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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~July 13, 2014

Started by Jeanne Lee, July 13, 2014, 09:38:54 AM

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Jeanne Lee

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

Morning Devotional...

One Step Enough for Me
by Max Lucado

Arthur Hays Sulzberger was the publisher of the New York Times during the second World War. Because of the world conflict, he found it almost impossible to sleep. He was never able to get worries from his mind until he adopted as his motto these five words:  "One step enough for me" . . .taken from the old hymn, "Lead Kindly Light."

"Lead, kindly Light. . .
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me."

God isn't going to let you see the distant scene either. So you might as well quit looking for it. He promises a lamp to our feet, not a crystal ball into the future. We don't need to know what will happen tomorrow. We only need to know He leads us.  As Hebrews 4:16 promises, "we will find grace to help us when we need it."

From Traveling Light
Listen to UpWords with Max Lucado at

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Larry Hanna

 Hi everyone on a bright and sunny, and soon to be very warm, beautiful Sunday morning.  We will be going to church and then out to lunch somewhere and then enjoying a quiet rest of the day.  While I rest on Sunday afternoons I listen to Don Reid's great classical music radio show and his wonderful commentaries.  I can listen on my iPhone or iPad with my headphones and get great stereo sounds. 

Karen, hope you and your daughter had a delightful day yesterday at the Three River's Festival. 

Carol, you are wise to give your children the right to try and succeed or  fail. I think a parent needs to point the way, get out of the way and love them whether they succeed or fail in their efforts. It means a lot when our children say things to us like your daughter did to you.  Very worrisome about your brother and the fires.  Hope you were able to reach him.

Jeanne, was the handyman able to reset the breaker or did it burn out the box?  Thanks for the new thoughts for this week. Those words are so wise and adopting a "One Day at a Time" and not wasting any of that day worried about the past or the future have totally changed my life and my enjoyment of life.  I leave the future to God and his infinite wisdom. 

Marilyn, hope the new treatment plan and actions you are taking really help the vertigo.  I have never had a serious or long-lasting case of it.   

Pat, I will vote after I finish reading the messages.  I have been getting the announcements fine with no blank or colored backgrounds. 

Jane, interesting that you are getting the red background. 

Jeanne Lee

Larry, it was merely a matter of flipping the breaker on and off and on again.  The strangest part of the whole incident is that none of my neighbors were affected at all.   :)
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


One step is enough the bible says :Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for: the morrow shall take thought for the things of: itself.
beautiful day here today . Church  was great  :)

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I, too, enjoyed church.  My primary wish for either the old or the new pair of glasses is tat they are trifocals, which make focusing on the computer ever so much easier. Thanks to each of you who commented. I'm also one of those who takes the glasses off the last thing at night and puts them back on before the feet hit the floor. That's why this situation is so puzzling.

About that pup with the broken leg, I had strung a line from the patio across the back yard to give this 6 week old puppy a place to get a bit of exercise. She was a golden retriever and would need lots of exercise. Well, she started screaming, and I hurried out to see about her, and she had gotten her back leg hung in the leash, with the leg dangling at an unnatural angle. So, this babe had surgery and a pin put in her leg, and then was put in a plaster cast to keep the leg stable. Imagine her going thump, thump across the street, with me in hot pursuit. Well, that's how the road rose up to greet me. And, as I was lying in the street crying, thump, thump, here the little doggie came to kiss my tears away. Still makes me smile.

Y'all have a good rest of the day. It's so great to see our friendship circle increasing once again. :)

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Good Evening Everyone...

It's a warm evening and I managed to get my portable A/C into the bedroom and I'll have a good sleep tonight. 

Melody I'm so happy that you found your way back and even to a new topic!  It's lovely to have you posting.  Did you vote in the Challenge?

I also enjoyed church today, Ruth Ann--especially tonight.  The DVBS was held all this past week and tonight was the closing service and there were some parents there that wouldn't normally be out to a church service and that's always good.

Larry, I'm happy that you've been getting the messages alright.  That's really odd though as I haven't heard of anyone else getting them!  :)  Glad to read that you voted.

