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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Week~Nov 24

Started by Don, November 24, 2013, 08:49:40 AM

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Morning Devotional...

The Covenants of God


You said, 'I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant, I will establish your line forever and make your throne firm through all generations.' Psalm 89:3–4

The Covenants of God

Because of His love for us, God already has taken the initiative. He has left us without room for human excuse. If God cannot get us concerned about His own things and our shortcomings, He cannot do anything at all for us. If His grace and mercy cannot move us, He cannot save us.

This brings us right back to our starting point. Our Christian hope and the promises of God all rest upon the very character of the triune God. We are New Testament believers. We are saved through the terms of a new covenant. That new covenant is based in the love and grace of the One who created us and then gave His life for our redemption.

Of His own free will God has made a pledge and given us a covenant. A Christian is a Christian and remains a Christian because of the bond between the persons of the Godhead and himself or herself.

Note this theme in Psalm 89. In that psalm, the Holy Spirit has dictated a plain message. He goes far beyond the reference to King David. Rather, he is describing David's greater Son, even Jesus, the eternal Son and Lord of all.

The reference is to the kind of covenant a faithful God has made with the people of His choice. The statements made by God to David's progeny and David's people are almost unconditional. God does not make unconditional promises to our race, but these in Psalm 89 are as nearly unconditional as any we will ever find.

Christ is the fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant. Christ has laid aside the old Mosaic Covenant and established a new one by His death and resurrection—a covenant in which we may be included by faith commitment to Him.


Thank You, Lord, for the new covenant You have made with me, fulfillment of which is assured because of Your faithfulness.

From Devotions By Dr. Tozer


Eph 2:8,9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

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Jeanne Lee

Thank you, Don, for that devotion this morning.

We were down close to zero again this morning, but the sun is shining brightly and it's starting to warm up.  We're starting on the "up" side of our weather roller coaster again for a few days and then we'll slide downhill again.   :D
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is a chilly 29 degree morning here in Georgia and not to get about 47 or 49 degrees today.  I am ready to go to church but don't think Pat will go this morning.  She is fine but still have to wash her hair and that simply wears her down.  She and her friends had a good time at the tea room yesterday.  They were gone all afternoon but it took two hours to get there and back.  She took some pictures of the ladies with the hats on that the tea room had for them to put on.  I had a nice quiet day.  I was glad that Georgia won their game last evening.  Stacey had planned on attending church this morning but she talked with her mother and said she is considering whether to get out in the cold or not.

Janet, glad you were able to make it to the play.  Nothing wrong with some good old slapstick comedy.  That is the kind I prefer so I can laugh out loud a bit.  It sounds like your roads were not in good shape.  What was the door prize? I liked the saying on your new tin sign. 

Marilyn, I didn't know you could purchase mustard plants to make mustard.  Pat mentioned yesterday she read how to make your own brown sugar.  I don't expect she will be doing it however.  She has a website that has handy tips and ideas daily.  It is .  We now make our own laundry soap from a recipe she got there and it is very economical.   

Judy, your snow looks like cotton on the limbs.  You don't need to be sending it to Georgia as we aren't equipped to handle snow like that.

Ruth Ann, it sounds like a cane would be a good precaution anytime you leave your apartment as you sure don't need another fall.  We each have our good times and those not quite so good. 

Don, thank you for the new devotional for this coming week. 

Jeanne, it sounds like there may be some bad weather headed up your way by Thanksgiving.   


There is an answer to every question in the world in the Holy Scripture.  True!!!

We are still getting used to the new pastor.  He is such a good speaker for his young age.  The place is packed so we don't see a drop in attendance as happens when a very popular pastor retires.  It may be a few less but now we see other people coming in as well. 

Larry:  I did receive Pat's note & sent thanks - yes, you could have messed up a quilting message.... :)  The Broncos are playing in New England today and predictions are that our side will lose - bitter cold here too and there as well. 

We scoured the newspaper ads today looking at everything and give thanks as there was not one thing we could see that we really "need".  All appliances are working and Don says he does not need another shop tool - we came home to a warm house and the furnace is about two years old.  Many blessings. 


