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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts For The Week~July 27

Started by Jane Walker, July 27, 2014, 07:33:44 PM

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Jane Walker

Come and join us this week and share with us your plans and thoughts for the week!  We sing, share and encourage other members here.

Hope to see you posting this week!

A Shelter In the Time of Storm
(Click to hear music)
You have been a shelter from the storm.
Isaiah 25:4

Words: Vernon J. Charlesworth, circa 1880.
Music: Ira D. Sankey, circa 1885

The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
Secure whatever ill betide,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
A weary land, a weary land;
Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

A shade by day, defense by night,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
No fears alarm, no foes afright,
A Shelter in the time of storm.
The raging storms may round us beat,
A Shelter in the time of storm
We'll never leave our safe retreat,
A Shelter in the time of storm.
O Rock divine, O Refuge dear,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
Be Thou our Helper ever near,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

Today's Devotional

from Our Daily Walk

"And a man shall be as a hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest...as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land."-- Isa_32:2.

WE ARE reminded that this prophecy was uttered in a time of great unrest. The clouds of war were gathering dark on the horizon, and Israel was looking for help from the arm of flesh. In this emergency the voice of the prophet was heard, saying: "Look not to Egypt, but to God" (Isa_31:1).
The kingdom depends on the king: "Behold a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes rule in judgment." When all politics and commerce, social and domestic life are under the sway and guidance of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God will come, and the Will of God shall be done on earth, as in heaven.

The Lord Jesus is many-sided enough to meet all the varied needs of His people. Some need a covert from the tempest, others rivers of water to quench their thirst, others the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. But He is all and equal to all. When a man or woman owns the sway of Christ, eyes and ears are cleansed, there is no longer the hesitation of stammering confession, the judgment becomes rectified and the heart opened to a new generosity. First righteousness, then peace--such is heaven's eternal order.

This is a marvellous chapter! Note the words of warning to the women of Jerusalem. After all, the religious and political life of a nation is very much what the women make it, and there can never be a widespread deepening of religious life unless the women, who have such great capacity for God, turn to Him in repentance and faith.

Are our conditions similar? Surely they are! For if in the days of Solomon it was true that all things were full of labour and stress, how much more true is it in our time! The tides of human life are high and stormy, and there is no sense of security. We may surely plead that we need the quiet resting-places and sure dwellings, in which our souls may shelter! The promise is made to "'My people"--to those who have heard and obeyed the voice of the Good Shepherd. If you are one of the weakest and lowliest of these, you may draw comfort here (Isa_32:18).

Bring us, O Lord, through the troubled waters of life into a haven of repose. Hide us secretly in Thy pavilion from the strife of tongues and the fiery darts of the wicked one. May we be at peace with Thee, with ourselves, and with all. AMEN.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jeanne Lee

Thank you Jane for this devotional.  We can absolutely compare today's times of stress and unrest, with dark clouds of war on the horizon, to those of ancient Israel.  And it is no less important today than it was in the days of Solomon to turn to the Lord for our "shelter from the tempest".
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That was good, Jane.  We do need to trust God through the storms of life.


"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Hello Ladies & Gents ... Just wanted to out a BIG HELLO & GOOD MORNING to one and all. Sorry that I was not around over the weekend but there is just so much going on and it is hard to keep up. Storms over the weekend which made us shut down the computers and then had errands to run with hubby so ... PHEW then this week is VBS so I will be in and out !! 

So, I am here to wish and a everyone a great day and wonderful week ahead so I will do my best to come in from time to time ... so see you all later !!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone from a sunny Georgia with little chance of rain.  A quiet day planned and other than attending a meeting this evening have nothing on the schedule.  Pat will have a massage again this morning. 

Jane, thanks for putting together the Devotional Thoughts for this week.  We are living in very stormy conditions all over the world, including our own country and also for many of us our own families. 

Marilyn, thanks for sharing the pictures.  Was this a very small gathering as the pictures don't show any large groups?

Karen, hope you have a great VBS this year.  Our church just had theirs a couple of weeks ago and it was well attended. 


What a great devotional for this week, Jane!  Thank you so much for sharing that.