Thanks Jeanne for the devotional thoughts for this week.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I thought you may all enjoy this lovely video of our very own...


This is amazing to view if you click to "View Large".

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is to be another hot day here, as it was yesterday.  After church we went with six other friends to Appleby's for lunch.  The food was good but the service was slow and the server had some problem getting the food in the right places and the bills correctly done.  It was 2:30 before we got home.  We had a wonderful church service yesterday as well. Our minister did the first of two sermons on the book of Philemon, which is is only 25 verses.  Our choir doesn't practice during July but sits in the choir loft to help in the congregational singing and one of the new tenors sang a solo that was wonderful.  I don't know the man but he has a beautiful voice.  The minister also asked at prayer time if any members of the congregation had any praises to share and several were mentioned.   

Today will be relatively quiet.  Pat mentioned she would like to go to the new Sprouts market that opened a couple of weeks ago and I will go with her after coffee.  Then the day is clear until my Monday evening meeting. 

Jeanne, glad the electrical problem could be so easily fixed. 

Melody, your Bible quote has become a way of life for me.  We can never know what tomorrow may bring.  I make some plans but don't create expectations about those plans as often God has other things for me.

Ruth Ann, sure glad your new glasses are helpful. 

Pat, hope you had a cool and restful night's sleep last night.  Our Bible School starts today for the next five days. 

Pat, maybe I am thinking of the wrong messages but have never gotten a blank one.  I get them when a new discussion is created or a new weekly message occurs and a special message is sent.


I was really an early morning person, as I got up today at 3:00 AM!  I was so totally exhaused after the reunion and all that has transpired over the past few days, that I literally fell asleep twice while reading the posts here, and woke with my face almost touching my keyboard.  So I took myself off to bed at 6 PM; the reason for my unusually early rising.   :)

We all went to Hugoton to church yesterday, as they had a very anointed guest speaker.  He really spoke into my life, the very things God has been telling me.  The confirmation is so sweet.  He also prayed for my niece JoAnne who recently lost her husband so suddenly, for her son Joel, who has the call of God on his life (he wasn't there with us) and for my sister Shirley.  We were supposed to be in that service!!

I really enjoyed everyone's posts, and will try to get back on track this week.  Larry, thank you for sending good thoughts and wishes my way during our reunion.  Many of the family were missing, but those who came were blessed, and we praise the Lord for His sweet presence among us.

Abby liked her birthday celebration and was very appreciative of the gift we gave her.  It is a course in French, for which she expressed a wish several months ago.  I hope it lives up to her expectations.  She was very sweet, helpful and cooperative.  She LOVES family reunions!!   :)

John and Beth are enjoying their time together, of course.  We pray for John as well as Beth, for both of them to see their healing manifested, to be able to marry and live a happy, fulfilling and supernatural life for their remaining years.

My sister, her daughter and I had wonderful times of prayer and praise together in the early mornings, and while we walked together.  God strengthened the bonds of family love through His love for each of us.  He is SO GOOD!!

I need to go get dressed and ready for whatever this day brings!  I know it's going to be good!  8)

It has been VERY HOT here--well over 100*, and today looks to be the same.  How thankful I am for AC!  We do not have it in the garage, of course, and it got too hot to bear in there for reunion, so we moved into my painting room.  The AC in there is a little too small to make it really cool, but it was a great improvement over the temp in the garage!  There were only 24 of us, but it was a pretty tight fit in that room.  We managed, though.  ;)

Catch you all later!
My book Rising Above available at


First off ... some updates -->

LARRY ... My daughter & I spent 3 1/2 hours at the festival & it was a WORN OUT DAY for both of us but we had a good time with each other ... and we hope to have another day today ... as we have to get a kitten from a friend of her's from work ... so that should be fun !!

Gloria ... Is doing well & got the ventilator out on Friday and so ... she is well & then the balloon will come out tomorrow with some luck and should be coming home on Friday this week so I will continue to UPDATE when I can ... so thanks for keeping her in prayer ...

