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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~November 16

Started by Etta Sue, November 16, 2008, 06:44:08 PM

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Al Moak

Janet, Melody, and Carol - thanks so much for your kind thoughts. Y'all are WONDERFUL people!


No, Gord, I didn't know you had worked as a tour guide for Niagara Falls.  I'll bet you met a lot of interesting people!  And that is such a spectacularly beautiful area!  I'm so glad Pat met us there and shared it with us; that's a vacation I will never forget.  I do NOT remember all that the guides tell us, not without my trusty notebook, anyway!  I take copious notes.

The craft show was really nice.  The most popular two things this year are jewelry---lots and lots and lots of jewelry! and candles.  I bought a little fold-up fabric thing with handles for little Lexi.  Inside in pouches is a small doll, a robe, pillow and blanket (for the doll).  Cute, and only $6.00.

Etta Sue, I would have liked to see your furkids playing with the yarn.  Our dog and cat play, roll and tumble and chase.  The cat is taller than the dog, and they are pretty evenly matched, and such fun to watch.  Every morning, they are full of energy and put on quite a show for us.  At night, they curl up in the same dog bed, Darrel covers them with a blanket and they sleep together like that.  ;)

I want to start wrapping Christmas gifts as I get them.  We have decided not to spend so much on gifts this year.  Why buy STUFF for people who already have too much STUFF?  And I need to get the room ready for Beth's friend John, who is coming for Christmas.

Later! :wave: :run:
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Janet, that's so sweet....your dog and cat sleeping together. :) My little dog, Rocko, and our "visiting" Pom, Mia, play together all the time.  They have the same energy and when they get started, they're fun to watch.  Tyson never gets involved.  I sometimes wish he'd play more, but his nature is quiet, seldom ever barks and is so sensitive to whatever I'm feeling. Whatever is going on...he always looks at me to see my reaction.   I love them all.

Larry, I'll be praying for you, especially on Monday with Stacy's surgery.

Al, I really hope that the strategy the doctor has for your treatment will help you greatly.  I like sleeping in my recliner sometimes, but wouldn't want to have to do it every night.

I just talked to Jane, and we're going to my daughter's for Thanksgiving.  Kim really wants us to and ask me to ask if Jane would come.  She's having all of Paul's family, and this will be the first one without Dad Kirk.   I guess I'll make a yam casserole and maybe a fruit salad. 

Janet, I don't buy stuff anymore.  I'll get something for the babies, but my older grandkids get cash, and I don't buy for anyone else.  There just isn't the money, and they know that.  We've agreed to buy just for the kids.  Well, except for my oldest daughter, Rene.  I just can't convince her to not get me Christmas presents.  I wish she wouldn't. 

Time to feed the dogs and maybe turn on some lights.  It got dark all of a sudden. lol



Al, your treatment sounds like what two persons I know had, and I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the condition.  My cousin had it first, she was age 50.  An acquaintance from our previous church was next and she is nearer my age.  The wrapping and massage is what they had to undergo. 

My cousin died of heart disease (a previous condition unrelated to this) so I don't know how she would have responded to the treatment.  The friend told me that she will likely have to have this done for the rest of her life, and her husband does the massage at home now.  They had to go to Lubbock to learn how to do this.  Both cases involved their arms, and they had swelling and pain.   

I sure hope your treatment helps you, and you can get some real rest.  I will pray for you that you have a good outcome.

And Larry, I will also be praying for Stacy on Monday for the surgery.  Yes, it will be a long day, and I will pray for you and Pat as well, that you may have the strength you will need for the day.  Waiting is such a long wearisome process. 

Hello to everyone else, and y'all have a good Lord's Day tomorrow!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


It is late, do not feel like sleeping, read all the posts....so here I am!

Made dinner for the kids tonight.  Then Wendy and I watched the movie (DVD) Wall-E on their new Blue screen.  Some sort of thing my SIL got that makes it like a movie theatre.  Don't know when I have enjoyed a movie so much.  Wendy is in so much pain and it was nice to see her relax for a time. 

Only getting something small for my granddaughter at Xmas.  We do not exchange gifts now..use the money to buy food hampers and give to the SPCA.  There are so many in need and we are not rich, simply feel it is better to help those with a real need.  Help my granddaughter with her expenses and that about does it for my budget.  That and giving to the Mission.  Always a little to add to the hampers.

Praying for all the needs and appreciate the prayers for my daughter.  I also remembered Keith, Marilyn.  The work situation is sure not good and Amanda will be looking for a job when this course is finished.  The news has become so terrible, I can hardly stand to read the newspapers now.  We are so blessed and there is much to thank God for, compared to what is happening in so many lives. 

Squeek continues to do strange things, like getting into the bathtub and crying for help, going on the leather couch after yrs. of knowing it was a NOT thing to do, etc.  Seems to forget what she has learned.  We don't get angry.....I can relate.  Guess Squeek and I will go into the twilight zone, hand and paw, together!

Time to think about going to bed with a book.  Glad that I don't have to sit in a recliner like Al.  Sure hope the treatment works, Al.  Will pray about that also.

Pleasant Evening/Day and God Bless.