Wonderful service this morning, and our pastor is back, refreshed and renewed and so happy to be here.  Our roads melted off yesterday, but we got more snow overnight, so they were snowy and slushy when we went into town, but cleared again by the time we came home.  It was announced this morning that our church donated 140 shoebox gifts this year for Operation Christmas Child.  :cheer: :thumbsup2:

Larry, as soon as I eat lunch I will go out to the craft show and get whatever it is I won--then I can tell you!  ;)

I am just marinating in the sweet love of God today.  He is so good to Janet!  No words can ever do his love justice.  I love him!

Time to get lunch out of the oven, I think!  See you all later!
My book Rising Above available at


good afternoon my friends  :coffee:

A couple of weeks ago we were in Barrie it is a city (I think) and that day they sure had got  a lot of snow in fact the 400 HWY was closed due to the storm that day and now with the storm that arrived yesterday the same Hwy was closed yet again the area is open and the road  was icy.

We also got our first big storm yesterday, I went out earlier in the day and was glad to get home as the ice was building up, with my knee I did not feel safe to be out. I think it is getting better but I am very discouraged with the slow progress and not understanding the surgeons reasons.  I feel he would rather operate than give possible solutions.

The Canadian Thanksgiving is in the past but you might be interested to know that we went to our second fund raising Christmas dinner and there is another coming up Dec 2 for the seniors here in town.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


Larry I don't buy Mustard plants, I buy the seeds, mustard is made from the seeds. I get those at the Health Food Store.

Judy the recipe is  in your email.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Thanks for clearing that up, Marilyn!  If I have to raise the plants, it will be a long time before I make any mustard.  May well be,anyway, no health food stores here!  Nor whole foods, either..... :(
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Janet that's too bad that you don't have the health food or whole food stores near you.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Ruth Ann Bice

Good afternoon, friends,

I'm staying close to the apartment this afternoon - it's really cold here. They say we'll be having snow/sleet/rain combination for the next 2 days.

My daughter contacted me, asking for the grocery list for her to make our traditional turkey cornbread dressing. She says I won't be doing anything but supervising! :)

My next door neighbor has shaky hands, and needed someone to put eyedrops in prior to his cataract surgery tomorrow, then afterward during his recovery period.

It's nice to be able to help him out. He's always been so kind and friendly, and I reminded him I asked God when I retired to let me know how I could be of help to others after retirement. So, I got a blessing when I knew he had a need and I could provide the assistance. :)

Y'all have a good rest of the day.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Jeanne Lee

My thermometer hit exactly zero at 6:30 this morning. 
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is a beautiful, sunny but very chilly 28 degrees this morning and a light breeze.  Since the housekeepers are here this morning I stayed at McDonald's for a while longer than normal and then did a couple of errands.  I have my men's luncheon and today we are going to Golden Corral so will have a big lunch.  We had a nice day yesterday with church and then eight of us went to lunch.  We tried O'Charley's but the line was out the door so we went too the Asian restaurant where the group often goes.  It was almost 3 pm before we got home. 

It has been an interesting morning as I arranged to buy a second car this morning from a friend.  I drove it this morning and it drives nicely.  It is a 5 speed so will have to retrain myself to using the clutch.  It was a price I couldn't pass up and is a 2004 PT Cruiser.  We could certainly get by without it but this opportunity to buy it at what he intended to see it to Car Max for tomorrow was too good to pass by.  This is the friend who lives about half the year in Mexico and with whom I have coffee and he and his wife are also members of our church.  I am arranging insurance this afternoon and will actually buy it tomorrow morning and get the license. 

Carol, I see that Denver didn't win last night but the score was close.  We also feel very blessed as all of our needs are met plus a few extras.  Our sermon series for the last several weeks was on being generous and the sermon yesterday was about the joy we can get out of being generous. 

Janet, the Christmas Child project is a wonderful one.  I haven't heard what the final count may have been from our church but there were a lot of boxes.

Ruth, glad you were able to get home and not risk walking on ice.  The Thanksgiving dinners are a good way to raise funds for the seniors. 

Marilyn, do you have to buy a lot of seeds to make the mustard.  I had no idea how it is made. 

Ruth Ann, we are just expecting rain and cold weather but we are considerable south of you in Nashville.  I think the North Georgia mountains may get some ice and snow.  Nice of you to help your neighbor with the eye drops.  It is not easy too put in your own eye drops. 

Jeanne, stay warm today.


