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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~FATHERS' DAY~June 15

Started by Pat, June 15, 2014, 02:45:52 PM

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Come and join us this week and share with us your plans and thoughts for the week!  We sing, share and encourage other members here.  We also love to view your photos!

Hope to see you posting this week!

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:) Fathers' Day Message :thumbsup:

by Mario Dimain

We are all children of our parents and we are also children of God. This coming Father's Day, (June 15, 2014) let us set a special moment for out dads (mine passed away in 1995) but also remember to give thanks to the Father of all fathers, our Almighty Father who is in heaven, for giving us our dads who raised us and provided us the necessities of life.

God created parents for one specific reason. And that is to be the assigned guardians in providing love and protection to all His children. This is also why parents deserve all the respects from their children.

In the Holy Bible, God specifically said,
"Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12  (NIV)  It was one of The Ten Commandments that He gave to Moses on Mount Sinai.

No parents are perfect, but we owe it to God, to respect and obey our fathers and mothers.

To all dads, sons and daughters, remember to celebrate Fathers' Day -- everyday! ...as God has intended.

Mario Dimain
Father of three daughters,
Grandfather of four grandchildren
and a child of God.

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Morning Devotional...

The Glory of the Children

"[The] glory of children are their fathers."
Proverbs 17:6

Most Christian men are aware of the familiar exhortation to bring up their children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4) and the warning "Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged" (Colossians 3:21).  Biblical messages to fathers frequently reflect the very real societal need for family discipline and godly leadership in the home (Proverbs 22:6, 15; Genesis 18:19).

Our text is a bit different.  Although the message certainly implies godly leadership, the immediate focus is on the children.  Children, we are told, receive "glory" from their fathers!  How is this to come about?

Glory, in the biblical sense, centers on the value, the worthiness, or the reputation of the person or event so recognized.  For instance, the Scripture teaches that the Lord Jesus "shall come in the glory of his Father" (Matthew 16:27; Mark 8:38; etc.), and that the reputation of God the Father was conferred on Christ Jesus:  "For he received from God the Father honour and glory" (2 Peter 1:17).

So, fathers, please learn this critical principle.  Your reputation is reflected onto your children.  Your behavior in the workplace is assumed to be an indicator of your children's potential.  What you say or do in moments of unguarded or uncontrolled passion will pass on to your children--for good or ill.  The common saying "like father, like son" is recognized across time and culture as an accurate measure of human existence.

The Lord insists the "the iniquity of the fathers" will be passed "upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation" (Exodus 34:7).  Would it not be far better that your children receive glory from your righteous life than shame (Psalm 89:45) from your iniquity?

Used by permission

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

Wonderful! Thanks, Pat, for giving us not only the message from Pastsor. Wayne Boadway, but also the precious photo and the message from our own Mario (LaughingPeppers). 

And of course, it is also important for mothers to remember that their responsibilities are much the same.  :)
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We worked so hard yesterday in the garage, and then I had a "J" night, so am a little tired now.  But we have had a really nice day.  Diane invited us down for dinner (mid-day meal, lunch, if that's the way you call it!  ;)) And we had a nice visit with her and Jeff, Abby, Curtis, Toni and all three of the little g-grands too.  Diane is a great cook so dinner was delicious!

And I picked up some flowers at their greenhouse when Diane went to water, to put in the old bathtub out front.

And--praise the Lord!--the wind didn't blow today.  Well, not nearly as much, but it is pretty breezy now.

I just pray that many of the family will come to the reunion, after all the work, planning and prayer to get it together!

Diane, Jeff and Abby are going to Yellowstone next week!   :)
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Had a wonderful day with Melaura and Elizabeth and the children  I have some wonderful candid shots of them.

Something that came out in our Fathers Day Message today is that the dads are not responsible for their adult children's decisions, We have raised our children as we felt God and the Bible instructs and what they do as adults is on them not us.  One man raised 2 sons, one went the way of the world, drugs and jail time the other is a well known Gospel singer.  Both sons made adult decisions.  Too many pastors try to lay guilt onto parents about their adult children as if the decisions are the parents fault. 

John is having a blast with his camera. We were out again today taking pictures!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We are suppose to have a 90 degree day today so will be staying in where it is cool.  The housekeepers are here so our house will soon sparkle.  I have nothing planned for the day other than to attend a meeting this evening.  Since we changed the date of our weekly luncheon to Thursday it will make my Monday's much less tiring.  We had a wonderful visit with our son yesterday.  They didn't get here until about 1:45 as he had worked very late at his store Saturday night.  Our DIL wasn't feeling very well and is on a new medicine and she spent most of the time here sleeping.  We have made plans to meet on July 7th, about half-way between our houses to celebrate Pat's birthday and our 52nd anniversary. 

