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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~August 4

Started by Don, August 04, 2013, 06:52:31 AM

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Jeanne Lee

Janet, John's post gave me an entirely different "picture".  I saw him sitting at the table and the food being "inhaled" directly into his stomach, bypassing chewing and swallowing.   ;D

Marilyn, sounds like you have a great weekend planned.  Don't forget to take your Sensa to the Bite of Oregon!  :D
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another overcast day.  There was a lot of rain yesterday in various parts or Georgia.  We drove through some rain going to Athens and back.  I did ask Pat to drive me there yesterday as wasn't feeling safe to be behind the wheel.  So far this morning I feel better but must make a quick trip to Walmart to see if I can get my toenails trimmed as they are bothering me.  I will use an electric cart and pick up a few other items while I am there.  Then the trip to Athens this morning for treatment 15. That will be it for today.

No individual comments today.   


Hi folks just a quick post before I get at things for the day. Glad to see some of you people getting a few chuckles from my posts. I think that is what we all need is some more laughs to lift spirits. Laughter is good for what ales you. Got to run. Be back tonight.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.


Hi folks,

I want to thank you all for your concern and prayers for Pat and I over the episode I've been through over these last days.  I'm finally over the worst and on the mend which involves a 6 month program of eating the proper foods which will be really good for me at this stage of life.

Thank you, Larry, for your sharing each day so faithfully. We continue to pray for you and your condition and that the Lord will continue to give you His strength for each new day. 

God, my Creator, is
"The Blessed Controller of All Things"

Jeanne Lee

Paul, thank you for giving us an update.  I'm sure you know we've all been praying for your healing.  Of course the thing now is to stick closely to the "don't eats" in order to avoid a repeat.
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This morning, we were abruptly awakened at 3:30 A.M. by a loud, strange noise.  We both jumped up, asking, "What was that?"  and discovered that a chunk of the ceiling in our master bathroom, about three feet across, had fallen to the floor, and hot water was pouring out of the hole!  "NOT AGAIN!!"  was my first response.  Of course, Darrel ran to shut off the water main, while I grabbed a wastebasket to try to catch as much water as I could.  We got some of the mess cleaned up, and I waited until 8 to call Lon.  He came out, and they have torn out half the ceiling, the wall of Darrel's closet, pulled up and laid back the carpet in the hall and set fans to dry things out.  Not a good start to the day.  But I was thinking of the above verse, and about the fact that God loves us, He is NOT mad at us, He wants us to prosper, He will never leave us nor forsake us.  So I told the devil, "You will NOT have the victory!  You will have to pay us back seven times for this!"  Now I wait with anticipation to see how God turns this problem into a blessing in our lives.

As you might think, I am very tired and feel emotionally wrung out.  But it is, after all, only material stuff, and our lives do not consist in the things we possess.  So many things are so much more valuable and important than stuff.  So I am praising God, anyway.

Hope all of you are having a good day today.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

My goodness, Janet!  What a way to start the day.  Do you have insurance to cover the cost of repairs?
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Janet:  It sounds just shocking all the water problems you have had in this house.  So sorry - probably it was good that it made a noise loud enough for you to hear.  No, you do not need more of those problems.  You have a wonderful and right attitude. 

It took the better part of my day but I finally got the post office in Arizona to look for a prescription mailed there and not forwarded to our home here in Colorado.  Spoke to a robot at first and that is just insanity because there are only two choices of what to say and nothing that fit with my problem.  Telling the robot to "get me a human" didn't help either.  Then, had a long conversation with someone somewhere in this country (maybe).  Finally, he had to give me the direct phone line to that particular post office - not easy to find direct lines anymore.  Not listed.  Now, that makes sense if you don't want the phone to ring. 

Paul:  That is just great news and wonderful that a special diet or most likely eliminating some foods will help in the healing.  Take care.  We send our prayers to you. 

Our daughter-in-law was jogging near their summer house in Montana (they can work anywhere so they choose to go there when it is hot here).  So, she was running and a deer ran into her, knocking her down but she is alright.  Now we will have a good story to tell. 


Hello friends:
Carol;  Interesting instead of a deer running into a veh. it collided with a human.

Larry: Keep well we need you around for sometime yet.

Janet:  Sounds like you had a great alarm clock.  :laff:

John:  Will you be returning to work for some rest?
Marilyn:  Have a wonderful vacation.

