunny day. I was just outside to bring in the trash can and it is very pleasant.   I was able to get a new deadbolt lock for the front door yesterday and they were able to set the lock to the key we have for all of the deadbolts in the house so we won't have to carry another key.  I will try to get it installed today sometime.  Pat has gone to Aldi's and may also get a quick haircut while she is out.  I plan on attending a meeting this morning as am the chairperson for today. We plan on going out to eat at noon today and Pat won't have to cook tonight.   Pat  spoke with Stacey this morning and she is still ill with the flu.  She had gotten to feel better yesterday afternoon and evening.  The visiting nurse told her to get some Gatorade to drink eat some soda crackers.

Carol, I had the same thoughts concerning Janet's trip to Turkey when I say about the explosions.  I feel for your friends and the long drive back to Minnesota.  Long car trips are hard when you are feeling well.  What cute duck names. 

Etta Sue, my Monday men's luncheon group at Steak and Shake yesterday.  Did you know you can order a child's (small) shake?  I had one yesterday.  We stay away from their on weekends because they feed children under a certain age free.  It sounds like you and Ivalou had an enjoyable evening meal at Melissa"s.

Judy, you are right about our children and I suppose we never stop being concerned about them. 

Ruth Ann, what a small dog.  You sure had a busy day today.  Do you have to be in your apartment for the inspection? 

Marilyn, sounds like you had a nice time shopping and enjoyable results when you tried on the clothes. 

Betty, it is always enjoyable to spend time with grandchildren. Hope the treatments are going well for your sister. 


Ontario is in a state of shock and sadness. Tim Bosma was found dead today.  This is a man with a young wife and child, who was selling his pickup.  He took 2 men out for a test drive better than a week ago, and wasn't seen alive again. Such a senseless crime.  Now to find the perps, and bring them to justice.

On a lighter note the weather is holding and will till tomorrow.  We are expecting rain, and the temperature is staying in the 60's.  If it is dry Thursday I will be out mowing again!

God has been good to each of us, let us rejoice in what he HAS done for us and have an attitude of gratitude as this week progresses.

Etta Sue

Well, I took a picture of my purse.  I put it in Pictures on the computer.  Then tried to upload it to Photobucket!  They have changed photobucket since I last used it.  I click on things and nothing happens.  Why do they have to fix things that aren't broke?  I have all my animations on Photobucket but I don't see any of them on there!!  I click on CP and nothing!!

Well, I couldn't do the treadmill.  I have never been on a treadmill.  They put me on it and it was faster than I walk and inclined it right away.  One nurse said to stop the treadmill because I was falling.  I wasn't falling....I was floundering.   :ticked:   Just like throwing a kid in the pool and saying, 'Now swim!'  Or putting your youngster in a car and say, 'Now drive!'.  Or your first search the web!  Without instructions you are lost for awhile.  I was lost! 

So I go to the hospital again tomorrow for the IV and the medical way of doing the stress test.  And sad to say, since I am so big, I have to finish the test Thursday. 

Today I have been to the pool, ate at Perkins, got cat food, got my nails done, filled up the car and got some $$ at the bank!  Next is take my trash to the end of Ivalou's drive for pick up tomorrow morning bright and early! 

It is so nice outside today.  Very windy but a warm/hot breeze!  Really nice!

I think I finally got it!!

Way to big but it's staying that way!  Whew!



That is lovely Etta Sue!  What did you use to crochet it with?


Lovely bag, Etta Sue.  I really like that.

Marilyn, congrats on your weight loss.  I'm trying as well.

It's so good to read all of your posts.  I've been busy since coming north and was planning on visiting a friend but it hasn't turned out so I may go and have supper with my son! 

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Etta Sue

All done today at the hospital.  They stuck me three times to get a vein, then wired me up like an EKG and BP cuff.  They injected me with a med that makes your heart rate go 80+.  That lasted about 20 seconds...weird feeling like you are out of breath and you aren't doing anything!  Then they put in an imaging solution.  I got unhooked and went to the waiting room for a half hour.  I got O.J. and cheese and crackers to eat. 

