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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~Mar. 30

Started by Pat, March 30, 2014, 11:44:17 PM

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Come and join us this week and share with us your plans and thoughts for the week!  We sing, share and encourage other members here.  We also love to view your photos!

Hope to see you posting this week!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Come and join us this week and share with us your plans and thoughts for the week!  We sing, share and encourage other members here.

Hope to see you posting this week!


Morning Devotional...

Knowing He Is With Us
Dr. Tozer

To demand too much of ourselves is to admit tacitly that we have at least some degree of confidence in our native moral ability, and of course it is also to admit that our confidence in God is correspondingly weak. The man who knows himself deeply will not expect anything of himself and will not be disappointed when he fails to produce.

Brother Lawrence expressed the highest moral wisdom when he testified that if he stumbled and fell he turned at once to God and said, "O Lord, this is what You may expect of me if You leave me to myself." He then accepted forgiveness, thanked God and gave himself no further concern about the matter. Meister Eckhart said that when we rise above sin and turn away from it, God will act as if we had never sinned at all and will never let our past sins count against us, for He is a God of the present and takes a man as He finds him without regard to his past. Of course this all presupposes true repentance and faith and is written not to minimize sin but to magnify grace.

So much for last year; but what about the year ahead? Well, there are said to be 3,000 promises in the Holy Scriptures and they are all ours if we know what to do with them. For the Christian there is no unexplored territory. "When he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them." The footprint of the obedient sheep is always found within the larger footprint of the Shepherd.

It is wholly impossible for us to know what lies before us, but it is possible to know something vastly more important. A quaint but godly American preacher of a generation past said it for us. "Abraham went out not knowing whither he went," said he, "but he knew Who was going with him." We cannot know for certain the what and the whither of our earthly pilgrimage, but we can be sure of the Who. And nothing else really matters.


And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20


We have the promise of His constant presence. We may not always be aware of His presense but by faith we know that He is there. And that is enough to know.


Lord, You know what is ahead for me. I don't. But I do know that You are with me and will be with me tomorrow.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is going to be a beautiful 75 degree day here in Georgia.  It was chilly this morning but is warming up.  I have a doctors appointment with a podiatrist in a little while and if I get through in time will go to my Monday men's luncheon.  Then I have my regular Monday meeting to attend.  So it is going to be busy.   

Marilyn, your cake sounds delicious.  Certainly much better than just potatoes. 

Don, it sounds like you had a long day at church yesterday.  We did also as had a congregational meeting that last for over an hour.  It was almost 2 pm before I got home for lunch and then watched the basketball games. 

Judy, good for you figuring out the printing process. 

Ruth Ann, I bet you all had a laugh over the little boys attempt to have an extra piece of pie. 

Pat, wonderful devotional thought for this week.  Thanks. 


It's like spring here!  It's a lovely day but...  with still lots of snow on the ground.  Hopefully some of it melts.  I wasn't here when the first big snow of the winter came.  I was in Florida and so the snow has packed up deeper and deeper on my deck and I haven't been able to get it cleaned off at all.  Hope it melts with the sunshine today.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Ruth Ann I did bring a piece of cake home but I didn't put it in my pocket. lol  I used a container we had but had I not had a container....... well I guess we do what we have to do to improvise. :thumbsup:  I was at a wedding once and my oldest grandson, Tyler was there. He was about 3 at the time. Someone had brought a big plate of sliced pickles and placed them on a table. When Tyler saw them he didn't put them in his pocket but he stood there and ate the whole plate full one at a time. I will never forget that, that boy loves pickles.  :lol:

Thanks for the devotion Pat.

A beautiful day here in NC today with a high of 70 with NW winds at 10 mph. I can do without the wind, not complaining, just saying. The wind will be from the SSW tomorrow so the temp will go up. :banana:

Yes Larry I did have a full day and I forgot to say we had a Deacons meeting after the dinner. I never got a nap but I slept in this morning just for good measures.  :thumbsup:

I'm saying a prayer now for all of you that come here.

