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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week ~ August 28, 2016

Started by Jane Walker, August 28, 2016, 03:44:33 AM

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Jane Walker

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

Devotional ...The Problem of Suffering

I have kept His way and not turned aside.  Job 23:11 

Some scholars think Job may be the oldest book in the Bible.  Whether that is true or not, it certainly deals with one of humanity's oldest questions: Why does God allow suffering?

It isn't an easy issue, because it goes to the heart of our deepest questions about God.  After all (the argument runs), how could a loving and gracious God allow suffering?  To put it another way, if God lets us suffer, He must not love us.  But that conclusion is false.  God does love us -- and the proof is the suffering He allowed His Son to endure on the Cross.

What, then, is the answer to this age-old question?  The key is to understand the character of God.  That is what Job discovered.  No, God never gave him a logical, complete answer for his suffering.  But through his experience he came to realize that God could be trusted, because He is merciful and loving.

And you can trust Him too -- not because He always gives us all the answers, but simply because He is God

from Hope for Each Day by Rev. Billy Graham

Until Then

(Click to hear music)

Words and music by Stuart Hamblen

My heart can sing when I pause to remember
A heartache here is but a stepping stone
Along a trail that's winding always upward,
This troubled world is not my final home.

But until then my heart will go on singing,
Until then with joy I'll carry on,
Until the day my eyes behold the city,
Until the day God calls me home.
The things of earth will dim and lose their value
If we recall they're borrowed for awhile;
And things of earth that cause the heart to tremble,
Remembered there will only bring a smile.

The things of earth will dim and lose their value
If we recall they're borrowed for awhile;
And things of earth that cause the heart to tremble,
Remembered there, will only bring a smile.

But until then my heart will go on singing,
Until then with joy I'll carry on,
Until the day my eyes behold the city,
Until the day God calls me home.
The things of earth will dim and lose their value
If we recall they're borrowed for awhile;
And things of earth that cause the heart to tremble,
Remembered there will only bring a smile.

This weary world with all its toil and struggle
May take its toll of misery and strife:
The soul of man is like a waiting falcon--
When it's released, it's destined for the skies.

But until then my heart will go on singing,
Until then with joy I'll carry on,
Until the day my eyes behold the city,
Until the day God calls me home.
The things of earth will dim and lose their value
If we recall they're borrowed for awhile;
And things of earth that cause the heart to tremble,
Remembered there will only bring a smile.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a beautiful Sunday morning here in South Carolina.  According to the forecast it is suppose to get to only 88 degrees today but we usually exceed the prediction by two or three degrees.  This will be a typical Sunday for me as am ready to go to Sunday School and Church.  I will bring something home for our main meal of the day and spend the rest of the day resting and quietly. 

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day.  I did make the trip down to the church to deliver something to the ladies making the pillows and then went down to the cafe to see if any of the guys came there on Saturday for coffee.  I asked the waitress and she said they did not so I didn't stay. 

Janet, glad you were feeling better yesterday and that you had a good night's sleep.  I hope Beth is feeling well enough today to enjoy her birthday party.  I hope you have a great trip to Michigan. 

Carol, I imagine you were most relieved to get the call about your grandson and his dad safely down from the mountain climb.  Needless to say I wasn't unhappy when Pat suggested we eat out.  This was the only time she had really been out of the house, except to go to doctor's, for more than two weeks.  It is painful for her to get in and out of the car but once settled the pain eases.  I do think she is slowly getting better but still walking with the walker or the cane.

Jane, I read the two postings on that page about Joy's condition.  My heart goes out to you as you await that inevitable call.  Even when we know it is coming it is hard to accept.  It sounds like she is ready to move on into the arms of Jesus who will stop the pain.

Jane, thanks for the new devotional material for this week. It is certainly an appropriate one and deals with the question we ask over and over or ponder in our minds as to the why. 


Thank you, Jane, for the new thoughts.  Yes, we can always trust our God because He loves us so much!

