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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~Dec. 27, 2015

Started by Don, December 27, 2015, 06:35:38 AM

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Morning Devotional...



I delight to do thy will, 0 my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.
Psalm 40:8

Because we live in a period known as the age of God's grace, it has become a popular thing to declare that the Ten Commandments are no longer valid, no longer relevant in our society. With that context, it has become apparent that Christian churches are not paying attention to the Ten Commandments. But Dwight L Moody preached often in the commandments. John Wesley said he preached the commands of the Law to prepare the way for the gospel. R. A. Torrey told ministers if they did not preach the Law they would have no response to the preaching of the gospel. It is the Law that shows us our need for the gospel of salvation and forgiveness! It is accurate to say that our binding obligation is not to the Old Testament Law. As sincere Christians we are under Christ's higher law-that which is represented in His love and grace. But everything that is morally commanded in the Ten Commandments still comprises the moral principles that are the will of God for His people. God's basic moral will for His people has not changed!

It is the Law that shows us our need for the gospel of salvation and forgiveness!


Lord, thank you for your law, which showed me how much I need you, and thank you for your grace that allowed me access to you!

From Devotions By Dr. Tozer


Eph 2:8,9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

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Extender EF 1.4x

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a cloudy but very warm Sunday morning.  We are expecting to get to 77 degrees by mid-afternoon.  We are planning on attending Sunday School and Church this morning.  I had a very good night and slept well so am feeling much better today.  I think I have cabin fever so am ready to get out for awhile.  I expect we will eat lunch out so Pat can have a break from the kitchen.  I then expect a quiet and restful afternoon and evening. 

Don, thanks for the fine devotional.  I have never given a thought to not abiding by the Ten Commandments to the best of my ability.  They provide a guide to a good life.

Ruth Ann, glad you are back with us.

Jeanne Lee


Good morning everyone on this last Sunday of 2015!

Thank you, Don for the great message from Dr. Tozer. 

We're still waking up to warmer than normal temperatures but that is expected to end in a couple more days.  Tuesday, according the best guesses of the "experts", will bring us our first real taste of winter with a "wintery mix" of snow and rain, with some accumulation, but that depends on just where the temperature decides to settle.  Another of those lovely Adirondack days where you know what the weather is like by looking out the sindow.   :lol:
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Thank you for today's devotions and reminders from the Commandments. 

We had a memorable Christmas Eve with the family with guests and 15 came for dinner.  It was wonderful - and they all pitched in and cleaned the kitchen so we could finish packing and leave the next morning - just to beat an incoming storm. 

We had one of our best drives of day and half coming to Tucson.  Barely missing a snow storm at home then waking to snow in New Mexico but drove out of that one and really barely missing a wind and dust storm in Arizona.  Today, the freeway I 10 was closed.  Whew - we are grateful.  Last night was a hard freeze here and the old drapes we put on our orange tree didn't really shield all the oranges - the lime tree was already frozen when we arrived - just like last season. 

Things are almost all set up here with fresh groceries and the washing machine is going, etc.  Don has shoulder pain once again so we will see what we can get for him on Monday.  Acupuncture seems to help.
None of the usual meds are helping him right now. 

Jeanne:  Good that you have a notice of impending winter weather.  Now you can be prepared.  Brrr.

Oldest son reports a minus 20 degrees in the mountains - they all ski and snowmobile.  I miss it but just wouldn't dare put on a pair of skis anymore.  Still remember my injury when I was 18 years old and missing a quarter of classes at the U of Washington. 

Enjoying the quiet after all the visiting. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on an early Monday morning.  I had to get up around 4:30 as started coughing again and didn´t want to wake Pat.  So I decided to get an early start here as am going to have to rework Patś new laptop as it seems to have problems.  I want to be sure I have everything backed up before I do anything drastic.  The first thing I will do is try to repair the software and she wasn´t having these problems until a recent Windows Update.  Unfortunately, Windows 10 removed the old System Restore feature of earlier versions and while there is a repair tool it apparently removes programs the user has put on the computer.  This will probably take me a couple of days of work.  I may just decide to redo the computer and put Windows 7 back on it as have several available licenses.  Other than attend a meeting at noon and make a trip to the Post Office to pick up a package I have to sign for I can use my time working on the computer. 

