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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~November 16, 2014

Started by Jeanne Lee, November 16, 2014, 12:15:24 PM

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Jeanne Lee

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

Morning Devotional...

Wherever He Goes

These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
Revelation 14:4

Recommended Reading
Matthew 16:24-28

Years ago, Reverend R. S. Jones, a missionary to Brazil, had to leave his field of service due to failing health. While at a convention in Alabama, he ran into his friend B. B. McKinney, and the two shared a meal. McKinney asked the missionary what he was going to do next. "I don't know," replied Jones, "but wherever He leads I'll go." McKinney, a hymnist, was struck by those words. Returning to his hotel room, he composed the great hymn of consecration, "Wherever He Leads I'll Go."

During the Great Tribulation, the 144,000 evangelists will follow the Lamb wherever He goes, devoting themselves entirely to God, to holiness, and to evangelism. It's crucial for us to do the same now. Christ is going to all the world. He's going to the unreached. He's going into a fallen culture with a message of hope. He's going where there are no easy roads, and He challenges us to take up our cross and follow Him.

Follow the Lamb every step of the way, and let your prayer be: "Wherever You lead, I'll go."

From "Turning Point" by Dr. David Jeremiah

"I'll follow my Christ who loves me so; wherever He leads I'll go."
B. B. McKinney
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Good afternoon everyone, I've just finished writing some of my memeories of Pastor Al. So I am just stopping here to say hello and have a blessed day.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Marilyn, I hope to read Brother Al's tributes in just a few moments.

It's a dreary rainy day here in Nashville. It was good to speak with one of my sons today. Where he is seems to have good weather right now.

I don't really know too much to say, except that both our Lord and I love each of you. :)

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


I prayed that the Lord would lead me to a photography website of Believers and like-minded people, and here I am. So glad I was paying attention and "followed." Enjoy the rest of your evening all. Blessings!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this very rainy Monday morning.  It started raining about 8 pm last evening and rained throughout the night.  It is suppose to stop around 11 am and then turn much colder with it getting down into the lower 20's by tomorrow morning. We enjoyed being at church yesterday and then after church we went out with three of our friends for a nice leisurely lunch.  Today will not be too busy.  I need to stop at the post office, the bank and also the grocery store this morning after coffee.  This evening I plan on going to a meeting.  Pat will have her massage treatment later this morning.

Jeanne, thanks for the new weekly devotional.  The background of how certain hymns came to be written is very interesting.  Dr. Jeremiah presents his material well. 

Marilyn, I hope yesterday proved to be a blessed day for you and Keith as well as today. 

Iamblessed, I am glad you were able to find us and do hope that in addition to the photography discussions you will continue to join us here in Thoughts and share a little about yourself.


I couldn't get the You Tube icon to work.  Here is the hymn that Jeanne was referring to.

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I'm resting in the office waiting to hear from my son.

I really enjoyed the link to that song, Judy. Thank you. And, Jeanne, thank you for the devotional.

It has been a quiet day today. The weather was snowy early this morning, but it has melted off.  I understand the Nashville Titans play the Pittsburgh Steelers tonight in Nashville where the wind chill is supposed to be in the low to mid teens. Brrrrr!

I'm thankful I didn't need to leave the apartment. Well, of course there were things I could have accomplished outside the apartment, but I'm thankful I could put them off till tomorrow or later this week.

Well, since it's been so quiet I don't have much to say.  May our Lord bless us all is my prayer.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


We have had snow, snow, snow and more snow.   Oh and did I say we have had snow?  It is to continue all week.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is a sunny but cold (only 25 degrees at 8 am) Tuesday morning here in Georgia.  It is suppose to be even colder by tomorrow morning.  We are suppose to get up to 35 this afternoon.  I stayed in all day yesterday, except the early morning coffee and errands I spoke of yesterday.  I have decided it is unwise for me to get out in the cold if it is around the freezing mark so plan on staying in all day today as well. My goal today is to make some CD copies for a friend and for myself.  I got the labels made yesterday so it really shouldn't take too long and then that project will be completed.  This will be a good morning for a cup or two of hot tea.

