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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~Dec. 13

Started by Pat, December 12, 2015, 11:45:27 PM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Morning Devotional...

Trials and Pain:
Long Eternity to Enjoy Ourselves

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.... And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. --1 John 2:15,17

Any appeal to the public in the name of Christ that rises no higher than an invitation to tranquillity must be recognized as mere humanism with a few words of Jesus thrown in to make it appear Christian....

Christ calls men to carry a cross; we call them to have fun in His name. He calls them to forsake the world; we assure them that if they but accept Jesus the world is their oyster. He calls them to suffer; we call them to enjoy all the bourgeois comforts modern civilization affords. He calls them to self-abnegation and death; we call them to spread themselves like green bay trees or perchance even to become stars in a pitiful fifth-rate religious zodiac. He calls them to holiness; we call them to a cheap and tawdry happiness that would have been rejected with scorn by the least of the Stoic philosophers....

We can afford to suffer now; we'll have a long eternity to enjoy ourselves. And our enjoyment will be valid and pure, for it will come in the right way at the right time.
Dr. Tozer in "Born After Midnight", pp. 141-142

"Lord, may I be faithful to call people to that which is important to You, at whatever cost. Thank You that 'we can afford to suffer now; we'll have a long eternity to enjoy ourselves.' Amen."

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this Sunday Morning.  We haven't seen the sun yet today but should later and it will get up to about 75 degrees this afternoon.  We will attend Church this morning.  The service will be Lessons and Carols and I am looking forward to it.  I am sure we will get something to eat before coming home and then will enjoy a quiet afternoon and evening.  I will watch some football this afternoon.

Janet, you get a gold star in my book for taking a day to rest and refresh yourself.  I hope the Christmas show and dinner last night was a continuation of a great day for you.

Carol, hope you haven't received too much snow.

Pat, thanks for the fine devotional thoughts for this week.  I hope you are feeling much better.  You are in my thoughts daily.

Thank you all for your prayers for Abigail and for the family that is there to support her. 

Yesterday afternoon I finished reading a fine book that a friend at church loaned me Wednesday night.  It is "Swept Up by the Spirit, Journey of Transformation" by Gary Garner.  It is the story of how the Holy Spirit changed and has directed his life for the last 40 years.  Gary was the speaker at our last Methodist Men's Dinner in November.  He is now 79 years old and still going strong.  I checked on Amazon and it is available for $4.99 for the Kindle edition. Here is the description of the book on the Amazon site:

The author, Gary Garner, a confident, designer/building contractor of luxury homes becomes overwhelmed by the unprecedented mortgage/ housing crisis of the mid 1970's. Mired in darkness, shackled with debt, depressed and suicidal, with no faith and seemingly no place to turn for help, the Holy Spirit orchestrated an almost unbelievable awakening that would set his family on a most incredible journey- and which launched him on a lifetime evangelical mission.
Swept Up by the Spirit,Journey of Transformation is an account of this journey, relating many of the ways Jesus and the Holy Spirit supernaturally entered into his daily life and the lives of family members and others, intercepted, redirected and empowered them. The book recounts actual events, many in workplace settings, described just as they happened ,telling of a radical transition from worldly choices and near devastation to the Glory of God's kingdom and the pursuit of His will. The book is filled with that most wonderful discovery of the Holy Spirit's presence and redemptive involvement in everyday life, often at the least expected times and places.

Does the Holy Spirit still act powerfully in events and lives of ordinary people- in the very moment? Just like Acts of the Apostles! Join us on this journey and allow the Holy Spirit to lift you to new heights that may astound you.


Jeanne Lee

Great devotional this morning, Pat. 

Larry, that description of the book seems like a wonderful testimony in itself.

Still very mild temperatures, but it looks like next weekend we'll fall down to "normal" for mid-December.   :(
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


We got home at midnight, so slept in a little later and will attend the 11:00 service this morning, instead of the 9:30 one we usually attend.

The Christmas show was kind of corny, almost slapstick, but it was fun.  I was really disappointed in the dinner, though.  We had a small salad, then very thinly sliced ham with a cranberry sauce, a small twice-baked potato, and some baby carrots.  Very skimpy.  Oh, and a tiny roll.  Dessert was a small triangle of bread pudding with maybe a teaspoonful of Kahlua caramel sauce.  Oh, well, we all eat too much this time of year, anyway!

