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Bird Photos In Snow

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Week~August 2, 2015

Started by buddywoods, August 02, 2015, 08:51:29 AM

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Morning Devotional...

The Meaning of Holiness

"Pray then like this: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven'" (Matt. 6:9–10).

Matthew 6:9–13

Our study of the holiness of God has thus far highlighted the importance of this attribute and the reactions typical of those confronted with a real sense of their unworthiness in the face of His purity. We have not, however, defined this term. Today we will examine what the Bible means by the word "holiness."

Most of us probably associate holiness with righteousness, this is entirely understandable. The men and women who are deemed holy in Scripture are indeed also renowned for their ethical purity, despite their lack of moral perfection. Yet while this goodness is part of holiness, it is not the primary emphasis of the term.

When we read about the holy in the Bible, the primary idea is that which is set apart, unique, or different. In 1 Chronicles 23:13 we read of Aaron being "set apart" or made unique in his capacity to offer sacrifices for the people of God. This quality of uncommonness or uniqueness can apply to people, objects, or time. The ground, for example, upon which Moses encountered the Almighty in the burning bush was holy ground (Ex. 3:1–6). The part of the tabernacle containing the ark of the covenant is the holiest place (Lev. 16:1–2), and the old covenant festivals represent holy time (23).

All of these earthly examples are holy because they are set apart by the Lord who is the most "different" or "other" person in the universe. Scripture communicates this idea in speaking of God's transcendence. Our Creator is high and exalted (Isa. 33:5), above all things and unmatched in His power, glory, and purity (Ex. 15:11).

This is also evident in the Ten Commandments and the first portion of the Lord's prayer. Without special revelation, we might develop a law that forbids murder, but would we make it illegal to profane the name of God (Ex. 20:7)? Even though we have been taught to pray in light of God's holiness, how many of us pray regularly for the world to mark our Father's name as holy (Matt. 6:9)? The biblical writers recognize that the way in which we speak God's name reveals how we think about Him, and so they are careful to warn us to regard His name, and thus His being, as holy.

Coram Deo

How do you feel when the name of the Lord is taken in vain? Do you shudder in fear for those who do so, or has this common sacrilege become unnoticeable to you? Perhaps you are guilty of profaning His name in speech or in how you come before Him in worship? Consider how you may have taken God's name in vain recently. Pray that you would not blaspheme Him and encourage your friends to revere His glorious name in thought, word, and deed.

Passages for Further Study

Lev. 24:16
Deut. 5:11
Luke 12:8–10
1 Tim. 1:1–7

From Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship of R.C. Sproul.

Jeanne Lee

Excellent study this morning, Buddy.  I am dismayed at the use of God's name in so many ways, so often. 
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It's getting late on this Sunday afternoon.

I really enjoyed the study, Buddy, and also enjoyed the conversations in last week's posts. My life is pretty quiet, so, like some other folks who come here, often there's not a lot to share.

At any rate, I sure love everyone, and hope that when our Lord meets with us in Heaven, He will also allow us to meet in person. :)

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Thanks, Jeanne and Ruth!  I thought the study was good also.


We chose to go to My Father's House in Hugoton this morning to worship with the part of the Lord's body there.  Grandson Mark was home, and Diane invited us for lunch after church.  I made a nice big salad for my contribution to the meal.  Mark has been doing the yearly maintenance on the plane Jeff and he bought several years ago.  He knows how to do all that, since he has a degree in aircraft maintenance.  ;)

Darrel hasn't felt well today, so he's been very quiet.  He slept as I drove home, then lay down on the bed and slept for at least two more hours.  I hope he feels a lot better in the morning.  We plan to go back to the gym tomorrow, if all goes well.

The alphabet board didn't work well for Beth. First off, you have to keep the button on the pointer depressed to keep it on.  So I went and got scotch tape, wrapped it around the pointer to hold it on.l  Then I held the board for her, put the pointer in her mouth and told her to spell out something.  It took her about five minutes (it seemed like) to spell BETH, and by then, she was tired.  But I hope that with continued effort, she will get better at it.  And the mouth exercise might help her to speak better, too. So, while I am disappointed, I am still hopeful.  ::)

John should have made it home today.  I put on FB that we are looking for a bedroom set for him and got a few leads, so will be looking.

Buddy, good thoughts on holiness--set apart-ness.  Good question about how we feel when we hear the Lord's name used wrongly.  It really bothers me!  I hope it always will.

Hi, Ruth Ann and Jeanne!  Hello, Larry--you posted just before the page was turned!

See you all tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It has already been a busy morning as I have been to Walmart for some groceries and got back home around 8:15.  I have done the morning chores around here and just waiting for Pat to get up to fix her a good breakfast.  I do plan on attending a meeting at noon and that will be plenty for today. 