Beth's little party was nice and all but one of the invited people showed up.  They liked Darrel's ice cream and my cookies.  We all had a nice visit.  So thankful Beth is still with us.

Abby loves college--she said she likes it so much she doesn't want to come home!  :o  We will go up there for Family Day on Sept 24th.

I'm tired of sitting here at the computer, so am going to get off soon.  WAY too much Facedbook.  :P
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I surely have enjoyed and been touched by the messages from last week's discussion and from this one.

Jane, it really means a lot to read the good devotional for this week. Thank you.

Marilyn, I'll never forget I had fallen asleep and awakened to see it was 8:10.  (P.M.)
But, thought I was late to work.  Oh, my, what a flurry of getting a shower and getting ready to go to work - only to realize my preparations were for the next day's work.  :D

I've begun that effort to walk more to try to help my leg finish up healing. A nurse who retired from working with a bone surgeon advised me to do so.

Happy birthday to Beth. May she and John enjoy this new year she has been given. And, Janet, may you enjoy being with her, too. :)

Wow! Snow on the mountain in Colorado already. And our temps here in Nashville were predicted to be in the mid 90s today.

Larry, may you and the family continue to receive God's wonderful blessings of being together.

Pat and Jeanne, how great to see y'all able to participate again. And, Ed, it's wonderful to read how posts from this group are inspiring you. Faith really is bolstered with testimonies.

If I've messed up and not spoken directly to you, please understand I'm human and make mistakes. May God bless us each one as He alone sees and hears our needs and our praises.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is going to be another hot and dry day here. 

Yesterday was a very nice day.  Our minister gave a very good message on being humble.  Our advancing third graders were given Bibles during the church service.  Each was given a children Bible with the pictures of stories and a regular Bible for when they outgrow the children's Bible. 

Today is going to be a full one.  I will leave about 8 this morning to go to our GP's office to pick up another sample inhaler for Pat.  A prescription for the medicine has been submitted to the CVS/Caremart mail order pharmacy but it takes several days on a new prescription.  She has been without the inhaler for several days now and is really noticing the difference.  There is a Walmart across the road from the doctor's office so will go to the pharmacy there to get Pat some needed items.  Then I have my noon meeting and finally Pat has a 4 pm chiropractor appointment.  I also have to get things ready for our dinner tonight.  I plan on having tilapia and a vegetable salad or or regular salad and I am not sure what else at this point.  I have already completed the morning chores and got things in order for Pat's breakfast including getting a bowl of the huge frozen strawberries out of the freezer and set out to thaw. 

Janet, glad that Beth was able to enjoy the party with the invited guests.  Just treasure every minute of the time you have with her.  I spend little to no time on Facebook other than quickly check on things I get referenced in an email and that takes little time as don't get many notifications. 

Ruth Ann, I hope you will be able to increase your walking and your leg will heal sooner than later.  That was a very nice posting.


Jane:  Thanks for the Stuart Hamblen music.  That is an old song - I chatted with some of our bible study group - we met before  the September meetings begin - and they assured me that the early service is now playing some real hymns.  I said, do you mean the empty garbage cans and chains are gone?  Really, the teens shouldn't be totally in charge.  They say, enough people have spoken out about the music.  You cannot believe how fast this church is growing and it was already huge.  Three services on Sun, one Saturday and something is always going on there. 

Don is on his way to the VA for one appointment today and after his walk here he had a small nose bleed.  He has a colonoscopy on Tuesday.  I didn't go with him today and instead have been preparing a binding to finish a flannel quilt. 

Giving thanks that after about six weeks of back seizures - or whatever - my exercise is paying off and that is such a relief. 

The downtown of this city is absolutely going insane.  Now there is a nudity march and women are calling it a gender equalizer.  Can't wait for an early freeze!


Carol, you made me smile!  Yes, a freeze, plus cold wind and snow on the day of the planned "Nudity March" would be perfect!  :D

I went to court with John again this evening to show proof his license was re-instated in New York.  He is waiting for the new Social Security card so he can get his Kansas license.  What a mess this has been!  But the blessing is that he didn't get fined at all, that was a relief!

