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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Week~June 16

Started by Pat, June 16, 2013, 10:45:50 PM

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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone and a bright and sunny morning.  This is the first time in several days I have been able to say this.  I was able to sleep in a little later today as plan on staying home all day.  Pat has a dental appointment today but doesn't need me to go with her. 

Good Morning Ruth Ann.  Hope today is another good day for you.

Janet, have to wonder why the doctor's would want to give your sister a pain medication that would cause her more pain because it doesn't work for her. Thank goodness her daughter is in the health care field and can be there for her mother.  Sure hope she is in less pain today. 

Judy, relaxation day today since you finished your course yesterday.  I have learned never to look back as it is a total waste of time.  You did your best and what else could be asked of you.  I am sure you are much harder on yourself than anyone else is.  Nice to hear that RuthV is busy with her work. 

Gord, so sorry to hear that Noreen still has to use a brace, which must make getting the needed exercise to keep the knee from being stiff very difficult if not impossible.  Hopefully the pain will lessen each day.  How are you holding up under the stress of the situation?

BonnieA, good for you in making the amend and fortunately it was well received but even if it had not been one person involved would certainly feel a burden lifted.   


Good morning!  It is bright and sunny here and will likely get hot again, but yesterday's reprieve from the heat was so nice.

Bonnie, glad you did as the Lord (and Judy) prompted you to do, and that you got good sleep afterwards.  We so need to keep our consciences clear.  I have had to apologize a few times when it was so hard to do I had to pray really hard before doing it, but felt so relieved afterwards.  Bless you!

I just talked to my sister Shirley, and she sounded a little bit better.  They did go back through their records to find out what pain med she had after her hip replacement some years ago, and gave her that, and she isn;t vomiting it up now.  The blood doctor had just been in, and said she has some kind of a massive infection; but what it is, they still don't know.  :'(  I feel so bad that such a sweet and wonderful person is having to endure this.

Darrel switched to consumer cellular for his cell phone and they are to switch all his numbers today.  We plan to go to Liberal so he can get a holder for it, I can get a hearing aid repaired, and he can take me to lunch for a belated birthday treat.  Should get to see our son-in-law Jeff, too, and get the car washed.

Right now, it's time to go to the gym.  :tiredtread:
My book Rising Above available at


There is a poor air quality alert around here because of more wild fires.  Because of several years of drought, rain only temporally solves the problem.  I had a small surgery yesterday and today Don has his CT scan today, which he is allergic to the test solution.  Not fun for the next day either.  We are hunkered down so to speak. 

Betty:  Bless you for your comment in reply to my moaning about things out of control in our family. Thank you for your comforting words. 

Janet  It is always good to have a family patient advocate when hospitalization or serious matters are of concern. 

Hi Bonnie! 

Gord: Still praying for Noreen and you.

Has anyone heard from Pastor Al lately? 


I forgot to say that yesterday (when several wild fires popped up in this state) a fire began close to our church but it was put out rather quickly.  thank heaven.  There is a conference of hundreds of pastors here this week - along with their spouses. 


Gord you need to quit being a night hawk!  that designation is reserved for Pat and I LOL.  Noreen needs you and you need to be rested, try to get more sleep brother!

Bonnie we all know the right thing to do, it is a matter of doing it and sometimes that needs just a nudge in the right direction.  You have also given me such nudges!  Thank you for that.

I can hardly believe that it is over and I don't have to turn to my notes and start studying or working on an assignment.  A good feeling of freedom.  Now to go to the gas station for gas and get the mowing done!

Friday, if John gets home in time, we will be heading south......That will save a rush trip on Saturday.  We will have time to see Pat this trip, it has been too long, eh Pat?

Must run god bless all of you


Hi Bonnie...  Good job!  ;)

Janet, hope Shirley is a lot better soon.  Not a nice malady!

Carol, I phoned Al the other night.  He was in bed and sounded very congested so we must all pray for our dear brother.

Glad you ha a sleep in Larry

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Pat:  Thanks for the update on Al.  Sorry to hear he isn't feeling up to par. 

Gord Brown

 :)  Hi to all and thanks for continuing to pray.  I think that Noreen may have had a better night but today she has been sleeping all day but she did get up as 1 of our grand son's came in with his mum and brought flowers for  Grammy.  He is grammy's boy and the other one is my boy and it is so funny that this is the way that they are. :thumbsup:

Larry.  You asked how I was holding up and with the Lord's help and lots of prayer the Lord is helping me.  But I do need to get some more strength to be able to get many things done around the house :coffee:  I do hope that your daughter is doing well and also Pat.  God bless.