Have a great day everyone.

Eph 2:8,9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

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Hi folks Home at last Been a busy day Started  off this morning with doing a safety meeting and taught a session on the Occupational health and Safety Act. Then to North Bay for several appointments and pick up my truck from the dealership after service and get some groceries. Now finally home to get ready to hit the road again tomorrow. This is getting crazy busy. Going to have to slow things down sometime soon. I'm really enjoying this work I am doing for the bus company. Everything i do there is so much appreciated by all who work there. This coming weekend I travel to Moosonnee to teach a school bus defensive driving course there. For those off you who wonder where Moosonee is, take out a map and look at the southern tip of the James Bay in the northern part of Ontario and you will see it there. Looks like God is digging up lots of work for me as there is another bus company near where we live who wants a course done for his people. Just spoke with them this afternoon. Looks like I won't be driving much longer. Be nice to stay home Thank Lord Blessings everyone John.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Jeanne Lee

Pat, thank you for that devotional from Dr. Tozer.  It is so good to know God is always with us through the good and the bad, and to know that when (not "if") we slip He is ready to pick us up and put us back on the right track again. 

John, it looks as though you'll be even busier after you retire!  :)
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Jeanne and John, I agree, sometimes retirement seems busier than when we were working. However, I DID take off my watch, and haven't worn it since. I felt I had spent 50 years plus a month living by someone else's time in/out requirements - now it's my own time and I'll plan to use it as God sees fit and as the body is able. :)

Larry, sounds like today has been extremely busy for you. Hurry up and rest when you get back from your meetings. You must be this tired:   :P .

Pat, it's wonderful that you're with us, and that you not only shared Dr. Tozer's comments, but also that you shared that beautiful photo with the scripture reference from Chris and Margit. I certainly miss them! The ever present sense of our Lord right beside us, leading and pointing our way, is such a blessing. Thank you for Dr. Tozer's words.

Don, I loved the pickles story. :) Little ones give us much to recall with fondness for years past those precious youngster days.

Oh, good news from my final PT treatment. It seems that I made great strides during the weeks of the therapy. Also, the therapists have given me wise counsel about continuing my exercise regimen outside the physical therapy center. How thankful I am.

May our Lord bless each person who reads here, as only He knows how to do.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


When our son was about 12 he took a bottle of pickled beats to his room and ate the whole bottle.  The next day he came to me in a panic because his urine was red.  I took him to the Doctor and after testing the Doctor came back to our son and asked him if he enjoyed the pickled beats.  Our son was embarrassed that the doctor had caught him.  He hasn't eaten pickled beats since.  He is now 35. 

I have John's meals about done. They just need packaging up and refrigerating.  Got to get back at it. 

Later folks have a good night!


HAHAHAHA!  Funny, Judy, about the pickled beets!!!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Gord Brown

 :)  Well Here I am finally.   Fist of all I want to thank you all for the continued prayer for Noreen and I.    Her progress is doing well and she has very little pain and we are so thankfull for this as it was so long that she had the pain. :thumbsup:

God is so good and we have had so many app. to go to since she came back from the Hospital,  she has to have blood work every week so that they can check it for her liver and kidney.

Well I do hope that all is well and that you are all finally starting to get better weather.  :)

The next thing to happen is on April 25th. we see the surgeon, then on the 29th. we see an other Dr. at the disease control clinic at the main teaching hospital which is hooked up with the University of Toronto it is called  Sunnybrook Hospital very large hospital. :thumbsup:

Well I must go and may the Lord richly bless you all.  Love in Christ.   Gordon and Noreen. :) :cp: :rocker: :bananadance:

T Gordon Brown


Good Evening My Friends!

As always I have not been here for a while, but I keep this group in prayer and always in my heart.

I will be relocating to another city in Minnesota in June and in fact, it is in the building where I work.  I work as an Office Administrator/Events coordinator at Creekside Gables Apartments in Brooklyn Park MN.