I have been thinking of and praying for little Abigail.  Such a tough time for the whole family!

I will come back later, after church.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Pat  Great "seeing" you!  Take care.

No, we have not received "enough" snow.  Very far behind and six other states depend on this water so do conserve your water.  Years ago, we were told the front range could only support a certain number of people water-wise and it has passed that mark for sure. 

Larry< your speaker sounds very interesting with such a transformation. 

We are invited to a neighbor's home this afternoon - I am bringing a pint of homemade hot fudge sauce - yesterday, I spent over 4 hours at lunch with quilting friends.  We love our neighbors and friends.  By the way, many many people are saying "Merry Christmas" before or after we say it to them. 

Janet:  My plate yesterday was filled with a lot of spinach salad and that helped keep calories down - the soup and veggies were filling enough and a slice of bundt cake with coffee - yum. 

We shall see how Don feels over the next two weeks and if he isn't feeling better - we will just stay home. 
Broncos are playing now.  Game on!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a rainy Monday morning. We are getting some of that 20% chance of rain with higher percentages predicted for later today with the high still in the 70's.  The only thing on my schedule for today is to attend a meeting at noon and then take Pat to see the eye doctor later this afternoon.  Pat has a Christmas luncheon with her women's circle at church.  I don't know at this moment whether she will be up to attending or not but hope she does feel up to it. 

Jeanne, there is a lot more in the book.  I think we will be colder by the weeks end also.

Janet, it sounds like you were disappointed in the Christmas show and especially the dinner.  At least you had a nice evening out.  There is still a 20% chance that something other than cancer is wrong with Abigail and perhaps the test results will be available later this week. 

Carol, sorry to hear that your water situation is still very fragile and hopefully you will be getting more snow this winter.  Since moving here I haven't heard of any particular concern that we will run out of water in the Augusta area.  However, I try to conserve water as much as I can.  Good to hear folks saying Merry Christmas.  I believe we are getting very tired at being told what we can say and can't say.  If someone is offended by my saying Merry Christmas then that is their problem and they need to get a life. Sorry to see by the score late yesterday afternoon that the Broncos were not successful in their football game. 


Oops!  I see I didn't get back in here after church!  I could barely keep my eyes open yesterday, so think I dozed a lot.  They are having a ladies' meeting at church this evening so I won't be here long this time, either.
Larry, I hope they find little Abigail has something easier to treat and cure than cancer.  I know this is a really tough time for the family.  Not knowing is so hard.

Beth was much better this morning, and her eyes looked clear and bright.  Those  drops are doing the trick, and I am so thankful!

Later, Peeps!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I seldom read these discussions so late in the day but I had to deal with some maintenance problems on Pat's computer and do a couple of other errands before getting to my office.  Yesterday was a busy day as it seems we were gone almost all day.  Pat had a nice time at her luncheon.  She saw the eye doctor yesterday afternoon and her eye is worse.  The doctor told her this is related to using the CPAP machine as she doesn't sleep with her eyes closed all the way.  He told her to stop using it for 2 or 3 days and then to tape her eyelid shut at night as well as continue to drops and lubricant for her eye.  Yesterday she couldn't really see out of the eye at all.  Her next appointment is after the first of the year.  I plan on staying home all day today and catch up on things here in my office and then just rest as have felt tired for the last several days.  We have a nice sunny day and it is to get to about 72 degrees this afternoon.

Janet, sure good to read that Beth's eyes looked so much better and hope the improvement continues.  Is she able to spend time at John's apartment? 


I am chasing my tail again today, it seems!  So much to do, so many interruptions!  Good ones, but still they keep me from my intended tasks!

Larry, wouldn't a sleep mask work just as well to keep Pat's eyes closed, and be so much more comfortable than taping them shut?  Just a thought.

We want to go see Woodlawn tonight, but are torn as we would like to watch the Republican debate, too.

I am having computer problems--with me, not the machine.  I get so frustrated!  Just wish I could do this stuff without it becoming a major ordeal!