Larry it only takes a total of ½ cut of seeds in the recipe.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I was out at WalMart waiting for an electric cart for about an hour.  Grrrrr. Finally called the manager and discussed the situation with her. It seems several of the carts have broken down and not been repaired. Thankfully, there are other places I can purchase what I needed today.

Well, the snowflakes were really falling this afternoon! It looked like one of those snowflakes paper weights, it was so heavy, and the flakes were huge - at least the size of dimes. Thankfully, I'm in and warm and dry.

Much love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Ruth Ann, that's the kind of snow I love--huge flakes.  I enjoy being out in it, if there is no wind.  Not too long, of course!  ;) 

We went to Garden City today and bought a hot tub, or a "therapy pool" as Darrel says it should be called.  They will deliver it after Thanksgiving.  We have had one for many years, but it is broken, and Darrel wanted a new one.  This one has automatic cover and all the newest bells and whistles!  We will put it in the garage (attached) and will enjoy it a lot.  If I am chilled when I go to bed, it takes me hours to warm up and go to sleep.  So Merry Christmas to us!  :)

We went to Sam's and to Walmart and got (I hope) everything we need for Thanksgiving.  I will be doing about half the cooking and Diane the other half.  If nobody was coming, we would either go to one of the kids' house or eat out!  Too much work and too much food for two people!

Larry, the goal set by the pastor for our church was 100 boxes, and I knew we could and would do better than that.  I agree it is a wonderful project and blesses so many children.

Ruth, nice to see another post from you! 

Br-r-r-r, Jeanne!  It's still cold here, but not as cold as there.  We do still have snow cover, but the highways are clear and dry, so we are thankful for that!

Darrel has another app't in Liberal tomorrow, but unless he wants me to go with him, I will stay home, and maybe get that interview done I had to postpone last week, if they aren't too busy with Thanksgiving preparations.

Boy, I am sleepy.  I ached and hurt so much last night I didn't get to sleep until sometime after 1:00 AM.  So short night, again.  But I have been sleeping a lot better, and those "J" nights are not as numerous, for which I thank God!

I think I will get a bite to eat for us, then whenever I want, I can get the clean sheets back on the bed and zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Middle age is halfway between your age and 100.
My book Rising Above available at


Awake till 5:30 am and then had to be up by 9:30 for a dentist appointment.  Tired. 

It snowed Saturday then again this afternoon.  John leaves early he will be gone till Saturday.  If any of you get CTV2 there is a show coming on starting the 31st and 1st.  Trucker TV.  John will be on it at some point, we don't know what week at this point.  I am recording it.  I think you would be able to see it on line as well.  He was asked some interesting questions, however you don't hear the interviewer.

We are finishing up the last few things before bed then turning in early.


Like Judy, I am short on sleep.  I woke at 3:00 and was never able to fall asleep again, so got up at quarter of five.  NOW I'm sleepy.  Too bad, busy day ahead.  Maybe I will wear myself out so much that I will sleep tonight!  ^-^

I am ready to go to the gym shortly.  House cleaner is here, but Darrel will stay until she finishes.  Correction: she never finishes, but until her two hours are over!  ;)

Darrel has another appointment in Liberal, but I am staying here.  I have an interview appointment at 1:00 with another couple.  Hope it goes well, and fully expect it will.

Sun is shining bright today, so the snow will probably be melting!

Friends are made by many acts; and lost by only one.  :(
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

HI everyone.  I have a few minutes before needing to leave for a meeting and then going to the license bureau to get my car, that I purchased this morning, licensed.  I stopped at the insurance company for the insurance binder so hopefully will get all the details taken care of today.  I rearranged some of the storage in my garage and was able to get the car in the garage.  It is a rainy, dark and chilly day and when I get home early this afternoon I am staying in the rest of the day.  The new computer is to be delivered sometime tomorrow so will have a project for the remainder of the week in getting it set up as Pat wants it. 

Marilyn, I am not aware of any bulk food stores around here but sure there are some if I really looked for them. 

Ruth Ann, with the holidays coming up not having riding carts that work is unacceptable at a WalMart.  The last time I was there I couldn't find a cart and didn't have time to wait so got a couple of items and left without completing my shopping.  So far no snow flakes down this way.  Icing will likely be the problem later today and in the morning.

Janet, your new "therapy pool" sounds great and you have a good place to put it.  That automatic cover sounds great.  Glad you are sleeping better, but see last night was not one of those night. 