Some of you might recall that I am a native of Chicago, but have resided in Minnesota for ( now) 24 years.  Oh! The little grandson that I was raising is now 25, engaged to be married to a wonderful woman of God and working with disabled adults. I enjoy my job as it is not really a job. I am working with my peers, and God has blessed me to be a blessing as most of them ( though active and mobile) are the "sit around and wait for stuff to happen" type rather than taking a little initiative to enjoy the life that God has blessed them (us) with.

Some exciting news is that God has called me to minister to many and the first thing I helped to establish there was a weekly prayer group. It was balked against by those who do not "believe" so to speak, and those who felt we already had too many "religious" things on the agenda, but every Thursday morning, a few of us ladies get together in the back commons area and pray. All are welcome and we are seeing some great results.

Besides working, God has allowed me to open a little community store within the building ( there are 90 units) where local people in the community, families and even the police department donate food and personal items to help those who have more month than money and it became such a big deal that channel 12 news came out and our community newspaper, The Sun Post did a story on us. During the time we were developing the little store, which by the way...used to be a large closet, I completed certification as a Christian Life Coach. I can actually coach anyone but my focus is seniors and women.

I continue to write a weekly praise and prayer devotional as well as once every three months for a publication called Sundie Morning Sistas.
I am working on my third and fourth books and mentoring a young girl in reading via phone once per week.

As you can see, I am pretty busy but I always remember the kindness of everyone in this group. I try to stop by from time to time just to share a hug, some love and let you all know what God is doing in my life.

I stumbled upon yawl many years ago, while still in my fifties! I am now sixty six and guess what....I am a first time GREAT GRANDMA, as of March 12!  Whoo-hoo! The tyke is in California which means I better save some of my nickels and dimes for a flight out there this Fall.

We have had ( as many) a very hard winter. A lot of our mountains of snow have melted and the temperatures were in the high 50's for a couple of days, but there is still a "snow watch" going on for tonight and tomorrow.

God bless you my friends, may He continue to bless this wonderful and amazing group!

In Christ
Zenobia  ( Zeebers)

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is to be another beautiful day here with it getting up to close to 80 degrees.  Our good neighbors wife is to have a triple bypass heart surgery tomorrow early and Fred will be alone during the surgery so plan on going and being with him as he shouldn't be alone.  I know from our own experience how much it helps to have others with you.  She didn't know she had any problems until Saturday night.  Yesterday I had part of my big toenail removed and the root killed to prevent it from growing back.  It really wasn't painful and have gotten along with it well, really without pain.  I got done at the doctor's office in time to get to my Monday Men's Luncheon and then stayed home the rest of the day as was suppose to keep my foot elevated, which I did.  I am going to get a haircut this morning and then plan on attending a meeting and that will be it for today.   

Pat, you will see a big change the next time you get to your home in Virginia as sure spring will have sprung there.  Hope your snow melts away up your way in the next couple of days. 

Don, unusual for a young person to care for pickles.  Funny story.  It reminds me of a time when Stacey was in Job's Daughters and they were selling candy bars to raise some money and each girl had a box of chocolate bars to sell.  Stacey's box ended up empty, not from sales, but because she had eaten all of the candy bars.  Needless to say dad and mom ended up buying a box of chocolate bars and were not happy campers.  :)

John, one door closes and another opens.  Glad you enjoy the teaching and should be less stressful than the driving for hours and hours. 

Ruth Ann, I agree that sometimes it seems we are busier than when we worked but I know my days are much shorter in terms of doing things and always have options if I don't feel like doing them.  I love being retired.  I still wear a watch.  :)  Sure glad to hear of the good news from the PT person on your progress. 

Judy, great story about the pickled beets.  Certainly better for your son than the candy bars that Stacey had eaten. 

Gord, great news that Noreen is now having little pain after suffering so much.  Has she had her knee surgery yet?  I have lost track. 

