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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Week~May 24, 2015

Started by buddywoods, May 24, 2015, 09:33:53 AM

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:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

Morning Devotional...

The Sin of Sloth

"The desire of the slothful kills him, for his hands refuse to labor" (Prov. 21:25).

- Proverbs 21:25–26; 26:13–16

When many people envision Paradise, they picture Adam and Eve living a life of luxury and ease. Such a vision is not faithful to the biblical account of our first parents before their expulsion from Eden. Genesis 2:15 reads, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." This word, to work (or to till), carries with it the connotation of industry and diligence. Man was not made to be idle but to employ his talents and gifts faithfully and diligently. Work itself is not a result of the Fall. The curse of the fall has made man's work more difficult, and his flesh rails against it. The solution is not to long for a life of ease but to put one's hand to the plow, to refrain from laziness, and to be diligent in one's calling.

While all poverty is not due to negligence and laziness, much is. The Bible says, "If a man does not work, he will not eat" (2 Thess. 3:10). But how many in our society expect to eat when they are unwilling to work? The consequences of such laziness affects not only the individual, but entire communities and nations. Diligence in work not only advances an individual but a whole society. It frees people from ungodly dependence on others; whereas, laziness enslaves people and brings them to the lowest point in society. " 'He is perpetually needing counsel of others, and hanging upon it,' " Bridges wrote of the sluggard. "In the grand concern, he is the slave of his own lust; in the worst service, under the most degrading tyranny; 'wicked' because 'slothful,' and 'cast out and condemned as an unprofitable servant' (Matt. 25:26–30)." If a sluggard claims to be a Christian, his laziness casts a shadow on the blessed name of Christ. His testimony to the culture brings ridicule on Christianity in general. But how contrary is the testimony of an industrious and diligent person. What glory can you bring to the name of Christ as you work with commitment and diligence under the scrutiny of unbelievers? Live, then, in such a way that your commitment to hard work will cause others to praise God in heaven. Likewise, teach your children to despise laziness and find satisfaction and joy in work, so that a generation may be raised to the glory and praise of God.

Coram Deo

Make specific changes in your life to fight laziness. This can include your vocation, physical exercise, and spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible study, attendance at worship, and service. If you have children, establish guidelines for housework, school work, and spiritual exercise to help them overcome laziness.

Passages for Further Study

Proverbs 10:26; 13:4; 15:19; 18:9; 19:24
Ecclesiastes 10:18

From Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship of R.C. Sproul.


Larry yes this is the same car I bought in California the 1988 Chevy Celebrity for $1,000. It is a good car and worth getting fixed. It only had 63,000 miles on it when I bought it now it has 104,000.

I am ready for church, Today is Keith's birthday he is now 69 yrs old. We don't have any plans for todayor tomorrow. Although tomorrow i am going to the beauty shop to get my hair cut and some low lights
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Jeanne Lee

Buddy, thank you for today's devotional.  I'm afraid I have to admit it seems aimed directly at me!   ;)
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Well, the big once-every-five-years school reunion here is over!  We attended most of the activities and enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new ones.  We had another good rain, got another inch of blessed moisture, but the only thing the rain interfered with was the 5k walk/run they had planned.  They had a church service this morning, followed by a carry-in dinner.  The weather is beautiful today, so Darrel and I got the flowers out to the cemetery and put on the graves of his family members. 

Darrel's sister Dolores and husband Norman were here for the reunion, good to see them but sad to see how their health is failing now.  Youngest daughter Kerri came as well, and we had a pretty good visit.  Diane and Jeff came for the banquet last night, too.  :)

And one of Beth's classmates recognized me (though I didn't recognize him!) and asked me how she is doing, etc.  He said the book about her really impacted his life and blessed him, because, "Both you and Beth gave the Gospel in the book and gave the glory to God."  He asked if he could go visit her, of course I said yes and suggested a time that I thought would be good.  He went, taking her a big pot of blooming mums!  He could understand her pretty well, and said the visit was such a blessing to him.  And it surely was to Beth!!  :)  God is so good, and surprises us with wonderful and unexpected gifts!  God bless Kermit Rainman!   :)