Well not much else is new here with us this morning but I will do my best to RETURN soon.  Also if ANYONE here has FACEBOOK please message me your name so that I can add you there { I have Pat, Marilyn & Judy & a few other's } so if anyone else is wanting a friend do let me know. So, I better head off and get the morning started as I have ah been on the computer since 6am and I am needing to do somethings around the house before heading off with my daughter !!

Till next time today ... 


Good Morning!

It's a lovely morning here in Guelph.  My windows are open and there's a nice breeze blowing through the house.

Sounds like you had a lovely Sunday Larry

Enjoy your day, Karen.  So nice that you had a nice time with your daughter.  Still praying for Gloria.

So happy that you had a successful reunion, Janet.  I'm also happy that John and Beth are enjoying their time together.

Did you all see the presentation by Colin Moffet above of him painting?  Please tell me if you can't see it?  Thanks!  It's Post #6.

Talk to you all later

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


:hb2: :hb3: :hb2:


Hope you have a
wonderful day!

:hb2: :hb3: :hb2:

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Yes, I did indeed see Colin painting.  It is so interesting - a super talented man and we all "know" him!  Thanks for setting up the video. 

Computer problems once again and this time it has been my ignorance, I am sure but would rather blame the computer myself  ^-^  I have missed some posts in here and other problems with Passwords (that is a wicked word today).  We donated to Goodwill and went to COSTCO then came home and I made pineapple/green apple and yogurt smoothies for us including the skin of an apple.  It was so refreshing but I don't have a recipe to tell you.  It seems as though you can't go wrong in making smoothies. 

PAT:  I did vote in photos.  Just so you know -

Marilyn:  I really hope and pray that you will find relief from the vertigo issue.

Talked with brother who is a volunteer fireman - he says he drives trucks and usually helps on little fires and accidents.  He is getting old to do this but I know he is careful too.  Chatted also with cousin who has more skin surgery for  pre-cancerous spots.  Otherwise, all that side of the family is doing well. 

Ruth Ann:  Thanks for telling the story about the puppy and your fall.  They are handfuls, needless to say. 

Waiting for a call back from my doctor's office.  They have made three mistakes in the last two years on my prescription.  Not good in that office but doctor is a keeper. 


I posted earlier but forgot to say that I did watch Colin painting,  Interesting how much he uses the palette knife.

Marilyn, my sister Shirley had some terrible episodes with positional vertigo, so dizzy she couldn't stand or walk.  After seeing two doctors who said there was no help for it, and the explanation of how the crystals touch the little hairs in our ears, and how you would have to get your head in exactly the right position, etc., etc.,.....she decided to try something on her own.  She said she bent over and shook her head very vigorously, and it worked!  She hasn't had an episode since!  Amazing.

Carol, good to see you posting today.  Our fair starts tomorrow, and I have duties as superintendent of the art department, so that will occupy most of the rest of this week.

I'm fading, but will try to stay awake for a while yet.  3:00 is a little too early to get up!

Oh!  And I did vote in the challenge, too, Pat!  :)
My book Rising Above available at

Jane Walker

Pat, I "watched" Colin painting on Face Book the other day ... really enjoy all of his work. Thanks for sharing it here. 
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jane Walker

My granddaughter, Becky, was involved in a hit and run accident Thursday night.   :ticked:  She was turning into a store parking lot when a car hit the right rear panel and tire of her car.  Karmen was asleep in her carseat at that exact spot and woke up screaming.  Becky called her mom (Dot) crying because, as she said, that car is the one thing she has left that can help her toward a better life.  She is virtually homeless again, and unemployed, and trying to go to school in the hopes of getting a decent job.  She told me, when I was there last month, that she can now officially call herself a "legal secretary" ... she was quite proud of that. 

I told Dot to make a police report, which she did, and they learned that the store owner has a camera pointed to the exact spot where she was hit.  Hopefully, they can ascertain the license number and track down this person.  The rear wheel is badly tipped inward, so we're hoping that doesn't mean a bent or broken axle.  They were going to have a friend take the wheel off to assess the damage.  She was also advised by the officer to put a non-op on it so it can be taken to a repair shop.  She was supposed to get the car registered this month.   :-\

After all that Becky has been through these past few years, it's really sad that she keeps having such disappointing experiences.  She's a real trouper, though.  As the saying goes: she takes a licking but keeps on ticking.  :D
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Oh, my goodness, Jane!  That's awful.  I hope she's going to be just fine. 

