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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~December 29, 2013

Started by Jeanne Lee, December 29, 2013, 10:11:22 AM

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Jeanne Lee

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Morning Devotional...

Why Frankincense and Myrrh?


"And the Lord said unto Moses, 'Take unto thee sweet spices...with pure frankincense...And thou shalt make it a perfume, a confection after the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy: And thou shalt beat some of it very small, and put of it before the testimony in the tabernacle of the congregation, where I will meet with thee: it shall be unto you most holy.

And as for the perfume which thou shalt make, ye shall not make to yourselves according to the composition thereof: it shall be unto thee holy for the Lord.
" Exodus 30:34-37


Not only did the Wise Men bring gold, they brought frankincense and myrrh. Frankincense speaks of His sinless deity, myrrh of His sacrificial death.

In Bible times they worshipped the Lord by burning incense, a sweet perfume rising up to the nostrils of God. It was a symbol of worship—to be used in the worship of God alone. Frankincense tells of the beauties, the fragrance, of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Frankincense represents Jesus, our Intercessor, and His intercessory prayers for us. Its fragrance speaks of the love and mercy of God.

Myrrh was used to embalm the dead. When the Lord Jesus Christ was being buried, they poured spices and myrrh into His grave clothes. "And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight." (John 19:39) Myrrh to embalm the body of Jesus.

In the gifts the Wise Men brought to the young boy Jesus, we see His sovereign dominion, sinless deity, and sacrificial death. He was born to die.

He is King and they brought gold.
He is God and they brought Him frankincense.
He is our Savior and they brought myrrh.


These are what a wise man will do.
I wonder, are you really wise? Do you understand that He was born to die?

From "Love Worth Finding" by Adrian Rogers
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Larry Hanna

Jeanne, thanks for the devotional thoughts.  I found it particularly interesting as I had no idea the significance of what the Wise Men brought with them. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on Monday Morning.  Nothing new since I was here yesterday afternoon.  Really not feeling any better than for the last four days.  I did get out for a bit this morning and go to coffee with the guys at McDonald's but will not be attending our Monday men's luncheon nor my meeting tonight. 


What a good devotion, Jeanne.  Thanks for that!

Larry, I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well.  I think Paul is trying to plan the Florida trip over again (that we had to cancel in November) for next week or the next.  Hoping to see you both. 

Well, I've hardly been on my computer since before Christmas so I think I better check emails, etc. and see what I've been missing.

What are you all doing to bring in the New Year?  :groupwave: :calm:

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Good day everyone.  It is cold here in the north.  We had a wonderful celebration with Heather and John, and the kids as well as with Pat and Paul on Saturday.  It is wonderful to spend time with born again believers during the holidays.  Heather's husband was telling us how Jack led him to the Lord many years ago......Jewels on Jack's crown that many don't know about.

I have tried through the years tried to keep up Mom's tradition of deep cleaning the house just prior to New Years Day so we go into the new year with a clean house.  I pray to have a clean heart as well this year. 

The animals are quiet so I am off to get various jobs done.


Hello, Friends!  I have spent some time on the phone today, attempting to book a trip to Israel and Jordan.  That's been on my 'bucket list' for a long time.  I made a tentative reservation for May, have two weeks to cancel and get a refund of the deposit.

Larry, sorry you aren't feeling well.  Have you ever read your bio in Members' Bios on this site?

Pat, are you getting any of the others ready with their pictures?  I don't want everybody thinking I'm falling down on the job!

I am going to the Pizza Hut to meet Beth and John for lunch.  See you all later!

Oh!  I had a mammogram this morning and the girl doing it was asking me about my family, we talked a bit about Beth, and she bought a book!  YES!!  Need to sell more of those, they aren't doing any good sitting here in a box!

I wish each of you blessings today!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Hello CP. :coffee:
  After the dreadful ice storm I feel that we are starting to get back to normal.  Mel is spending time out side chipping ice he is tired but will not give up until he has it finished. Yesterday he went to Aunties place and spent a whole lot of time lifting ice, I had made arrangements for someone to come and do the job you guessed it no one showed up so very frustrating.  I know the family on a personal level which makes it even worse.