Another thing that both surprised and shocked me was that Beth did not recognize Kerri! Her own sister! I thought at first she was teasing, but she wasn't!  She didn't even know her voice!  I told Kerri she needs to come home more often!  They last saw each other almost three years ago.  Too long.   :(

My sister Shirley called a bit ago to ask if I had seen Beth today, because they had a guest preacher this morning who asked if anyone would like prayer for themselves or someone else, and she went forward and asked for prayer for Beth.  He had Delbert come and stand behind Shirley, who was seated in a chair, then asked for a volunteer to come sit in the other chair to represent Beth; then had the whole congregation stand and pray for Beth's healing!  She said she really felt the Holy Spirit's presence and expects a good report as soon as I visit Beth!  Praise God!!!  So--I am headed to the care home!
My book Rising Above available at


Quote from: Jeanne Lee on May 24, 2015, 03:31:40 PM
Buddy, thank you for today's devotional.  I'm afraid I have to admit it seems aimed directly at me!   ;)

Your welcome, Jeanne.  I think it's the kind of devotional that speaks to most of us.

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Thank you, Buddy, for that devotional.

I truly believe God is going to work on Beth's behalf, Janet.

Well, y'all take care today. 

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.



Freckles receiving her Blue ribbon the night she  passed her Canine Good Citizens test. Now she can be a therapy Dog. If you remember older photos of me you can sure see my weight loss.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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A long and joyful day on Saturday with graduation under chilly and open tent at 9 am and open house all afternoon at our daughters home. This is our last grand to graduate high school. 

We have been lethargic today to the point of falling asleep several times.  All these wonderful gatherings are taking a toll. 

Larry, I have worked on my Bernina three afternoons and still have stitches too tiny.  it is super clean and oiled according to every hint in the books and online. Trying to free motion quilt. Any ideas?  Probably time for an expert.  It is a 440 like Pat's machine.   How is your son?

we have been sad since finding out that this morning a daughter of Don's cousin in Minnesota was taken off life support for a brain bleed and stroke.   a lovely, happy, Christian who had a ton of friends.  Faithful church goer all her life. 

Jane Walker

I enjoyed today's devotional, Buddy ... thank you for sharing.  :)

Things have been a bit crowded in my life lately, but I am managing.  :thumbsup:  I just posted an update and some photos of Joy  in Prayer and Praise, if you'd like to see how she's doing.

Carol, I can relate to the sadness you and Don must feel on learning about his cousin's daughter.   :'(
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this Memorial Day Monday.  No rain is in the forecast for today with some possibility for tomorrow.  I have the lawn sprinklers set for 5:30 on Monday and Thursday morning.  However, they seem to be coming on again at 8:15 am and on days I thought I had set for no watering.  I just manually turned them off and I guess I am going to have to read the instruction book.  Drat!  I did get the laptop setup and now would only need minor tweaks when Pat starts using it when I get a new one.  I will be shopping for one this week. 

We did join the church yesterday but did not eat out as I thought we would.  We both were tired so just did a drive thru and got a couple of Checker's hamburgers.  They were pretty good.  Today I need to stop at COSTCO to fill the car with gas and stop by the Credit Union and I plan on attending a noon meeting.  That will be enough for today. 

Don, thanks for the devotional thoughts for this week.  Unfortunately our society seems to be encouraging people not to work.  We do need to care for the elderly and infirmed that are no longer able to work but sure question able bodied people not trying to find something to do. 

Marilyn, your car has served you well and should still have a lot of miles left on it.  Hope Keith had a nice birthday even if it was quiet.  Nice picture of both you and Freckles and I see why you named her as you did. 

Carol, our son is up and going but will have a chemical stress test in a few days and if needed another stent put into his heart.  He has been having quite a bit of chest pain and is very tired, neither of which are good signs for someone who is 51 years old.  Since I don't do anything with sewing machines I haven't a clue of anything I could suggest to you on the problem. 

Jane, nice to see your smiling face is the avatar and it seems your life has been pretty busy for sometime. 