We started packing for our trip to Michigan.  I will be taking jackets, for sure!  It really is feeling like Autumn already! 

And we got another inch of lovely rain the past two nights!  I/4 on Sat. night and 3/4 last night.  This is the best moisture over a sustained period we have had in ages!  Kansas is looking green and beautiful!  Thank you, Lord!  :)

Good to read all your posts!  See you tomorrow?
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I've been thankful to catch up with y'all this evening. :)

Carol, it seems a cold snap would be just right. :o  Great to hear your back is better. I thought I was in for a siege of it this morning, but if I can get into a certain position in bed, sometimes I can help the vertebra to slip back into place and not pinch that nerve. Thank goodness that happened today.

Larry, since I live alone, I usually buy two or three of the salads they've already chopped and seasoned for me. That way, I don't have to throw away bags of ingredients that either ruined in my fridge or were forgotten by me.

It's so great that you've been able to help John out, Janet. Hope Beth is able to hold her own a bit better.  We'll miss you while you're gone.

Y'all have a good rest of the day.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It looks like it will be a nice day and not quite as hot, although will be in the low 90's this afternoon.  We had just a brief sprinkle yesterday afternoon at the time I took Pat for her chiropractic appointment.  Of course, it all dried up completely.

Yesterday really got to me and by evening I was really tired.  Then when I started to make dinner I discovered that when Pat had moved her hummingbird feeder over from the island in the kitchen to the sink some remaining sugar water had spilled out on the floor.  What a mess and by the time I got that cleaned up I had to put dinner off for awhile so I could recover from all the bending over.  For some reason bending over really gets to me.  I went to bed shortly after dinner and had 10 hours of sleep and rest and feel refreshed to begin the new day.

Today I plan a quieter day.  I have a 10:15 appointment with my cardiologist as a followup to changing the medicine.  Of course with the mix-up with the mail order pharmacy I haven't been taking the medicine for the last 9 days.  On the way back home I will go by Aldi's for some vegetables and fruit and a couple of other things we need.  Then we plan on going to lunch at Ruby Tuesday's.  We got another of the buy one and get one free coupons that is good only today.  So we are taking advantage of it and I won't have to do any cooking today other than fix some scrambled eggs for Pat's breakfast. 

Carol, maybe you will now be able to enjoy the church services with some of the more familiar hymns and toning down the sound.  I am sure Don will be glad to have the colonoscopy over with today.  It is something we dread but so important.  Sure glad your back seizures are not as severe or over.  It sounds like you can relate very well to what Pat has been and still constitutes to experience.  It does seem that insanity is taking over this country. 

Janet, sure glad that John wasn't fined and hope all of this will soon be over and he will get his Kansas license.  Glad you are getting some rain. 

Ruth Ann, sure glad you were able to get your vertebra to slip back in place.  We have used the prepared salad mixes but have been buying the Artisan lettuce for salads and enjoying it.  It is getting all of the other ingredients fixed that takes the time.


Larry, you are right--all the chopping of things for a salad is time consuming.  And, while sandwiches are a simple meal, I find that if I am putting them together, it's more work than cooking a meal!  So when it is "just us" I let Darrel put his together and I do mine.  That way we get what we want on each, right?  ;)  I am finding that standing at the kitchen counter, chopping veggies, etc. is really causing me back pain.  So I try to remember to take it to the table and sit to do it.  Ahhh, the joys of growing older!  ???

Ruth Ann, glad you can get the vertebra to slip back into place, at least sometimes.  What a relief that gives!  Kristi told me at the gym this morning that my right shoulder was lagging behind my left while I was lifting a bar behind my back.  Then she tried to ascertain if it was my hips instead.  She finally said, Well, maybe it's your spine!  I told her I have a chiropractic appointment on Thursday so will have him check me good.  I want to be in good shape before boarding a bus for 8 days!  And, Ruth Ann, thanks for saying you will miss me!  Nice to hear.