Carol, sure happy to read that you were ahead of that terrible weather in New Mexico.  I guess I thought you might not have been able to leave yet.  Sure sorry to hear how cold it is in the land of the sun and that Don has renewed shoulder pain. 

Jeanne Lee

Carol, the Lord sure was looking after you and Don on your travels!   ;)

Latest word from Pat: 

"Sorry again for my silence.  Spent Christmas evening and night in hospital again.  But I'm now fine.    Thought I was having a heart attack as severe chest pain.  But it may be inflamation of the chest wall from   all the coughing I am doing that is caused by the Blood Pressure medication. Emerg doctor wants me to go to my family doctor and see if they will change this med to one without these coughing warning."

Not the most pleasant way to celebrate Christmas!  It does seem that medication for one problem often creates more trouble for something else.  I pray her blood pressure meds get straightened out quickly.

Meanwhile, I'm sure she needs and appreciates any prayers.  I guess we all know how much that means.  :)
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Jeanne:  Thank you for the news on Pat.  So sorry - praying for her complete recovery.  Bummer on being in hospital for Christmas but that is surely where she was meant to be for evaluation and recovery.  Yes, - we always have wonderful guidance in our travels- fools that we are.  --- How was your Christmas? 

Chilly this morning and there will be snow on the mountain near Tucson.  They do ski here, amazing. 

Larry:  I just had a problem with my laptop and Don was able to do a System Restore - he really hopes that Windows 10 will have a fix-it for days like this.  My problem stopped when I downloaded a new iCloud.  Then, I couldn't get into Firefox.  This is too much for me to learn anymore. 

Our friend here had a health episode last week.  She had taken her dog to the dog park - she suddenly collapsed but was awake, - a good Samaritan stayed with her until paramedics came.  It seems she had food poisoning and also a loss of sodium - anyway, they drove her home in her car & she did get a relative to help. 


Hello!  I have been here, but the system lost me again!   :'(  So I got behind again, but now I am back!

We had a lovely Christmas at Daughter Diane's with most of their family and Beth and John on Christmas Day.  Then yesterday we had another Christmas at Grandson Curtis' and Toni's, because Mark and Tiffany were there!  Beth and John didn't come, as there is no ramp there and no way to get Beth into the house  She isn't feeling well, anyway, so it's better not to get her out.

If any of you are on Facebook, and I know you are, look at my page for today, then click on the link to the Hutchinson News.  The article on the wedding was in yesterday's paper, and it is so nice!  I hope you will look it up.

Carol, I didn't realize you were only home for the holidays, then back to Arizona.  You go more than most of us!

We are going on a trip in January, though!  Both of us are looking forward to it after these months of being so busy.  Seems we haven't had time to really rest and recuperate since our car accident.  This is a small ship cruise to on the Adriatic, visiting four countries, and they said it's an easy one physically, so Darrel is happy about that!

Pat, I'm so sorry you had to be in the hospital!  I hope you are much better now!  I had some BP med once that caused me to cough, and as soon as they changed it, the coughing stopped.  With the many BP meds on the market today, it is crazy to prescribe one that causes more problems!  I'm praying for you, dear one.

Larry, glad that cold is almost gone (or gone) by today, I hope.  I had to take Vitamin C and Zinc to head off one that was trying to catch me a couple weeks back.

I had a miserable sick spell last night and spent too much time in the bathroom, but once it passed I was able to go back to bed and sleep.  But it caused me to oversleep this morning, and I don't like that.  I went in and spent a couple of hours taking things out of Beth's room this afternoon.  She has way too much stuff in that little room, and John keeps bringing in more!  I boxed and bagged up a lot for him to take to his apartment!  And yes, I brought a bunch home.  Now what do I do with it?  :-\  It gets so bad the girls can barely get her wheelchair in and out the door, so something has to go!