Late yesterday afternoon we had a rain with brisk winds for about an hour.  It sure wasn't necessary to water this morning so turned off the automatic sprinker for today.  My second Windows 10 installation didn't go well and now I can't get beyond the initial welcome page.  I will do a little research or may just restore it back to Windows 7 and try again to install the Windows 10.  I advised Pat I think we need to leave her laptop on Windows 7 as it is an older computer and we will be replacing it soon and the new computer will have Windows 10 factory installed. 

Buddy, that is a very good devotional thought for this week. Thanks for sharing it with us. 

Ruth Ann, I love you as a dear friend of many years and  always glad to see your postings.

Janet, was sorry to read that Darrel did not have a good day yesterday.  However, nice you all could share lunch after church with family and spend a little more time with Mark.  Sorry to see that the alphabet board didn't initially accomplish what you had hoped.  I expect we all would require some training to be able to hold a pointer in our mouths and accurately point to the letter.  Maybe you could prepare some common sentences that she would likely say and put them on the board and you point to them and she could blink her eyes to signal you had the right one.  I know that sounds easier to do than it would be.   


I read Larry's post before lunch, and fully expected there would be more by now, but nope!

It is very hot here again today.  I did go out and do some looking for furniture for John, but didn't have any luck, so far.  I have tried two or three times to call him, also with no luck.  Beth said he got home, though, and I know he has lots to do there to dispose of his stuff so he can come back to Ulysses!

Larry, that's a good idea about the statements...will do more thinking about it.  I still think trying to use the pointer will be good exercise for her mouth and tongue....

Back to my furniture search--online, this time!
My book Rising Above available at


Judy:  I just sent you a message and attachment. 

Larry:  It sounds like you have found a new home church.  We had a wonderful visit with two of the grands - they are leaving home in the next two weeks for two different areas of the country.  The other grandson has already moved to Fort Collins - to a rental house. 

Janet:  Nice to get out and about - so sorry for Darrel - he still needs a lot of mending.  It always takes longer than a person expects. 

Neighbors are invited over tomorrow - so I have been dusting and getting things ready - the guest beds are ready to be stripped and everything washed to be available for the next overnight visitors. 

Buddy:  thank you for devotions - it is amazing how many people call on God when they are shocked - scared and other events. 

My prayers to each of you with medical issues, money matters and so forth - may you have a peaceful mind to bring you through each and every crisis. 


Carol I have it thank you.  Now I need a black cartridge to print it.  Again Thank you

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Janet, the nonverbal autistic children are taught to use an app on an electronic tablet such as an iPad, or something similar. It speaks sentences for them. In the instance of a nonverbal child I know, he began to speak when he was almost 5 after using this app to point to the correct picture icon for a period of time. Could something like that be helpful for Beth?

I'm SO grateful today. For the first time in several months, I felt physically good this morning, awakening about the time the birds are chirping, and accomplished several tasks.  One of these was following through with my resolution to begin walking to the other end of this apartment hallway (10 round trips equal a mile). I was able to do 3 round trips. That sounds like so little against what so many of you are able to do, but it certainly gave me a feeling of hope and even a bit of triumph.

Much love to all of you,
Ruth Ann

...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is going to be another very hot day here in South Carolina going up to 99 this afternoon.  I have a very busy morning planned as have to be at the dentist at 8:30 to get the completed bridge.  I hope this ends dental work and expense for awhile.  I plan on leaving there and going on to the county seat of Aiken to the court house to file a form needed by the assessors office.  It will cause a reduction in my taxes for next year.  On the way back I will stop at Walmart to pick up prescriptions for Pat and then plan on going down to coffee unless Pat needs me to come home before that. 

Last evening before dark the door bell rang and it was a lovely lady from our church bringing us a small loaf of banana bread.  We had not met her before as she sings in the choir.  We had a very nice but short visit.  I had some of the bread for breakfast and it was very good. 

Janet, hope you have some luck with your furniture hunting.  Are you looking for used furniture?  Do you have farm or estate sales in your area?  I know where I grew up there would be a sale or two a week during good weather or even in the winter.

Carol, we are very happy at our new church.  We have been warmly received and welcomed into the life of the church.  It sounds like your grandsons are very busy young people.

Judy, good to see your postings.  Hope you are feeling better and that John is doing well. 

Ruth Ann, that is a great suggestion to Janet, I saw that report on 60 Minutes (I think it was) and I know there are many tools now available.  Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words and a picture with a spoken narrative is even better.  Glad you were feeling better yesterday. You are right that a walk of any distance starts with one step and hopefully you will be able to work up to your goal. 


Good morning, friends!