Pat, thanks for the fine devotional relating to fathers and their children and our relationship with our Heavenly Father. 

Janet, what a joy it must have been to be with so many members of your family.  Does Diane have a greenhouse business or is this just her family greenhouse for their own use? 

Judy,  I so agree with your comments about our responsibilities regarding our grown up children. When we become adults we must make our own decisions and face our own consequences.  Laying guilt on people, whether through church or elsewhere, is just wrong.  We really just need to mind our own business.     

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I've enjoyed catching up with all the news this morning. Now, it's time to go exercise, so I hope I'll be able to return sooner next time. :)

One of my children contacted me yesterday with a Happy Father's Day message, saying that I had been both mother and father, and that they wanted to thank me for all the hard work and effort put into rearing them. How very nice and unexpected that message was!

Y'all have a good afternoon.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Ruth Ann, how sweet of your 'child' to reaffirm the importance of what you did while raising your family.  God bless him/her!

Larry, having less to do on Mondays will be a good thing for you.  So glad you had a nice visit with your son.  Yes, Diane has a greenhouse/nursery and gift store; and Jeff now owns four car washes, two in Hugoton and two in Liberal.  They are both such hard workers!  I am so thankful that they have kept their family in church all through the years, and they spend a lot of time with their kids and grandkids, even though they are so busy.  What a blessing they are to me!

Judy, you and John need to show us more of his photos!

Darrel and I went to Garden again today to get a refund for a big overcharge at Walmart last week.  We need to check those register receipts more closely before leaving town!  When we got home, he saw he had been charged $61.59 for 12# of cherries!!  What he actually bought was a watermelon that was priced at $4.95!

As soon as this dratted wind dies down, I will go see about getting my flowers planted.  We got some peat moss and potting soil to use, too.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is an overcast day but only a 30% chance of rain this afternoon or evening and it is to get to 90 degrees again today.  My plans for today are to attend a meeting and then stopping at Publix for some items they have on sale this week and to get a prescription filled that they have on their free drug list.  Pat and I will probably eat lunch out today with a friend and then she and the friend will visit another friend who is in the hospital. 

Ruth Ann, what a nice gesture from your one of your children as they recognize what an effort you made in raising them. 

Janet, I really enjoyed yesterday and wasn't worn out by evening as has been the case of Monday's.  Thanks for the info on the businesses Diane and Jeff own and sure it keeps them extremely busy.  I can see that overcharge at Walmart was well worth the trip back.  Someone punched in the wrong code.  Always wise to check a ticket. 


Good Morning everyone!!

I'm sitting here waiting for someone to arrive who will either fix or replace my hot water tank!  I was putting some washing in the dryer last night and noticed that there was lots of water on the floor to my left all draining to the floor drain.  I moved some things around and found so much water.  :(

I'm glad I've been paying for Reliance Home Comfort all these years as if they do have to replace the tank, it's no cost to me.

But what a mess!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

Pat, I hope someone gets there and solves the problem quickly for you.  At least you won't have to put out any money for the repairs/replacement.
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Jane Walker

Pat, I had to replace my water heater a couple weeks ago .... and it DID cost me!  In addition to getting the new tank, I had to have someone build up the floor underneath it, as it wasn't holding up since my neighbor fixed it 12 years ago.  The expense was not only for the new water heater, but for the electricians visit to reset the thermostat, and for the plumber who installed it eventually.  All told I was out more than $800.  :o

Yesterday I took my car in for an oil change, and to have a couple bulbs replaced for the turn signals ... $70 there, and the "recommendation" that I need new tires A.S.A.P. They quoted something near $400 for that.  I made a mention of this on facebook yesterday, and my grandson said he could help me (If I lived closer). Then he PM'd me and I discussed this with him, as I will be going to California in a couple days.  He will take me to the shop where he got tires for his car and paid $150.   Yup, I'm getting the new tires in California!  At the same time, I'm promised a visit with my grandson whom I have not seen for more than 4 years!  :thumbsup:

Stuff just keeps happening to drain my resources ... but the Lord has always kept me safe and comfortable, while I continue to take care of various family members' needs.  I'm definitely not complaining.   :)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


It sort of amazes me how when one of us has a problem, usually several more do, too.  That way, we can truly say we understand, right?