Janet, it sounds like you and Darrel had a very busy weekend but one your enjoyed.  Nice comments regarding Beth's classmates but sad to read she didn't recognize her sister.  Perhaps her sister will get a clue that a more frequent visit with Beth would be a good things. 


Memorial Day--a day to remember the sacrifices made for us by our many men and women in the military, the nurses and medics and all others who work diligently to support and help them.  I enjoy going to the service at our cemetery in their honor and am ready to go now as soon as I post this!  God, please continue to bless and protect America, and turn many hearts to You in these trying times!

Marilyn, the photo of you and Freckles doesn't show for me.  :(   And I would like to see it.

Carol, it wears me out when we have those wonderful get-togethers, too.  But I wouldn't trade them for anything, as I'm sure you wouldn't, either.  Our last grandchild will graduate High School next year--that's our Abby.  Sorry about the sad news, but you do have the assurance of seeing this wonderful one again!

Larry, always good to see posts from you!

Jane, I will go "check up" on Joy!  Thanks for posting.

Hello, Ruth Ann.  Yes, we believe God is working in, through and for Beth!
My book Rising Above available at

Gord Brown

 :)   Hi to all.  Again you must think that I was lost.  Well we have been very busy with many different things to do with doctors for Noreen and also my middle son.  Then looking after our grand kid's so life is very busy. :thumbsup:

Thank you for the wonderful devotional    Buddywoods.

It is so good to read your post's and to here about many different things going on in your lives. :)

Larry.  Hope that you are looking after yourself. :coffee:

Noreen saw the surgeon last Friday and he seems very happy with the last blood tests checking for the counts to do with the infections in her right knee.  He is going ahead with the surgery on June the 9th. so please keep her in prayer I would appreciate that.  May the Lord richly bless you all and give you much strength  that you can be a witness for him..
Have a wonderful week.   Love in Christ's name to you all.   Gordon and Noreen. :cp: :rocker: :pine:
T Gordon Brown

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on an overcast morning but no rain in the forecast until about 7 pm this evening.  Today is the day for the yard folks mow and they are doing my yard even as I write this morning. 

I plan on going to coffee at 10 this morning and then will meet Pat at the church for the senior luncheon at 11 am.  They are having a Barbershop Quartet for the entertainment today. 

Our son is bringing his wife over late this afternoon to stay with us while he works this evening.  She experienced another seizure yesterday and fell twice and he doesn't want to leave her alone.  This is one of the main reasons we moved here was so we could be available to help out in this way. 

Janet, nice to read about your Memorial Day services at the local cemetery.  I have not heard about anything like that around her but that doesn't mean it isn't happening. 

Gord, good to hear from you and see thta Noreen is finally going to be able to have her knee surgery.  I am looking after myself and trying to keep busy, some days more so than others.  How is your middle son doing? 

Jeanne Lee

Marilyn, congratulations to Freckles and you for the Good Citizen award.  You certainly have lost a lot of weight.  Good for you!  :)

Gord, I will keep June 9 marked on my calendar and say extra prayers for Noreen.  It sure has taken a long time to get to this point. 

My town celebrates Memorial Day on the traditional May 30, rather than the Monday holiday.  There will be a parade and services at both local cemeteries, as well as the Veterans' Memorial Park.

Hazy sun today, with temperatures expected to be in the mid-80's.  Possible thunderstorms tomorrow and we need the rain - just hoping it doesn't mean power loss.   :(
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Gord Brown

 :)  Hi again and it is very muggy today.   
Larry:  You asked about my middle son.  His progress seems to be very slow and he is not so happy about that but he has said that he does have a little bit more sight.  He will BE going to the doctor again very soon.  Thank you for asking. :coffee: :cp: 

Not much more for today.  Just to try to get things done around the house.   

Jeanne Lee;  Thank you for putting the date down for Noreen's surgery.   

The Lord be with all  on C. P. :thumbsup:   :cp: :rocker:
T Gordon Brown


Janet I sent you an email with the photo.

I am busy baking this morning a Cake for Keith and some Organic Peanut Butter protein bars for me, doing laundry etc.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Thanks, Marilyn; I will watch for your email.