Carol:  I do hope that those fires do stay away from you as there has been so many all over the place.  May the Lord keep you safe. :)

Judy B.You should know that I am a night hawk as you have known me long enough and even when I was young I stayed up late.  Hope that you are able to get your grass cut.  My daughter came today and cut my back yard and will come later this week and we will both do both front yards as my neighbour is away.

Well to all others on this wonderful site May the Lord bless you and give continued strength.   Love in Christ to all.   Gordon and Noreen. :thumbsup: :groupwave: :cp: :banana:
T Gordon Brown

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is going to be another lovely day to start the summer season.  The sun is shining and it will be warm but not too hot.  Pat spent most of the afternoon at the dentist getting site preparation for a new crown.  Today is coffee at the Senior Center and then a friend is coming over to spend an hour with me right after coffee and the termite inspector is to be here between 10-12 this morning.  That will be it for today for me unless Pat wants to eat out this evening.  Stacey saw the PA at the surgeons office yesterday and her stump is healing nicely and the scar is about gone.  The goal is to have at least a temporary artificial leg by Christmas so she will be able to once again come to our home for the holiday.   

Carol, it sounds like this is not being one of your better weeks for either you or Don.  Hope your recovery is swift.  It also sounds like a good day to stay indoors as much as possible.  That fire close to your church would certainly create concern among the conference attendees and spouses.  Glad the fire was put out.

Judy, glad you will be able to spend some time with Pat on your trip.  I take it you are now beginning to relax from the tension of the course.  Hope your got your yard mowed.

Pat, thanks for the report on Al.  It sounds like he isn't doing too well at the moment. 

Gord, sure the grandsons brought joy to you both.  Glad to read that Noreen may have had a better night as perhaps that will signal better days ahead. Our daughter has been doing OK this week. 


Larry, I am happy to read better news for Stacey.  It's time she had some good news!

We had a nice trip over to Liberal yesterday, and loaded up on good, healthy things to eat, too.  (At Walmart, that is.)  Also had a short, but enjoyable visit with our son-in-law.  Some guy drove a dual-wheeled truck into the automatic bay of Jeff's car wash in Hugoton about four weeks ago, and demolished the automatic bay.  Over $90,000 in damage, plus the loss of income for however long it takes to get the repairs done and reopen.  Jeff was emailing back and forth to the guy's insurance company yesterday....again.  They wouldn't even have known who did it, but the guy went to the police station, once he got his truck out of the car wash, and said, "I broke the car wash......kind of."  Thank God, the police told Jeff who it was, and got the guy's insurance information.  He was driving a company truck!

My friend Pat colored and styled my hair this morning, and for my birthday, she did my nails, so I should look nice to attend the wedding tomorrow.  My friend Paula's granddaughter is getting married.

Sorry to hear that Al isn't doing well at this time, pray he will improve quickly.

Time to go to lunch.  I'm taking along a healthy salad and healthy dressing!

My book Rising Above available at


Folks if you have been watching the news you will see that Calgary Alberta is a disaster zone.  Please be praying for the folks there.  The Trans Canada Highway has been wiped out with the flooding, and homes washed away.  Mych help and prayer is needed.  The Red Cross isn't doing anything yet, till the water recedes.


Oh, my!  I haven't seen the news for a couple of days, so wasn't aware of this.  Last time I watched, it was Mexico being washed away.  "Everything that can be shaken will be shaken."  And it's happening right now!
My book Rising Above available at


You have that right Janet.  Soon and very soon!


We do see a few things happen around the world with either BBC or looking on the internet.   :(  Sad state of affairs.  Calgary is so flat that I remember so there is no where for the water to run.  \\

Yes, this has been a trying week.  I do have blessed news that my test was benign.  Don also is much better today and is right now working on our t.v. setup. 

Gord.  We are alright but there is a ravine in back and it has been dry.  I just saw a deer munching lunch and she is not afraid of cars passing on the road...wish the drivers were more alert.  You two need a much deserved rest when all the medical concerns are over. 