I think today Darrel will pick all tomatoes that are ripe and we may have enough to can a few pints.  They are so good we don't want any to be wasted!  I told him to beware of stinging critters out there.  What stung me may have been a scorpion, just judging from the power of the venom.  Several have told me we have those in our area now.  I have never seen one, and don't want to, either!

Thinking of our Pat and Jane today.  I prayed for them both this morning.

Carol, I answered your email last night.  :)
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Safely back from driving to the VA hospital - We stopped at a Perkins for breakfast after Don was finished.  Up at 4 AM here and it was a nice drive in the dark.  Don has Diabetes and had to take sugar pills during the night - I am sure glad that test is over.  Everything looking good.  I just talked and talked with people in the waiting room and learned a lot about the new VA hospital being built that is years behind schedule.  Major mistakes of not designing offices and desks for the nursing part and even thoughtless about having closets - now, I wonder if they didn't have a common sense woman looking over the design.  Millions of $ lost on ineptness. 

But - the VA has some wonderful caring people working for them - working for the vets.  My heart goes out to the vets every time we walk those halls.  Don likes to stop and pray in the chapel - for many blessings.

Janet:  Thanks for your information.  Enjoy Michigan.  Do you have a stretchy back support you can keep handy - take it on your trip and I like to have it available if pain starts but try not to depend on it too much.  Keep doing those exercises.  We could do the same ones and it sounds like Ruth Ann could do those as well - perhaps?

Larry and all others concerning back issues:  I borrowed the full body pad from son - it has settings for massage with timer and maybe heat as well.  Anyway, after using it for 10 minutes each time, my back feels so good.  It does stop my pain for a while at least. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Another clear sky this morning but it was already 80 degrees when I got to the kitchen this morning.  So it will be another hot day. 

My doctor's appointment yesterday went well.  She took me off of the diuretic (Lasik) I had been taking and told me I needed to limit my fluid intake to no less than 32 or more than 64 ounces a day.  Since I have always consumed a lot of liquid each day this will require a retraining process for me.  She gave me a different statin drug until I can finally get the Entresto approved by Blue Cross & Blue Shield.  She wants me to get my blood pressure up to a minimum of 65 as she feels the diastolic is just too low.  I will see her again in two months.   

I plan a light day today with our only time away from the house the chiropractic appointment for Pat late this afternoon.  Scott will be with us this evening and will help get the dinner ready. I have several tasks to do here in my office this morning.  My regular morning chores are completed except to fix Pat's breakfast when she gets up and that is easy this morning as just have to pop the sausage muffins in the microwave.  The strawberries are already out and thawing.

Janet, I was feeling up to par yesterday so we decided on another salad dinner with Albacore tuna on it.  It took me about 30 minutes to put the salad together but it made a good and nutritious meal.  Will you be on the bus each of the 8 days?  At least you don't have to drive or Darrel worry about falling asleep.  I am ready to pull my tomato vines as there will be no more tomatoes on them this year. 

Carol, glad your trip to the VA went well and Don had a good result.  There have been news reports on the cost overruns and delays in building that new VA hospital. Those wasted millions could have helped a lot of veterans rather than enriching the contractors.  Glad you have the body pad that helps stop the pain.   


Love the music "Until Then" - why don't we hear the old songs in  church anymore? 

I have been on a lost cause - looking early this morning, in the car and throughout two closets for a new scarf that is a gift. 

Jeanne Lee

This should be a quiet day with the only thing scheduled is delivery of the Meals on Wheels dinner. 

I haven't had the a/c turned on for the last couple of days and the predictions for the rest of this week is "a touch of fall" with high temperatures in the low 70's and night time down into the 40's.  Just a short reminder of what's coming, but then back into muggy mid 80's.

My pastor (soon to be retired) and his wife, an elder in our church,  brought Communion and then we had such a pleasant visit.  They are great friends and will really be missed when the retirement is final and a replacement pastor is in place. 
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Jeanne Lee:  Such a blessing when communion is brought to those who can't get to church.  Enjoy your dinner tonight. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi friends,

I've been busy with "this, that, and the other" all day. Now, it's bedtime, and I'm just getting to the computer.