Jeanne, we are having sunshine today, and it's so nice!  But that 5" of rain is such a wonderful blessing for this area!

Gord, I will mark June 9 on my calendar as well.  And since we met you and Noreen, I can "picture" who I am praying for!

Larry, I'm pretty sure you and Pat feel good about being able to help your son and his wife out this way.

Darrel and I left early this morning for Liberal, as I needed to get a hearing aid repaired and turned up, and this was the only available day.  We had to get home before 1:00, because the housecleaner comes at that time on Tuesday.  We made it!  And also went to the Squeaky Clean, so came home with a bright, clean car!  :)

As soon as Maribel leaves, I need to go to the PO and mail a couple more books!  :)
My book Rising Above available at


There was no Memorial Day annual parade in Denver this year - first time of no parade to honor veterans in 85 years.  A delegation of city people - I can't call them citizens - decided not to honor veterans.  :(  I suppose they were too busy smoking marijuana. 

Marilyn:  Just spotted your last picture - looking good and such a nice dog - my friend had a poodle for a therapy dog. 

Jane:  Very nice picture of Joy - she lives up to her name.

Larry:  Hopefully, prayerfully, one more stent will alleviate the problem.  Yes, I remember Pat takes her machine in to be fixed - I did get mine to sew in the regular way - this is something wrong with the quilting and it boggles my mind. 

Gord:  So much for Noreen to endure -  sending a prayer. 

I am slowly reading a book on Spirituality written by a friend - retired pastor.   It is very calming to begin the day. 

Prayers for all in tornado and flooded areas. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a very pleasant morning following an evening where we got over an inch of rain.  I sure won't need to water tomorrow. 

The main activity on the schedule for today is we have our last Wednesday night dinner and Bible Study at church until September.  Pat is going to her Women's craft group this morning. 

We did attend the Senior Luncheon yesterday.  It was a pasta salad that had little flavor with a roll and a little cup of fresh blueberries and a few slices of fresh peaches that had been picked much too soon but served in whipped cream.  However, all that was made up for by the great Barbershop Quartet that performed about 8 songs for us from the 50's.  They were very good and we really enjoyed it.  We learned that at the end of September the Barbershop Society would be presenting their annual show and this year it is being held in our church fellowship center (where we were yesterday).  We definitely plan on getting tickets and attending. 

Our son brought our DIL over late yesterday afternoon so she wouldn't be home alone while he worked last evening for 4 hours.  She had suffered another major seizure on Monday and had fallen several times.  She got along OK over here and spent a good part of the time sleeping.  She is also dealing with walking pneumonia. 

Jeanne, we haven't experienced a power loss since we moved here.  This subdivision has all underground utilities but know we still can have power loses.  Hope you get a good rain today without a power loss.

Marilyn, will the Organic Peanut butter protein substitute for your piece of birthday cake?

Janet, we do feel useful when we are able to help our son and DIL.  I expect we will be doing a lot more of it in the weeks ahead as she is very fragile and never knows when the seizures will occur so not good to be left alone. 

Carol, that is so sad that Denver canceled the Veterans Day parade. You have to wonder about the mentality of your leaders out there and many of the citizens who apparently have little respect for the people who have served and given their lives to protect them. 


I certainly agree with Larry's words about the Denver Veteran's Parade being canceled.  I was so glad Kansas did NOT pass the legalization of marijuana when it was brought up recently, but those people never give up, so I'm sure it will come up again.  Too bad we Christians aren't as vigilant in most instances.

I am ready to go to Dr. Saxon's and get adjusted.  My back hurts when I ride in the car; not when I'm driving, but in the passenger seat.  I'm trying to figure out the difference in my position or posture that would cause this.  :-\

We are leaving after app't. for Colorado Springs.  Darrel has an appointment there with a new firm he is trading with since his Buy & Hold was sold to a company difficult to deal with.  He said Colo. Spgs. is close enough that he can drive up there and talk to them if he has problems.  This trip is jut to meet and get acquainted with the person he will be doing business with via telephone and computer.  Nice to know the real person!  :)

Beth is so excited as John's retirement is only about 4 days away now!  So happy for her--and him!  What a blessing they are to each other!