As for my day. It was the routine foot care. Then to Sears to pick up a parcel and on to Staples for printer ink them home. 

Now it is time to get dinner ready.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


Raspberry Jam......

2 bushels of beans to clean and put down.....

1/2 Bushel of snap peas.....

Busy day ahead. 

The real news is that a dear friend of ours fell down 2 steps, broke her hand in 2 places broke her shoulder in a couple of places, and a compression fracture the L1 vertebrae.  Her husband has Parkinsons and cancer and is hard to understand.  She is in Hospital (we went to see her and pray with her tonight) and he is in a Nursing home totally dependent on her.   Please pray for Al and Jolene.

Got to run, and decide whether I am going to finish the jam tonight.


Well folks she finished the jam tonight Its now 11.30 and she finally is ready to call it a night. Yes I married a night hawk. When she gets her energy spurt I am in the process of shutting down for the day. That's why when we ran team on the truck together there was never an argument about who was going to drive the day or night shift. I may have to rethink this whole idea of retirement. With Judy's late nights I think she just might wear me out. Well I'm calling it a day as tomorrow is going to be another busy day. Be working on finishing the reno. Janet I can sure empathize with you and your water problem. Hope all works out well for you. Paul good to hear your on the mend. Larry hope you are feeling better soon as well. Well must go now and get my beauty sleep. Need all the help I can get there.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.


It is such a blessing to pray for a friend in Hospital that is in a bad situation.  I know it brings renewed hope. 

Jam done, beans and peas tomorrow.

God bless.

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I want so much to comment to everyone, but it's too late, and I need to get to bed to be ready for a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

Y'all have had times when your energy simply ran out, and then some little infection would start...well, I've had that time these last 6 weeks. So, imagine just how grateful I am tonight for the boost of energy an iron supplement (prescribed by doctor) and also an antibiotic (also a doctor's Rx) have given me. Oh, how thankful I am that God has given us those more knowledgeable to guide us through some of our "medical miseries."

Each of you know that I read every post, and set up private devotions times to pray for the needs.

May God be with each of you tonight.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a sunny morning here in Georgia. I have been to coffee at the Senior Center, will do the message boards for today, make my trip to Athens and that will be it today.  I am really very weary today and if Pat feels up to it I may ask her to drive again today.  However, she may have some other plans for this morning.  On Wednesday as Pat was driving us back from Athens a deer came across the median of the four lane highway and ran into the side of our car.  I expected to see a dent or cracked paint when we got home as there was no need to stop as the operation of the car was effected.  Fortunately, there isn't a mark on the car so think it must have been a glancing blow probably as the place where the steel brace goes through the doors.  We felt very fortunate because if we had been four feet or so back on the road we would likely have hit him with the front of the car and who knows what would have happened.  God protected us again. 

John, I sure agree with you on laughter being a good medicine and it really lifts a persons spirits. John, you and Judy sound a lot like Pat and I in that I am a morning person and she is a night person. 

Paul, glad to see your post and see your are feeling better.  The proper foods certainly won't hurt you.  I appreciate all the continued prayers for me and my family. 

Janet, I am so sorry for you about the new water problems in your beautiful home.  Hopefully the rest of the day went better yesterday.  I can see a blessing in that you were home when the ceiling fell rather than away for the day or longer.  Hope you were able to rest last night.

Carol, it seems every year being able to speak to a human at a particular location is getting harder and harder to accomplish.  Your DIL is fortunate that she wasn't hurt by that deer.  In our area there are just too many dear without the natural predators to keep them under control. 

Ruth, I hope to be around for awhile. 

Judy, such a sad occurrence for Jolene.  She must be in terrible pain. The jam sounds good.  It sounds like your garden is really producing with the beans and peas to take care of.  Do you can them or freeze them?

Ruth Ann, nice to see you are experiencing a little more energy.  If you have any excess please send it down my way. 


Our garden didn't amount to anything, we had to go out and buy beans and peas.  Our garden has produced carrots and beats as well as leafy greens though, so we will harvest those.

We are both tired today.....not my fault though!  Hahahaha. We do laugh a lot, and so much enjoy each other's company.  I know at our stage in marriage that is not always the case.

Our 13 year old grand daughter is learning so much, and has come so far. She knows how to make jam and will be learning how to make preserves.  When she gets home she will have the (mental) tools to be able to continue this. We are now talking about peach, pear, grape, and chokecherry jams and jellies.  Also peach and pear preserves.