Back to the room and I got images taken of my heart in an OPEN MRI.  I say OPEN because they will have to put me out if I have to have another closed MRI!  Then I was released to go home.

Most of the time the nurses were getting other nurses to come and see my purse.  I have the 'Preparation for the Plastic Bags' and the pattern for a 'Slouch Bag' printed to take tomorrow.  And I am going to take my Slouch Bag and another purse that has a flip phone cell holder on the end.  My phone won't go in that pocket so I will let them find someone with a flip phone and give it to them! 

And JudyB, I don't know what you meant by
QuoteWhat did you use to crochet it with?
But I use a 'J' hook for all my plastic bag projects.  Smaller hooks just don't work!

Where is everyone? 

Bright and sunny here and suppose to be the warmest day of the year so far...84°.  September 12, 2012 was that last time it was 84° in central Indiana.  But it is windy!  You have to hold onto your hat!!



Maybe Judy missed the fact that you use plastic bags, Etta Sue.

Your bag is just beautiful.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

I need a new purse and I certainly have plenty of plastic bags (I think they multiply at night when no one's looking) so I'd love to have that pattern, Etta Sue. 

Your hospital visit doesn't sound like a lot of fun.  Remember that prayers are winging heavenward from northern New York.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on another beautiful day.  It is already up to 82 degrees but doesn't seem to be very humid yet.  Stacey is back in the hospital as she thought she was having another heart attack early yesterday and had to call the EMTs.  The doctor's determined it wasn't her heart but her blood pressure was very low and she is still nauseous and they admitted her and started potassium.  Pat just talked with her a few minutes ago and she still isn't feeling not well at all.  I have no idea how long she will be in the hospital.  We had a very busy morning.  After coffee at McDonald's Pat dropped me off at the church for Bible study and she went on to the shoe store and then stopped at the beauty shop to have a hair cut.  She then picked me up at Dunkin' Donut and I went with her to an eye appointment at noon, which didn't take very long.  Her prescription really hadn't changed but she wants some new glasses and will go with progressive lenses as currently she has to remove her glasses when she uses the computer.  She didn't pick out frames today but probably will go back next week and select them if her good friend can go with her to help select a new frame. In an hour or so a friend is coming by to put in the new deadbolt.  I tried to do it yesterday but don't have the strength to get the first piece into the door.  In return I am going to give him a lesson or two on using his new Windows Surface tablet.  On Monday I showed him how to get online and now will help him with some apps and how to generally use the tablet. This is the friend that sometime ago helped fix a plumbing problem and wouldn't accept any payment so this will be a way I can pay back his kindness.

Judy, certainly a shocking death.  Did you know this person?

Etta Sue, beautiful purse you made.  Usually on a treadmill, at least that I have had when I could still do the walking, they start out with it flat and then begin to raise it to cause more stress.  I see you have finished the start of the chemical stress test. 

Pat, hope you have a nice visit with your son this evening. 

Jeanne, the period of uncomfort with the chemical stress test doesn't last very long. 


Etta Sue that sounds like the same kind of stress test I had last month. They put me in the Cat Scanner to take the pictures and told me not to move, woulnd't you know but my nose had a few itches and I did m0ve to scratch. :D

Today Happy is 105 year old (15), I gave both dogs baths this morning, and Happy will get one of his treats and a little bit of Vanilla Ice cream to celebrate, I am also taking lost of photos of both of them. Today
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Judy:  There can be no answer as to why anyone would throw away someone's life so senselessly.  Just heartbreaking news.    Good idea for you to go back to your studies and retrace your steps.  My prayers for you on this very issue. 

Etta Sue:  The picture is just great and it sure doesn't look like plastic bags.  I have a microfiber (lightweight) so-called back bag and that helps me throw in everything Don hands my way.  He needs a backpack but why do that since I am so handy?   ;) 

Back from a new doctor's appointment and her generic prescription isn't covered by our plan - $80.99 at the grocery store pharmacy & they gave me $1.50 off -   I almost didn't buy it but must get over this infection.   As Don says - we need to prepare for 2014 when everything hits as this prescription will be much more expensive. 

Just running the attic fan today and trying not to run air conditioning.  We could go down to the basement where it is much cooler and intend to sleep down there when it really heats up around here.

