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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~January 26

Started by Jeanne Lee, January 26, 2014, 10:56:47 AM

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Jeanne Lee

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Morning Devotional...

True Hope for a World in Turmoil

"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me." John 12:32


For the first time in history, man is afraid of what he knows. His head and his hands have outrun his heart and we are being faced with things for which we have no answers—the plague of AIDS, the tinderbox in the Middle East, the outbreaks of famine, the irregular weather disturbances, and much more. But we don't have to wring our hands and say, "What is the world coming to?"

We can look up and say, "Who is the world coming to? It's coming to Jesus! Praise God!"

Call your church today and ask if there is a place where you can volunteer in the area of community outreach. Perhaps there is a soup kitchen, a nursing home, a homeless shelter, or a children's center where you can serve.

By Dr. Adrian Rogers

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You closed the topic as I was posting

Minus 33 F when i got up this morning. Brrrrr. Well according to the long range forecast it should get a little milder about mid week. Back up to the Double digits on the plus side in F degrees. That will be an improvement at least.

In answer to some of the suggestions about internet access on the road. Most truckstops with few acceptations charge for the use of wifi. some charge as much as 5.95 for a 2 hour use. If one buys this service everyday it gets pretty costly by the end of the week. If I use the cell phone hookup it costs for use as well because of using data. These charges are levied by our Canadian corporations. cell phone service in Canada is much more expensive than in the US. I have considered getting a US cell phone but would then have to get rid of my Canadian one as the 2 together would not be any savings. In order to cancel my Canadian one I would have to pay out the remainder of the contract which makes no sense either. Why pay for something you don't use.

The price we pay here. Like our gasoline tax has gone up another 10 cents per liter. Hydro going up another 45% over 5 years. And on and on. This is all to pay for Government mismanagement. Welcome to Canada eh. Off my soap box. Blessings all. :
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Jeanne Lee

Sorry I cut you off, John.  Glad you got over here in the new week.

Talk about prices and cost of living - my Social Security income went up $15 a month.  Great!  Until you realize my lot rent went up $10, my car insurance up $5, my monthly propane budget amount up $25.  And the electric went up, too, not sure how much.
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Great devotional Jeanne......Reminds me of James 2:14 - 26.....  We need to show that we are Christians with our love and love is a verb not a feeling...  Many Christians that I know use works to prove their faith but there is no love there....There is a fine line here.  Sorry O will get off my soap box.

We are in for the same weather over the next week that we had this weekend.  Pray for all who need to be out there today, and the coming week for appointments and work.

Have a great day folks. God bless

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It has been a very pleasant day.  It was in the low 40's when I got up this morning and in the 50's when I went to church and is currently 54 degrees.  I just arose from a very restful afternoon listening to Reid's Records on the radio and snoozing a bit.  Stacey was able to get to church today, the first time is several weeks. 

Judy, sure hope you don't have the flu but wise to stay in and take care of yourself.  I will try to remember to check out the Facebook timeline. 

John, glad you are home for a couple of days.  I am sure being in a big semi in snowy and icy weather is a strain on your nerves even though you are a great driver.  There are a lot of other drivers on the road also.  Thanks for the explanation of how the truck stops charge for Internet.  I can certainly understand your dilemma.  Those two year contracts are certainly a way to tie us into a given company.  Believe me that Canada isn't the only place that the citizens have to pay for Government mismanagement.  We are certainly right in there with you all. 

Jeanne, I absolutely distrust every statistic I hear from our government anymore, including the so called unemployment rate the the consumer price index on which the annual cost of living increases are figured for Social Security and Government Retirement. 

Carol, glad you were able to enjoy the warm pool.  My solution to the garage door not opening didn't work this morning so I will be contacting the garage door people to come out and service it and the other door and probably also change the springs in the opener as they have been in service a long time.  Probably a good thing your cousin and his wife tried to sleep on their sofa to find out what a bad bed it made.  Nice of them to give up their own bed.  Sure glad you finally got the car tags as know that is a burden off your mind.   

Jeanne, thanks for that fine devotional for this week.  This world is certainly in turmoil. 