Judy, hope that program will be available on the Internet as we don't get the channel you menitoned. 


Larry, I meant to tell you that I really liked my PT Cruiser.  In fact, I still miss it.  And had we known it would be repaired as easily as it was, we would probably still have it!  But I like the Mercury just fine, too.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy yours as much as I did mine!

I've been to the gym, walked for 15 minutes on the treadmill, then stretched everything I could stretch, I think.  Then Kristi came and pushed on me to stretch me even more.  That should help the soreness I was feeling.

Hey, everybody!  Don't forget to set your scales back 10 pounds this weekend!   :lol:
My book Rising Above available at

Ruth Ann Bice

I, too, have a PT cruiser which I love. It's easy to drive, easy to park, and easy to get into and out of. :) And, the gas mileage is nice, as well.

It's time to go have my ear checkup, so I'll be heading out in a few moments. I'd rather prevent ear infections than treat 'em!

We have a winter weather advisory set to begin at 3 pm. Hope I get back before anything serious develops.

Well, much love to all.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


I'm glad you're still happy with little Josie, Ruth Ann!  I really liked the way the seats were in the front, sat me right up there so I could see very well!

I am just home from doing the interview, which I began at 1:00.  Very nice visit with Don and Ruth Ann.  Now I will need to get it put into story form.

Sad news......Darrel's sister Dolores fell and broke a hip.  It happened about 10 days ago, but her husband didn't call me until today!  >:(  He said she is now out of the hospital and in a rehab place, where they plan to keep her for five to six weeks.  Dolores is three years older than Darrel, and very thin and frail looking; but her husband says, "She's tough."  I sure hope so!

We have a pizza in the oven, one of those 'buy and bake' kind.   And I am hungry!
My book Rising Above available at


Back early from our quilt group meeting. It sure is dark and we had to drive into the foothills.  Snow is all across the peaks so it is beautiful looking west. 

Larry;  big mistakes in the Denver football game.  I really don't watch too much football but it was interesting for awhile.  All the injuries made me feel sad. 

A Christian grade school in this area intended to fill Operation Christmas boxes but they were threatened with a huge lawsuit  - by people I would not really care for. ... so, the parents went to the parking area and set up the gifting area for boxes and the call went out so they realized an even greater number than was anticipated.  It really is sad that these so-called "humane" people would take away a little gift - even, perhaps their first toothbrush or tiny toy from the poorest of the poor. 

That is sad about Darrel's sister and sadder still that her husband feels no need to bring it to Darrel's attention. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It looks like the rain is over but it is really chilly and there is a strong wind blowing today.  The good part is that it was dry off the roads and bridges so tonight there should be no ice forming.  We had eleven guys at coffee this morning. 

My friend and the fellow I bought the car from yesterday was at coffee and he got the old license plate off with a chisel and hammer (it was easy once I saw him do it.)  I had stopped at the Auto Zone store for some screws to put on the new license plate but the holes were too big so he went with me to the parts store and I ended up having to buy the type of fastener that was used before but realized I probably will never need to remove the plate again as we just get a new tag each year to apply to the plate and this is a new design plate.  He went out and put the license plate on the car for me.  I told him I know that God sends angels into my life when I need them and he was one of them. 

The new computer is on the UPS truck for delivery sometime today and I now have the prepaid return label to return the old computer.  Now I just need to box it up and have it ready to take to the Fed Ex store on Friday morning.  I plan on staying home the rest of the day and staying out of the wind and chill. 

Janet, I had forgotten you had the PT Cruiser.  I think I will like it once I get used to the 5-speed.  Hope your soreness is much better today.  I don't have to worry about the scales as you receive an adequate serving but no second helping at the cafeteria.  Pat is making a pumpkin pie with Splenda to take down with us and after lunch we will go back to Stacey's apartment building and have it.  Sorry to read of the fall by Dolores and hope her rehab goes well. 

Carol, there are a lot of injuries in football.  I am glad I never played the game although it would certainly teach teamwork.  What is wrong with people that even a Christian school can't fill the Christmas shoeboxes.  I wonder how much longer Christian schools will be allowed to exist in this country. 

Ruth Ann, I had also forgotten you now have the PT cruiser.  I haven't had to fill the gas tank yet but this is a small engine as it is the basic car and not the turbo.  Hope you didn't have too much snow or ice up your way last evening.  I hadn't thought about it but it is easy to get into and out of as it doesn't sit down low as some cars do.  My friend recently bought a BMW and I rode in it and it was so low I had trouble getting out of it and you sort of fell into the seat when getting in.   