Other than that--it's cold and very windy here.  Have I ever mentioned that I don't like the wind?   ;) :lol:

But God is good, and Christmas will come whether or not I send a single card!  Merry Christmas!!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on another clear and sunny day with a high expected in the 70's.  I did stay home all day yesterday and expect to do so again today.  Our son will be here in the late afternoon and will have dinner with us tonight.  Pat already has a meatloaf baked and will build the meal around that.  The first thing I did this morning after having breakfast and the watering the flowers was to get our checking account reconciled and then made some bill payments and recorded those in the Money program.  I did watch most of the debate last night with the 9 candidates. 

Janet, sure wish I lived closer to you so that I could help you with your computer user concerns.  You know you have an outstanding invitation to give me a call and I will see if I can help you via the telephone.  You are right about the Christmas Cards.  They are nice but not essential and to me it fits into my category of "how important is it" and at least for me doesn't rate up there very high.  Pat has been using the sleep mask but her eye condition still worsened. 


Janet:  How is Beth feeling?  I know you were concerned about her just a few days before the wedding.    - Wind, I have known wind from living in Wyoming when Don was in the Air Force.  Tumbleweeds were piled so high that the front door was blocked and my neighbor lost her laundry on the lines more than a few times.  Yep, about 12 inches of snow here yesterday and maybe a little arriving tomorrow.

Today was spent sewing more scarves and cooking then freezing meatballs for one of the dishes next week.  Good grief, Charlie Brown would say - time is rushing by. 

Larry:  Sorry to read about Pat's eye irritation.  Not at all fun when there is so much going on at this time of the year too.  Enjoy your visit with your son - they all like meatloaf.   ;)


I had a really good workout at the gym, later met my friend Dee for lunch.  Then at 2, I had an eye appointment.  My glasses frames got broken in the wreck and I have been babying them along until things "slowed down."  Do they, ever??  So anyway, the girl put the drops in my eyes too soon and they dialated so fast the Dr. couldn't get a good reading on where I am with my vision, so I am going back early tomorrow--7:30 AM!  They are booked up tomorrow and rather than scramble a whole days's worth of patients they asked me if I would mind coming in early, which I don't mind at all.  I still cannot see to read, but read Larry's and Carol's posts using a magnifying glass.  Dr. Copeland did say the macular degeneration doesn't look any worse, which is really good news!

Carol, Beth is much better, since they got the antibiotic drops for the eye infection and those for the light sensitivity.  Tomorrow at 3:00, they are having a reception for John and her at the care home.  That's nice.

Larry, I may be calling you!  I get so frustrated, I almost cry, trying to do things on this machine!  I know it shouldn't be that hard!

I can't see to check the spelling or for any typos, so if you find some, please overlook them!

I feel sick at my stomach because of the blurriness of my eyes.  Ugh.  See you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  As far as I know it rained all night and it is suppose to rain all day today up until after 5 pm.  I am going to coffee for the first and probably only time this week.  I will stop on the way and pick up the friend who cannot drive if he wants to get out in this rain.  He is 85 years old and is recovering from a stroke and those two combinations make him a bit unsteady on his feet. 

After coffee and taking my friend home I will go to the church for our regular Thursday morning Wisdom class and that will be it for today. 

I had to call and wake up our son before dinner last night as he had fallen asleep.  He was here in about 20 minutes and we enjoyed the meatloaf dinner.  Pat had fixed some Kale on the stove for the first time we have ever tried it.  She and I thought it was OK but not something we will have very often but Scott took one bite and said never again. 

We watched a very fascinating nature program on PBS last night on the Honey Badger (which is actually a member of the weasel family rather than the badger family).  They are very smart and cleaver and very vicious animals.  It was set in Africa.

Carol, I saw where you are setting new records for snow fall at this time of the year in your area.  It sounds like it was a good day just to stay home and do just what you wanted to do.  Our schedule between now and Christmas is pretty easy.  Pat put out just a few decorations and it is our tradition to not have a big meal on Christmas, just sandwiches and a few trimmings.  It will just be Scott here to celebrate Christmas.  I think all of the Christmas luncheons for Pat are over and we missed our Sunday School Class party as we had gone to the Atlanta area for that funeral. 