Thanks for sharing with us.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Good Morning One and All ... I am here to share something before I forget to to do it and that is to share a BIRTHDAY WISH to JUDY !!

So my dear friend JUDY I wish you all the best today and to have a great year ahead !!  I will be praying that you have a wonderful filled day !!

Anyway ... I shall see you all later as I have a MT. of clothes to catch up so I will do my best to come back in again soon so make your day a wonderful one !!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this Tuesday morning.  It is to be about 85 degrees with chance of afternoon and evening thunder showers.  We had some nice showers yesterday afternoon as well.  This morning I will pick up the young man from Nigeria and bring him back to the house to help Pat do some cleaning in her sewing room and a few others chores she has on her list.  Then we will take him out to lunch again.  He is a very nice young man that sits with us at church each Sunday.  He is very shy so we usually have to offer a special invitation but he always accepts as otherwise he sits alone.  I will attend a meeting this morning and that should complete the activities for the day.

Pat, at this time of year we sure don't have our windows open.  Enjoy the nice weather.  I thought we were to get some of the cooler weather but that turns out to be 85 or so rather than the low 90s. 

Janet, hope you can relax a bit this week as the pressure of the reunion is over.  It sounds like God was speaking to you through your minister Sunday.  Nice birthday gift for Abby and I bet it was a surprise.  Was this one of the Berlioz courses or something like it? IT sounds like I have nothing to complain about the heat as you all have us beat by a lot and that brings back memories of hot July days while I was growing up and then living in Missouri and Oklahoma, when the summers were so hot. 

Karen, time spent with our children is certainly a gift and great you and your daughter enjoyed the festival even if it tired you both out.  Good luck with the kitten. 

Happy Birthday Bonnie A. 

Carol, we should always blame the computer as it is suppose to know what we wanted and not let us make a mistake.  :)  It sounds like you must be alert on your prescriptions.  I have never had a problem with my medication with Kaiser but do check to see if the pills look the same as what I have from the pharmacy. 

Janet, that sounds like a big job at the fair for you this week.  Is the building where you will be air conditioned?

Jane, so sorry to hear of the new trials for Becky and what a coward of the other driver to hit and run.  He or she probably had no insurance or perhaps driver's license.  Glad there was no injuries.  Was her car totaled?  It is quite an accomplishment to be a legal secretary.  I have a young friend who works exclusively for one judge now rather than being on call to several.  She seems to work a lot as seldom see her. 

Happy Birthday Judy. 


:hb2: :hb3: :hb2:


Hope you have a
wonderful day!

:hb2: :hb3: :hb2:

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Yes, Larry, the building is air conditioned, for which I am thankful!  As I sat in my new library/sunroom, with all the windows open to the cool air (it usually always cools off here at night!) I was thanking and praising god for the coolness, the songs of the birds and other blessings He gives us in the natural world.  Then the sun disappeared, the clouds covered the sky, and a sweet, gentle rain began to fall!  How I thank and Praise our loving God for all these blessings!  WOW, He is so good to us!

Oh, Jane, I'm so sorry about your granddaughter's latest problems.  But if we keep our eyes on Jesus, speaking the answers rather than the problems, He never lets us down.  I pray that if her car cannot be repaired, God will supply her an even better one.  He cares!

Hi, Karen!

I have been up since 5:20 and it's nearing 9, so I need to go get those last two paintings I did framed and ready to take to enter in the fair.  I will be out there all afternoon, and most of tomorrow doing my duty.  But I enjoy seeing people I don't routinely see and interacting with those who bring their artwork, especially the children.  God has a good time in store for me!

AND-----Praise the Lord!  He has begun Beth's healing, and will continue it to full completion!  Her speech is stronger and easier to understand, just since our prayers for her and John on Saturday!!  Hallelujah!  What a Saviour!
My book Rising Above available at


Thank you every one for the Birthday wishes!  We celebrated with friends on Saturday and had a wonderful time.