She is such a charming young lady and keeps me on my toes.

Jeanne Lee

Bright sun and a very brisk wind today and that adds up to a perfect laundry day.   :thumbsup:  The last three days the forecast was for rain or showers every day but all we had here was a light sprinkle one afternoon.  South of Albany, though, they got drenched and there are flash flood warnings for that area for another day.

The washer just dinged so it's time to get this load out on the line.
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Good Morning everyone. Where has everyone gone. No one seems to have posted anything since Judy's post yesterday morning about 8:30. Well thought I would put in a quick post to start the day. Finished off the last little details on my roof job yesterday so no more climbing up and down the ladder. Sure glad that is done. Found that I am not as comfortable on the ladder as I used to be. Now to finish other projects, but the good thing about them is they are all at ground level. So no climbing. I guess I'll be helping Judy today with finishing her canning and freezing today and then get ready to hit the trail again tomorrow afternoon on my way to Wisconsin. Back to work again till Christmas when I will have my last week holidays for this year.  Looking forward to retiring. Just don't have time to go to work anymore but still need the paycheck.  Don't need the work, have lots of that to do here right at home. Looked out across the field in front of our house yesterday and saw a deer crossing. Earlier this week we had a group of 4 deer behind our house. That's the beauty of living here in the north. We see all kinds of wildlife up here. Last week I had a huge cow moose cross the highway in front of my truck and I have seen all kinds of black bear this year as well. Then there is lots of smaller animals like last night on our way home there was a fox that looked like he was going to take on the car. anyway got to run for now. Work calls Will check back later. hope to see some new posts.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Larry Hanna

 Hi everyone on a sunny and pleasant day here in Georgia.  We got through the whole day yesterday without rain and while a bit hot and humid it still was nice to see the sun.  I woke up this morning feeling more alert and generally better.  I think my blood pressure has been causing me to feel so tired as it has been running in the 80's over the 40's or low 50's based on checks at the Heart Clinic before and after my treatments.  I actually feel like tackling a few things today which I haven't all week. I plan on staying home all day unless we decide to go out to out somewhere this evening as Pat as prepared evening meals all week.  I was greatly saddened yesterday when I learned of the death of my good friend who has been battling prostate cancer.  There will be a memorable service a week from today in the morning probably 60 miles or so from here.  We have theater tickets to see Les Miserable at 2:30 next Saturday afternoon so it is going to be a tight schedule and a busy day for us.

Judy sorry to read that your garden has failed you a bit this year but at least you did get some harvest from it.  It sounds like you are having a nice time with your grand daughter but suppose she will be headed to school in a few days.  Our schools started this week so school buses are back on the road.  Our country school system has 1,600 buses but of course there are close to 170,000 students in the system. 

Jeanne, do you know where Granville is located?  I think it is somewhere in your general area as they are close to Vermont and Saratoga Falls.  My great grandchildren live in Granville and the father's dad lives in Saratoga Falls.  I still remember trying to hang sheets or other items on the line when the wind was blowing. 

John, not being as comfortable on a ladder as you used to be just might relate to that last birthday you celebrated and a few before.  :)  On a farm there is always something needing work.  I grew up on a farm and am well aware that the work never gets done.  I think I saw deer tracks in our yard this morning.  Stay away from the moose as they can hurt you very easily.  We saw them when we lived in Alaska and they got the right-of-way. 

Jeanne Lee

Larry, I'm not very far from Granville.  Of course I'm closer to Saratoga, which is only 12 miles from here.  If you ever get a chance to visit your grandson and his family, although I know that's not really to be expected, a meeting would definitely be doable.  I guess there's about as much chance of you coming up here as there is of my going to Atlanta.  So we'll just have to keep "meeting" here.   :thumbsup:
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Jeanne, what Bible Conference Grounds were Pat and Jack at when they nearly came to visit you but you and Gene were very ill and that meeting couldn't take place.  She can't think of the name.

God, my Creator, is
"The Blessed Controller of All Things"


Checking in and reading all your concerns. 

We are soon off to visit daughter for the night.  She always wants us to stay so we pack lightly and love to stay over - well, Don maybe not so much love about it but he is wanting to play cribbage with grandson who is moving to B.Columbia next week.  A lot is Up in the air in his future and we pray constantly for safety and all who know him. 