Happy Sunday everyone.It is a beautiful day here, a little on the cold side but still beautiful. Of all the days ti have a plumbing problem we have one. Keith is going to have the plumber come out tomorrow to do the repairs. It is roots or something  causing the problem. Nothing backed up in the house but when Keith check the trap  he noticed that it was filling up and there was  disintegrated paper coming up on the lawn out by the curb right in line with the trap. He dug a big hole out there where the plumber told him to dig up the lawn the last time he was here to prepare for the repairs that Keith has put off until now.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Jeanne Lee

Oh, Marilyn, plumbing problems can be such a hassle - and so expensive to repair!
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Nothing is worse than plumbing problems in the winter.  Our septic tank in Minnesota in January backed up & I had a dickens of a time finding the tank top under the snow.  Don was gone - of course - and he had left a card with a drawing of where the tank was situated so far from a tree.  The trouble was --- that tree had fallen from a tornado that damaged a few years before and finally I figured it out and the guys were able to fix the problem.  Still remember tromping around on the acreage looking for that septic tank top & it was freezing.  Never again!

Small world story.  We had a guest speaker who lives in the area.  He was pastor at a Seattle church that Don and I attended when Don was out of work & we took the Stephen's Ministry classes.  He thought I looked familiar - this was 20 years ago.  Then, he told us that our friends at the time had moved to San Francisco and had just been here to visit him.  How fun!  Next Sunday we become Charter Members and there is a potluck too. 

When we crossed the border to Mexico this week, I looked for and found the elderly lady who makes little baskets and bought two not really needed.  She sits on the ground - it is heartbreaking to see her and the poverty - the heavily armed soldiers guarding us Americans so we can "shop" safely and the heavy police presence.  These poor poor people - things will never change for them.  We are so blessed to live in US or Canada -   I don't write this to put down anyone who is talking about the rise in prices of our living - I complain and criticize the one responsible for this all the time but we really do not know real poverty.  Tons and tons of work and dollars are sent to Mexico and it disappears and the poor never realize any better life.  Such a shame. 


It appears I missed Saturday and am late today!  But I have had some good days.  I went to the early exercise class and they were working out in the pool on Friday.  Boy, it felt good to be back in the water!  I love being in the water!  We had a great workout, a solid hour of moving as hard and as fast as we could.  So I was tired, but it was a good tired.

Saturday morning I went to town to get our Prairie Pak groceries, then by to drop off some things to my sister Jeanie.  I wound up staying quite a while and we had the best visit we have had in years, and a good time of prayer together, too.  She has kept me at arm's length for years, and recently was convicted that we should have a better relationship, which is wonderful!  I am so happy about it!  Then I went to the Care Home to see Beth; fed her her lunch, then spent quite a while sorting out stuff in her room, rolling her pajamas tightly (learned that from Darrel who learned it during his Army years) to make her dresser drawers shut.  Cleaned out two other drawers and asked her about her Halloween stuff John sent the past few years.  She was ready to part with it, so that cleared out more space.  It barely made a dent in what there is to do, but I will keep working at it.  Those rooms are way too small and then if you have too much stuff, they really look junky.  I had to tell her we wouldn't be coming to take her to church last night because Darrel is having lots of trouble with his back and last time I loaded her in the van I hurt my back, which has been causing me pain now for two weeks.  She was disappointed, but understanding.  I really hated to have to tell her.  It has been getting harder and harder for me to manage her and that bulky, long, heavy and awkward chair, and Darrel told me it is time to stop.  If I mess my back up, it won't be good for any of us!

Larry, I have been taking high doses of calcium and vitamin D for years.  Good thing, huh?  Now they want me to take Boniva once a month, Fossamax once a week or injections every three months.  So I am praying about the right choice.

We had three friends from church out for dinner today.  All of us attended the Saturday night service, so we had the morning to clean a little and get the food ready.  It's good to have friends.

My cell phone contract is up the first of Feb. and I don't know what to do.  I know I'm not signing up with Verizon here again, as she refused to help me at all with this phone and I have disliked the phone greatly for two years now.  Any suggestions?

We have our Connections group at 6, so better go!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet I use  Straight Talk. You buy your own phone n contracts. $45 a month gets you unlimited everything, Talk Text and Data. Yo can get it a Walmart or online. there is also a $30 a month plan , I forget what you get with that. I bought my phone at Walmart and signed up on the the website for StraightTalk for  automatic refill. They text me 4 days before  taking the $$ from my bank account. You can buy the cards monthly at Walmart though.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Marilyn that is what we in Canada call pay as you go.  No extra costs and if you buy the cards then you can control how much you spend a month.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone from a balmy 57 degrees here in Georgia.  Of course, now snow and much colder weather and wind are predicted for tomorrow and Wednesday.  However, the weatherman says this storm is hard to predict so I will hope for the best.  Today is my really busy day.  I had the usual McDonald's coffee with the men early and then my Monday men's luncheon group went to my favorite Mexican restaurant and this evening I have my Monday night meeting.  I will be ready for bed when I get home as just rested for about 90 minutes but didn't nap this afternoon. 

