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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Week ~ July 3, 2016

Started by Jane Walker, July 03, 2016, 05:05:23 AM

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Jane Walker

Come and join us this week and share with us your plans and thoughts for the week!  We sing, share and encourage other members here.

Hope to see you posting this week!

He Hideth My Soul
(Click to hear music)

I will put you in a cleft in the rock
and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.
Exodus 33:22

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: William J. Kirkpatrick

This hymn is unique in that it was a poem written to fit the tune.
Kirkpatrick brought the music to Fanny Crosby, asking her to write a poem to fit his music.

She, the blind musician who wrote hundreds of hymns, did!

A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord,
A wonderful Savior to me;
He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock,
Where rivers of pleasure I see.

He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock
That shadows a dry, thirsty land;
He hideth my life with the depths of His love,
And covers me there with His hand,
And covers me there with His hand.

A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord,
He taketh my burden away;
He holdeth me up, and I shall not be moved,
He giveth me strength as my day.


With numberless blessings each moment He crowns,
And filled with His fullness divine,
I sing in my rapture, oh, glory to God
For such a Redeemer as mine!


When clothed in His brightness, transported I rise
To meet Him in clouds of the sky,
His perfect salvation, His wonderful love
I'll shout with the millions on high.


Morning Devotional...

Peace, Perfect Peace

I will give you assured peace in this place  Jeremiah 14:13

"Worry," says Vance Havner,  "is like sitting in a rocking chair.  It will give you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere."  Worry and anxiety have hounded the human race since the beginning of time, and modern man with all his innovations has not found the cure for the plague of worry.

What is the answer?  Imagine in your mind a ferocious ocean storm beating against a rock shore.  The lightning flashes, the thunder roars, the waves lash the rocks.  But then imagine that you see a crevice in the rocky cliff--and inside is a little bird, its head serenely tucked under its wing, fast asleep.  It knows the rock will protect it, and thus it sleeps in peace.

God promised Moses, "I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand" (Ex. 33:22).  That is God's promise to us.  Christ is our Rock, and we are secure in His hands forever.  The storm rages, but our hearts are at rest.

Hope for Each Day by Rev Billy Graham
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this hot and humid Sunday morning.  I am starting my day with 85 degrees and headed up to 98 or more this afternoon.  I have a simple plan for today. 

I will go to Sunday School and Church this morning but Pat isn't feeling up to going as her sciatic nerve continues to give her great pain as does her shoulder.  I missed a couple of items at Aldi's yesterday so will stop on the way home to get those.  I have no idea of what lunch may involve as Pat is trying to change her diet and it makes it difficult to buy food out. 

Janet, what is happening to Kansas.  So sad that the farmers are losing their wheat crop.  I suppose the big corporations will be able to gobble up more family farms from all of this.  Too bad about your garden and hope something can be salvaged from it.

Jeanne, wow, what an end to the week.  However, I have to think the Lord is looking after you as the chain of events led you to the doctor and then to care you obviously needed to receive. Sure glad your neighbor could bring you the Kindle and the Mac and that you let us know what is happening in your life. 

Jane, I really liked your devotional thoughts for today.  Worry is one thing I endeavor not to let get me down as know it does absolutely no good for me or anyone else.  Often the things we worry about never happen and if they do we are given the strength to deal with them. 

Jeanne Lee

My  chair of worry is being rocked now by the medical authorities.   :D  I think I've even convinced my kids not to get upset over what's going on.  It looks now as though I'll need at least one more day here so
maybe the doctor can arrange things so that my breathing can be kept more under control without needing oxygen at home.  I'm sure glad I was able to get my computer and kindle brought in and get on line.   Of course all continued prayers are greatly appreciated.   
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Happy 4th of July.  It will be another very hot day after reaching 100 degrees here yesterday.  The only activity I have planned for today is to attend a meeting at noon. Sure not looking forward to getting back into the car after the meeting as last week the car registered 106 degrees inside when I got back into it.  Fortunately it doesn't take too long to cool down.  We heard a few fireworks last night but nothing close.  I am sure there will be more this evening. 

