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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Week~July 20

Started by Pat, July 20, 2008, 10:10:10 PM

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 Melody you are much too kind and I will take a guess that it was you who maked it off as a favourite!  <3
I do live in a beautiful country. Just keep looking out for the videos. There are more to come. God bless

Hi everyone else. Take care.
The Country Poet

Larry Hanna

Hi eveyone.  I have about 10 minutes to post before leaving for coffee.  After coffee need to stop by the bank and go to Wal-Mart.  The new housekeeper is coming today for the first time.  I think she will get the job done in much less time than the lady we had just before her.  We are hoping this works out OK. 

Our daughter had the picc line put in yesterday around 1 pm.  She has to stay in the hospital for at least 24 hours after the procedure but we anticipating she will get to go home today.  They have to get the home care nurse situation all lined up because she will have twice daily IV antibiotics some some period of time.  They apparently did take her last evening and did the MRI so that will save her a trip to Grady to have that done later.  She is suppose to stay off of her foot so know we will be needing to go down periodically to help her out a little such as getting food in and perhaps helping her with the laundry. 

We had a nice rain last night, apparently around 1/2 inch.  We also were without power most of the evening.  Pat said it came back on around 10 pm after going off at 7:39 pm.  Around 9:30 I had retired for the night so it wasn't bothering me one way or the other.

Carol, will this end the missionary work for your cousin and his wife?  I know some churches will recall the missionaries when serious illness is involved.  I am afraid there are a lot of inept realtors out there.  Guess when you find a a good one, don't lose their business card.

Janet, good luck on your painting at the fair.  Wow, a 91 year old painter--how neat. 

Ruth Ann, glad you are getting a few of things done that you hadn't been able to do. 

Marilyn, glad your dog is feeling better.

Well time to get stated for the day.


"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


 :hbirthday:Ruth Ann
The rain is clearing here today and it looks like sunshine all the way!!
A good day to go and get my hair done I think :)
Hopefully I can get a walk in before it gets to hot.
I just love it when all the flowers are in bloom.

Have a good day all!!! :coffee:

Al Moak

I thank our Lord for sending you good neighbors, Jane.  Happy birthday, Ruth Ann - it marks the day of your entrance into the world, and we're glad you're here!  Melody- what kind of flower is that?  I don't know why, but I forget names of flowers almost as fast as I learn them.

I've got a new and special pair of shoes for this hip problem of mine.  The left shoe is specially built up, not just in the heel, but overall.  It's about half inch or more, so it feels strange.  I can't wear them all day yet - supposed to break into them gradually.  Please pray that this will solve the problem I've been dealing with since January.


Cooling down after our morning walk as the temp was already 76* before stepping outside.  Don is taking a load of pictures to our son's house today and stopping at a house where they have a kitchen island for sale in that area as we really need something for that kitchen.  Then, he has a board meeting from 4 PM until 10 or later - he is the consumer rep and these are all politicians and doctors, all volunteers for insurance for more people in this state.  

Larry:  It has to be hard for Stacey to keep her spirits up.  And - for you and Pat as well.  Where would we all be without faith?  I don't think my cousin's son will ever give up his work - he kept the family in a pretty dangerous country for years and all foreigners were made to leave and buildings confinscated by the dictator.  They are talking change of diet and meds - I have no idea as to the damage from the attack. We have the check from the sale of this house but now wait for the bank to see if it is OK so that is another 3 days. That will be 5 or 6 days of interest on a big check that we are losing because of one person  and I truly don't think he even knows the consequences of his failures.  

I can see the hurricane is getting stronger.  Do hope our CP people are not in any danger in SE Texas.  

Melody:  Just love the picture of the purple flowers so thank you for the color this morning.

Al:  You just wrote about your hip problem and the new shoes.  Keeping you in my prayers.  Please be careful and go at it slowly when using them.  Maybe set a timer?  Then, remember why the timer is buzzing?  Sorry, I just had that happen about something else and had to tease you a little.  Too many things ding in my kitchen.


Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It's been a good day today. Thanks for the good wishes. Also, friends and family have been calling, and I received a text message from my daughter's fiance.

And, I was able to help my son get a spreadsheet set up. Hopefully it will work ok. He has Open Office and I have the Microsoft Office 2007 Professional software, so who knows if Open Office can live with this new Excel version, or not.

One of my ex-bosses called and she asked what I was doing. I laughed and said although I was on vacation, I was setting up a spreadsheet for my son, and she just laughed and said that I oughta take a REAL vacation sometime! Also she mentioned that "we" want to have a get together to celebrate your retirement, but want it to be relaxed and a great time, so "we'll wait until after you've recovered from your surgery." Wonder who "we" is???

Y'all have a really great day.
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Quote from: Colin on July 21, 2008, 03:23:24 PM
I thought I would post another little video for you all to enjoy or perhaps cheer you up.

Thanks for sharing, Colin.  Nice to see these little glimpses of the "auld sod".  I sure hope that one day, if it's the Lord's will, that I'll be able to set foot there again before the Lord calls me Home.

Thanks again.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Quote from: Ruth on July 21, 2008, 01:56:39 PM
I have not been feeling well but I do expect tomorrow will be a better day.

We also had a wonderful computer virus which took our computer man the best of one day to get arrested although there are still some glitches - better days ahead.

I am leaving to do an alteration on a pair of slacks they will be smaller which makes me feel good.

Earlier I called our inter-net provider and had part of the package cancelled a savings of a few dollars.

Buy for now         Ruth

Ruth, that's not good news about your computer having a virus.  I've managed to stay away from these over the years.  That makes me happy.  Larry Hanna told us on SeniorNet so many years ago too about SpyBot and I run it very often.  I also go to http://housecall65.trendmicro.com/ often and get my computer scanned at that site.  They always find something that shouldn't be there and I delete. 

Hope you are feeling better, Ruth.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


It's so nice to see your posts Melody  I'd love to visit Newfoundland some day   I'm glad you enjoyed the devotional this week.

Janet what kind of shoes did you buy?    I'm so happy that Beth had such a good day.

Have you had any further news, Carol about your cousin's son?  It is shocking when he's so young.  Keep us posted.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Have you all entered the latest Challenge?

Have you all had a look at the entries?


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Ruth Ann Bice

Thanks, Pat! It's been a good day. We're about to leave for the restaurant. Since we couldn't work it out to see the grandchildren, we decided that those of us in Nashville (including my visiting son from England) are going to Bonefish Grille. I really like their fish selections, and we all like seafood.

I've had many calls and text messages - it's been fun. Now, I'm wondering if the big 7 OH in a couple of years will be even half as good a day as today.  :D

My brother called and with a chuckle reminded me that here in Nashville our heat index was supposed to be extremely high, so under these extreme weather conditions, I dare not light all the candles on my cake for fear of precipitating something catastrophic! And, he added, besides that, it would melt all the frosting off the cake!! What fun!
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Bebe is better today, I took her for a walk around the block to exercise her leg. Her hip or knee makes a "clunking" noise when she walks. She used to click. If  she is not better by the time I get back home on Sunday I will be taking her to the Vet on Monday. After I brought Happy back from his walk I put Bebe in the crate. I always get down on the floor and pet her and tell her she is a good dog before I close the door so she doesn't think  she is being punished. then I close and lock the door until she lays down. After that I go back and open the door and pet her ans talk to her , close the door without locking it so she can come out if she wants to, Once I had to open it just a little so she would know she could get out.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Oh, Marilyn!  That's so good that Bebe is doing a lot better.  Not nice to see our four-legged friends ill.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Gord Brown

 :)    Good evening to all or I should say good morning...Many things have been happening around our place. That is because my family is visiting from Scotland and we have been having a wonderful time.  My own kids have been here also so it has been a lot of fun with the grandkids also and my great nephew and great neice. :crazy:

My wife Noreen received some bad news that many of you have been praying for regarding her back.  The Ontario medical insurance has denied her any funding to have surgery out of the country so this has not been good and it has been very hard for her especially with the family here.  So again we ask for much needed prayer that we will be able to work this out with them at an appeal hearing soon.