Janet, oh my what an ordeal with your eyes.  Pat and you can related in she is having a real problem trying to read anything.  Hope your new glasses will remedy your reading problem.  Sure glad Beth's eyes are doing better and not so light sensitive.  Right now our house is being kept fairly dark with the blinds staying closed because of Pat's eyes being so sensitive and she still is often wearing her sun glasses in the house and always outside during daylight hours.  Please don't let that frustration with the computer get too strong as you know my phone number and perhaps I can help you overcome whatever problem you are having using your computer.  What better use of my time than to be helping a friend.


Darrel thought he should drive me this morning as it was still dark at 7:30.  It had begun to snow, and we got maybe two inches by the time we came home.

Today was so much easier on both me and Dr. Copeland!  Just can't tell what's what when your eyes are dilated wide open!  He has been my Dr. and a good friend for a lot of years now, so he commiserated with me about trying to stay up with new technology!

After that, we went to the gym.  Kristi wasn't there, so I didn't work as hard as yesterday!  ;)

The administrator of the care home called and asked me if it was okay with me to postpone the reception until tomorrow.  Seems the special decorations she ordered and paid extra for, to get them here on time, were delayed by the weather and are now in Garden City  She didn't want to drive up there in the snow to get them and the cake.  Actually, it's better for me tomorrow, as I have another committment that overlapped the time.  Now I can fully enjoy both events!  :)

Larry, I called Curtis (grandson) last night and begged for help to send some pictures to the lady who is writing the news article on the wedding, and he did help me get it done.  If he hadn't, you were about to get a call!  I need to find out for sure if she got them, though!

I hardly slept last night.  Just one of those nights, I guess.  But I think I will be fading before the sun goes down!

Larry, tell Pat I will be praying for her eyes, as I am praying for mine.  No fun having these problems!

I hope all of you have a good day.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Good Morning everyone. Larry I really like kale, I've had it  cooked like spinach with a dash of vinegar,  Kale salad with a Blueberry vinaigrette and fresh Blueberies. Kale chips are good too,

I have taken this Month off from the gym may or may not go back in January, I haven't made up my mind yet. I have gained back, 10 of the  40 pounds I lost using Sensa over the last year. I hope to take off at least 5-6.

We are going to Ca. For  Christmas, taking Freckles with us. I have already packed her bag with the food, Thunder shirt, plastic bowls and treats. Just have to take her bed and blanket after I wash them. We will be back on the 26th only going for 2 days. Just praying there won't be snow on the roads. We are taking my car because everything won't fit in Keith's car,we are also taking a bunch of food and stuff to Gilbert. It's a good thing we had all that work done on my old car.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Oh, the bureaucracy of everyday life.  My prescriptions were supposed to be ordered last week - love my doctor - she is tops.  But... the office had so many inept girls.  Very friendly what my dad would call knot-heads.  This is one week later and my scripts have not been ordered.  Venting - sorry.

We have so much to be thankful for - two of my friends have severely ill husbands.  We brought some food over last night - walking through the foot of snow where it hadn't been scooped yet.  I own three pairs of boots just for living here - one is for light hiking and one is for long hikes which we never do anymore.  Some people in this world don't own any shoes so they would think we are very rich in their eyes.  Grateful more and more. 

Larry:  Kale is stronger than spinach to my taste.  I add spinach to smoothies with fruit or green beans and the fruit hides the veggie taste.  We watched the same show as you - on the Honey Badger. 

another healthy coyote spotted morning really racing through the ravine - the 4th. one in a week

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I've enjoyed catching up with everyone. Thank you for posting.

I agree with the distress it causes with dry macular degeneration. I've had it for maybe 5-6 years, and this winter I can tell a change in my left eye for certain. Sometimes I listen to TV but don't watch it because of eye strain.

Well, the current car insurance information is in my billfold as of last night, and today I renewed my car license for the next year. :)

Y'all have a good and blessed time with our Lord.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We are having a bit cooler weather today and tonight but still not bad as the high should be about 59 degrees this afternoon.  The housekeeper is due today around 11 am and I expect Pat and I will leave her here to do her work and go to lunch at a reasonable time.  This has sort of become a habit to eat a good lunch and then not have to mess up the clean kitchen for at least one day.  I don't think we will be going anywhere else today.  This whole week I have felt tired from the time I get up until I go to bed.  This morning I slept in until 8 am, which is pretty much unheard of for me but just didn't want to get up. 