It is amazing how much the four little birds are growing each day.  The parent birds were very aggressive this morning when I went out to water the flowers with one coming close enough to my ear to hear the flap of its wings. 

Jeanne, thanks for the update on your situation.  Sure hope you don't have to go home with oxygen but I know you will do what needs to be done.  Sure glad they have arranged for you to have a home nurse visit a couple of times a week to keep a good eye on you. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. 


Happy 4th of July to all and Happy Canada Day as well.

We had a really nice gathering at youngest son's home yesterday - with his in-laws in attendance and our missing our oldest son and wife.  Weather cooperated and we sat outdoors in glorious mild weather - the back yard looks out to the mountains and Pike's Peak is to the south.  Great view - the house is a money pit in fixing up everything.  Great acreage for the animals. 

Larry:  We are awaiting the birth of 4 Robins - nice fat blue eggs in the nest under our deck. 

Jeanne lee:  What a story of your weekend!  Much too interesting for you to endure!  Glad you will be home - rest well.  Prayers for your breathing comfortably.  Oh, I just went back and re-read your having a home nurse check in with you.  Great idea. 

Since we celebrated with the family yesterday, we are just catching up on some things - updating my genealogy message at the moment.  I need to begin cutting fabric for a new quilt and that is a bit complicated.  So - my quilting guru lives up the street and she may get a distress call from me this week - cannot make a mistake because I mentioned before - fabric has really gone up in price and the shop I go to had a 20% discount for buying at least a yard sale.   

This week, our friend and neighbor has to make a decision most likely - he is at the point of perhaps another chemo treatment (which doctor advises against) or not.  He has lived an extra 4 1/2 years with weakness and pain and total loss of any normal life at times - such a dear and faithful person we are privileged to know. 

Don is setting up our drive to Minnesota - way up north - Duluth.  We are going to by-pass the twin cities this time - but this is over a month away. 


Happy Independence Day!  We have been to Hugoton to take little Jenna, who spent the night with us for the first time last night.  She is four years old now.  Hugoton has Fourth in the Park every year, and boy, what a crowd they had!  Many booths of different kinds set up; lots of things for the kids to do, organizations making money for their projects, lots of Mexican food booths, inflatables for the kids, frog jumping contest, turtle races,egg toss, and on and on.

Then we went to the nice new grocery store and bought a few things, decided to bring them home and get them under refrigeration, rest a bit, and then will go to Moscow to Curtis and Toni's, as they have invited us for supper and to watch their fireworks show.  To have stayed all day just sounded too long, as it is getting hotter.

Jeanne, you certainly do not need any more of that kind of excitement!  So glad you are getting the care you need and hope you will be home soon.  Having a nurse check in on you sounds like a wise plan.  Glad you have your Kindle and laptop so you can stay in touch with us.  Love and appreciate you, Jeanne!

It's two o'clock, maybe time to find something to eat.  That hotdog in the park won't last until supper, I'm thinking!

I shall return!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I have just been outside to do the watering and it is already 82 degrees and headed up to 95 or higher today. 

Right now don't have anything planned for today that will require me going out again until the mail comes late this afternoon.  I have a number of things on my "to do" list that I will tackle today, at least some of them. 

We did not remember to tune in the special 4th of July events on TV last night.  We tried to watch a Netflix but it started buffering so we gave up and watched a couple of the "Keeping Up Appearances" and don't remember laughing so much is quite awhile.  I have seen them all before but they just seemed to be extra funny last night.

I am enjoying some good cold old-fashioned seeded watermelon for breakfast .  Breakfast is my favorite time for it. 

Carol, our four little birds are not sitting on the edge of the nest.  It is so cute when the mother bird brings something to feed them all the little mouths open at once in unison.  It sounds like you had a very nice time at your son's home and what a view that must be from his backyard.  Is your son able to do some of the fixing up of their home to help on the costs involved?