Larry: We did not have alternative heating and with my knee being bad the chill went right through if we were to have had another cold night without heat a hotel/motel was looking very good. That expense we did not need to pursue as the lights came on.  We were much more fortunate that many others.

God Bless

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It's been a rather quiet one for me today. I'm grateful that on the not so good days, we have a Father Who knows and Who cares.

That was a good devotional message, Jeanne. The information was also helpful for me to understand the true significance of the magi's gifts.

May our Lord be with us all.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Pat, looking forward to your visit. 

Judy, my mother always did a spring cleaning and a fall cleaning that was very complete.  Since we lived on a dirt and later gravel road and had no AC when I was growing up it really was needed. 

Janet, hope your trip works out for you.  Thanks for the reminder about my bio as can't remember and know I certainly intended to do so.  Have you ever thought about selling your book on Amazon as an ebook or does your publisher's contract prevent you from doing that?

Ruth, I agree it is very frustrating to have an arrangement for someone to come out and then they don't show or call.  Sure hope Mel doesn't overdo the ice chipping.  Being in a cold house is sure not desirable.  I think the longest we were ever without heat was during an ice storm here where it was off for three days.  We did have a kerosene heater.  A year or so ago I got a new kerosene heater as the other didn't appear safe but so far we haven't had to use it. 

Ruth Ann, I watched par to the Music Bowl game from Nashville and it sure looked cold up your way.  Glad you had a quiet day. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I see I was the last to post last evening.  We have an overcast day but did see the sun peeping through a few minutes ago.  I don't seem to be feeling any different than the last few days.  I managed to get down a few bites of breakfast.  Recently I have found eating to be exhausting.  I guess it just goes with the territory and probably has something to do with my loss of appetite.  I have nothing on the schedule for today.  I see there are four bowl games on today so will try to watch one or two of them this afternoon.  I will try to stop back this evening and catch up on posting for today.


This is an early in the day Happy New Year to everyone.  I pray your 2014 is full of God's joy, blessed, and walking in His steps each day.  God bless each of you!


I had an email this morning from a list I'm on and I found this very interesting:

Johann Bach

At the beginning of every original music manuscript by Johann Bach, you will find the letters "J.J." This stands for Jesu Java (Jesus help me). At the end of each manuscript you will find the letters "S.D.G." This stands for Soli Deo Gloria (to the glory of God).

Bach was born into a musical family in 1685. By the age of ten, both of his parents were dead. Still young Johann determined he would write music, and his music would be for the glory of God!

By the age of 17 Bach became the organist at the church. Soon he was given charge of the entire music ministry.
Throughout his ministry, he wrote a new cantata every month! Plus, during one three-year period he composed and performed (with his choir and orchestra) a new cantata every week!

Bach is now with the Lord, but he left a mark on this world with his music!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Hello Everyone!

This has been a very busy time for the Halbach's!  I just got home from a month away just the Monday before Christmas and then had a week to get ready for Christmas and the many appointments and church services!!  It's nearing an end now but I'm planning (after some much needed doctor's appointment, lab tests and Hiking Meetings, etc.) on returning south next week and then on to Florida when I hope to see Larry and Pat, Beverly and Chapin Pratt as well as family members!

Happy New Year to you all. 

I'm out now, while a turkey is cooking in the oven to buy some last minute things before the stores close and some much needed driveway salt!  Will be spending New Year's Day with ian in Orangeville.

Janet... ;)  I'll talk to you in our private working area.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Just a quick post before Judy and I go out doing some last minute things before the stores close.Its a balmy 10 F here today. Guess we are having a heat wave LOL. We are on the countdown now to 2014. T minus 11hrs 40 min and counting. Guess I will have to hit the road again Jan 2 and so starts the new year on the road. Hope everyone has a blessed New Year. It's going to be a year for me to retire and I am looking forward to it. I don't mind running the roads but am getting weary of dealing with the politics of dispatch. It's going to be great to be able to do what I want to do rather than having to do what is required. Anyway better run for now. Things to do and people to see. Balmy weather with snow to enjoy. Later folks  Have a blessed day.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Jeanne Lee

We've warmed up - all the way to about 15 F!   :o  I guess by Friday we'll consider today as "balmy".  Friday night is expected to be well below zero.  I hereby issue an invitation to Al Gore to come visit on Friday.  ;D
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Wishing all of you a very happy and healthy New Year! 