Y'all have a really good rest of this day and until I'm able to get back to our lovely home here at CP.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Another beautiful morning for South Carolina.  My quiet day yesterday didn't turn out that way as seemed there was something that needed to be done all day, except when I laid down to rest in the afternoon for a couple of hours.  I spent the morning with chores and then clearing up a bunch of paperwork that had accumulated for several days.  Then the afternoon hours were devoted to doing a load of laundry and fixing things for last night's dinner and getting Pat to her Chiropractic appointment (which we do again this afternoon). 

Today I don't have to pick up my friend to go to coffee as he has a doctor's appointment.  I do plan on going to coffee and then to the Wisdom Class at the church.  Hopefully Pat will feel up to going to out eat our main meal today and if not I will go out and bring something back. I have to get some monthly bills paid this morning as well.  So there is plenty to do today but I will be taking it at a slow pace.

Carol, is there any possibility you didn't get out of the store with the scarf?  Pat and I both have had this happen.  Just this week I had purchased two or three items at Walmart and after I paid and got my receipt I started pushing my cart, looked down and realized there was nothing in the cart.  I was able to go back and get my bag of items. 

Now nice of your pastor and his wife to come and visit you and bring you Communion.  It sounds like you have had some really nice weather.  I am sure looking forward to days, hopefully before long, when we can be in the 70's. 

Ruth Ann, I think that is what I was yesterday, i.e., doing "this, that and the other".  It seems the hours go by much to quickly.

Jeanne Lee

A lovely mild day only expected to be 75o at the most and lovely low humidity, although the sun seems to be missing.  I sure wouldn't mind having this for three or four months - but with sunshine, of course.   :D
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Fall is my favorite time of the year.  Love the crisp mornings so I wouldn't want that to change.  Jeanne:  I hope you do have more sunny days.

Don is on his morning walk.  He had an email from Panera (our next to favorite coffee shop )saying we can have a free bagel each day in September.  Super news.

On my new lost scarf ( a birthday gift):  I want my daughter to go thoroughly through the bedroom where we slept while visiting her - she is now in Minnesota taking son to school and will drive back on Saturday. 

Larry:  Not getting an item paid for at the store has happened to us as well.  The pace is so fast and lines so long that we really try to stay focused.  Then, we get in the car and are forced to drive too fast - over the speed limit because that is the way things are around here  :( 


Hello everyone, Well it seems fall is pretty much here already on this southern coast of Oregon, The leaves are turning and the weather seem to be changing from day to day, sometimes warm other times cool a smattering of rain here and there as well.

Yesterday I bathed the dog and took her for 4 walks through out the day. ?Today we go to the Hospiotal vor visiting with the 5 other teams. We go two teams to a floor. Lately everyone is either sleeping or have gone home, it makes for a short visiting day.

I am taking my car to the mechanic next week for the first routine maintenance trip, to see about the head light lens that hnas so much moisture and check the engine light that is staying on.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. Decided to post late this evening rather than in the morning as have an early appointment at the hospital for an ultrasound on my liver. It shouldn't take too long but one never knows. This area is now expecting some impact from the hurricane.  Most of the schools and government offices are going to be closed tomorrow. The last report I saw expects the rain to start about 11 am.

Today turned out to be quiet. I was just too weary to go to coffee and the Wisdom group at the church. After resting and sleeping some this afternoon I felt better. After Pat's appointment late this afternoon we went to Ruby Tuesday's for a good dinner. I am watching the South Carolina and Vanderbilt football game in bed and writing on my iPad.

Jeanne Lee

It may not be fall yet, but this is certainly a break from the heat and humidity of the last few weeks.   ;)  At least when I need to close the windows and turn on the a/c I'll know it will be only for a couple of days. 
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Larry Hanna

Since I posted last evening I will just do a quick check in today.  At least it is going to be nice day temperature wise only getting up to 76 degrees. 