I'm sitting here singing the hymn!  What good words:

The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
Secure whatever ill betide,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
A weary land, a weary land;
Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Looks like you had a great time, Marilyn, with Keith's school friends.  Looks like a great cake!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



We had our DVBS two weeks ago at our church.  The turn out was wonderful too with mostly children from the neighbourhood!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Larry, what a storm we had last evening.  I went up to Janice and Phil's home after the morning church service.  It's a good 1 1/2 hours to their home and it was a lovely drive up.  I was taking an early birthday gift to Janice as she's got some nice gardens built out back and she's interested in "Square Foot Gardening" which is one of the most fantastic methods of gardening that I know.  I've been doing it since the late 1980's and '90's.  Anyway, I have somewhere the original book on how to get started with this method and now Mel (author) is in his "2nd Edition of the New and Improved Square Foot Gardening" so I bought Janice a copy and gave it to her yesterday.

Well, after supper, it started to rain.  And it rained.  And rained and then the lightening moved in and the thunder and I wondered if I was going to get home in the dark in that rain.  I waited for about an hour and it seemed to have passed a wee bit but then as I was on the highway, it circled back.  I could hardly see where I was going and had my wipers on fast speed to keep them somewhat cleared but several times I had to pull over and stop.  So I didn't get home till about midnight!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Pat:  That sounds like one dicey drive you had last night.  Goodness and mercy were with you. <3

Here, the weather is rain every afternoon in the monsoon time.  It helps cool the temperatures  Daughter is with g-daughter in NYC while g-daughter attends a week long advertising camp (she was one of 20 to win a spot) and they will meet with corporate offices today and give a presentation the groups have worked on all weekend.  Too much hustle and bustle for me.

Our middle son is helping out a friend (not girlfriend) who is low on money and giving her and her son a place to stay for a couple of months so they can save for a rental.  He has the kindest heart; there are two dogs so I really hope this works out well. 

The youth minister spoke at church yesterday and he always has a good sermon too.  We went out for coffee then way up north of the city for a sale on new lamps.  They are Ott lamps (which Larry's Pat will know) especially good for reading & sewing.  The poor lady had to sell, she is widowed, house is too expensive for her and she needs to sell and find a smaller place - praying for her (Earlene).  She and I talked about the price of groceries going up so much - it is hurting her much harder than the working person realizes. 

There was a rally for Israel downtown and it went well. of course about 20 for the Hamas side to protest.

Bible study on Wed begins in September but we are trying to get a few of the gals together soon.  Our leader wants to buy a house in our area and we have been scouring the nearby streets to get her first hand information.  Would love to have her nearby. 


Just a short note today to let you all know things are well here.  My sister is still here, she really wants to go home, but God told her, "not yet!"  Beth is showing improvement each day, so we are rejoicing.  But we want SO much to see her totally healed, and John, too--standing tall and strong.  God told me they will be his "Poster Kids to display his power and glory!"  Hallelujah!  We are trying to stand firm and not allow any doubts to creep in.  Pray for us and with us, please?

Getting up in the wee hours of the morning to spend time in Bible study, prayer and journaling is leaving me in need of a little nap in the afternoon!

Love you all!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Larry the large group picture I took with my phone and posted it on Facebook right after I took it.

Riding the dunes in  the sand rail was so much fun.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Jeanne Lee

Janet, what good news that is about Beth!  What a wonderful God we have!   :excited:

Marilyn, you must have had a really enjoyable time.   :thumbsup:

Pat, you do get into some of the most stressful driving situations.   :o
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I have been absent for a time.
I am still recovering from surgery but the Dr. did say today that as long as I do not do anything stupid like falling all is well. My next visit to see him is 9 months from now.

About the weather that Pat drove through we happened to make it home from Alliston just before it started and yes the rain was something else. We were glad to be home when it started.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6

Jeanne Lee

Well, Ruth, for goodness sake, please "don't do anything stupid like falling"!   :D  I'm glad you managed to get home before the storm arrived. 

This definitely does not feel like July.  We've had very few days in the upper 80's and only a couple times hit 90.  Mostly we're in upper 70's or low 80's and our nights tend to be in the 50's - a couple down to 48.  That does make sleeping great - but I hate to get out of my nice warm cocoon in the morning.   ;)
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Yes, Ruth, it's so good to have you back, and please do not fall! 

We had a lovely, soaking rain this morning!  Praise the Lord!  I don't know how much, because the rain gauge is still on the cabinet waiting for Darrel to put it outside somewhere!  It doesn't measure well there!  But the streets were flowing with water in town when Shirley and I went in to pray with Beth and John, and our road is boggy.  I am not complaining, it's wonderful to see all the pasture lands greened up, and to have such lovely, cool weather--in JULY!!