We had a good drive here in Arizona from our home south of Denver.  Upon arriving (it is a condo), we found a leaking toilet that is no doubt from the caulk pulling out and worse - a damaged ceiling over the tub from the upstairs neighbor's tub leak.  It has taken 4 days and I think it will be worked on Friday.  Don has been so sick with a cold plus an infection on his back and won't go to the VA until his cold is better - he is exhausted and I do understand that the VA can have one spending an entire day in there.  Too much at once.  So far, we believe the automobile tags will be Fed-X'ed here and we should get a call when available.  I will call all my relatives after we mend a little more - me too, I now have the chest cold.  All I am writing about can be fixed in due time. 

Larry:  I do hope Stacey will receive all the assitance she needs at this time. 

Janet:  So many up and down days for Beth - she must have been super tired on Christmas. 

A lot of you are in dire straights about the weather and I send my prayers and concerns for you . 

The produce is so fresh and nice here so I made a guacamole dip for us and we are overeating anything citrus to combat our colds.  Don spent two days working on getting our internet and phone ready and that should have been taken care of as we arrived but this tech company has never been reliable in all the years we have been here - a monopoly so they were three days late this year - getting better.  I have thrown bird seed out for the quail and not one has crossed the street yet - they are so cute with their bobble heads.  We hope to be able to get to church next Sunday and I want to work with the quilters a week from Wednesday. 

Grateful that oldest son & family had a safe visit in El Salvador and grandson is back in Canada and another grandson had a 100 mile snowmobile trip and granddaughter is in Cabo, Mexico.  We can't keep up. 

Ruth Ann Bice

I certainly understand about not being able to keep up with the kids, grands, and great-grands! :)

I felt less wobbly on my injured foot today, so went to WalMart and felt I could walk in without my cane, although I did try to park in a handicapped space to be closer to the door. And, of course, used an electric shopping cart. Oh, my goodness, how the shopping carts have revolutionized my life.

I read of each person's good and difficult days, and please know that you're often thought of, always loved and prayed for.

May our Lord grant each of us a good crossing into the new year - 2014 seems a bit "foreign" on the tongue yet today.  :o  It doesn't seem that we should be rolling into the new year with such velocity!

Much love to all,

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Well its T minus 1hr and 53 min and counting. Happy New Year everyone. May you all have a blessed and prosperous new year to be enjoyed in good health. :)
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Gord Brown

 :)   Well I guess I will be the first today.  So a big happy new Year to all on C.P.  and we wish you many many more of them to all.   

We can praise the Lord for answered prayer for my wife Noreen about  her eye surgery,  we saw the surgeon yesterday and he is very happy with the way it is healing so that you for your prayers.  She See's the other surgeon this coming Monday the 6Th. re her knee as she is still having a lot of swelling and pain.  So please pray for that day.

May God bless you all.   Thanks for the great devotional Jeanne it was so good.

Larry.  Hope that you are looking after yourself and Pat.

Well must go to sleep.

HAPPY  NEW  YEAR. :thumbsup: :cp: :groupwave:
T Gordon Brown


2014 has arrived here in the frozen north with a vengeance. Temperature when I got up this morning was minus 26 C BRRRR that was a cold start to the New Year. Hope all have a great day today and take time to reflect on the coming year and remember that God is in control of what this year will bring for all of us. For Judy and I, we are looking at starting a new chapter in our lives called retirement. Now that won't mean end of work. As a matter of fact the way things are looking we will be busier than before. The difference will be that we will be doing things on our own terms instead of some else s agenda.  It will be great to turn the page. Heading back out on the road tomorrow and going to Wisconsin. I like travelling that direction as opposed to east. It is a lot less stressful and the atmosphere is more pleasant. going to run for now. Things to do. Have a blessed day folks and don't overload on New Years Turkey.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone and Happy New Year.  It is another overcast and chilly day here in Georgia but in looking at the weather in the midwest and northeast I am certainly not complaining.  I did get up and go to coffee at McDonald's as other than getting there and back it isn't exhausting and I enjoy so much the hour I spend with friends.  There were only five of us there today.  I accidentally was awake to welcome in the New Year as woke up a few minutes before midnight.  I had gone to bed about 8 pm.  People were firing off firecrackers from about 8 pm until around 2 pm.  What a waste of money and how annoying to neighbors and to pets.  I don't plan on doing much of anything other than computer today and watching Georgia play in the Gator Bowl at noon while I rest. 