Zeebers, so nice to see your posting.  Nice you will be living in the building where you will be working.  It will solve that commuting problem many folks experience each day.  It sounds like God has some work for you in helping others. It sounds like you keep very busy with your various commitments.  Congrats on the great grandchild.  They are indeed special. 


Good to see you Zeebers.  We look forward to hearing from you again soon!

John has headed out, this trip he is going to Chippawa Falls, Wisconsin.  Anyone here live out there?  if nothing changes his back haul will be ready for him as well.  That means a good trip with no waiting around.

Elizabeth moved Sunday and Monday.  Poor wee Ivy was so upset that she was crying and wound up in bed with Mommy and Daddy.  When I saw her yesterday I talked to her.  Told her that I knew that wasn't her house and that wasn't her bedroom and nothing was the same.  As I was talking her lower lip protruded into the biggest pout you can imagine, and those big beautiful eyes looked so sad..  Then I gave her a big hug and told her she was loved...... She looked up at me with the biggest most beautiful smile you can imagine!  She is such a sweetie, Elizabeth and Kyle were there and saw how she was pouting at loosing her house and bedroom.  I think all the wee tyke needed was for someone to understand!

Here is the Thomas update.

Another eventful weekday for Thomas.
He began with speech therapy where he is starting to be able to produce more sounds, even sometimes making himself understood.
Next he had physiotherapy where he worked on getting up into a sitting position on the side of the bed, as well as raising both arms above his head.
He insisted on feeding himself his penne pasta lunch and did quite well!
We also met with a nurse-practitioner from Holland Bloorview who came to assess him and discuss what they could do for him. We agreed that this rehab facility is a good fit and that he is ready. The problem is, they are full, so we have to wait until space becomes available, perhaps next week. In the meantime, he will continue to receive physical, occupational and speech therapy here at Sick Kids.
I will feel better when he is at Holland Bloorview as I feel he is frustrated and bored and needs the extra stimulation.

I find it so interesting that this family, non-Christians, are believing in the prayers  of the saints!

Have a great day folks!


I have never participated in these "Thoughts for the Week".  I actually didn't realize what was going on.  I wasn't receiving the "Challenges", or I don't think I was, but I hope to in the future.  Please don't expect a detailed account of my week.  That's not going to happen.  I have trouble getting to my e-mail and never do the Facebook thing.

I retired last August and have thoroughly enjoyed my new life.  But I am frustrated by the lack of time I have to do the things I want to do.

My wife has kept me busy babysitting our granddaughter and the usual house maintenance.  I started remodeling a room, but got sidetracked.  And I have sold some things on eBay.

God has lead me to places I would not have expected.  Of course there are the helper jobs because I am available, such as cleaning up around the church.  And I am assisting the church Treasurer with record keeping and taxes.  I have also helped doing things with the kids at the church school, but I can only handle so much of that.

The thing that surprised me was how God has lead me into Bible study.  I have been a Sunday School teacher and a small group leader forever.  But recently I have dug into a few "topics" that came up in Men's Fellowship and Sunday School.  Because I have the time, I have been able to go deeper than ever before.  Below the easy, superficial answers.  And that is where the stability and coherency of the Christian faith is found.  He is lifting me up and leading me day by day.

Now if only I could get some time to read those James Mitchner books I bought in the used book store.

Doug Haas  (near Philadelphia PA)
Doug Haas

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It's so nice to meet you, DougHaas. I hope you enjoy our fellowship. We love and support each other, and are happy to welcome you to this group.

Zeebers, my goodness, you have lots on your plate! Thanks for bringing the updates, and I trust and believe our Lord will be with you as your life changes a bit with the change of address, etc.

Judy, I loved the pickled beets story. That's one of the recipes that each of my children has asked for when they began cooking on their own. :) I once had to take my son to the pediatrician because his ears were so swollen they stuck out, his lips were so swollen they were almost inside out, and he was having difficulty seeing because of tearing and swollen eyelids. Then, and only then, did he admit that he had climbed on the cabinet, reached to the top shelf in the kitchen, then he took the platter of homemade fudge made for a snack and ate it all. He got so much chocolate that the doctor had to give him a shot to relieve the symptoms. To this day, he's still allergic to chocolate. :)

I feel so sorry for Ivy. Big life upheavals are certainly hard on all of us, including the little ones.