Janet, it doesn't sound like the Calcium plus vit. D has done much for you.  I am also taking 1500 MG a day of the Calcium with the Vit D.  It sounds like you are wise not to try to handle Beth's car into your van and out without Darrel's help.  We reach a point where we must take care of ourselves or we will not be much help to someone else. As to a cellphone I wouldn't want to make a recommendation.  If you are not using a smart phone with the data plan perhaps just going back to a regular basic old phone would suit your needs the best.  Personally, I don't ever expect to go back to just a basic phone as love my iPhone and the dataphone, which gives me access to LTE service when not in range for wi-fi, which I am most of the time. 

Carol, nice of you to buy the little baskets from the lady.  Perhaps you can use them for gift baskets.  Pat keeps a little basket with toiletries in our guest bathroom for the benefit of guests.  You are right we shouldn't complain so much with all the richness of our country.  However, we are only human and we often forget to be as grateful as we should be. 

Marilyn, there is never a good time for a plumbing problem.  Hope the problem was fixed today.   

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I've been out and about this afternoon, sending out some mail, contributing to repair of the Ronald McDonald's House that was badly damaged by sprinkler lines freezing and rupturing. That surely makes life that much more difficult for families of patients at the hospitals.

The temp has been going down all day. Yesterday was wonderful with a 62 degree reading. At midnight it was in the lower 50s and has been dropping all day. When I was out it was in the lower 20 degrees area. Tomorrow's morning temp promises to be 5 above. Brrrrr.

And, just think, I foolishly promised to take someone to the doctor tomorrow.  ::)

Y'all have a wonderful day.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Looks like most folks must be frozen out as only Ruth Ann has posted since I was here yesterday.  It started snowing here at noon and is suppose to end before midnight.  So far our streets haven't had any accumulation and I hope they won't ice up during the night.  I signed up for a computer maintenance service and they have been working on our computers all day.  It should be finished soon.  It was expensive, about $1.35/day.  I have just burned out in maintaining these four computers.  This is with the Advanced System Care company and covers our four computers and the tablets and my iPhone should I have a problem with it, which I don't expect to happen.  We just had a call saying our Bible study has been canceled for tomorrow and think I will pass on coffee tomorrow as well and stay in where it is warm.  It is cold here now , down to 28 and going on down tonight.

Ruth Ann, dreadful that the Ronald McDonald house was damaged.  Hope you didn't get to cold being out today.


Marilyn and Larry, thanks for your input re cell phones.  I would like to have an iPhone or a smart phone (I know both are smart phones) but don't want to be made to feel stupid if I can't operate it right.

Today my phone refused to do anything at all, but taking the battery out corrected that.   :-\  I am looking at phones and plans, must decide soon what to do about it.  I'll admit I get a little envious of my friends when they are showing their photos on their phones!   :crazy:

Larry, that sounds like a good plan for me--your staying in where it is warm tomorrow!

Ruth Ann, I have benefitted twice from the Ronald McDaonald houses, and know what a blessing they are.  Good for you helping them out!  :thumbsup:  It doesn't sound like tomorrow will be a day you should venture out and about, though.  Do be very careful, won't you?

My carpenter Lon finally showed up this afternoon, so I have renewed hope that we can get that middle room painted, trimmed out and finished.  Then I can move all the stuff that is in my studio from the other room.  I am missing my work space!!

It's been a crazy day...again.  I hope you are all well and staying warm.  We had another little snow last night, about an inch, I'd say, but most of it is gone now.
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

Sorry I'm not posting much lately.  It just seems there's nothing new - I could just copy and paste every day, saying that it's cold.  I stay in where it's warm, and nothing is happening.   :)
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

With this cold weather, I remembered something I've done to help some painful joints, etc. when the weather conditions affect them. I take a sock and put a good bit of rice in it, then tie the sock shut. Place in the microwave along with 1/2 cup of water in a cup or glass. Microwave a minute at a time, checking after each minute, until the desired warmth is achieved. Ahhhhh! Imagine having that warm rice bag at the base of your neck when the muscles are tired and achy, or underneath an aching wrist, or on top of a joint that has been replaced when the cold makes it hurt... Inexpensive, but really effective!