Judy, do you need a little more snow up your way?  Just teasing as it sounds like you are really covered over.  The pictures on the news last night of snow in various places are really something for this early in the year. 

Ruth Ann, isn't it nice that we have the choice of staying in when it gets so cold, snowy or icey?  Hope you were able teo speak with our son yesterday. 


Yes even though there are clear spots in the blue sky we are expecting more white stuff.  Also the wind has picked up, so there will be drifting.  Lloyd our neighbour will be in late afternoon to blow the driveway out, it is too long to shovel.  I will get john working on the camera and get some pictures.  It is really quite pretty.

I am really discouraged,  We have 2 cats in the house and they are NOT doing a job.  A pair of Thrumed mittens I knit last week are destroyed by a mouse....Grrrrrr I don't know if I have enough yarn to make another pair.  It/they seem to only attack the thrumm that has been knit into mittens, not the bag of un-spun yarn!

Here lis what I am referring to.  They are very warm, and time consuming to knit.  Oh well as John said last night I may have to use 2 colours like I have with the scarf. 

Jeanne Lee

Judy, your link doesn't work right.   :(

Please, Judy, don't send any of that snow in this direction.  We got about 2 inches Sunday night and I couldn't believe the list of closed schools yesterday morning.  Lots of accidents on the Adirondack Northway, too.  That's a good road to avoid when it snows.
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Larry, thank you for Pat's picture of her wonderful quilts.  A labor of love and to think that she made two quilts, one for each twin bed.  That is above and beyond devotion. 

There is so much going on in the neighborhood and I have decided to pick and choose what sounds not so exhausting.  We are not going to the annual luncheon - Don can't hear anything in the group.  I am quitting the secular book club - I don't like their choice at times and now I won't have to have to listen to the political jabs thrown into the conversation.  Yesterday was the little luncheon/book review with only 5 of us from the church bible study.  They like to keep the group small and I have been so gifted to be asked into this intimate group.  One could not attend - she is failing fast with memory problems probably made worse because she is a caregiver for her husband.  Feel so blessed to have these wonderful friends. 

Daughter is coming by for a short visit as she works in the area today - she had 4 heavy duty concerns right now - also told her contract for work is to be cancelled in two months. 

Today, we were able to get the garage door open without one of us holding it up - then, it dropped hard but didn't damage the car.  Don got his Driver's License renewed by himself although he said it was so hard to hear what they were saying - went to the wrong person & they pointed him in the right direction.  A friend dropped by with the 2 months of bible study I missed being away. 

Janet:  How frightening it must have been for you.  Such a worry when someone can't hear if you are in trouble and I hope you get yourself checked out.  Maybe a concussion? 

Pat:  We all miss Al.  You must miss him a even more because of your close association with him over the years.  Super hug to you! 


Jeanne Lee

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Well thought that I would take a minute and post. Glad this day is over and I can stay in the house. It has turned colder outside, about minu 11 C or 12 degrees F. We got a lot of snow today as well. There was about 6 to 12 inches on the roads this am depending on where I was with the bus with poor visibility in some areas as well. Many parents kept there kids home today and those that did come out I managed to get to school on time. It was a challenge though. I said to Judy that I was gad that i no longer have to push through that stuff with the big truck. It,s get very fatiguing to spend all day in it with other traffic watching and wondering who might loose control and involve you in their mishap. The farmer down the road stopped by this evening and blew out our driveway with the bug snowblower on his tractor. i so appreciate this man and what he does for us in this way and does it very cheap as well. He is also the same farmer that I help with his hay in the summer time. Since I have retired he has become a real friend and is a christian man as well. I find it wonderful how God places certain people in our lives at just the right time. We have planned some bad weather activities together such as rope making. He has a rope making machine and makes rope from baler twine and for anyone who goes over and helps him with it he shares the finished product with you 50/50. Some of these types of activities and the fellowship will be a nice way to wile away the long winter hours up here in the frozen north country. The only thing that I find myself missing about trucking at this moment is the opportunity to get down to the southern US to get away from the winters up here. I know you get some cold down there as well but for us up here in the north thats still balmy weather. Anyway enough said for now. Blessings everyone John.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Jeanne Lee

John, seeing on TV some of the big rigs stranded on highways, I thought of you and thanked our Lord that you no longer have to contend with this weather.
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Judy:  Very nice mittens.  I must find a neighbor from the sewing group to help me put an edge on a sweater that has been sitting for months - am afraid to make a mistake now at the end. 