Larry:  Glad to read that Stacey's leg is mending.  I hope she gets a state-of-the-art prosthesis as they are making these so much better all the time.  Yes, a concern over air quality here and we can't wish the summer/fall away.  We are in the process of selling our cabin in the mountains - it has only taken two plus years.  Maybe this will go through. 


I am feeling so upset by the terrible disaster in Calgary and simply can't get my mind to accept what is happening.  Many years were spent there both before and after marriage.  It is unreal.  So far 100,000 people have had to be evacuated and the whole city is under deep water...the loss is enormous.  There is also bad flooding happening in BC and no real end to the continuing damage. 

If one takes a informed look at today's world, it is like a living movie of the Book of Revelation.  Not just the wars and natural disasters, but the complete collapse of ethics, morals and humanity as once was was considered normal.

Mostly over the years I drop in with something cheerful to say and a bad joke or two ..... Guess being 80 has made it a tad harder to do....Or could be that using this iPad makes me grumpy!

I come to read quite often and to pray for folks.  Looking forward to your story and photos Janet.  Tomorrow I am going to make 3 batches of Strawberry Jam, so had best rest up as now things are done in very slow motion!!

God Bless,




Liz, that's just what I often say about living in Revelations.  We are in the end of the end times, I believe.  The next huge event will likely be the total destruction of the city of Damascus. That is clearly predicted, and what with all the problems in Syria, could be imminent.  And now our government wants to send even more arms to Syria.  The whole world seems to be going crazy! But our God is still in control, and these things must come to pass, but we must keep the faith and keep our eyes on Him!!  So good to have you posting today!  Do try to pop in and say hello more often, will you?

Carol, so good to hear better news of you and Don today.  Sad that Calgary is being washed away, while Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas are drying up and blowing away.  Crazy weather.  Hope the fires don't come near you, and that the wildlife will find enough food to survive.

I discovered I have some framing to do, so got into my studio this morning and cleared off the tables.  Now I have room to work and will make myself get caught up on that!  Fair time is fast approaching!

God bless you all on this Saturday we have been given.  Another day to praise the Lord and thank Him for all our blessings......and there are SO MANY!!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is a near perfect morning here in Georgia with low humidity, sunny and not yet too warm.  I don't really have anything special on my agenda for today.  I hope to finish listening to the John Grisham book.  I just opened my Comcast bill for my internet and find that for the 4th month in a row they have put a charge on my bill for rental of the modem, which I own and do not rent.  This time they also added a $2.99 change of service charge because of the erroneous  charge last month. Each month when I call and go through a long process and they remove the charge they assure me the problem is fixed.  l can't believe the incompetence of this company.  I am about ready to go back to AT&T for Internet service.  Last night starting at about 7 pm from my next door neighbor's pool area started the loud drum beat and later was joined by an electric guitar.  That stopped about 10:30 but they stayed at the pool until around 1:30 and then there was a final round of drum beating.  The young man who lives there must be in a band and guess they were practicing.  I sure wish they wouldn't do it outside.  I am going to check into the noise ordinance for our county.  I don't want to call the police on my neighbors but that was almost unbearable.  Sorry about the complaints today.

Janet, I am always relieved when Stacey calls and we know she is ok for today.  Jeff is very fortunate that the guy who did the extensive damage is an honest person.  However, he likely will be in a lot of trouble with his company.  How long will it take to get the automatic by fixed?

Judy, terrible news about Calgary and other area in the flooding. 

Carol, so glad about your medical test news and sure you are relieved.  Also glad to read that Don is better.  Sure hope you are able to complete the sale of your cabin.  The real estate market seems to really be improving. 

Liz, good to see you post as it has been awhile.

Jeanne Lee

A beautiful day here, too.  At least for now...  possible thunderstorms this afternoon, and the leaves are flipping over.  I have a load of laundry just about ready to hang out so I hope the sun and brisk breeze get things dry before any rain arrives.   ;)
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I'll be fixing "Thanksgiving" dinner for my son and daughter in law for dinner this evening.  So, can't talk long.

Weather report is that we're having bright, partly cloudy day, temp is supposed to go above 90 degrees, and possibility of heat-generated thunderstorms this evening.

So, I may need to take towels to the door when I go downstairs to let my children in this evening. :)

Y'all have a good rest of the day.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


We just got back from Fort Erie and Burk's Falls. It was a good trip, and we were able to visit with one of my sister's and her husband in Elmira, then we went on to Fort Erie, back to my sister's and then back to my Dad's in Burk's Falls. He was pretty tired, but he was glad he went and was able to visit with a close friend in Niagara Falls, and then his sister in Fort Erie. Fort Erie was new territory for me - very nice area.