Gotta run!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We did not have anymore rain yesterday but the forecast indicates a possibility for some this afternoon.  We had a really good dinner at church last night and then wrapped up the study of Acts in our following Bible study with the minister.  Acts is an interesting book and Paul was quite a character.  The big activity for today is that I have a dentist appointment at 9:30 to start the work on my a new crown and to do a filling in the tooth next to the tooth to be crowned.  If I get out of the dental office in time I will go to the church for the Thursday morning session with the pastor.  I attended this last week and did enjoy it.  I expect Beth is counting the minutes until John is retired and is able to move to Kansas.  Does he have a date set for the move?

janet, sue hope the adjustment makes your trip to Colorado Springs more enjoyable and that you and Darrel like your new advisor. 


Hi Everyone...

It's so good to read all your updates.  What a great devotional this week, Buddy and yes, I think it was just for me!

The other day (Tuesday), I was sitting at my round glass table on the deck under the umbrella reading my Bible.  I had a cup of coffee too!  And I heard the phone ringing so I went into the house to answer the phone.  Wrong number!

As I hung up my phone, I heard a very loud noise outside and I turned to look out the door and there's my round table, umbrella and some plants I had on the table, my Bible, and coffee out on the lawn!  A very strong gust of wind had come in that very short moment that I was in answering the wrong numbered phone call!  My umbrella is broken.  But the table wasn't!  I finally got the table back up onto the deck but the umbrella is out on the lawn and I can't get it folded up!   

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Today's devotional from C. H. Spurgeon touched my heart and I thought I'd share it with you...


Your Troubles Will End Soon

Whom he justified he also glorified.Romans 8:30

Here is a precious truth for you, believer. You may be poor or suffering or unknown, but for your encouragement take a moment to review your calling and the consequences that flow from it, and especially the blessed result spoken of here. As surely as you are God's child today, so surely will all your trials soon come to an end, and you shall be rich to an extent that is hard to imagine.

Wait awhile, and your weary head will wear the crown of glory, and the worker's hand shall grasp the palm-branch of victory. Do not bemoan your troubles, but rather rejoice that before long you will be where no longer "shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore."1 The chariots of fire are at your door, and it will take only a moment to transport you to the glorified. The everlasting song is almost on your lip. The portals of heaven stand open for you.

Do not think that you can fail to enter into your rest. If He has called you, nothing can divide you from His love. Distress cannot sever the bond; the fire of persecution cannot burn the link; the hammer of hell cannot break the chain. You are secure; that voice which called you at first shall call you yet again from earth to heaven, from death's dark gloom to immortality's unuttered splendors. Rest assured, the heart of Him who has justified you beats with infinite love toward you. You will soon be with the glorified, where your portion is; you are only waiting here to be made ready for the inheritance, and with that done, the wings of angels shall carry you far away, to the mount of peace and joy and blessedness, where

Far from a world of grief and sin,
With God eternally shut in,
you shall rest forever and ever.

1) Revelation 21:4

Devotional material is taken from "Morning and Evening," written by C.H. Spurgeon, revised and updated by Alistair Begg. Copyright © 2003, Good News Publishers and used by Truth For Life with written permission.

A friend of mine, Diane Smith, on Facebook posted this lovely hymn and I so enjoyed it and it sure touched my heart and so I thought I'd share it with you all...

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Pat:  Gremlins stopped me from getting the arrow click to work - will try later.  We are so used to sudden gusts of winds here - everything goes flying.  Once, I remember a neighbor saying a curse word (she never cursed - ever before ) when her entire load of clothes went flying all over several other fences and backyards.  She was embarrassed. 

Thanks for the note on YOUR TROUBLES WILL END SOON.  Having heard of so many people in dire straights lately - I know of two young women with toddler children to care for - the women both have very advanced cancer.  Heavy hearts in the families right now.  Also, thinking about and prayers for those in the flooded zones. 

Janet:  You were in the Springs?  I hope you missed the wild weather in the afternoon - we are south of Denver - not available much this week though.  It has been wild with graduation - friends - and birthdays. 