John:  Ditto to what Jeanne said about watching the big rigs on t.v.  We had a nervous drive from Tucson home to CO and the truckers mainly were really good about not racing through the bad roads.  People just don;t understand you need more room to stop.  Glad you are home and not having to miss so much.  Stay warm - I hope you two have enough wood for this winter. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is a sunny but cold 23 degree morning here in Georgia but is to get up to 44 degrees by mid-afternoon. As of now I intend a repeat of yesterday where I didn't go anywhere.  I worked on the CD coping project until I ran out of blank CD's and will not have anymore until tomorrow. 

Judy, sorry to hear of the damage to the mittens.  Guess you need to have a heart to heart talk with those cats.  I did  see the new link of the knitted mittens.

Jeanne, we have no snow but this morning there is a jack-knifed tractor trailer that has the southbound lanes of I-85 closed and that is a major road to get to Atlanta. 

Carol, you are wise to pick and choose those activities  that you really enjoy.  Your small group book club sounds nice and if you weren't enjoying the other book club why belong.  Our time is too valuable to waste it on things we don't enjoy.  Sorry about the heavy concerns your daughter is dealing with and a new one on the horizon. 

John, nice to see your posting.  It must be a real challenge to drive a school bus up your way in the winter months.  It sounds like you have a wonderful neighbor and a good friend.  I didn't know they had rope making machines outside of factories.  What does he do with all the rope he makes?   


We woke up to beautiful sunny skys this morning.  By noon it was snowing again.

2 hurried trips into the city one to pick up a box and the other to help Melaura.  It was wonderful seeing the young ones again and to be greeted with hugs.  They are coming out on Saturday to help John with a job, so I told Mariah to bring her snowsuit and she could yell and play outside without bothering anyone!  I am sure Maddox will enjoy that as well.  I think I will make some oatmeal cookies and have hot chocolate ready!

God is good protecting us as we drive in the bad weather, I was on the highway coming home and went 20 under the limit.  the pickup behind my stayed there and that gave me some confidence.  I must say I have lost my edge for winter driving!  God is good we are home safely!

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi friends,

It's so nice to read of your activities and decisions. I also liked the photo of the mittens, Judy. I'm sad your mouse has plans for those mittens!

I took my sister in law to the grocery, then hurried home for my son's I must put my cold weather gear back on and retrieve my foodstuffs from the car. :)

Well, y'all have a wonderful rest of the day with our Lord.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It was another fairly cold night and 30 degrees this morning but will warm up to 55 this afternoon.
Last evening Pat and I attended the Wholeness and Healing worship service at our church.  It was a very comforting service and we were glad we attended.  Today I will attend my Thursday men's luncheon and then a friend will be over for an hour or so later this afternoon.  That will be it for today. 

Judy, little ones always like to find some cookies at the grandparent's home as grandma's cooking always tastes special. 

Ruth Ann, do you have a cart of some kind to get your groceries into your apartment?  Over the years we got several different carts for Stacey to use and finally a little flat cart we could carry in the car as it folded down and while it didn't have sides it carried a lot as it seemed we always had a lot to take to her when we visited her. 


My oven is drying two loaves of white bread for the dressing.  I'll put together the wet ingredients, sausage, broth, eggs etc and freeze the wet ingredients for next week.  Everything happens at once - we had to order a fridge.  There are some so large out there they won't fit into our smaller space - unreal.  The new one is to be delivered the day before Thanksgiving.  Also, the roofers are coming to drop off the roof supplies and I have no idea when that will begin.  The hailstorm of over a month ago has kept roofers busy.   We know our roofers because they put a new one on only a year ago.  These storms!

