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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~November 15, 2015

Started by buddywoods, November 15, 2015, 09:40:26 AM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

Morning Devotional...

God's Eternal Covenant with David

"My steadfast love I will keep for him forever, and my covenant will stand firm for him. I will establish his offspring forever and his throne as the days of the heavens" (vv. 28–29).

Psalm 89:19–37

What set ancient Israel apart from other nations? Not its size, for other nations ruled over geographic areas much larger than ancient Palestine. Not its military might, for though kings such as David were accomplished generals, Israel did not extend its borders by conquest, and it never established an empire of the scope of Assyria, Babylon, or Rome. What set Israel apart was the fact that the nation was the special possession of the one true God (Deut. 7:6). Moreover, God chose one man and his descendants to rule and reign over his people. As we read in today's passage, this man was David (Ps. 89:19–37).

The Lord put Saul, Israel's first king, on the throne after the people complained about not having a ruler like those of other nations. In David's case, God took the initiative. He did not replace Saul with David at the outcry of the nation; rather, He chose David for Israel's throne solely due to His good pleasure (1 Sam. 8–9; 16:1–13). Thus, we see in Psalm 89:19–37 a special emphasis on David and his line as the choice only of God. Unlike in the case of Saul, when the people sought to establish the king, the Lord established David. His choice was not based on the desires of the people but on His desires for them and His knowledge of their need (vv. 19–21). The Israelites could be confident of success with David's family because the Lord alone chose to put him on the throne and exalt him before all creation (vv. 22–28).

Of course, since God demands holiness from His people and from those whom He puts in place over them, this hope for Israel's success could not be separated from the holiness of the king. Thus, the whole nation suffered when David sinned (2 Sam. 11–18). In Saul's case, his grievous sin resulted in his forfeiting his throne (1 Sam. 15); however, this was not the case with David. In setting David on the throne, the psalmist tells us, God established an everlasting covenant with David and his line (Ps. 89:28–29). This did not give David and his sons a blank check to do what they wanted. Were they to break the law of God, they would be punished. Still, God promised never to remove His love from David's line (vv. 30–37).

All this foreshadows the work of David's greater son—Jesus the Messiah. We can be confident of the church's final success because God put Him there, and because He bore the punishment for the unfaithfulness of David and his line, removing from them the impediment of sin that set them at odds with the Lord. He alone is qualified to rule from David's throne forever (2 Cor. 5:21; Phil. 2:5–11). If we are in Christ, we benefit from this as well.

Coram Deo

Christ is worthy to sit on David's throne forever, which means that all those who reign with Him will reign forever. Thus, Paul's promise that we will reign with Christ (2 Tim. 2:11–13) is good news indeed. We will share in the reign of One whose kingdom can have no end. No matter the difficulties we face now, we are actually royalty if we are in Christ, and we will rule and reign with Him forever. Let that encourage us as we face adversity.

Passages for Further Study

2 Samuel 7:1–17
1 Chronicles 17:1–15
Luke 20:41–44
Acts 2:29–36

From Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship of R.C. Sproul.http://www.ligonier.org/learn/devotionals/gods-eternal-covenant-david/

Jeanne Lee

Buddy, thank you for this morning's devotional.  As often happens, one particular phrase seems to jump out at me:  "God promised never to remove His love from David's line".  He has also promised never to remove His love from us.   :)
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another beautiful morning here, about 50 degrees and sunny.  Yesterday started out chilly but by noon was very nice.  Yesterday at church was really a special day as the youth were in charge of the entire joint service and did a magnificent job.  It was followed by a very good lasagna meal.  The main activity for today is the men's meeting this evening at church where we always have a steak dinner and a speaker. 

Buddy, thanks for the fine devotional thoughts for this week.


Buddy:  thank you for reminding us of the promise of everlasting love.

Jane:  What wonderful new of both you and Joy!  Many many prayers are answered.  It is just wonderful that you have needful assistance as you recuperate - that will help you mend quickly.

We are home.  We decided to beat the snow forecast for tonight and left at noon on Saturday arriving yesterday before dinnertime.  Chicken soup is in the crock pot - I ran to two store for the fixings and necessary fridge items.  Don is still not up to par but he does have a VA appointment the first week in December. 

Larry:  It certainly sounds like you and Pat have quickly found a new "home church" and other friends.  The holidays will be lonely for your son - prayers for his "new way of living".

We could see snow across the mountains all the way from northern New Mexico - what a beautiful and exciting vista that means snow activities but most of all - water for I think 7 states.  There is still snow on the ground here at the house from a few days ago and now flakes are beginning.  We are so grateful to have a warm home and so much more.   :snowman:

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I didn't realize how long I had been away until I began catching up! Sorry, friends.