Speaking of cars, and problems getting into and out of them....Son-in-law Jeff bought a Chevy Cobalt, sort of a spur of the moment thing, I think.  It is really cute, and bright yellow, and gets good gas mileage.  BUT that thing is awful for anyone of our age to get into or out of!  He bought it to drive to and from Liberal, taking care of his two car washes there, thinking of the gas savings....But I think he was pretty happy to turn it over to Abby when she became a licensed driver!   ;)

We spent an hour and a half at the gym this morning.  Now we won't go back until Monday, as they are closed Thurs. and Fri. for Thanksgiving. 

Time to get back to the job of clearing off the bar in the kitchen.  It's a clutter magnet, and the mail stacks up so quickly.  :-\

Carol, stay safe up there in the land of ice and snow.  I don't watch a lot of football, either, but did watch most of the Broncos-Chiefs game.  But I gave up and went to bed before the end, when I saw the Chiefs wouldn't make it; then Darrel told me they did make another touchdown.  Oh, well.  Good for the Christian school, for finding a way to do the boxes.  Such interference in things makes me crazy!

I need to call Dolores and see how she feels she's doing.  Norman isn't the best source of reliable information, even about his own wife.  :-\

Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots.
My book Rising Above available at

Ruth Ann Bice

Good morning, friends,

Well, it was nice to get a phone call from a former boss.  He and his wife wish to meet me for lunch on Saturday! What a nice time that will be. :)

Thankfully, with the half-boot plus the regular walking boot, my ankle isn't swelling and painful like it was for a couple of weeks.

Yes, it's really cold here with the high supposed to be 32 degrees and the low in the teens tonight. Brrrrr. But, we didn't get ice and snow, so that's a matter for gratitude. :)

Y'all have a wonderful day with our Lord.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Hello friends. I have been busy today getting my stuffing made, vacuuming and going to the gym.  It will only be Keith and I \here tomorrow as far a I know so that is all the food I am preparing for.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Glad the work week is almost over for me. I hope my wife and I will have a good 4 days off together. We hope to go over to her fathers house for thanksgiving. Prayers for her dad that he doesn't have to go to the ER this weekend. (He has been dealing with major headaches since mid September.)
Then on Monday he is having sinus surgery to hopefully drain the sinus, and correct the problem.
You might be a dog lover if:
You have more dog toys in your bed than people.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone and Happy Thanksgiving.  I have many blessings to be thankful for this day.  We will go down later this morning and have a Thanksgiving meal with Stacey at the Shepard Center.  She has invited a friend to join us.  We have met the friend before.  Pat made a pumpkin pie last night and we will take that to share back at her apartment after the meal.  I set Pat's new computer up last night, downloaded all the Microsoft update and added just a few programs and then left it for the night.  This morning I went in to it and it wouldn't start up.  I tried rebooting several times and nothing happens and it wouldn't even start the recovery disk that I have.  Needless to say I am very frustrated with it at this point and will call and ask that the tech be sent out here to take a look at it.  What are the odds of the exact same thing happening on two computers in a row and this is a different model.  It is 23 degrees here this morning but the wind seems to be over.  It is suppose to get up to 49 today so that won't be bad. 

Janet, some of these cars, especially the small ones are certainly designed with young people in mind.  Hard to believe that Abby is old enough to have a driver's license.

Ruth Ann, glad your ankle isn't swelling and is less painful now.  Hopefully the healing process is underway. 

Marilyn, are you fixing a turkey to go with the stuffing for today?

SmokeytheDog, enjoy your four days off.  Sure hope your FIL will be feeling better and can stay out of the ER. 

Jeanne Lee

Larry, about the time this second computer wouldn't start I would start throwing a major tantrum!  Maybe it's time to demand a full cash refund, and try a different brand of computer.  [attachimg=1]
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Hi folks. Just a short post to wish all my American friends a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you all have a wonderful day of reflection on the many blessings to be thankful for. Dwell on the positive and remember that God is still in charge. So trust in Him for all your needs. Judy is busy knitting a baby outfit and is afraid she is running out of yarn. These thanksgiving wishes are from both of us. God Bless everyone.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.