Janet, your area seems to have so many nice events and it is great that you and Darrel are up to participating in them when you want.  Hope you enjoyed the fireworks show but expect a lot of the fun was watching the little ones delight in the event.

Jeanne, I hope this is the day that you will be able to go home.  If your hospital is like most of mine you don't get much rest there.  Hope you are now feeling better. 


 :lol: Don started washing the outside windows and we heard a loud clap of thunder.  Monsoon season.

Thankful for the invention of the clothes dryer - I used to have to run in and out for weather changes.

Larry:    all our children are handy around the house - this one works on cyber security - we all call his house the money pit though.  Weird things - always something that was put together in an odd way.  This son has tiled walls and floors, worked on the roof as well.   The whole family likes to do it yourself and they tiled backsplash in our kitchen wall - two walls where the cabinets sit. It runs in the family.

- I can't hear the little robins - both mama and papa are checking. 

The news from politics is just sickening - 


Larry, we didn't last until the fireworks show!  We gave up--or, rather, gave out--at around 7 and it was still a long time until dark.  So we came home and went to bed.  We both had appointments in Liberal this morning.  We stopped by Diane's store on the way home and she said they watched the Moscow fireworks from Curtis' upstairs deck and they were pretty nice.  There was a huge pile of fireworks there, Toni said her parents bought most of them.  We didn't see those, either.  Getting old is the pits sometimes, but on the other hand, it gives you a good excuse to go home early if you want!

I got my fancy hearing aids today.  Now to get Darrel to hook up the little box to the TV, then I can listen to it at my preferred volume.  I think I understand how to use the app on my phone to turn the volume up or down in different settings.  I sure hope I like them, as they were quite expensive!

Tomorrow, Lexi and Chelsea are to come spend some time with us.  Toni said she will bring them up.  We need to do this as summer is slipping past so fast they will soon be back in school!  I posted a couple photos on Facebook of Jenna, if anyone here wants to post them to CP, please do me a favor and go ahead!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is a clear but warm morning and almost already 80 degrees headed up to 97 this afternoon.  The main activity for today is to go to a nice restaurant, the Chop House, at the Augusta Mall to celebrate our 54th wedding anniversary and Pat's 75th birthday.  We went there last year and the food is very good and there is a very nice atmosphere.  Scott will be going with us to help celebrate and then we hope he will spend some time with us the rest of the afternoon and early evening.  My chores for today are basically done so can take it nice and easy the rest of the day.  Yesterday I got most of the "to do" list completed but still have a couple of things left to do. We did have thunder late yesterday afternoon and a very brief rain that really wouldn't be very helpful. 

Carol, let me think!  Was Don upset about having to stop washing windows?  :)  It sounds like you have a family that is very handy at whatever needs to be done.  My dad was like that and Scott is like that but that gift missed my generation, at least for me.  Our little birds were sitting on the edge of the nest this morning and didn't slide down into the nest when I was watering on the front porch or cleaning up the mess they make each day on the porch floor.  It is worth the effort as the little birds are so cute and we have enjoyed watching them grow. 

Janet, at this stage of our lives we have witnessed many fireworks displays.  If you are like I am missing one or more isn't going to have any effect on our lives.  We had a terrible things at the fireworks display in Augusta.  They have a beautiful walk along the Savannah River and about 15,000 people had gathered to see the annual fireworks display.  During the event gun shots ran out hitting three people and there was panic as people realized what was happening and ran for cover.  Of course there were many children in attendance.  The downtown Augusta area is really getting a back reputation for crime and violence.  It is so sad when we can't even enjoy a nice family gathering with the community without being in fear for our lives.  I expect this had something to do with gang warfare rather than terrorism but there are few details out about it that I have read. I have several friends who have the hearing aides like you probably do and really like them.  I hope they are exactly what you want them to be.  I expect one of these days that Pat will need to wear hearing aids.  My hearing and eyesight are still very good.  Hope you find great joy in your day today with the great grandchildren. 