Pat; thank you for your devotional very good and encourageing hope all is well. <3

Larry:  Thinking of you and your daughter and hope that her foot is starting to heal.

Colin:  Thanks for those great pictures.  Hope that you are getting better and glad to here that you mum is getting better. :coffee:

Melody:  Nice flowers hope that keep getting good weather for a while as I know that the winter comes early down there.  

Ruth Ann:  Happy Birthday and look after yourself.

Judy B. Hey where are you hope that you are O.K.  Say hi to John and also to Heather.

To all others have a good rest of the week and then a good weekend when it comes.

The Lord is so good and he is the won who continues to give us strength  each day but we have to talk to him.  God Bless  Gord. :thumbsup:
T Gordon Brown


GOOD MORNING ALL as i guess by the time you read this it will be morning and techincally its 3 am here. just got off work and relaxed at home thought i'd check in to the computer before hittng the hay.... been a long stessful month be glad when its over even if its just means school again i'll welcome the break from work at the store.... been going thru somechanges hopefuly management changes soon (not getting along with the boss' way of doing things) oh well i will survive or find better and i know there is better out there for me... i just don't like having all the experience i have and getting treated like a new hire.... but you live with what you got.... anyways i have to get to bed hope all is well in ya'lls neck of the woods


 :coffee:Good morning its starting of to what looks like another hot day here Horray!!!  :)

AL hope that these new shoes will resolve the problem in your hip. Praying for you.

Gordon-praying that God will make a way for your wife and she will get the needed insurance to have surgery.

Sarah-May God direct your path.

These  things , I have spoken unto you, that in the world ye might have tribulation  but be of good cheer ; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Got up early as woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.  I have already been out in front "dumpster diving" in going through a bag of trash that was put out yesterday with a receipt we need to return something I bought yesterday for cash so didn't keep the receipt.  Fortunately I found it and the trash bag had mainly paper from the housekeeper emptying wastebaskets yesterday.  So no harm done.

We had a very busy day yesterday.  I called around and found our church had a spare wheelchair that had been donated.  So I went to the church and picked it up so our daughter will have it.  I had been to Wal-Mart early yesterday morning but they didn't have one thing I needed to get so after going to the church drove to a nearby town and another Walmart and found the item I needed.  As soon as the housekeeper left yesterday, we got in the car and went to the hospital downtown to visit our daughter and take her the stop smoking patches she had asked us to get for her.  She used them about 18 months ago with success but was living with 5 other women who smoked and gave back in to the addition of nicotine.  Hopefully, this time they will work and the doctors have been all over her while she has been hospitalized. 

She looked good yesterday and apparently the antibiotic is working on the infection.  She will have in-home IV's for a minimum of two weeks and is to limit walking basically to her apartment.  She is going to be released today after noontime and we will pick her up.  I have a doctors appointment at 11 and need more blood drawn so we will go to her apartment and await her call as it isn't too far to the hospital.

Needless to say I was exhausted last evening as was my wife but had a good nights sleep. 

Gord, so sorry to hear of the denial of the help your wife needs.  It is something when a committee sitting in an office can determine whether we need healthcare and when.  I fear that same thing is coming to the US.  Glad to know you are enjoying your company.

Carol, be optimistic on the check but understand what you mean on losing the interest in something that could have been avoided.  Hope you get the kitchen island you need.

Sarah, hang in there as things don't stay the same.  Not all folks are cut out to be bosses but unfortunately we don't often learn that until such folks are in such positions.

Marilyn, good news about your dog and hope he stays in good shape now.