The grocery store could not find a can of applesauce.  They told me that they have never seen canned applesauce before - really?  My recipe is ancient and it calls for cherry jello, melted red cinnamon candy, and applesauce.  Must search for it.  Finally able to find about 20 purse sized kleenix to fit into the little covers I have sewn for a little something gift - for bible study group and a quilting group that is coming Tuesday night.  Everything seems to be falling into next week. 

Don is off taking our only vehicle for a check-up.  This may sound odd, but Don suggested we buy a goat and two chickens for an African country family in honor of our friend who passed so recently.  The family really liked the idea so we were happy to hear the feedback. 

Larry:  It sounds like a soothing service for healing.  We have times when we can walk up after the service and they lay hands on suffering people.  There are people available anytime actually.  You two have been through so much - sending you my prayers today. 


I just wanted to mention that in reading the comments on our friend,  on CareBridge, one in particular struck a cord.  They wrote that "the angels were dancing when they heard Leilla was coming".  What a loving thought.   


What a wonderful time I had a Senior Ladies.  There was a gentleman who was showing pictures of the Holy Land.  He had some wonderful stories to tell and his pictures were not of the commercialized Israel rather more authentic.  I have given him this web address, and I hope he joins.  If he does perhaps he will share the pictures with you!

Yes Larry I always found my Granny's cookies the best!

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Yes, Larry, our apartment tower provides regular grocery carts for us to take our purchases to our apartments. I also have a fold up cart that I use to take my laundry to the laundry room.

Carol, it certainly sounds as if y'all are busy! My children in Atlanta are coming to fetch me next week and will bring me back sometime next weekend. I'll be offline for several days during that period.

Such snows, Judy! I'm certain I would accommodate if I lived there long enough, but I'm a died-in-the-wool Southerner and love our mild temps. :)

Y'all have a great rest of the day with our Lord.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


I have a new dog she is Queensland Heeler and Australian Shepard 5 yrs old 28 lbs. a little ball of energy. Her name is Freckles


"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We have another lovely day here in Georgia.  It was 33 degrees at about 7 am but will get up to 61 this afternoon.  We had a big group at coffee this morning and it was a very laid back group. I enjoyed the luncheon yesterday and have ROMEO's today.  We will be meeting at Chili's.  Pat is meeting a friend at the Senior Center for their monthly pot-luck.  She doesn't usually participate in that but her friend invited her so she is going. 

Carol, it sounds like your household is going to be a very busy one in the next few days. Pat always tries to fix any dishes she can a day or two before a big meal as she doesn't have the energy to wait until the actual day.  She did get a smoked turkey at Publix yesterday.  All will have to do is reheat it on Thanksgiving morning.  I can't image a grocery store not carrying applesauce.  If you have an Aldi's close by I know they have it as we use it all the time.  You will be ready for a vacation after Thanksgiving.    What a nice memorial gift.  What a nice comforting thought about your friend Leilla.

Judy, hope your friend will join us here and share some of his experiences.  We have friends who made a tour of Israel a few years ago and had a great trip. 

Ruth Ann, nice to see your family is going to come and get you so you don't have to make that drive.  Glad you can spend Thanksgiving with your family.

Marilyn, that is a nice looking dog and I know you will enjoy having it and the name seems appropriate.   

Jeanne Lee

Marilyn, now why on earth would anyone call that dog "Freckles"?   :lol:  I know she has found a good home with you.   :thumbsup:

Larry, we don't expect our high temperature today to reach your overnight low!
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No one knocked on our door early this morning but I heard thumping on the roof.  (they don't speak English).  We had to get to an early appointment and had to call the foreman and ask for the trailer to be moved that was blocking our garage.  Made it and even went to COSTCO - what a disaster there. 

Ruth Ann:  Have a lovely visit with your children.  I hope you can meet Larry and Pat, perhaps. 

Larry:  I am a big fan of  cooking ahead.  We spent our early married years mostly in the country (MN) and it was 7 miles to a grocery store.  It taught me to plan ahead and stock up on food for the next winter storm.  Found the applesauce today.  A smoked turkey sounds very nice.  --- Yes, we thought that note was very special for Leilla's family. 

Keep warm everyone.