We will leave at 12:30 to drive John to Garden City for his plane.  Sad to see him go, he is such a joy and a blessing.  What a remarkable, amazing man John is.  And how we thank God for sending him into Beth's life.

Shirley and I drove to Hugoton yesterday to see Abby ride in the parade (for their fair) as First Princess.  Need I say she looked beautiful?  :)  And Diane had a float for her business, Yardmaster, on which she was awarded two prizes--First place in Commercial floats and overall winner!  I was happy to be there with camera in hand.  ;)

Have a God-blessed day, my friends.  I know I am!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

Janet, it doesn't do us any good for you to have your camera in hand unless we can see the pictures!  If you need help posting them, just let me know.  Please!   :)
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I am going to be brief today as have had a very busy day and also have something to do this evening.  I will have to read the postings when I lay down to rest for the night, which will be pretty early due to the busy day.  :)


Thunder, lightning, and flooding is expected - a full day of this heavy rain.  It doesn't look well for the burn areas.  We did all we needed this morning and now preparing to stay over with grandson tomorrow night for a game of Cribbage and I am bringing fresh corn-on-the-cob to add to our meal. 

Ruth:  It sounds like a long time before you go back to the doctor - for Pete's sake, don't fall.  I know you won't after all these warnings.  That reminds me of how I would shout to the kids - don't run, don't this and that!   ;)

Janet:  This is an amazing time for Beth and I pray for her recovery. 

Whoops, signing off - heavy thunder right on top of us.  Later


Hello everyone, please pray for my foster son Larry, he had knee surgery yesterday still in great pain.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hi everyone.  My wife had to travel to Kansas City today (around 230 miles).  She had to go to a meeting for her work.  A lady that works with her is traveling with her.  They should be back tomorrow afternoon.  Please pray for their safe return.

I work for Express Scripts in St. Louis.  I work from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm so another day at work for me.  My two kids do the same job that I do but they work 2nd shift.

Jeanne Lee

Buddy, I am asking our Lord to give your wife and her companion safe travels. 
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Quote from: Jeanne Lee on July 29, 2014, 07:28:10 PM
Buddy, I am asking our Lord to give your wife and her companion safe travels.

Thanks, Jeanne!


Marilyn Ice Ice Ice and Ice some more.  That is about the only thing that will help with the pain and I have that from 2 friends.  One had double knee replacement the other had single.  Also in a zip lock bag put 3 cups of water and a cup of rubbing alcohol.  Into the freezer.  It doesn't freeze solid and will go where needed (around the knee).  I always put mine in 2 ziplocks in case of a leak.


I will tell him that nett time he cal;ls he is still in the hospital right now.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Good idea, Judy, about the alcohol and water in ziplock bags.  I had forgotten about that.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Quote from: buddywoods on July 29, 2014, 07:17:00 PM
Hi everyone.  My wife had to travel to Kansas City today (around 230 miles).  She had to go to a meeting for her work.  A lady that works with her is traveling with her.  They should be back tomorrow afternoon.  Please pray for their safe return.

I work for Express Scripts in St. Louis.  I work from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm so another day at work for me.  My two kids do the same job that I do but they work 2nd shift.

Ohhh, praying Buddy!   

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is now late afternoon and again today I am late coming in to post.  We were gone all morning with Bible study and visiting at Dunkin' Donuts per our usual Wednesday schedule.  As soon as we got home I called a friend who had agreed to look at Pat's recliner that has decided not to let the foot rest go all the way down.  He identified the problem and got the foot rest down so Pat can at least sit in the chair but not elevate her feet.  I will have to contact their repair center tomorrow so we can make the decision whether to spend additional money on it as Pat wants a different chair as what she has doesn't fit her well.  We will donate the chair as it still has value as can be used without the reclining position and was the top-of-the line when we bought it eleven years ago.  Yesterday morning I picked up the young Nigerian lad, who considers us his American grandparents, and he cleaned out our storage building, which took about 4 hours.  I then took him for lunch where he had his first sub sandwich.  I gave him my spare desktop computer as it wasn't being used and the one his family has no longer worked. 

Marilyn, did Larry has a total knee replacement?  Hope he is feeling better today.

Buddy, Missouri is our home state as my grew up in the Kansas City area and I grew up near Maryville, Missouri. 

Judy, that is the recipe for making ice bags that Pat's PT therapist told us about when she had her knee surgery.  You can also adjust the amount of water or rubbing alcohol if you want a change in the consistency of the ice pack.  These are sure a lot cheaper than buying commercial ice bags and they work really well.