Belated Happy Birthday Ruth Ann.  We haven't been to a Bonefish restaurant yet but have one close by and understand you have to get on the waiting list for reservations but that it is very good.

Al, hope those new shoes do the trick for you.

Melody, those are pretty flowers and like Al I haven't a clue as to what they are called.


Hi everyone I will be away for a few days, I'm taking a short trip to Oregon.  Bebe is doing lots better, she slept on my bed last night and didn't have any trouble getting up there of back off this morning.

Larry I am praying for Stacey I know the Lord will hear all our prayers and give her a speedy healing with no complications

Hi Melody. Glad to see you here this morning too.

Hi Sarah this is your senior year coming isn't it.?

Gord I'm praying for Noreen here in California

Hi Pat how's it going there in Virginia?

Well y-all I will be checking in from Oregon when I get a chance, for the most part I will be busy doing things while I am there, one thing I will be doing is cleaning the fridge and baking a cake and a pie. Of course there are other things I need to get done too.

Are my little graphic showing up?

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Good morning to everyone,
                                    It's a great day in the Lord!  Although I must admit that my coffee brewer has made it's last cup...sob sob
    I ministered last night at our churches Bible Study, and I dont think that satan was very pleased so he broke my coffee pot!  (I made instant) ha ha
   Well after all we all know how important that first cup of coffee is amen....
      We are getting ready to have a youth rally here on Sat. several local churchs are participating in some way or another, its great to see the fellowship in the body of Christ and not possessiveness to God be the Glory!
   I am helping my Senior Pastor start up a web site for the Bible collage that we host in the Church, new territory for me, I think I can handle it....
         Well I see lots of members are traveling, and there are many that need miracles of some sort, my God is in that buisness amen!
  I better get off of here and start praying....bye for now

Nikon P-80
Sony DSC-100


Marilyn, yes, I see a dog licking its face.

Melody's flowers (the purple ones) are alium, a really beautiful ball of color.

Happy belated birthday wishes to our Ruth Ann!  Now you are as old as Pat and me!  ;)  We should get together and have a big party when we all turn 70!  :)  Invite everyone on CP!

I am going to Beth's care plan meeting this morning.  I will be asking what they plan to do about the breakdown of skin on her heels.  She wants me to take her out to the fair this afternoon, and to the big barbeque tonight.

I got five ribbons on my five paintings, one is reserve champion.  So I'm pleased.

It is very hot here in Kansas, 103 yesterday.  Whew.  :P  Thank God for air conditioning.

I do hope we do not go to a health care system like some other countries have.  We have the best health care in the world, why change it?  Good luck on your appeal, Gord.

Hi, Sarah!  Still working at Pizza Hut, right?  Something much better and much different in your future, I'm sure.  Good to see your post.

Gotta Run!  Time for that care plan meeting!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Etta Sue

Yes, I saw the little dog licking his face, too!  Glad someone else is joining me in graphics/animations.

I don't think I posted yesterday....wonder why? 

I have my yard mowed and some weed eating done.  I had to come in and rest awhile before taking my shower.  The Honda didn't want to co-operate today.  I turned it off and it wouldn't start again so I had to push it into the garage and put the charger on it.  Still didn't work so I put soda and water on the terminals, then the charger gave it enough umph for it to start.  Then I shut it off to air off the grass on it and it wouldn't start again.  Had to push it in the garage again!! !!  So I am tired.

I am praying that everyone has a God blessed day and you know it is His touch that allowed it.

tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la


A Quick note while we wait for birthday boy son as he is stuck in traffic.  We are taking him to a French restaurant for lunch.  Our real estate gal just came by to take our picture with the SOLD sign.  She makes cards and sends them out in the neighborhoods. 

Larry:  Dumpster diving - LOL and I can appreciate losing the receipt.  Ugh.  How wonderful that someone donated a wheelchair. 

LarryBoy:  We should send emergency coffee to you!