We had dire predictions of a terrible snowstorm over the weekend, but only got cold wind.  I think the snow went south.  I know Amarillo got a big snow.  I was glad we didn't get it, as grandkids were on the road.

I hope the system doesn't kick me out again!  If not, I will see you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this late Tuesday morning.  It rained all night and is currently raining lightly.  I had a good nights sleep and was able to stay out of my easy chair during the night.  However, still battling getting rid of the cold entirely.  I have a very light schedule today with no particular demands. 

I was able to get my HP printer working again for both our computers.  I think I was able to get Pat's laptop fixed by uninstalling the Windows up date made in December and then reinstalling it.  She used it all day yesterday without problems and it seems to be working fine this morning.

Jeanne, thanks for the update on Pat and sure glad it was not a heart attack but wise that she went to the ER and they checked her out.  My Pat recently had a lot of problems with coughing and it was also due to a blood pressure medicine.  When that as changed the coughing ceased. 

Carol, hopefully you all will soon be seeing more normal temps in the Tucson area.  I found they did not include the old System Restore function of earlier software.  They now have a repair of the software function but I found when I attempted it that it would remove various programs I had installed, although apparently not my own files.  So I have not used that method and didn't need to this time.

Janet, I will check out the newspaper and/or Facebook for the article on the wedding.  Glad you had a nice Christmas and that you and Darrel have a vacation planned next month.  You all can certainly use a break to recharge the old batteries. 

Jeanne Lee

Janet, please don't get lost any more.  We miss you when you don't post.
Can you please give us a link to the newspaper article?

Larry, I've always heard that when you have a cold, if you go to a doctor it will last 14 days.  If you don't go to a doctor it will last 2 weeks.   :D

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Larry Hanna

Jeanne, I was hoping that it was 7 days or 1 week. At least it is better.

If you haven't seen the article about the wedding of Janet Damon's daughters check out this article as it will warm your heart.

Jeanne Lee

Larry, thank you for that link.  What a terrific article and photos!
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Thanks so much, Larry!  I tried to do that, but the link didn't seem to work for me.  I appreciate it so much as I really wanted to share it with all of you!

Darrel, Mark and Tiffany spent three hours at the pool this morning, and now she feels much more confident about diving.  I'm so glad he could do this for them.

My, the weather is crazy, isn't it?  Pretty nice here, cold, but we can deal with that!

I hope everyone will comment on the article.  It means a lot to me.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We have had another very rainy night and it continues this morning with some thunder in the background.  The high today is again to reach 73 degrees and it is already 70 degrees.  We do plan on getting out this morning to go to Aldi's, something we have been putting off for some time.  We have umbrella's in the car so the rain shouldn't be a bother.  Later this afternoon Scott to come out and have dinner with us.  Pat is thawing out three of the filet migon steaks we got from Omaha Steaks.  Last night we enjoyed the first two hamburgers from them and they were very good.  I will probably watch some college bowl games this afternoon.

Janet, I am happy I could help.  I had to do a bit of searching on the newspaper site and finally found the article by using John's name in the search and the article came up.  Nice Darrel could help Tiffany be more confident in her diving.  Swimming is something I never learned to do well. 


Janet I read the  article on Facebook.

Well it is finally not raining today Incan get outside to finish pruning the roses, I did 2 yesterday and will do 2 more today, and take Freckles for a long walk,
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Janet:  Such a beautiful story of John and Beth. 


Rain Rain Rain!!!  :P

Thank God we are not having the storms like the central part of the country.  :)

Eph 2:8,9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Please Feel Free To Critique My Photos

Canon 20D
(Nifty Fifty) EF 50mm 1:1.8
EF-S 17-85mm 1:4-5.6 IS USM
EF-70-200mm 1:2.8 L IS USM
Extender EF 1.4x


Thanks for the comments on the story.