Ruth Ann, that is a great suggestion.  IF ONLY I were a bit more 'techy'....I have no idea how to use an iPad, even my 2 year old g-g-daughter has and uses one!  :-[  I know there are tools for people like Beth; that Hawkings (?) guy is able to do so much with a computer, and he can't use his hands, either.  Sometimes I feel acutely the isolation of our area.  We are so far from any large city where we might could get that kind of help for her.  She needs an advocate!  I do keep searching for answers for her.  She is smart, nothing at all wrong with her mind, yet she is trapped in a poor body that will not respond to her commands.   :'(  If I knew how to search better, surely we could find help for Beth beyond what I have been able to find up to this point. 

Larry, so far, no luck finding furniture.  I am watching the auction ads in this area, went to a pawn shop here that I hadn't before known about, and he said he has nothing now but will probably get some in this week.  I think he buys new furniture, but operates on a much smaller margin of profit, so that keeps the prices lower.  There is a Facebook page called Ulysses ads (or close) but it is a members only site, and I clicked on "join" and for hours, it just showed "pending."   :(  I get stymied so often!  Keeps me humble, keeps me praying daily, hourly for help!

I see my chiropractor today, and am so glad, as that near-fall really jerked me around, and I woke with my neck so sore I had to use my hands to lift my head off the pillow.  Ouch!

Ruth Ann, so good to read that you feel stronger and more hopeful today!  A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step!  Good for you for making the effort, and as you get stronger, you will walk farther!

It is promising to be another scorcher of a day here, too.  We had a light sprinkle last night, but not enough to cool things off.

Blessings to each of you today!
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

Janet, I'm sure the Lord has something in store for Beth.  It may just take a while to find it.

All this week only in the low 70's and then the low 50's or upper 40's at night.  That's sweater weather for me, and snuggle under blankets at night.  Except for the humidity the last couple of weeks but temperatures only 850 or so, we haven't really had any summer.  Of course there's still the month of August.....   :D

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August is already cooler.  I could not sleep last night and did a little crossword until I felt sleepy - then put my robe over our light blanket.  That did the trick and I slept soundly. 

Ruth Ann:  Good for you for pacing the hallway and tracking your goal. 

Janet:  There has to be someone around to help you - ask a teenager.  Jeanne Lee said it perfectly - there is a plan for Beth. 

Strange thing on my haircut bill today.  They charged me an extra $5 for Thick Hair.  Isn't that interesting?  It is Sr. Discount Day so that helps to get almost $2 off the bill but this takes the cake.  Upon arriving at the little mall area - police all over the place, yellow tape on the entire roundabout (don't get me started on that fiasco) a large moving van filled with debris from whatever.  ???  One policeman was stationed there - hiding in the alley just watching.  A mystery to be solved. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I'm in from taking my sister in law to the doctor today. I surely hope her doctor can address some of her physical challenges. I note that this time he wants to see her in a month instead of the usual 3 months, so maybe he can help her turn a corner to better health.

I'm so thankful for all the encouragement on the walking. Today I've already done 2 turns, so will go later to get a couple more turns down the hallway.

Y'all have a really good day with our Lord.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We are headed to 99 degrees today with a heat index of 108.  At 8 am this morning I went to our church where they served us a delicious breakfast and then we had about an hour seminar and discussion on estate planning.  It was interesting and I got a few questions I had wondered about answered.  The breakfast was traditional and very good.  I also met some new people sitting at my table, which was very nice.  The seminar is being given again at lunch time and then dinner time. I got back home before it had gotten too hot and will stay in the rest of the day.

Janet, is Abby or John computer literate and perhaps have smart phones?  If so, perhaps she would enjoy being the teacher for her grandmother or do some computer searching for and with you.  Is there a support group online for those who have the same afflictions that Beth and John have?  If so, perhaps they would be able to provide some help with the accessibility and communication type problems.  Sure hope the chiropractor was help for you today.  The only time I have ever had to head to be able to get my head off the pillow was after my first heart surgery.  It was not pleasant to realize how weak I had become. 

Jeanne, what nice weather you are enjoying.  Our nights are staying in the seventies and we have definitely had summer.

Carol, Pat has found that she sleeps much better sometimes with an extra quilt thrown on her side of the bed.  I sleep under the same amount of bedding winter and summer and that is a sheet, a double blanket and the quilt.  Your beauty shop charges almost sound like governments or car garages with all the extra taxes for fees

Ruth Ann, good for you in doing the rounds of walking.   


There is thunder now as it is close to 3 PM which is totally normal for this area of the country.  You can almost set a clock for the afternoon storm/shower. 

Larry:  We lived in the Dallas area for over 9 years and the heat and humidity were just awful combinations.  Seattle has the humidity and now there are super hot days for them - which is very unusual so I expect people are suffering without  a/c.  You church sounds so friendly and just what you and Pat need with this move.