Pat, that was an interesting piece about Bach.    I can't imagine preparing a new cantata every month and certainly not every week.  You certainly do have a busy schedule and we are looking forward to your visit. I hope to be feeling much stronger by then and feel like eating. 

John, how much longer do you expect to be driving on the road?  You can keep the balmy 10F but see by your posting this morning why you felt it was balmy.  Your temperature this morning sounds terrible.  Hope the new storm system skips your area. 

Jeanne, I read an article this last week saying scientist who have been such proponents of global warming are having to admit they are wrong due to all of the ice.  God will always be in control of the weather and it will be exactly what he wants it to be. 

Carol, certainly not a nice welcome when you got to Arizona.  So sorry to read that Don has such a bad cold and an infection.  It must have been a pretty unpleasant trip for him and now you have the cold.  I hope it is at least warm for you all.  Stacey is getting assistance several times a week and was able to talk with the nurse who has her case when she was in so much pain a couple of days ago.  She is really enjoying being able to have a shower again as hadn't been able to get into the bathtub by herself for several weeks.  It sounds like you will soon be involved in the activities down there again and sure it is nice seeing old friends.  My folks so enjoyed the seven winters they spent in Apache Junction.  You do have one busy family.

Ruth Ann, I agree with you on the powered shopping carts.  Glad you were feeling stronger and was able to get to Walmart. 

Gord, glad to read that Noreen's eye surgery went so well and sure hope the knee surgeon will have something to offer as she has had a long ordeal.  How are you doing.

Gord Brown

 :)Good day to all.  Praise the Lord for an other day and how he always gives strength each day.

Well John you think it is cold up there I just finished talking to a person in Saskatchewan and the temp. at that moment was -38 outside now that is cold and on Christmas day it was -45 so I think that I am glad to have -4 and try not to complain. :coffee:

Hi Pat and Paul  Hope that all is well and that you both are keeping healthy. :thumbsup:

Larry I do hope that your daughter is feeling a bit better as she has had such a rough year Noreen and her could compare some off there pain this year.  God's blessing's. :thumbsup:

Again to all on C. P.  Have a fantastic 2014 and a safe one.   God's richest blessing's.
                                                         Gordon and Noreen. :) :cp: :pine:
T Gordon Brown

Jeanne Lee

John, your early morning temperature was very close to our -5F and it won't be going up more than about 15 degrees during the day.  Then a few more days of really frigid weather, together with blowing snow expected to accumulate to about 10 inches or so.   I laugh - when I lived in New Jersey, if it got down into the 20's (above 0) someone was bound to say "It's too cold to snow"!   ;D  I'm just so grateful to have a nice warm home. 

Gord, such good news about Noreen's eye surgery.  Praise the Lord for His touch.  Prayers will continue, of course, for a solution to the problem with her knee.

Larry, prayers also for you to regain strength and appetite, and easier breathing.  I'm sure Stacey must really appreciate the care she's getting now.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Gord Brown

   :)  Jeanne:  Thanks for your encouragement through prayer and the Lord does give us so much strength.  Have a wonderful day.  Gordon. :cp: :cp:
T Gordon Brown


Happy New Year, everyone!  Darrel and I went to Hugoton to the dance at the senior center last night, and I thought our plan was to come home around 10, but we wound up staying until midnight.  I don't think I will do that again any time soon, as I'm not worth much today.  I got up at 6, but have been napping in my chair most of the time since!  Ugh!  I do not like this feeling!  We did have a pretty good time at the dance, though  He got up about 9:30, so isn't feeling the effects like I am.