Jeanne Lee

I'm home - safe and sound and exhausted.  I got home late yesterday afternoon.  But by the time I got home I was too tired to do anything but renew my relationship with the couch, which seemed very glad to have me home.  :)  I'm still feeling tired so probably won't be around here much today, but I will be around.  And I'm so thankful for the prayers.  I'll have more info for you later on the results and current situation.  For now, thanks for caring.
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It looks like we will have another hot day up to 97 degrees this afternoon.  Yesterday afternoon we had a thunderstorm and got about a quarter inch of rain.  It was enough that I turned off my sprinkler system for this morning. 

This will be my usual Thursday activities or picking up my friend to take to coffee and then after taking him home will go on to the church for the Wisdom group.  I also intend to buy some flowers for Pat's birthday Saturday. 

We had a most delicious lunch and good time at the Chop House yesterday. Scott and I had the grilled shrimp and crab cake that came with pasta under the shrimp  We were happy to have Scott go with us. Pat had a ground sirloin with brocolli and mushrooms that had been fixed in a wine sauce.  She really liked the mushrooms. Scott gave us a weather station that measure's the indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity as well as barometric pressure and also forecasts what our weather will be.  It works with a wireless sensor outside and can run on batteries or has an AC Adapter for the inside unit.  As much as the gift was appreciated, it was a joy to see how much he enjoyed giving it to us.  He also gave us a beautiful anniversary card with a very touching personal note inside as well as a nice birthday card for his mother with another touching note inside. 

The builder brought in his heavy equipment and is in the process of digging the trenches for the main foundation.  So we will have activity that I can watch as the house is being built.  Our quiet little cul-de-sac won't be so quiet for a few months as the various workmen come and go.

Jeanne, so glad to see that you are home and hope you got a good nights rest last night as well as getting reacquainted with your couch yesterday afternoon.  The important thing is that you take good care of yourself. 


Jeanne:   :groupwave:  Everyone here is happy that you are "back in the saddle again".  Well, at least the couch.   ;D


Welcome home, Jeanne!  Hope you are feeling stronger!

Happy Anniversary, Larry and Pat; and Happy Birthday, Pat!

I hope I can get back into the studio and start that painting tomorrow.  I have the sketch  done.  My little ones painted yesterday and today, so they have two more entries each for the fair!

It is HOT here, but we are always blessed by it cooling off at night.  That is wonderful.  In the early mornings when I am spending time with my Father, I open the windows in that little room and the cool air flows in---lovely!

Did any of you see the photos I have been posting on Facebook?

I'm tired, so will say good night now.  Good night now!  :)
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends. I'm so thankful to be back in my apartment. Last Friday the nonwalking cast was removed and I now have a black walking boot that closes with Velcro straps. I'll be wearing it at least till mid August. The doctor said I have a spiral fracture that usually tKes 16 weeks or more to heal. Each day I'm trying to catch up on things that have lagged behind since the first of April.

I hope to be able to take my computer in to the shop for TLC. The last Microsoft update messed up my screen driver. So, the computer is unusable until this glitch is taken care of.

Y'all have a good rest of the day

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We are headed back up to 100 degrees this afternoon.  Nothing on the schedule for today so will just take it easy.  However, Pat just mentioned that we need to go to a fruit stand and get some of the fresh South Carolina peaches so we will do this after she eats her breakfast.

Three of the four little birds left the nest as of this morning and I expect the other one will by tomorrow morning.

Janet, it sounds like you are getting young artists off to a quick start.  I have not seen your Facebook photos but will.