Someone needs to think about whats for supper here.  See you all later. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Well, there's really been a lot of crisis in this area today. Y'all likely saw about the man who charged into a theater brandishing a hatchet, several cans of pepper spray and a "gun." It turns out the gun was a black shiny plastic pistol that shoots b b's. At any rate, as the confusion has settled down, he was a 29 year old paranoid schizophrenic who was living in a city about 25 or 30 miles from Nashville as a homeless man who last saw his mom in another state in May. When he raised the "gun" and moved his hand to the trigger the SWAT team engaged him in fire. He will be buried later.

I seriously wonder if he was play acting in his mind, and had no understanding what his actions could do. He injured slightly a man with the hatchet. We all know he could have hacked that man to death if he really wanted to be murderous.

Witness said he opened/closed the theater back door more than once. Well, the police and SWAT team were ready for him. It haunts me - did he have a moment of mental clarity that let him know his predicament before he died? How sad.

Oh, how we need to pray that more laws to protect both the public and the mentally ill can be passed before another occurrence.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a bright, sunny and hopefully quite a bit cooler Thursday morning.  The high is predicted for 91 degrees but only for a short period of time.  I woke up at 3:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep.  I laid there and in a while put on my headset and listened to music for about an hour and then got up and showers and got ready for the day.  I then laid down and read my emails and all the postings on the discussion boards and then decided to get up.  So am getting an early start to the day.  I plan on going to coffee around 10 am and then attend the Thursday Wisdom of the Ages group at 11:30.  The rest of the day will be quiet.

Yesterday around noon I took Pat back to see the surgeon as there was some drainage from one small area of her incision.  The doctor said it was a seratoma and was a good thing to remove the fluid in this one small area and the incision will heal itself in a few days.  On the way home we stopped at a cafe and had lunch.  Pat enjoyed getting out of the house for a little while although it was very hot. 

Carol, we have lived in Georgia so long that am pretty well used to our summer humidity but sure notice when it is way down.  I am fortunate in not being out in it except for a few minutes.  I feel so for the people of California with the fires and the critical shortage of water.  I expect weather patterns have always changed over this planet for a long period of years and we probably are seeing some of that along with normal cycles of weather. 

Ruth Ann, I heard of the theater incident in Nashville yesterday.  I guess we will never know what motivated the man involved in this incident but it certainly sounds like mental illness.  At least he didn't have a real gun and the police were very alert.  I have never understand the thinking to expect the mentally ill survive on the streets.  I know the old institutions were apparently nightmares.  I sure don't know the answer to these problems. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a new day.  I see I was the last to post yesterday so will try to be brief today.  We had a wonderful rain late yesterday and last night with over an inch of rain in the gauge.  There is a good likelihood of more this afternoon and evening.  I did watch the debates last night at 5 pm and then at 9 pm and found them fascinating.  I thought all of the candidates did well.  Scott was over for a little while late yesterday and he was tired as had worked all day and he isn't sleeping well.  Noting particular planned for today although Pat said she would like to go out and get some cards to send if she feels up to it today. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

God has been good to me today - indeed, He always is good to us - He saw my predicament of needing to get someone to take a specimen in to the lab, and a smiling person volunteered; then, He saw my critical need for a close parking space. At the moment the door opened and I walked out after unloading my friend's groceries in her apartment, I was ready to unload my own groceries.

The problem was 3 fold:
(1) it was almost completely dark, and I'm not very safe walking on our parking lot if the time is late;
(2) I forgot and left my cellphone in my purse, which I left in my apartment to help me be safer from thieves;
(3) then, without the cellphone, I couldn't call Security to drive to my parking lot and protect me as I walk to get to the door with the groceries.

How wonderful our God is!! He provided the freshly vacated handicap space nearest to the apartment building, so I could park and unload and get into the building with security cameras rolling. The pickpockets work in lesser used areas of the lot, not right in front of the building.

Oh, how I praise Him for his protection even before I prayed to request that protection!

Now, to prepare my computer to see the TLC folks tomorrow - I believe I have another virus, and I already use Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Home (Premium). So, I'm at my wits' end.

Much love to each of you - while Larry is so wonderfully faithful to report daily, each of us (including me) need to be more present in this discussion. May our Lord bless you "real good."

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I was just outside to water the plants on our front porch and it is really pleasant out and overcast.  We didn't get any rain yesterday.   We stayed home all day yesterday and nothing really on the schedule for today unless we make the short trip to Dollar General. 

Ruth Ann, sure glad you had a safe and satisfying situation in getting your groceries in last night.  God knew what you needed.  Try downloading a program called Advance System Care from ioBits.  There is both a free application and a paid version.  I have used both with very good results. 

Hope this is a nice weekend for all who visit here as well as all of our online family. 



Eph 2:8,9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

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