Gord, it's so good to hear Noreen is receiving good care.  A few years back, I had an infection that required surgery and also treatment by an infectious diseases doctor. Aren't we blessed that God has allowed medical knowledge to increase such that more and more difficult issues can be treated. Thanks be to God.

Well, I must go. I had a meeting this morning, so now must act on the results of that meeting. I'll be making some calls this afternoon.

Y'all have a good day. And, I remember a snatch from a sermon - do everything as if it is to and for the Lord. :)

Love to all,
Ruth Ann

...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Good afternoon:   

Ruth Ann:   For your son to remain allergic to chocolate does mean that he is slim, if so that is a good cure.

Gord:  Good to read that God has been so very good to both you and Noreen when one person is unwell the whole family suffers.

Doug: You have a lot of interesting things ahead.

Judy B:  Change for the little ones can be trying but I know of a Sr. that is struggling with some life changing events in her life as well.  This lady had to give up free space for papered living.

Larry: Your friend will be so grateful for what you are doing today.

I have had a lot of things happen but at the end of it all God has been so good.  I had the flu for 5 days I have never been so sick for many years Mel and I went out for a drive yesterday which was the first outing for a very long time.  Dr. Phill is coming on so will bid fare well until another day.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6

Gord Brown

 :) Thanks for your encouragement.  It is so good to see new people on C.P.   Welcome  Doug and also good to here about all that you are doing,  please keep coming and sharing so that we all can pray for you and your family. :)

Zeebers:  It also good to see you here.   What an exciting life that you are having and the Lord will richly bless you for all that you are doing for all these people.  I work volunteer also and it is a blessing to be able to do that. :thumbsup:

Well we are having a beautiful day here and it is about time .  May the Lord bless youall.  Gordon and Noreen :) :cp: :rocker: :bananadance: :pine:
T Gordon Brown


Posting this for a friend.  Enjoy!

Jane Walker

What a beautiful rendition of a song we used to sing in church, Judy ...  :thumbsup:  I love the Gaither Gatherings ... and I see a good friend there in the front row: Lillie Knauls.  Also, so many of these singers have passed on, it is good to see them again.   :)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


You are welcome Jane.

Had John call at 11:30 last night.  Now I don't answer the phone after 10, so I didn't answer, and when I tried to find out who the caller was I came up with unknown name and number.  I am so glad I have a BIG dog who woofs Big and deep.  I did go to bed uneasy though..

I am waiting for info on the size a friend wears.  It is her birthday on the 11th, and I want to make her a summer top.  Her daughter is supposed to get back to me with the size.......I am wondering if I can do it the size I think and have it fit.....Something to work out!

This was a verse off Facebook today.  If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

Have a great day folks!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I will be brief today as have been gone all morning to coffee, Bible study, Dunkin Donut, lunch with the group and a stop at the Walmart Neighborhood market for a few item needed and a few we probably didn't need. Now and resting for a couple of hour.

Doug, welcome to this discussion.  I have been retired for 19 years and still feel the days speed by too quickly. I just do what I feel up to doing and the rest can wait until tomorrow or Don' need to be done at all. :)


I to will be brief, personal banking to get done.  To the person that said good bye so sad but I do understand. 

So far it has been a lovely day and the snow is very slowly going away. Soon grass will need cutting.

Have a great afternoon and everyone take care.   

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


Just checking in to say hello everyone. Zee god to see you  also checking in and leaving  nice  post you sure are keeping busy,
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I'm listening to that beautiful song, "He Giveth More Grace." How wonderful to contemplate the infinite love and care our Lord has for us.