It was a chilly, rainy day today, and of course I needed some things from the store.

It's good to have a warm, dry apartment. :)

Such good news from Jane and Joy. Thank you Jane, and thank you Nita and Marilyn for being so good to our dear friend, Jane.

Carol, it's good to hear y'all are back at home without incident. I hope the VA appointment will be helpful for your hubby.

Pat, it's wonderful to hear your voice in here again. Now, to fetch Judy. :)

Larry, thank you for sharing the details of your day. You certainly are keeping active. I agree with your wife, food really costs a lot these days.

Buddy, thank you for the devotional.

Janet, I'm so sorry for Beth's continuing difficulties. And that someone has hit John's car again. My goodness, what problems. May our lord richly bless y'all as you prepare for the special day.

Now, I've been online long enough - those groceries are waiting to go into their designated resting spots! <giggle>

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


I got behind in here, now I'm all caught up again!  So I shall return tomorrow and tell you all what I've been up to these past few days!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is to be another nice day as was yesterday.  Pat and I both have appointments with our primary doctor this morning.  Hers is a followup for test results from blood work and mine is to get established with him.  It is about a 25 minute drive to his office.  That is the schedule for today.  Last evening I enjoyed a delicious steak dinner at the men's meeting and we had an interesting and inspiring speaker.

Carol, glad to read that you are now home and made it before the storm.  I saw a report yesterday afternoon about Denver having forecast a blizzard for last night.  Thanks for your prayers for our son.  He has had a very difficult time with his grief but we feel there are some signs he is beginning to handle it better. 

Ruth Ann, I hope you are now feeling better.  I intent to keep as active as I feel able to do so for as long as possible. 

Janet, looking forward to your posting today to see what you have been up to the last few days.


Good morning!  I'm back!

Our latest excitement, weather-wise, was a tornado headed our way last night.  I got a warning on my phone, closely followed by a call from sweet granddaughter Abby, warning us to take shelter.  I told her the only place we have that might withstand a tornado is in our closets, and she said, "Go get in there right NOW, Grandma!  And take your phone with you!"  So we spent a few minutes in Darrel's closet.  The tornado veered off to the East and North of us, later threatening Garden City.  Thank God for His protection!  There was quite a lot of hail around the area, but what we got was tiny, and soft.  It made me feel loved to have Abby warning us!

Today we are under blizzard warnings, or at least for snow.  That's predicted to start around 8 or 9 this morning.  I guess Old Man Winter will do his thing.  I don't mind now, but am fervently praying for good weather that first week of December, for the wedding!

I am continuing chipping away at the lists of to-dos for the wedding.  I think I'm getting there!

I was so blessed Sunday!  We attended My Father's House in Hugoton and got to hear Chip Brim again.  What a powerful, anointed speaker he is! My faith was bolstered, my spirit excited and I was greatly encouraged by his message.  Hallelujah!!

Larry, I wish I could have heard you speak.  Was your talk well received?  My guess is YES!  Like you, I want to continue to do as much as I can for as long as I can, but remember that I do have limits!  When I feel really good, I sometimes forget to take care of myself and rest as I should.  Not good.

Beth told me yesterday she would like for a friend from school to be John's 4th attendant.  He doesn't know very many men here yet, and his brothers can't come.  Anyway, John was agreeable, so I called Johnny last night and he immediately said, "Yes, I will!  I would be honored to be part of Beth's wedding!"  Then I called a friend I have known for many years who is so talented in music, teaches piano, violin and other string instruments, etc. as Beth said she would like Linda to play for her wedding.  She ,too, said, "I would LOVE to play for Beth's wedding!  I just think it is so wonderful that they are getting married!"  And she will try to find the music for My Lily and my Rose, to use as the recessional, as that is what John almost always played for Beth over the phone, and it has become "their" song.  God is so good!  Beth was better yesterday, and I understood what she was saying better than I have been able to for some time.  Praise God!

I know all these preparations aren't nearly as interesting to you as to me,  so I will stop now!   :)

I wish you all blessings from the hand of our loving Father today.


My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jane Walker

Good morning .... I am feeling great today ... and have been feeling good all along, actually.  Never have had even a twinge of pain but take my meds occasionally, just in case!  ;) 

Joy's news so far out weighs any of mine that I just keep smiling.  She called me the other day to fill in some of the details.  She gave her testimony on Saturday, as scheduled, and she said three nurses from the hospital were at the meeting.  Yesterday one of those nurses posted on Facebook the following:

Marcia Standley with Joy Stephan.