Lon came out this morning and replaced the two ceramic tiles outside our front door that were broken by the hail, and we looked closer and found more damage, on the vinyl trim on the new room.  Most of it is only cosmetic, but Lon has some of it left from our job (and we paid for it) so he will replace the pieces that are actually busted.  He says he will come out on Saturday to grout the tile, replace the trim and put up the gutter that he hasn't done yet.  Always something!

Goodness, Jane!  $800 sounds like highway robbery for a water heater!  But I am always shocked by the cost of things.  :-\   :o

Curtis was here today for a while, I had stopped and picked him up a subway sandwich for his lunch.  (He had called me.)  He fixed something on Darrel's computer and we had a nice visit.  He is doing really well with the alarm company and getting nearly as busy as his parents!  ???

I had a good workout at the gym yesterday and again today, am a little sore now.  And Darrel decided today, after eight days! to go to the Dr. and get Xrays tomorrow.  Hmmmm.......

I've been up and at it since 5:15 AM and am about ready to call it a day.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


My new water tank is all installed.

They were here 1 1/2 hours.  It's smaller but without all the rust, etc. in the bottom, maybe it will heat faster and in the long run be a bit cheaper to run.  No cost!  I pay a small amount each month to the company to rent this tank and I'm happy that I do.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


So glad you got it taken care of in a timely fashion, Pat!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Hello  everyone, I will be leaving Friday for Sunriver until the 28th I will try to at least check in occasionally as i am taking my Netbook with me. I have surveys that I do o earn a little extra cash from time to time so i need the Netbook.

I got off work at 12:30 today , came home and put a few things in the box of groceries that will go with us and baked a loaf of Whole Wheat bread, I  am also going to bake a loaf to leave here for my friend Dee who is house and critter witting for us. She also requested a Red velvet Cake  so i will bake that on Thursday.

We got  bigger unit this year, Forest was supposed to go with, but he has to go to summer school, then I asked Gilbert if he would go and he said "no" he has to take the boys back and forth to school , he doesn't want to burden Sarah with doing the things that he always does because she gets stressed out do easily. She is having a hard time  with her Uncle passing away just last week and she had to make a trip to Yakima to be with him as he took his last breaths. So please pray for the Jones family losing 2 sons within 1½ years.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We had a nice bit of that 30% chance for rain yesterday afternoon with the nicest shower we have had for sometimes.  Today is Bible study and a nice time at Dunkin' Donuts.  Yesterday after our meeting Pat and I went with two friends to Ruby Tuesday's and had a very nice lunch and spent the rest of the day resting and taking it easy. 

Pat, I keep "holding my breath" as our hot water heater is 18 years old.  However, it is in the garage and the water will drain out of the garage so shouldn't do any flooding in the house. Glad you will have a replacement without current out-of-pocket expense.  I never heard of a plan where I have lived to rent a hot water heater.

Jane, I have heard, and will check this out with my plumber, that after the first of the year the cost of replacement will be somewhere around $1,500 due to new regulations.  If that is the case we will go ahead and replace our hot water heater before it fails.  Is the grandson you haven't seen in four years Bryan?  I hope I remember the name correctly.

Janet, you do seem to have had more than your share of damage replacements.  Kansas must be a hard place to live in.  :)  Nice to hear that Curtis is doing well with the alarm business. 

Marilyn, know you are looking forward to your time at Sunriver.  Pat made a red velvet cake for father day as she knew it was our dil's favorite and we sent the rest home with them along with most of the other food that was left over.  Sorry to hear of Sarah's grief with her uncle passing. 

Jane Walker

No, Larry, this grandson is Dave ... he's the second oldest and father of 5 .... I last saw him and his family when Tom died ... he really loved his grandpa (and me) and, at the time, was in the process of moving his family into the house that Joy and John were moving out of .... he went to Tom's funeral and we had some interaction during that summer, but stuff just seems to get in the way and we don't manage to get together whenever I'm around.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


The twins have arrived, born early this morning, Carter and Cole Riley.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Jane Walker

Congratulations!  Are they identical twins?  Is Keith bursting his buttons yet?  All grandsons so far for him, bet he is one proud grandpa! 
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jeanne Lee

Great picture, Marilyn.  "My" twins are due sometime in August - first great grandchildren.   :D
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This spring seems to be baby season, as well as kitten season!  ;)  Congratulations!