Today has been very frustrating!  I left home at 8:30 this morning, and got home at 4:30 this evening.  Appointments, and Care Plan for Beth, plus doing more in her room.  I got more of their wedding gifts--things that hang on the walls--put up.  But I also found the stuff I asked John to take to his apartment, under the vanity top in her bathroom. :ticked:  There just isn't enough room in that small room!

Anyway---I didn't get any of my work done here at home.  But I guess tomorrow is another day; and if not, it won't matter one whit anyhow!

A good friend of mine has staph infection in her shoulder, so bad it's nearly in her bones.  They wouldn't take her in Garden City, so offered her choice between Wichita and Denver.  She chose Denver because she has family there.  Please pray for Nan.  I don't think she is a Christian yet, even though our group of friends have been witnessing to and praying for her.  It is very serious!

I am going to go to bed early tonight!!  I feel like I've been pulled through a knothole backwards!   :-\

Later, peeps!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this rainy New Year's Eve day.  It rained most of the day yesterday. We did get to Aldi's yesterday but by the time we got home and the car unloaded I was really exhausted.  This old cold is still hanging on.  Scott did make it over for dinner last night and we enjoyed the Omaha Steaks filets and their baked potatoes and they were very good. Pat added a nice salad and we all really enjoyed the meal.  I do plan on going to coffee this morning as haven't been there for almost two weeks.  Then I will be watching the college bowl games this afternoon and evening as the top four teams will be playing.  We have no special plans for New Year's Eve other than to stay in where it is safe and sound on this our first New Year's Eve in South Carolina. 

Marilyn, glad you experienced a day without rain so you could get outside and prune the roses and then take a long walk.

Don, it sounds like you all may be getting more rain than we are, although we have no shortage of it at the moment with more predicted for all day. 

Janet, maybe now that John and Beth are married he will begin too pick up more of the duties you have been doing for so long for Beth.  I expect it will be a learning process for all concerned.  Hope you are able to do more of what you want to do today.  Sure hope they will be able to get that staph infection under control for your good friend.   

Jane Walker

Here it is the very last day of the year 2015.  This has been a year of stress, illness, injury and much else, BUT GOD has been with us all the way.  My daughter is now cancer free and I have every faith that I am as well.  I had the bone density scan and PET scan last week, and yesterday was notified that I am scheduled for a follow-up appointment with the oncologist next Wednesday.  I, we, are looking forward to a very good new year, filled with peace and good health for all our family and friends ... I love you all and pray 2016 is very special for you and your loved ones.   <3
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Jane:  Your message is perfect.  Wishing and praying for a good report for you on Wednesday, next week

Our prayers for your recovery. 

Mercy and Grace for all of us throughout the coming year. 


Jane, thank you for that uplifting, encouraging report!  May you enjoy a blessed New Year!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone and Happy New Year.  We are quite a bit cooler here today and only expect to get to 61 degrees with cloudy skies.  The housekeeper is coming today and so we will probably go out for our main meal at lunch today as we like the keep the kitchen nice and clean on the day everything is spic and span.  I will be working on the bills and beginning to get the 2015 records all in order and put away what I don't need to keep out for tax purposes. 

I watched most of the three bowl games yesterday and my new team, the Clemson, South Carolina team won and set new records having a 15 game winning season with no defeats.  They will play for the National Championship against Alabama in a few days. 

Jane, I am like you in knowing that if we put our trust and our lives in the care of God he will guide us each step and help us deal with whatever comes our way.  You certainly have a lot to celebrate as you indicated.  I also pray that 2016 will be a fine year for you, your family and for all of our family here in the discussion groups. 

Jeanne Lee

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what Jeanne said!!   :) ;)

Here we are starting a brand new year!  I do hope it holds more joys and far less problems for our country than 2015 had, but I know God is in control.

I spent more time today with Beth.  I got her a stuffed toy hammock and put it up in her bathroom, as she has far too much stuff and no place to put it all.  I also cleaned up her bathroom, threw away stuff that needed to go and straightened it all up.  It looks MUCH better.  And I asked John, "Would you like for me to help you carry this stuff to your car?"  So he took the hint and took the stuff I asked him to take the other day.  ;)

I am really concerned for Beth.  She seems to be fading away right before our eyes.  So lethargic, no appetite, and we can barely understand anything she tries to say.  It is scary, but here again, I know God is in control, and that He has a plan for her--and for John.