My son who is allergic to the chocolate will be with me in about a couple of weeks. How nice it will be to see him. And, another of my sons will be here in town Friday. :) Enough to bring smiles to a mother's face.

Ruth, it's good to see you posting. Glad you're better from being sick.

Hi, Gord. Your posts are always welcome. Come back soon. :)

Judy and Jane, I really love that song, and often when I was church organist for a while, I would use it either in the prelude to the service or during the offering. I sleep with my phone on my pillow so, hopefully I'll hear one of my children if they call. My hearing on one side is poor, so I try (often unsuccessfully) to sleep with that ear on the pillow to allow me to hear sounds around me. :)

Larry, I've only been retired close to 6 years, now, and find that usually the "stuff" can wait until later. :) You really had a busy day!

Marilyn, it's good to see you here, too. We miss you when you're away.

Tomorrow's one of those "do it today" days, with 2 doctor's appointments. So, I'll be a bit tired at the end of the day.

Y'all keep on loving our Lord. Definitely, I know that no matter how hard I try, His love exceeds mine by a number that is infinite. :)

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Another beautiful and warm day here in Georgia.  The only thing on our schedule for today is to go to lunch at the Longhorn Steak House.  We were given a gift card at Christmas which we want to use. 

Ruth Ann, always a special time when are children spent a little time with us.  Spending time with us is the best gift they can give us, in my opinion.  Some days are schedules do get a little full, as you know, but we usually have choices and what I do most often are just choices.  The hardest thing is going to the store or the doctor as most of the other things I do are just being with people or attending church or a meeting, which usually is not stressful even though it can be a bit tiring. 


Hello friends:
I have arrived to read all of the happy thoughts, I did get yesterdays jobs done but also had a couple of other non banking items added. I made a phone call this morning and part of the issue has been solved but now I do need the Lord guiding me in the right directions in order for things to be solved in the correct way. The Lord knows what the problem is and I not need or want phone calls asking any questions.  Life was never meant to be easy.

Mel has just arrived home with  :coffee:  To one and all have a great day.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


Well I am back from physio.  I have found out that I have swelling at the base of my vocal cords and perhaps a polyp.  I am not sure what that means, however even that is in God's hands, and I will rest there.

We have a beautiful day here in the north, we can actually see grass (or perhaps mud) between the house and driveway.  We have quite a cleanup to do this year with branches and wood ships, the snow needs to be gone and the area to be cleaned up hopefully frozen.

The weather reports don't look good from the mid west and up through to Ontario,  John is (hopefully) heading home and I am praying for reasonable weather for him.  Then Sunday AM early he has to go to Cochran then fly to Moosonee, from Moosonee the way to moose factory is still up in the air, Perhaps they will drive him over the bay or if the ice is breaking up, it will be a helicopter ride to the island.  I wish I could go with him, perhaps another time!

Well have a great rest of your day everyone, remember "This is the day the Lord has made"!


Hello everyone, Judy I think you need to get that checked out and do it soon. It doesn't sound good, have it removed if it is a polyp.

Larry take it easy.

I have been one busy lady today going grocery shopping at 4 different stores , getting gas, and going to the gym. In between those trips I cam home and fixed lunch for Keith ate and paid bills online, then back out to finish the shopping. We are good for the month on mst things, will still need to buy cat food for the kitties and meat for us. I will go to the farm store  on some day to buy the dogs food.

Tuesday I go to the Ortho Dr. Office for my Bone Density test, before I go to work.Later in the month I see the ENT about the Vertigo and Tinnitus.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Marilyn I am under Dr's care so not a worry.  He wasn't sure if it was a polyp or swelling of the vocal cords.  It is in God's hands

Heard from John.....He is at the UP. past Munising, and running ahead of the storm. he will have to stop at about 9:30, so won't be able to stay ahead of it. He is 83 miles from the border.

I don't worry as such, just get concerned when the weather system is a severe as is predicted. He stops when he has to, that doesn't stop this wife's concern.

Night all will head to bed early tonight!