Larry: Stacey is getting prayed for by a lot of your friends - may that be comforting to you and Pat.  Don has a good friend and they trade off helping each other much like you and your friend.  Don can help with some of the electronic things and John helps in a so many ways.  How nice that your friend is thoughtful about your need for a deadbolt lock on your front door.  Don's friend is loaning an electric blanket for tomorrow night as Don is having a CT scan and his allergic reaction is to become shaky and chilled for hours afterward.  This will be such a blessing.  We have such considerate friends. 

Marilyn:  Dogs never think they are old. 


Pat Etta Sue and I talked about it on FB.

Home from a day shopping.  I picked up some things that I have been needing for some time.  It was a good relaxing time.  I actually went out because we had heavy winds and our power went out.  So I went out.  Got groceries as well.  Now home and back to mu studying.  The problem I was struggling with ........wait for it.........I was right and the score key was wrong!!!  Woohoo I did understand what he was teaching!!!  Bad news, I have to wait till January to take the next level of my course. :(

We now have a sunny sky and 69 degrees.  Tomorrow mowing is in order.

Etta Sue

My stress test is all done.  Now I can sleep in in the mornings.   ;)

And the Vette is out of my garage.  I couldn't get the hose reels out and my deck is in sad shape...needing the power washer done to it.  I don't know what they do with the Vette since they said it can't be in the rain.  Why, I don't know!  All I can say if you have all these toys and vehicles, YOU need to have a place to store them instead of impending on others.  I won't do it again. 

I am needing a nap.  I rested yesterday but no nap and the lightening and thunder kept me from going to sleep last night!

Overcast day today.  It rained a smidgin on me going to the garage this morning but that was it.  10 inch rain.  Rain drops 10 inches apart!! :lol:

a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is an overcast morning.  A friend came by yesterday and tried to over two hours to get the deadbolt installed on the front door but was never successful in being able to get both of the holding screws into it.  So I am going to have to call a locksmith.  I suggested he stop trying well before he did but he felt he could get it as had installed deadbolts before and is the maintenance person at one of our local churches.  Stacey is still in the hospital and not feeling better.  We haven't heard from her this morning.  This afternoon we will go to the new friend's home who played cards with us a few days ago and play some more cards and share a meal with them.  Yesterday Pat make a huge potato salad and I got one of those large pans of Stouffer's Mac and Cheese that we are donating at the church to a celebration of the end of the school year and the program out church participates in to help tutor young people from one parent home's.  They did this last year and it was a big success with over 200 young people coming.  Pat will cook the Mac and Cheese and we will take it to our friend's home and then to the church about 5 pm.  This is going to be a full day.

Marilyn, that is really old but know each year for a dog is equal to 7 human years (if I remember correctly).  It sounds like you are treating Happy royally. 

Carol, what is going to happen to us next year on the cost of health care is a concern to everyone.  It has been and continues to be comforting that so many friends and even people we don't even know about through prayer groups are praying for Stacey.  Every year her health seems to be worse and worse.  Hope the electric blanket helps Don tonight.  I know I still love it and don't hesitate to use it when I am feeling chilly, often right after lunch.   

Judy, while rewarding to know you understood the material it is also aggravating that the answer you were trying to get to was wrong.  It sounds like you made good use of your time when the power was out. 

Etta Sue, I don't understand why any car couldn't be in the rain as it is not going to melt.  Is this an antique?  You need to keep your car in the garage as well.  Glad the stress test is over for you. 

Larry Hanna

If you or family members take photos of the children with an iPhone or other smart phone with a camera they should be aware of the info in the short video.  Very frightening if the settings aren't right.



We were about to drive out to the VA when we had a phone call that the CT scanner had a problem.  So, now we will wait until the middle of June.  Meanwhile, we picked up two items at the dry cleaners and Don didn't ask about the price.  Shocking.  Between my antibiotic prescription yesterday and the most expensive dry cleaner on this earth - we were just numb.  Guess my old dress will be going for a lot more years. 

Don walked around the ravine this morning and picked up a hubcap and beer bottles.  Now it looks good again.