Even with the tragic news of this weekend, this is too good to keep to myself. On Saturday at Twain Harte Bible Church, the ladies heard Joy's incredible news, It reminds us that God is a God of miracles, a God we can trust, and a God that hears our prayers! We can find rest and peace in Jesus.

We've been praying for Joy for almost a year, when last December 13 she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, stage 4. It did not look good according to the world. But last Friday, the same day as the terrorist attacks, she received the news that she is...cancer free!!! The doctor could not explain it, but we can and it is all because of Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. There is nothing that is too hard for him.

We don't always know what the answer will be but we can trust God in all things that he is ABLE to do more then we can imagine. Keep the faith, keep fighting the good fight!

I am looking forward to my follow-up visit with my surgeon on Friday ... Pathology reports should be in by then and I am ready for the same sort of report for me!  I know God is able ... and I trust Him explicitly.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


WOW - I almost didn't come in here and am I happy to read the latest news.

Jane:  Such a beautiful message from Joy's nurse - don't forget to print it and read it over time.  Yes, it is good to be glad on that awful day for others - we never know what follows.

Janet:  It is good to read that Beth is better.  Weddings are stressful at any time and you are doing a great job in keeping up spirits plus all the planning.  Tornadoes can come anytime but it sure does not seem fitting for the season.  We had a foot of snow here and thankfully were off the freeway before this storm passed as it would have been all the way from northern New Mexico to here.  Thankful

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a 63 degree morning here in North Augusta.  We didn't see the sun here yesterday and it looks like it is more of the same today with a good possibility of some rain tonight.  Pat and I did see our internist yesterday and I have to get some blood work done and then see him again in two weeks.  Today the only thing on our schedule is to attend the dinner and Bible study this evening at church.  So I plan on a nice unhurried morning of working on some tasks here in my office I have been putting off.

Janet, we are like you in really having no good place to go in case of a tornado.  We do have an interior laundry room right next to the stair case and I think that likely would be the best place we have to go.  Certainly glad the tornado missed your area.  Abby is looking out for you two.  Hope the blizzard wasn't too bad.  It sounds like the wedding preparations are going well and good to read that Beth is doing better. Yes the devotional I gave on Sunday morning appeared to be received.  It was a seniors version of Jesus Loves Me, This I Know but as adapted by a 92 year old retired minister who used it as his sermon when asked to preach.  I will share it with you all as we all can probably relate to it:

"Here for you now is a  Senior version of Jesus Loves Me":
Jesus  loves me, this I know,
Though my hair is white as snow
Though my  sight is growing dim,
Still He bids me trust in  Him.


Though my steps are oh,  so slow,
With my hand in His I'll go
On through life, let come what  may,
He'll be there to lead the way.

When the nights  are dark and long,
In my heart He puts a song..
Telling me in words  so clear,
"Have no fear, for I am near."

When my  work on earth is done,
And life's victories have been won.
He will  take me home above,
Then I'll understand His love.

I  love Jesus, does He know?
Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to  hear me say,
That I love Him every  day.


Jane, so nice to hear of your lack of pain and thanks for sharing the Facebook posting by Joy's nurse. 

Carol, you were wise to hit the road for your return trip when you did. 

Jeanne Lee

It's sunny but our temperatures certainly don't compare with Larry's!   ;D  It was down below 20 o overnight and the high today may reach 50o.  Every morning now the neighborhood roofs are covered with frost, although I don't see it on the grass yet.

Monday I went out to the car, planning to replenish the pantry and freezer.  Turned the key in the ignition and....   nothing.   :(  I called my mechanic who said he'd come pick up the car.  Meanwhile a neighbor took me to he supermarket so the shelves are full again. 

But the car still sits in the driveway.  Hopefully today it will be taken to the garage to see what's going on this time.  I was planning on taking it in, anyway, because the "check engine" light was coming on again.  It stays on steady, not blinking, but it was supposed to have been corrected with a $350 installation of plugs and wires six months ago.  There's also a "hesitation" in acceleration which is getting worse and I was hoping that could be taken care of, too.  sigh

But in comparison to other folks' troubles, I have nothing to complain about.  If the Lord wants me to find another way of transportation to stores, etc., he'll show me - even if it means putting my pride in my pocket and asking other people for help. 
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Jeanne Lee:  People do want to help just as much as you want to help others - so, let them do their good deeds and enjoy.  You will repay them some day too. 

Larry:  A very interesting song by a 91 year young pastor.  It is strange, but I have found myself thinking of "Jesus Loves Me"  in my head when watching the terrorist attack - so calming and reassuring. 

A neighbor is picking me up for bible study - it is so good to be home and meet with everyone. 