Carol, sorry for your not-nice surprised when you got to Arizona, and that you are both suffering with colds and Don with infection besides.  Hope you get your tags, and get all the necessary repairs done quickly.  Those things tend to really 'bug' us, don't they?

I have managed to get the tree down, and most of the Christmas decorations lugged to the stairs.  When I finish, then I will carry them upstairs.

John took Beth to Garden City yesterday, but they never did get hold of her friend Mindi, so didn't get to see her.  He was out to take his shower earlier.

I'm not going to try to answer each one today, as I am so groggy.  Gotta wake up!!  It's 3:00 already!  :o
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Happy New Year to all. May your days find you uplifted by our Lord's loving care and having a safe, healthy, happy, and spiritually growing year.

I've been quiet here in the apartment today. So, probably will want to go do a few things either tomorrow or Friday. :)

Much love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


I am going to take my tree down tomorrow. We aren't doing anything special today although I did fix a Sunday type of breakfast of Whole Wheat Waffles, Banana, an Omelet for Keith (I don't eat eggs very often I do like the Eggbeaters though), I eat my waffle with Cinnamon and Syrup, no butter, sometimes I use Coconut oil on the waffle or toast. I did go to the gym this morning and got in a good workout. I am now down 40 lbs and 56 inches. Ten of those inches off my waist alone. Ido feel so good about myself now, more self esteem and self confidence.

I also want to Wish everyone a Very blessed New Year. May your cup of blessings continually overflow.

Today Bebe has turned 13 years old, I found a growth on her bottom lip that concerns me, I am going ask the Vet if he would advise me to have it removed or not with; her bad heart murmur I really do worry . I think I would rather have any surgery done on the dogs at the clinic where I work do I can monitor their recovery myself, instead of just dropping them off someplace then going to pick them up. If anything was to happened to them I would feel like I deserted them in their time of need.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


We were able to take a slow walk in the sunshine today after a late breakfast.  No church service  - does anyone remember when we did have church services the eve and the day of each new year?  Coughing is better but just one hint of perfume in an enclosed room would set me off for sure. 

John:  What are some of the activities you are planning upon your so-called "retirement"?  You do know that you will "work" a lot more in retirement, don't you? 

Larry:  The care for Stacey will be such a relief for you and Pat and Stacey as well.  It means someone will be checking in on her and you don't have to drive every day - blessings to all. 

Marilyn:  Good for you on your exercise.  I need to begin walking again.  Yes, the animals in pain or surgery - they don't understand what is happening. 


Hi Carol yes I will work in retirement but it will activities of my choosing instead of what is expected. Makes a big difference. I have lots to do at home with 80 acres and an old farm house and barn. Will be doing renos to the house. Garden in summer and woodworking  in winter. Think I will enjoy myself.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We are to have a cloudy and rainy day here in Georgia.  I don't expect to get out of the house today.  Pat and I did go to a local restaurant late yesterday afternoon as she needed to get out of the kitchen and I needed to get out of the house for a little bit.  I was able to get down a bowl of chicken enchilada soup and she enjoyed a hamburger.

We went in the PT Cruiser to eat, the first time Pat has ridden in it.  She wants to practice driving it here in the neighborhood should the unlikely event occur that she had to drive it.  Pat did get the Christmas decorations put away yesterday.   

Gord, thanks for your new years words and I hope you and Noreen have a good 2014 as well. 

Jeanne, if it gets much below 40 degrees I think it is cold down here.  Stay warm.  I think Stacey does appreciate the care she is getting. 

Janet, you must have danced too many dances.  :)  Nothing wrong with napping in your easy chair as that is your body telling you to take it easy.

Hi Ruth Ann, your words are always encouraging.  Hope you will feel up to getting out today or tomorrow. 

Marilyn, keep up the good work on your weight loss.  You must be about to reach your goal. 

Carol, I really dislike the smell of strong perfume.  Pat uses a White Shoulders bath powder and that isn't overpowering.  We certainly don't drive downtown to check on Stacey everyday and are lucky to make it every three or four weeks.  However, she calls her mother almost everyday. 

John, it sounds like you have a lot planned for retirement.  You also get the benefit of shorter work days as when you get tired you can stop for the day or just take a day off.