Wow, and I thought $800 for a new water heater was high!  $1500?  Absolutely ridiculous!  Far too many new laws and regulations, we lose more of our liberties every day. :yikes:

I just got my first shipment of my children's book, called Wheelie and Runt.  They are very small, and I think I was overcharged, too, so have a call in to the company.  They were to send me 25 eBook reader cards, which were not included.  The service from Tate this time around has been very disappointing.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and the group of scrapbooking friends are having a tea party for me.  I'm happy we are meeting because I brought each of them a small gift from Jerusalem and have been waiting to get together so I can give them to them.  And......how can I possibly be 74, when I feel so young?  Well, I guess I am as young as I feel, right?  (And I can just ignore any wrinkles, and I keep my white hair covered with color!)   ;)   :D  I praise God for my excellent health every morning!

As soon as the Tate guy calls, I want to go get more chores done in the garage.  Days are passing by, and there is still much to do!  Larry, I think I was mistaken about how long it's been since we hosted reunion, because the stepping stone I made at the last one has 2012 embossed on it!  It sure seems longer than two years.

Darrel went to the doctor this morning, they sent him for X-rays, and he said they took 10 or 12 of them.  I really don't think they will show anything, but guess he needs to know for sure.

Kristi talked to us this morning while we were doing intervals about Intermittent Fasting.  Seems that's the latest thing that will be hitting all the magazines and talk shows.  Maybe I will do that, as you make your own choice how many hours to fast (16 and up) and how often, and you do count the hours you are sleeping.  I know fasting has a lot of medical benefits as well as health ones.

Hello to Carol, Ruth Ann,  Ruth, Judy, Pat and all the others who haven't yet posted today.  I love every one of you!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jane Walker

Most of the expense surrounding the replaced water heater went for labor!  The water heater itself was less than $400 ($389.95 to be exact).   :o  The electrician and the plumber cost more than anything else!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Craig says they look very different so must be fraternal, yes Jane Keith is very proud, however Craig hasn't bothered to call his father, but his mother and grandfather are now in Portland visiting the twins. So I guess they got the call.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It's so great to hear of the babies - wow, what a good photo!

Janet, I wish you a great birthday in advance. You know I'm peddling hard to catch up with you - mine's late next month. Today my dad would have been 98 years old. Wow, time seems to fly by, doesn't it!

It's been very busy today - I took a lady to the doctor, then she took me out to lunch, then I took her on some errands.  Next was a session at the gym. Then, a stop by someone's apartment to deliver what I had bought for them (they're disabled and cannot go to the store alone), and finally to work on a spreadsheet with my son. We were on the phone for an hour and a half.

Now, puff, puff, it's time to get a bite of dinner fixed. I think I want a macaroni salad with salmon in it.  More later. :)

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a sunny Thursday morning.  I have already made a trip to Publix before it got hot to pick up a few items.  I thought I was getting some buy one, get one free items until I discovered as I was about finished shopping that those items went off their sale yesterday.  Today's main activity is our men's luncheon at 11:30.  We are going to my favorite Mexican Restaurant. 

Jane, thanks for the info on your grandson and so nice you were able to interact with him again. 

Marilyn, they sure look like healthy babies and a very proud mother. 

Jeanne, another set of twins--how great. 

Janet, glad you finally got your book shipment but sorry you are going to have to do battle with them  Happy Birthday and enjoy the tea party as you celebrate your special day.  Don't the years fly by quickly. 

Ruth Ann, you sure did have a full day. 


"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Thanks so much for all the warm birthday wishes.  You are my favorite bunch of people!  God bless!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is going to be another very hot day here in Georgia getting up to 93 degrees by 4 pm.  I think I am inside for the day and the house is pleasant.  I have been to coffee at the Senior Center and then a quick trip to drop something off at the drive thru box Post Office and then to the drive-thur at the Kroger Pharmacy.  I did get the camera to go with my new smart TV so today will play around with it a bit and see what it can do.  Since we don't use the live TV over the air but rather from Dish I will have to continue to use the Dish remote to change channels but will be able to search the Internet, have it go to other apps on the TV and a number of other things by voice or motion activation.  Other than read the message boards today don't have anything else of significance on tap for today.   


Hi, Larry!  Seems we are the only ones here today.  Hmmmm.

At the gym this morning, Kristi had us do some yoga.  I was already really sore, and that didn't seem to help!

Lexi and Chelsea (great grands) were here for over two hours today while their mom and little sister went to see the chiropractor.  Chelsea (4) was wound up like an 8-day clock!  She chattered constantly, was telling me all about eating healthy foods, exercising and staying healthy.  So cute.

I think my husband is taking me out to dinner tonight as he didn't do anything for my birthday yesterday.

My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com