I think being out to take someone to the doctor not once but twice today made me think of making another one of those rice bags. :)

Y'all have a wonderful rest of the day.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Jane Walker

Jeanne .... I can only echo your comments .... I (seldom) have anything to say that hasn't already been said ....  :-\

I am sorry so many are having to experience the extreme cold ... especially those who are not used to such torture.  I know how this can wreak havoc on the body and mind, and I pray you'll be able to find a warm and comfortable place to hibernate until the worst is past.

I do have a bit of news to report from my corner of the world, however .... My daughter called today to tell me she has a job offer!!  This is after only six months of unemployment this time.  She once went more than 18 months without work.  But that time she at least was able to collect unemployment.  She has been unemployed in California since leaving her job in Spokane last August.  No income and no job makes for a lot of concern ... especially when the bills and problems keep coming in.  She won't be starting work until February 17, and it is a ways from where she lives, and she has no transportation at the present time.  The only car (hers) is being used by her daughter to get to and from her work.  Hopefully, in the next couple weeks, they will be able to get the other car running and/or figure out a "shuttle" system.  One daughter can take her to work and the other pick her up.  Anyway ... we are breathing a big sigh of relief that perhaps this income draught is coming to an end.

My granddaughter, Becky, has been going to school (MTI) to become a paralegal ... she is doing very well.  She tested out of two classes the first night she went!  I'm really proud of her.  She has come a long way since the days of being homeless on the streets of Chicago!   :thumbsup:

Almost time for the president's State of the Union address so ..... I'll be back later, hopefully.  Y'all take care now, y'hear?    :)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


In this weather one day runs into another and each day becomes a blurr.  If it wasn't for John I wouldn't know what day of the week it was.  3 days and he is home....... It is cold, and we are getting even more snow.  Thankfully I have no need to go out.

Pat is stuck in Pensacola Florida due to an ice storm down there.  Hopefully it will melt off soon.

Have a great day everyone.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We have lived in Georgia for over 30 years but have never seen anything like this ice and snow storm.  We still have people trapped in their cars and trucks on the Interstate and other streets.  There have been close to 800 accidents in the metro, cars have been abandoned on the shoulders of the roads so rescue and emergency vehicles cannot get through.  Hundreds of students could not get home.  It was 12 degrees this morning and not to get over 30 degrees today.  The whole state is a mess and the governor is pleading for people to not enter the state until roads are cleared.  I could go on but sure you all get the picture.  Fortunately we haven't experienced power outages.  It appears the snow and ice on the concrete and asphalt, at least in front of the house and driveway.  We expected Pat and Paul to arrive here but they are snowed or iced I down in Florida. I talked with them this morning and they are staying put until the roads clear.

Janet, I can help you with an iPhone but it is really easy to use.

Ruth Ann, Pat has made many rice bags and uses them regularly.  Glad it is helpful to you.

Jane, great news on the job front for your daughter and it sounds like your granddaughter is doing well.


All of you in the worst winter weather areas - so sorry to see the newscasts and I can't imagine pipes freezing and children held overnight in schools.  May this end very soon. 

Jane:  You have super news for both your daughter and granddaughter.  Great turn-around for the g-daughter. 

Larry:  Nice for you to get computer fixed - Don has finished two system restores today.  I guess anything over 5 or 7 years is considered old.  The ice storms are really awful.  Snow is one thing but ice just stops things from working. 

I have a little rash on my face and went to the drugstore here - barely any bandages or Cortizone on the shelves (tourists are in town) and they don't get a shipment for two days.  Isn't that strange?  We could drive out but today is quilting and I sure do want to help.  Washing clothes here too and I stopped by for a $10 haircut (it is worth $10) and that is it.  She tried to sell expensive hair gel to me - not interested.  Time to iron a few things.  ......bye

Jeanne Lee

6:00 a.m. - -22 F - that's 22 degrees below zero.

9:30 a.m. - 0 F - that's right on zero.

2:00 p.m. - 11 F

So it's warming up and the sun is shining, glaring off the 6 inch "dusting" of snow from two days ago.  We may even get all the way up to freezing on Saturday.   :lol:
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Larry, I'm so glad your are home, safe and warm.  I've been watching the news coverage on TV about the Atlanta area.  What a colossal mess!  When I saw that, I said, I'm so glad I'm home!!

Jane, thanks for coming in to share your good news!  Praise God!

Pat, if you come in, please do stay safe.  Who would e ver expect to get iced in in FLORIDA, for goodness' sake?  Enjoy your visit with Larry and Pat when you get there, and give them a hug from me!