I am bringing chocolate brownies.  Tuckered from a drive in horrendous weather yesterday after spending time at quilt expo while Don met with his retired pastor friend near our former home. 

New York is said to be a beautiful state - I have only seen it from the air but there were lots of trees and lakes. 

Our tomatoes are just awful this year and so are everyone's so it isn't just us doing something wrong.  Herbs, especially sage and rosemary look great.  I will dry them in a dehydrator and give as gifts.  Lucky that rabbits don't touch the herbs. 

Will drop out of our neighborhood book club.  It started out so well and now 3 or 4 strongly willed women are taking over and a few people have dropped out - the books are now being chosen are not to liking and I am going to the book club in my bible study group this fall.  We can read what we want but a waste of time to spend on downer themes and this latest one has crude language which I won't abide. 

Other than that, it is a wonderful day here and we are meeting with half of the family.  Life is good. 

Jeanne Lee

Paul, now you did it!  I can't remember the name of that conference sight, either!  I think it was something "in the Woods" but I'm not even sure of that.  I'll see if I can find out.  I know it was at or near Lake....  now I can't remember that either!  I'll probably remember around 3:00 in the morning.  Can I call you then?   ;D
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Al Moak

Jeanne - was it possibly "Lake of the Woods??

Jeanne Lee

I don't think that's quite it, Al.   More like Camp of the Woods or something.  But of course I'm not sure - my somezhimer has kicked in.   :)
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Al Lake Of The Woods is in northern Ontario bordering Minnesota. Well we are calling it a day. Lots got done around here today. Managed to shorten Judy's honey do list somewhat. But now I go back out on the road tomorrow so I'm sure other things will crop up while I away this week. Long range forecast says rain for next weekend in this area so maybe that will give me the chance to finish my inside project. Will have to see when I get home. Be nice to get everything wrapped up for a while so I can take a day and go fishing or something. Anyway I best not complain as the lord has given me the  strength and the ability to do a lot of these things myself without having to go out and hire someone at the rate of 59 dollars an hour up here. We must be thankful for what we have. The scripture say the Lord will supply all our need and that he has sure done for us. Well I think I will go for today. time to turn in soon.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.


We did get a lot done today.  I am really thrilled to find that I have more jam jars than I thought.  Kim is learning how to make jam, and how to freeze veggies for her family.Everything we bought is done, frozen canned or into jam.

I have found a great program which I have used to label my jam....  http://www.jamlabelizer.com/  Heather helped with set up however it is great and there is no guessing about which jam is which!

Pat have been trying to call, left a couple of messages.  If you could call tomorrow evening I'd appreciate it.

Our little guy Zeek is getting really good at the potty training.  It is taking time to learn his cues, his language is slightly different to the other dogs.  He will wine and the others will nudge our leg or stare at me.  He is catching on though.

Al good to see you coming here so often!  We have missed you!

I am tired tonight, so it is off to bed.  Night all.


I am home again, after enjoying a brief time away, painting with friends.  The carpet has dried, and the fans are off, so that's progress.  :)  Boy, the part of Kansas to the east we drove through is WET!!  Lots of rain was received up that way, and they are saying, "Enough for now!"

I'm glad to be safely back home, but tired, so am heading for bed.  I have read all your posts, and am glad to see each one.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Well, it's "iffy" as to whether I'll go to be with my granddaughter tomorrow - she's running another high fever. I think these late summer allergies have her in their grip.

At any rate, it's good to see y'all, and to read the posts.

Today has been devoted to letting Ruth Ann rest a bit. :)

Y'all have a good day today!

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Good Morning everyone...

Almost ready to go to church.

Jeanne, it's "Camp-of-the-Woods" in Speculator, New York on Pleasant Lake.  Wow, my brain is sore trying to remember that!

I left in such a hurry to come down here because of Paul's health that I brought tops but forgot to pick up my skirts I laid out on the bed to bring and then today I went to my shoe bag and went to get out my flat Sunday shoes and I have odd black shoes!!!  So, I'm having to wear my Birkenstocks!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

Pat, I was just coming here to say I finally remembered Speculator and Lake Pleasant.  And I was right about Camp of the Woods, too.  Looks like we're thinking alike again!   ;)  Anyway, mystery solved.

I guess wearing your Birkenstocks to church is better than wearing MY running shoes!   :lol: 
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