Janet, when we had our eyes examined the other day the doctor and his staff person were trying to learn a new computer system.  Apparently the health care act reporting requirements have required more sophisticated software that is very expensive.  Did you get a good report from your eye doctor?  It sounds like Beth and John's reception will be extra special today and glad that works out better for your plans.  Glad Curtis was able to help you get the pictures sent. 

Marilyn, we haven't tried the Kale raw in a salad but may do so as still have some of the large package left.  Nice that you all are going to be with family for Christmas.  It sounds like you and Keith are about ready to go. 

Carol, apparently getting good and reliable help in a doctor's office can be a problem.  Hope you get your prescriptions filled soon.  Nice of you two to take food over to your friends even having to wade through the snow.  We also apparently have coyotes in our neighborhood, although I haven't heard them.  They are in the wood across the street.

Ruth Ann, never good when you can detect a change in your vision.  It sounds like you are set for the next year with car insurance and license.


Yes, Larry, the eye doctor was able to tell much better what may help my vision a little bit, at least.  He compared it to the old days when guys could tinker on their cars, put in new plugs and points, adjust the carbuerator, etc. and have the engine run better and get better mileage.  He said there won't likely be a big change, but any improvement will be welcomed by me.  I had to have new frames anyway, so just went ahead and got new lenses, too.  Boy, glasses are expensive these days!  But this pair was $100 less than the present pair.  I wouldn't have considered replacing them if my frame hadn't gotten broken in the car wreck.

It's time to go to the Sr. Ctr. for lunch, so see you later!  Always something!  I went to the chiropractor, to the care home and to get my hair done already today.  And like you, Larry, I had a hard time waking up this morning.  I got up, but fell asleep in my chair doing my devotions.   :-[ 
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a beautiful morning that started out at 30 degrees and only suppose to get to the low 50's this afternoon.  I had to throw my mums plant out as it had turned all brown so don't have anything outside to worry about freezing.  We did go to Ruby Tuesday's yesterday for lunch. 

Today we expect to have lunch with two good friends from where we moved from.  They belong to the church we use to attend and were a part of the Sunday lunch bunch after church and other activities that we participated in.  Their son, who is a colonel in the military was recently reassigned to Fort Gordon here in Augusta and they are coming over to visit.  We hope they will have time to come out to the house for a bit either before or after we have lunch at Cheddar's, where we will be eating lunch.  Later this afternoon I will probably watch a Bowl game as this seems to be the beginning of the college football bowl season.  There are over 30 bowl games played at this time of the year.

Janet, sure hope you do see some improvement with your new glasses.  Pat said she felt her eye was somewhat better yesterday.  She drove home from lunch as she didn't think my driving was very good yesterday (I was feeling very weary but seem to be feeling fine this morning).  Later she went to Walmart for a few things so that was a good sign regarding her eye getting better.  We were able to have a few of our blinds open yesterday and that was another sign she was doing better.

A good friend just sent me this link to a song that you may enjoy and it has a good message:  https://www.youtube.com/embed/OExXItDyWEY

Jeanne Lee

Well, it has begun.  :(  Down to the 20's overnight and "snow showers" that have left about 1/2 inch.  Today and tomorrow it will probably be cold enough to keep it from disappearing, but then we may get into the upper 40's again for a few days. 
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this chilly 32 degree Sunday morning in South Carolina and to only get into the mid-50's this afternoon. 

We had a very nice time yesterday at our two hour lunch at Cheddars  with our friends from our previous church.  Right after we got back home the two young lads from across the street rang the doorbell and asked to use the phone to call their mother who had accidentally locked them out of the house.  Of course we invited them in out of the chill and had a nice little getting to know you visit with them until their mother got back home.  So all was well. 

The main activity for today will be attending Sunday School and church and then getting something light for lunch since we have had two big meals in the last two days. 

Jeanne, at least the snow shouldn't stay around too long this time.  It is suppose to be in the 70's here on Christmas Day. 

Jeanne Lee


The 1/2 inch of snow from night before last is still with us.  But it shouldn't last more than a couple more days.  We may even get to upper 40's and close to 50o for Christmas Day and the weekend. 
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127