I got my Christmas tree down and all the Christmas stuff put away yesterday, today I cleaned the corner where the tree had been and put stuff back where it belongs.  So it feels better in here.

Abby is in a beauty pageant tomorrow in Dodge City, we have tickets, so will be going to that.  I'm hoping that if it is good for her and useful to her future, she will win.

I am starting a fast today, and am really hungry, so trying to keep my mind off it!

Larry, glad your new team won!  Our Chiefs are going to the playoffs!  Darrel is watching the Rose Bowl game now.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Happy New Year, Friends!

My prayer is that each of you receive a fresh set of blessings more than sufficient for the remainder of this lovely new year.

It was so nice yesterday to receive messages from my relatives wishing all a happy new year, and then at 12 midnight, I received a telephone call from my daughter, her hubby and his family, who all wished me new years blessings. :)

I understand the coughing from blood pressure medications until it was changed. Also another anti depression medication affected my son and me, and less than 1% of people have those respiratory symptoms, but we both did - although each was on a different medication in the same "family" of medications. When switched, the asthma and coughing subsided.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about and seeing the photos of Beth and John's wedding. It was beautifully handled.

Jane, supporting you with health and other issues.

Carol, so glad you survived getting to the other place safely.

Marilyn, I appreciate hearing from you again, and from Jeanne, and from Larry.

Each one who comes to this forum is greatly appreciated.

And, I so strongly appreciate the devotional. Yes, the 10 Commandments is the best way to live, glorify God, and live peacefully with all people.

Love to each of you,

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this second day of January 2016.  Not much to write about this morning.  It is 46 degrees here today and only expected to reach about 54 degrees with a combination of sun and cloud.  I may go down to coffee this morning as need to stop at the Post Office to mail a small package to my SIL and also may go to Walmart for some prescriptions that Pat and I there.  My goal for January is to change a lot of my computer passwords, delete a lot of old emails that I have saved and simply never use, clean up files for last year and get things in order for this new year.  I can always find something to do.  Of course I will find time for a nap and plan on watching Georgia in their college football bowl game at 5 pm. 

Janet, it sounds like no grass is growing under your feet in this new year and you are as busy as ever.  Sorry to hear of the continued decline for Beth and I know it is very difficult to see our child in such distress.  Do hope that Abby does well in the pageant today and that you all have a good trip to Dodge City.

Ruth Ann, nice to read your posting from yesterday.  Hope you are feeling well to start this new year.


Larry, thank you for what you said.  I know I need to stop doing some of the stuff I do; the Lord has been dealing with me about it, too.  I just cannot seem to decide what to leave off.  I do know that I can take less responsibility for Beth now that she has a husband!  And that isn't easy to let go, after 53 years!  I do want to, but I've been responsible for her for so long that it's hard.  I will start  by not going along for her eye appointment on Monday.  (I decided that just this minute!)  I do not want John to become dependent on me, too.  I don't really think he will, but he is so polite that if it seems I want to do for Beth, he will back off.

I'm waiting for Diane to call about the plans for going to Dodge City tonight.  We can drive, but do not know where the school is that is hosting the pageant. 

I am hoping that this upcoming trip will help me unplug, tune in to God's voice more and relax!  We will be gone for three weeks.  :)  I was looking at the calendar, and it has been almost exactly a year since we departed for Ecuador and the Galapagos!  I'm hoping the rest will restore my body and take away the pain I have been feeling for several weeks now.

I wish you all a joy filled day!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

Have you visited the Photo area and voted for the latest challenge?  It's "All Things Christmas".  Some really great photos, and you can find it HERE
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Jane Walker

This is the first week of a brand new year ... join us HERE for new devotional Thoughts, and to share and fellowship.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!