Al, I remembered that name, it is lymph edema (all one word).  It is more common in women I think but men get it too. 
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Al Janice beat me to it, I was thinking the same about the lymph edema. I forgot tot ell you that I am praying for you Bro. Al. Did you call  the Food  for people place in Eureka. 445-3166

Liz maybe Squeek has a kidney infection. It i s pretty common for cats from what I've been told.

I ate too much at the church supper last night so I didn't sleep well, I will undoubtedly sleep better tonight.

The youth pastor is preaching today and he sure is a spirit filled preacher so I don't want to miss that.

Cold here this morning but not as cold as it probably is in the eastern states. at least here it is tolerable.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I am ready for church but it is still about an hour before time to leave.  We will go back downtown later this afternoon and spend time with our daughter during the early evening as know that will be a long night for her.

Thank you all so much for your prayer support.  It really means a lot to know people are praying for her and for us.  I would be less than honest if I didn't admit this is also very wearing on us.  Pat and I did sleep very well last night in our own bed and I do feel better today.  I sure don't want to add any burdens to Pat at this time so have to stay healthy.

Al, sure hope your new treatments do the job for you and you will be able to sleep once again in your bed.

Marilyn, so sad to read of the continued decline your DIL is experiencing.  That is such an insidious disease.

With regard to Christmas shopping this year, we have decided to buy gifts only for the great grandchildren and the adults will get a little cash gift.  Neither Pat nor I feel like shopping.  I looked at toys the other night at Walmart and it is really overwhelming plus they have so many toys already.  I heard this morning that giving to charity is really doing pretty well.  I think this probably represents an understanding that most of us may not be exempt from need sometime in our lives and people care about other people.  

Etta Sue, cats can be a lot of fun to watch, i.e., when they are not being totally aggrativing.  :)  That Zucchini Bread sounds good.  I always have liked that.

Hope you all have a good day.


Don went to church but I was still coughing away.  It is quite warm & above all week and has been this entire month, which is normally our 2nd. snowiest month.  Not so.  Just dreadful.  Talked with daughter last night and she will bring the children here for Thanksgiving & possibly staying one night so we can chat.  Her husband is flying to Texas to be with his father for a big birthday and weekend celebration.  We wanted to pack turkey baskets after church today and now I can't participate.

This cold - I have lost my taste in everything.  Very strange.  I was reading that Sarah P. is being offered all kinds of interviews.  People who didn't have her on t.v. before the election are now wanting to be pals - no comment is necessary. 

We bought some Honey Bees.  Well, there is a great need for coffee farmers to have honey bees and we always choose some gift through Luth. World Relief - usually goats. Well over 90% of the money goes straight to the project so we always feel that it is being used correctly and sanely.  We usually buy a goat.  Our grandchildren are always open to giving up a gift and they love knowing what that money is going towards.

Larry:  Praying for Stacey tomorrow - may the surgeon's hand be guided by an angel. 

Al:  When do you have your treatment?  It sounds like a series of treatments? 



Good Sunday to you all. I went to church this morning and a Prodigal returned back to the Lord. Praise the Lord.
Its sunny and warm here today.
Larry will be praying for Stacy tomorrow morning. praying the hand of the Lord will guide the surgeons hand.
May the Lord give you and your wife rest and a refreshing time  in the midst of all you have gone through.

Etta Sue

I went to church this morning...the first Sunday service with the new overhead screen and projector.  Jill did a great job running the cues.  Our Sunday School teacher fell last week and hurt his knee.  He is 6'5" tall so it is hard for him to get around.  He was at church but didn't stay for Sunday School.  So we had an improvised class with good discussion.  Later 7 of us ladies went to Panera Bread for lunch.  Light lunch since we are having pot luck at church at 5pm for our Harvest Dinner. 

Bright and sunny.  When I greeted the minister I said that a month ago, I left my sunroof open while I was in church.  This morning it was only 22°.  I didn't open it this morning!! 

Larry ~ I will be praying for Stacy, Pat and you tomorrow along with all the doctors and nurses who will be working during surgery.

{{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}

Gord Brown

Good afternoon.  Hope all had a good day in the Lord's house. :)       

Our service was a testimonial service about two groups who had just returned from short term missions trip   One went to Cuba and the other went to Nicaragua and the one that went to Nicaragua was a medical team of at least 17 people and only 4 or 5 of them were Christians.  It is amazing what happened throughout the time they were there.  The Christians had many opportunities  to witness but as soon as they arrived the pastor of the church wanted to share and to pray for them.   Praise his wonderful name. <3

Al:   I hope that things will go well for you and you will be able to get back into your own bed to sleep.

Larry:  We are thinking about tomorrow and the Lord will give you the strength to get through. <3

Etta Sue;  I like your new picture you look very young and you are a very busy lady.  They tell me that keeps us young. :)

Have a great week to all. :coffee:    Gord and Noreen:
T Gordon Brown


We have shared lots of good conversation, concerns and prayers this week, and now it is time to start a fresh new page.  To find it, click   here.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


That's the worst of being tall, Etta, You've further to fall, hope he's Ok now, bless him, I hope there's no serious damage, I know what it is to hurt your knee, as I've twisted mine enough times.

Al Moak

Marilyn - yes, I called that number, but they determined that I'm just too rich!  Slightly too much income.


oops Al
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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