I spent an entire hour chopping up lovely veggies for a huge bowl of salad, which will make me at least three meals.  Mmmmm, good!  It was worth it!

Carol, I have been paying Pat $10 per haircut, styling or color for a long time.  She set the price, and used to do it all for $10, but I told her I wanted to pay extra for the cuts and colors.  Haircuts for men or women now cost $19 at the shop!  Yikes!

Lon finally got here and is back there working on that room.  YES! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

It's really cold here, but nothing to compare to what others are having, so I'm not complaining!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet and Larry Pat and Paul are staying put in Florida.  When the roads are clear I imagine they will start moving. 

We are getting a dusting of snow, nothing too much though.

Have a great evening~!

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Well, I got all dressed up to go to church this evening, but the "old folks service" (otherwise known as Prayer and Praise) has been canceled due to the terrible cold. So, will call my next door neighbor to see if one of the churches in town has a program on public access tv tonight. I understand it's broadcast 5 times during the week, so hope I can get that schedule in mind.

My daughter in law is still stranded about 50 miles from Atlanta, Larry. Tonight will be the second night she's had to spend away from home. Thankfully my son and my daughter in law's mom have been sharing childcare for my granddaughter.

Jane and Janet, good news from both of you. :)

Jeanne, Judy, and others in the bad cold weather, keep the faith (and keep WARM). :)

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Hi Everyone!!!
Well, here we is....still in Pensacola!!!!

What a mess it is here.  No stores have been open but one.l..  Not sure what that ONE is but I'm assuming it is Walmart.  Malls are closed, etc.  But today, no one could get out of their driveways due to the ice.  Teenagers have been skating on the main roads in the city centre.  Folks are using all kinds of things to slide down driveways and hills such as laundry baskets, pieces of boards and picnic tables turned upside down!   ;D ;D ;D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We're packed now and hopefully will leave here in the morning headed to Larry's but as of tonight, I-10 is still closed in many places and some of the other highways.

Here's a sample of what all the bushes are like in John and Lisa's garden...

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

We may be cold and we have some snow and ice, but the road crews, etc. are well prepared in advance, and after all, we're used to it.  It takes a lot more to shut us down, and then usually only for a matter of hours, not days.  I feel so sorry for the folks in the southern states who are having to cope with this, for them, strange and terrible phenomenon. 

I'm glad it struck before Pat and Paul got started, so they could stay safe and warm until things get sorted out.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Just wanted to stop by this morning and leave a posting as we are expecting Pat and Paul to be here mid-afternoon and want to use all the time they are here for visiting.  We have a bright and sunny day so things should get back to normal around the metro area with the buses starting to run again at noon today.  Our street and driveway are completely clear and dry and I see the snow on the yard starting to recede with the sun although it is still only 29 degrees.  I have been busy this morning working at my desk getting a number of my "to do" list items completed.  Pat is preparing a chicken casserole for dinner tonight as decided she didn't want to go out and eat tonight and has a breakfast casserole that she will fix in the morning and has ingredients ready. 

Janet, it has been a colossal mess with the worst of the problems on the west and south sides of Atlanta.  All the school are out again today as sure a lot of neighborhoods and rural areas probably still in a mess. 

Judy, I talked with Pat and Paul last evening and think they were planning on  leaving mid-morning to head to our house. 

Ruth Ann, I sure hope your DIL didn't get trapped in her car. 

Jeanne, we would have worried a great deal had we though Pat and Paul were caught out in this storm and had to stay in their car for hours and hours.  Some people around Atlanta  were stranded for over 24 hours and it was terribly cold. 



It sure is good to read that all those poor folks trapped in their cars for two days  and nights are now able to go home, as well as their children from school!  I saw one little boy, near tears, saying, "I want to go HOME!"   :(  This will be a wake up call for those in charge of the roads, in case it should happen again.

Darrel and Lon are still chasing those electric wires, and think they have figured a fix to get things done.  That will be a big relief, after 15 years of waiting for some of the receptacles and lights to be usable.  Darrel is a wonderful procrastinator!  (But I love him anyway!)  ;)

I am going in to visit Beth for a while, as I am no help with the work they are doing.  When we can start painting, then I can help!  :thumbsup:

Grandson Mark is driving to Virginia today, and his interview with Dynamic Aviation is tomorrow.  This grandma is praying hard for him, and any other prayers that join with mine are surely welcome!

Goodness, Pat, that ice on the bushes is so sad....will this mean a lot of the fruit trees have frozen as well?

I'd better go see my girl while I have a little time!
My book Rising Above available at