I have a sister in Calgary who had to be evacuated, but they are back in their home now and there was no damage to their home. They were evacuated because all of the roads to their home were getting flooded, and eventually only one road was passable. It's hard to imagine all of the flooding - makes ours look pretty small in comparison.

Have a good weekend, everyone.

Enjoying God's handiwork!


Betty:  I just searched for pictures from the flood in and around Calgary.  Huge disaster.  There is so much damage.  If memory serves me, the hills are to the west - much like our front range here.  Flash floods can happen. 

I was going to make a spaghetti sauce for our dinner and used the wrong spice so that quickly changed to a taco salad.   :crazy: 

Yes, it was very good to hear good news on test results.  Meanwhile, so many neighbors and friends are not having that outcome and I do wish it was different for them.  One couple suddenly have to move to assisted care as she had a stroke and is recuperating but has been partially blind, and he fell from the car and broke a bone but cannot endure any surgery.  There are lots of care places in the area so friends will be able to visit. 

Larry:  We cut off everything and just using the internet but our t.v. is now only the little local channels.  Talk about throwing money down the drain for all those useless channels.  Good wishes for your taming the noisy neighbor. 


Oh, Betty!  You were about 10 miles from me when you were in Elmira!!!  We could have had a coffee together. 

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is an overcast morning here but a moderate temperature.  We tried to see the big moon last evening but the sky wasn't clear so we were not able to see it.  Just a quiet day yesterday.  Today is church and getting something to eat for lunch.  I am not sure that Pat will be going today as she said she is aching all over and may not feel up to it.  She has been up and had breakfast but has laid back down.  I did get approval yesterday for my EECP treatments so expect to hear from the Heart Center probably Monday. Other than a few minutes of quieter practice yesterday afternoon there was no repeat of the noise all evening from the neighbors.   

Ruth Ann, nice to have the Thanksgiving dinner for your son and new daughter-in-law.

Betty, how nice to take your father to visit with relatives and friends and you got to go along to and see new territory.   Sure glad you sister had no damage to her home in Calgary.

Carol, sounds like you took a lemon and made lemonade with the wrong spice.  We always like taco salad. You are so right about paying for useless channel with cable that we never watch.  Pat does spend many hours watching TV and I enjoy the sports, especially football, but could easily live without them.  I am finding I spend less time watching TV as each evening after the news, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopary.  I will watch a Roadshow programs as always find them interesting when they are on.  I have started listening to a number of audiobooks from the library and am enjoying them much more than TV. 


We leave for daughter's house in a half hour - Don is taking a quick snooze. 

Larry:  I checked on the EECP treatment and it does sound helpful so I will keep you in prayers that this will have a good outcome for you.  Sorry about Pat feeling so tired.  I had a terrible night then fell asleep and woke up too late for church.  We think the air pollution from fires is bringing on allergies and for sure headaches for me - we need a drenching rain.  When will you begin this new program - it says a 7 week process. 

The Stanley Cup hockey game was on last night - I watched about half of it but did see one interesting goal. They should have moms control these games - just play for fun and winning but skate away from conflict. 

Don't forget to vote for photos!!! 


We attended the wedding of one of the twin granddaughters of our friends Roy and Paula last night.  Paula is the one doing home dialysis I have spoken about often.  It was a really nice wedding and reception, but Darrel started feeling bad, and today has been feeling really bad.  I have no idea what's going on, but it is starting to scare me.  He did go to church, but I couldn't get him to get up until 9, and church starts at ten, we have to pick up Beth, etc.  He drove erratically, ran over a couple of curbs, barely missed the side mirror going back into the garage.  Both he and Beth slept through church.  :-\  And he hasn't eaten anything all day.  I thought maybe it was his blood sugar, so got his stuff and had him check it, it was 140, so that's not the problem.  If he isn't better in the morning, we are going to the doctor!!

My sister is some better, but now has pneumonia from an excess of IV fluids they have been giving her.  And she is having some other problems as well.   :'(

You can well imagine, I am feeling a bit stressed out today.  But I do know God knows all about it, and He is still in control.
My book Rising Above available at


This has beem a long week for many of us.  I pray this week is better for everyone!
Check out our new week here!