Ruth Ann, nice to read that you are now in your own home.  Nothing looks as good as our own home. Glad you can now begin to walk .  I don't think I ever heard of a spiral fracture but it sounds very unpleasant.  Glad you have another device on which to post until your computer is fixed. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We are in for another 100 degree day if not higher.  Yesterday afternoon our new weather station showed it was 106 degrees on the back patio and that is in the shade.  We did go out yesterday morning and got some fresh South Carolina peaches from a farm stand several miles from us.  Yesterday afternoon I moved our insurance package to COSTCO insurance  It was not a big savings but over $100 so felt it was worth doing.  That was about it for yesterday. My plan for today is to get our main meal for the day at noontime so that Pat doesn't have to cook on her birthday.  I will make a quick stop at Aldi's as there is a small appliance they have that Pat would like to have to chop up vegetables.  I plan on staying in where it is cool the rest of the day. 


Good morning!  I thought I posted yesterday, but it seems I didn't.  It has been hot and dry here, which the farmers are thankful to have, as they still have a lot of wheat to harvest.  I talked to a couple of farmers' wives and they said the wheat wasn't damaged nearly as much as they expected, so that is a real blessing.  The crop is the best in years, with yields of 70, 80 and even 90 bushels to the acre!!  Wow!  I well remember my Dad being thrilled when he got a harvest of 30 bushels per acre!  That was dry land farming, before irrigation became common.  It has become so expensive to run the wells the past several years that some farmers have returned to dry land farming.  This year, God irrigated the crops!  :thumbsup:

I plan to go out to the Farmers' Market again this morning before it gets too hot.  I bought some breakfast burritos last week that Darrel liked, so will look for some more.  They are handy to keep in the freezer for a quick breakfast.  This afternoon I will go to The Main Artery (local gallery) for a Paint it Chalky class, just for fun.  I should stay home and work on the painting I have sketched, but I gave my word to be there.

It is so sad to hear of the killings almost every day, the murders of policemen in Dallas is heartbreaking.How I pray for America!  May we return to our godly foundation, and may God raise up leaders for us who trust in Him!  Charles Sumrall once said, "If you have a choice between the lesser of two evils, remember--evil is still evil!  Don't choose either one!"  So we have much to pray about here in our country!

Ruth Ann, glad to read that you are back in your own apartment.  There's no place like home!  :)  Hope you will get the computer problems resolved soon.

Larry, those peaches sound heavenly!  Fresh peaches are my favorite fruit, and the ones we are still getting have been in cold storage so long they don't even taste like peaches!  Maybe we will begin to get some good ones soon!

I pray God's blessings on all of you this Saturday--and every day!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Sad news seems to be happening almost daily. 

Ruth Ann:  I have no knowledge of a "spiral" fracture.  Does it have something to do with how you may have fallen?  This too shall pass - prayer for a total recovery from pain.

Larry:  We get the western slope peaches - they are wonderful.   Just grown in a fairly small area in this state. 

Janet:  There is a lot of research and conversation here - the Colorado River feeds water to 7 states, I think - and all are very old legal sales that were very controversial and probably not legal at the time - lots of water lawyers in this state working hard to keep it here. 

We had a wonderful time at daughter's surprise birthday party last night.  The only bummer was it took us two hours to drive north when it should have been a 45 minute drive.  Yes, the roads are that crowded - we can't figure out why so many people are moving here but it is insane out there.  Pot heads for one group - tons of refugees are dropped here - and people who are taking new jobs.  We will just recuperate today as tomorrow after lunch is a memorial service for friend who died suddenly after just moving from here to Arizona.  I am working on forgiveness for her husband who delayed too long to take her to medical care. 


I went and talked to the gal at the Main Artery, and opted out of the class.  Too expensive and just not my kind of thing.  She didn't mind.  So I am here instead!

Carol, I know the State of Kansas was suing Colorado over not letting hardly any water come down the Arkansas river, so those who depended on it for irrigating had no water.  Kansas won, and had water for a few years; now Colorado is keeping it all again.  What a mess.

There weren't many vendors at the Farmers Market this morning.

And I'm just stalling!  Time to go PAINT!!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

The Lord is blessing us with another beautiful new week - HERE
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