FYI  - it is snowing at the Eisenhower - Johnson tunnel up the hill.  Just thought you might like to know -  ::)

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a clear South Carolina morning with the sun shining brightly and the birds singing.  I have  a quite day planned today and will just go to coffee at 10 am and then see what the day brings. 

Yesterday I spent an hour or so in the dentist chair and had the preparation work done for a new crown and also had a filling done next to that tooth.  I then went to the church to attend the Thursday "Wisdom of the Ages" group.  Pat stayed home and cleaned the house and then last evening fixed a birthday dinner for our DIL as today is her birthday.    All that work about did her in but we enjoyed having our son and DIL here to share the meal. She was feeling better yesterday. 

Pat, good thing you went into the house or you might have been blown into your yard.  Thanks for sharing the Spurgeon devotional.  He was a very powerful writer. 

Carol, a young lady with two small children and a husband that belonged to our church passed away after a long bout of fighting cancer.  Very said for anyone but particularly for a mother with small children.


Pat, I think an angel dialed that wrong number, to prevent your getting hurt!

Yes, we made a very short visit to the Springs, then drove to Pueblo, putting us about 50 miles closer to home.  It is so beautiful  and green now, after all the wonderful rains, and my heart was just rejoicing all the way.  But the devil never likes hearing the Lord glorified, so he tried to kill us!  About 18 miles from home, Darrel fell asleep behind the wheel, and we hit the rear tandem axle of a fully loaded semi trailer.  The impact broke the truck's axle, knocked off two of his wheels, one of which ran beneath our car and caused us to spin in circles, from one side of the highway to the other.  Darrel fought the wheel with strength only God could have provided, and managed to keep us from a rollover.  His door was shaved off the car, the outer shell lying in one place, the inner door and all the mechanisms on the other side of the highway, down some distance.  When the truck wheel came out from under our car, it took off the driver's side front wheel, and we haven't seen that since! 

They say Darrel does NOT have internal injuries, Praise God!  Thank God, we were wearing our seat belts, that kept us IN the car.  Air bags deployed, knocking every bit of air out of me, and I was panicky, thinking, "I can't breathe!  I can't breathe!  Please, God, help me to breathe!"  What a mighty, merciful God we serve!

I am praising God with all that is within me, for His protection, mercy and grace!  That could have been a fatal accident for both of us, if we had crossed the center line one second sooner; or fatal to Darrel if he had been 6 inches further to that side!  Both of us were taken by ambulance to the Johnson hospital, they checked us over and life-watched Darrel by air to Wesley Medical Center in Wichita.  They were afraid he had internal injuries.  He has possible broken ribs, his left leg is broken in thre places, and his left elbow and forearm ar banged up pretty badly.  I asked to go with him, but was not allowed to, as they hadn't
yet finished assessing my injuries.  I have some lovely big bruises, am sore and stffl, but nothing serious at all.  They thought my ribs were broken, but decided they had the muscles torn loose, which they promised would hurt just as much.  Diane and Abby came and the doctor said if I could get up and take a shower, let the nurse wash the glass out of my hair, and if I didn't get dizzy or faint, AND if Diane would spend the night with me to keep watch over me, I could go home.  So that's what we did.  She just left an hour ago.  We may be heading for Wichita tonight or tomorrow.  We're waiting for word of what they plan to do about that leg-and when.  Youngest daughter Kerri is there with Darrel, another blessing.  I just couldn't bear the thought of him being there alone with no family.  God is so good!  All the time!  I hope this makes sense, not sure I'm thinking all that clearly yet.

Much too long, but please do pray for Darrel.  Thank you all so much!
My book Rising Above available at


Ohhh, my goodness!  Janet, I'm so thankful that you're ok and hopefully Darrel will get over this soon as well. 

Actually, words fail me.  I'm just in awe of how our wonderful Savior looks after us.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I've opened a special Prayer topic for Janet and Darrel HERE

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Jeanne Lee

Janet, not too long at all!  It is always important to let our cyber family know what happens and what prayer is needed.

Thank you Pat for opening the special topic for prayers for Janet and Darrel.
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