Marilyn:  We are taking care of other son's two of their German Shep mix rescues in Oct and Willow has to wear some support on the feet so we will put them on in the mornings.  Their newest rescue makes us a little nervous _ I can't say anything but our DIL seems to want to have an aggressive rescue dog and it just burns me up when there are so many to help.  My son just goes along.  Anyway, they must know how we feel and are taking the third dog to her parents (who are kinda cool toward the dog as well) but they have property. 

Etta Sue:  You deserve to rest after wrestling with the Honda motor.

Gordon:  I am so sorry that you must wait for back surgery for your sweetheart. And, company at the same time.  What is the reason for coming to the states for her surgery?  Is it the long wait? 

Love all the graphics.  When we finally get settled, I would like to learn how to post some graphics. 


Colin:   I am enjoying the video's   

Pat:   Thanks for the info about virus's  This was our first and I hope the last.     

I was away for a couple of days a mini vacation to Linday Ontario to visit a friend and then did the tourist stuff.  It is also good to be back home.

Larry:   Best wishes with the diet and I hope that your daughter is on the mend.

Have a wonderful day.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


Thanks to all who commented on the videos. It takes a little time putting them together but I enjoy doing them. Inside a year Jeannine and my videos have recieved over 27,000 visits on Godtube. We are tremendously pleased about this and we pray that our videos are used of God to glorify His name.
Take care everyone and God bless. <3
The Country Poet

Gord Brown

 :)    Good evening to all.

We have so much rain that it is even damageing the farmers crops in the Niagara region.

Janet;  Re: the heals before you go to bed at night you should put a good amount of vasalene onto your heals and then put some small socks on and if you keep it up you should see a change.  My wife and I had to both do this and it works.

Etta Sue  Did you check you filter? and also the spark plug.

Carol:  The surgery as far as we know is not done anywhere in Canada but the health department is saying that it is but of course they did not tell us where.  It is par for the course they are giving us a run around.

As I said before that our heavenly father will continue to give us strength and we both accept what is going on is his will.  May you all have a great evening.  Love in Christ.  Gord.
T Gordon Brown


I'm just in from the fair again, took Beth out for the big free barbecue.  She enjoyed looking around at the exhibits, few though they are.  They must have called almost all the help who work at the home, to help transport the residents out to the fair.  I think it took three or four trips with their bus, but they all seemed to have a good time.  I used Beth's van to take her.

I'm wondering if a tempur-pedic mattress would be good for Beth.  Goodness knows, we have tried every other kind, to no avail.  They want her to lie on her bed for at least an hour every afternoon, to relieve the pressure on her "sitter" and her heels.  She did that today, after very strong coaxing from me.  But she says the mattress is too hard.......... :-\

I'm working again tomorrow, and if I have to pay for it with three days of pain again, I promise I will find the boss and turn in my notice!

Gord, PLEASE send some of that rain to Kansas, the sw corner!! we are baking and being blasted with hot winds here, just terrible.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Etta Sue


Gord ~ I guess the spark plugs and air filter is still there.  I haven't noticed anything on the ground that has fallen off.   ;)  No, I know hardly anything about motors.  I talked to my son last night and we both think I need a new battery and he is coming to change the oil and grease it. 

Janet ~ YOU HAVEN'T TURNED IN YOUR NOTICE YET??  Bad girl!  Shame on you!  You don't need to hurt for three days for a little bit of money!! 

Colin ~ I am sorry!  I forgot to tell you how much I enjoy your videos and the music.  Keep up the great work.

Today is a doctor appointment for me...for her to tell me about my blood work taken last Friday.  Then I will have lunch and then grocery shopping at WalMart.  I have a list...lets see how well I stick to it! 




Hope you all enjoy this video!  <3

Ettas Sue....that is so cool an answer you give Gordon about your plugs and filter. Thanks for making me smile......nay chuckle!  :thumbsup:

Hi everyone else. God bless.
The Country Poet