I went for my ultrasound test but had goofed and ate breakfast so they had to reschedule it for 2 pm this afternoon.  We are getting the rain from the Tropical Storm and have already had over 1 inch.  It is suppose to be heavier this afternoon with more wind.  Of all the days to goof up this wasn't the one but I won't melt and need to have the test today as will see the doctor who ordered it on Tuesday. 

Pat is showing some signs of beginning to get better.  The chiropractor re-evaluated her yesterday and was very satisfied with the progress she has made although she is still having the muscle spasm but perhaps less often. 

Jeanne Lee

Larry, too bad you have to re-do your appointment with the weather predictions for your area.   :(  Maybe you can get out and back between the raindrops.  It's good, too, that Pat seems to be on the mend. 

When Ken and his wife were here I mentioned I was planning on getting a large size toaster-oven so I could do some baking without using the gas range (because of the 24/7 oxygen).  Ken went to Walmart and came back with an extra large broiler/oven complete with rotisserie (but no toaster function).  Great for baking, but I still had no way for cook top items like grilled cheese sandwich, etc.  Which, of course since I couldn't have one, I wanted.  ^-^  So last week I ordered an electric "hot plate", which was due to be delivered next Tuesday.  It came today!  Sure can't complain about that timing.   :D
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We are an age of convenience - we are so used to getting things so fast anymore. 

Larry:  Stay safe.  I was surprised that the hurricane weather came so far north but then they do go where they want to land. 

I found my new scarf that was a present - our DIL arrives tomorrow night and I wanted to show her the scarf.  :)  She is driving from the Phoenix area in one day - we sure don't do that anymore.  She is headed to Montana after seeing son in college at Fort Collins.  Our daughter and husband dropped their son at school in Minnesota and will drive back Saturday - to north of this city. 

Almond Biscotti is in the oven - it is baked in a log shape, cut and put on the side, baked again. Gift for a special neighbor and a cousin - barely any for us but that is alright. 

Jeanne Lee:  A grilled cheese and tomato sandwich sounds great - the tomato isn't necessary either.  I'll trade you two biscottis for one cheese.  We bought the new copper finish skillet and it has been working great - it does say to not use the high heat - omelets are especially easy.  I always hand wash my specialty things and it does clean up so nice. 


Hello, Friends! 
Carol, so glad you found your new scarf.  I was wondering if it was a birthday gift FROM someone to you, or TO someone from you!  I think it's for you!  :)  I hate when I can't find things.  Usually, I find them when I'm looking for something else!

Yes, Fall is in the air, for sure!  I do love Fall weather, especially Indian Summer.  October is usually the best!

Larry, hope you get a good report from your doctor.  Sorry you had to make two trips for the test.  Those things happen sometimes, and are a nuisance, but not that bad. 

We leave early in the morning for our trip to Michigan for 8 days.  Looking forward to that.  I hear there are a lot of lighthouses there, which I love.  You don't see many of those in Kansas or Colorado!   ;)

John got his new SS card, so he went to Liberal today to get his Kansas driver's license.  What an ordeal this has proven to be.  :P  Sr. Ctr. had bierocks for lunch today, so I took a meal to Beth.  That's her favorite!

Has anyone heard from our Pat?  I think of and pray for her often.  Miss her posts, too.

Granddaughter Abby loves college so much she doesn't even want to come home over Labor Day.  I'm glad she's happy there!  Likes all her classes, her roommate, everything about it!  (So far!)

All at once I am so sleepy!  I think I will attempt a 15-20 minute nap!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jane Walker

The dreaded phone call .... John just called and said Joy passed about noon.  She was peaceful, he said.  There were some people from the church there, and they were reading scripture and praying over her.  As they were reading Psalm 23, he said her breathing steadied and her face even changed ... in his words: "It was incredible"   I know she is free from all that suffering and pain, but my heart is still breaking.   :'(
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jeanne Lee

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Jane, much love, hugs, and many prayers for your breaking mother heart.  Words fail me at times like this.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Jane:  Love and prayers to you and all of Joy's family and friends.