It is cool in the house, dogs are out and I found it is again warmer outside.

John got home in the early hours of the AM, He is driving truck to cover someone on holidays this week.  HE leaves at 3 pm and gets home at about 3:30 to 4 am.  Not a shift he likes, but it is just for a week and it helps our budget and the company.

I have my favourite job to do today, lawn mowing.....No that is not sarcasm!  Love mowing.

Have a great day everyone!

Jeanne Lee

Jane, Becky has had so many trials and tribulations  :( - but remember the Lord tries those He loves!.  Check out Hebrews 12:6, for instance.

Janet, what wonderful news that Beth is showing signs of healing!  Praise the Lord, and thanks to Him for answered prayer!   :cheer:  I hope you'll bring home some ribbons for your paintings again this year.  :thumbsup:

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Jeanne Lee

Judy, may your birthday be the best yet! 
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Jeanne Lee

I forgot to mention that I think my router troubles are over.  I installed a new one this morning and compared to what I went through with the old one, it was a breeze to set up a wifi network, and so far everything is working great.  I should be through with the routine of unplug-wait-plug in - and hope.    :D
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Jane I am sorry to hear about all the troubles Becky is having, Praying for her.

Janet I have tried just about everything for this Vertigo to no avail, I am to go to PT again this Friday but I am seriously thinking about not going anymore and just live with the Vertigo as I have for the last 2.5 years. I did find some exercises on the internet that I will try here at home. Those blasted ear crystals need to keep moving instead of getting stuck and making me dizzy.

I do hope today is not as hectic as yesterday at te clinic. It wasn't the amount of animals but we had a pregnant bulldog that I have to give IV fluid too and sit there to hold her leg out straight, She got two bags right after surgery, went back to her kennel only to start bleeding again from her vulva. so we brought her back out to the recovery bed on a stretcher, and I gave her two more IV bags of fluids. they had to sedate her just enough to hold her from trying to get out off the stretcher, we didn't strap her down but covered her with two warm fleece blankets. It was nerve wracking I was so afraid we were going to lose her.

I hope this wasn't TMI?
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Happy Happy Birthday Judy!!  Enjoy your lawn mowing.  That isn't strange to me - I used to like shoveling snow with the snow blower and would do other driveways as well.  Remembering very kind neighbors in Minnesota who cleaned my driveway the winter I had 4 little ones - the last one was born in November so they always cleared my driveway.  It was such a relief to be able to pack up the children and take off.  If you can't celebrate your birthday today, there is always the weekend.

Jane:  Something is wrong with so many Hit and Run - it is an epidemic here.  There seems to be no accountability in the driver's minds.  Glad everyone is alright.

Taking a break from cleaning the floor - whew.  That space seems to grow.  A neighbor called with a battery problem on smoke alarms going off.  We have a gift coupon for a New Orleans place for lunch and I need to pick up the prescription they finally ordered for me. 

Enjoy your day. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I've got a really busy day today - had an early morning call, just as I was getting ready to go downstairs to play piano for the devotional service. Then, was called out of that group to answer a call again.

Now, I'm to do something on the computer for my sister in law, followed by taking a disabled lady to the grocery.

So, likely there'll be no time for exercising.

It's so good to hear the chatter here today. Y'all are amazing people - great folk to know.

Bonnie and Judy, here's my wish for a wonderful life in your new year - may God's richest blessings be with you.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Here is a link to a video a friend who isn't a Christian sent me.  I found it interesting as she has never commented on the Christian Meme's I have posted.  However it seems she has noticed my stand for Christ and this was her response.  I sure enjoyed it..

Jane Walker

Beautiful, Judy ... I've seen other videos of this artist, as well ... she is truly inspired and talented.  Thank you for sharing this.  I notice your friend commented that she felt the love of God, and in tears, while watching. 

I have yet to learn what or how Becky's car is doing ... she has no money for repairs, and now no transportation to school unless she stays at her mother's and they share her car.  That is not a good option, however, since she is not supposed to be staying in that "senior" mobilehome park.   :-\  It just seems she goes from one disaster to another in life, and all she wants to do is make a better life for herself and her daughter.   :(
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!