Our "blizzard"  consisted of a little bit of snow, around an inch or maybe a little more.  For sure, it was the killing temps, though.  I went out and took pictures of my petunias all covered in snow!

Darrel and I just got home from Garden City.  I get to mark off a few more things from the wedding list!  Returned the extra cake topper, as I bought two, so Beth could choose the one she liked; got stuff to make a little ring pillow; got part of the ingredients for the punch; and we also got what we need for our part of Thanksgiving dinner.  What few other things we need we can get here at home.  We used to never go out of town to shop for groceries, then our store was sold, then sold again, and everything changed.  They also moved everything so we couldn't find what we needed.  But they are doing a lot better now; and some things are priced lower than in Garden.  So we try to shop at home, too.  (TMI, sorry  :-[)

Jeanne, I agree with Carol, let people help you, as they will be blessed by doing it.  And if you don't have opportunity to pay them back, then pay it forward!  Bless you!

Larry, I enjoyed Jesus Loves Me for seniors.  Almost every time I am in a church service at the care home, one of the residents requests them to sing Jesus Loves Me.  Those songs we learn earliest stay with us the longest!

It is wonderful to see the good reports from Pat, Jane and Joy!  Isn't God good?  ALL the time!

Carol, so glad you and your hubby are back home and didn't have to fight the snow!   :) :)

I need to see about the pizza in the oven--see you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We had a very rainy night last night and it is still raining, but should stop soon and we are to have a nice day.  I have a very busy morning planned as will pick up Scott a little after 9 am and he will go to the hospital lab to have the blood work done that was ordered for me.  Then we will stop at the restaurant for breakfast and coffee with the guys.  Right now it is my plan to go on from coffee to the church for the Wisdom group so it will be close to 1 pm before I get back home.  I hope the afternoon will be restful.  I got many little projects done yesterday including changing my health insurance option for 2016.  They are now offering a Self Plus One option rather than having to get the Self and Family as in the past.  Fortunately, there is no increase in premiums from what I am paying this year. 

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at church last evening.  We had turkey, dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, roll, green beans and sweet potato casserole, cooked carrots and dessert. I passed on the sweet potato casserole and the green beans as already had too much on my plate.  Our young people were doing the dipping up for us as we went down the serving line.  Our special guests were about 10 disabled veterans from the VA Spinal Center in Augusta.  They were all in wheelchairs and each that needed it had a helper sent from the Spinal Center.  I was able to welcome and talk with several of them.  They were seated one to a table so church members surrounded them.  There was special music and we all sang God Bless America, which was very special.  All former military were asked to stand and give the salute to the Veterans.

Jeanne, sure hope that nothing serious is wrong with your car.  It sounds like you have nice neighbors and as others have said most people don't mind helping others. 

Carol, glad the roads are such that you could get back to your Bible study group yesterday.   

Janet, that sounds like my kind of blizzard.  It sounds like you had a good trip to Garden City. I observed the same thing about the hymn most requested by the residents of the care home where my mother was as they all seemed to know Jesus Loves Me.  While mother could not carry on a conversation she could sing the old hymns. 


I am just stopping by for a quick post, then will get back to the wedding list!  I was so blessed this morning when I went to see Beth and John.  Beth was able to speak more clearly than she has in some time, and I had been telling her to be thinking about what she wanted to say in her vows.  (Her matron of honor will read them for her).  Well, today, we dot it done!!  Woo-hoo!  I am so excited!  Praise the Lord!

This afternoon I will work on the program folders, as I have almost all the information I need to go into it.  Then, I plan to make the little ring pillow!  I might make it yet!  :) :D
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It was good to be able to catch up today on the goings-on with everyone.

It's been quiet here the last couple of days. I've been dealing with a respiratory virus, so am coughing and wheezing a lot. With that going on, I've cancelled all appointments for the rest of the week.

Y'all have a good day.

Love to all who come here.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Gord Brown

 :)Hi To  all.  Hi I am finally back here again.   I am also so glad to have come on the site today and to go back and read many of the post's.   It is so good to here what has been going on. :thumbsup:    Noreen and I have been very busy and we have had some wonderful times together as a husband and Wife.   We celebrated our 45th. wedding Anniversary and that was so good.  Then Noreen was able to go to a bus trip with her girlfriend to New York CITY and they had such a good time she would not have been able to do any of this last year.  We are so grateful to the Lord for all that he does in our life and also for all the prayers that he you all did for us in the hard times that Noreen had.  I cannot thank the Lord enough for all of this.   :thumbsup:  Last weekend I had the privilege to be at Promise Keepers Canada and there was at least 2300 men there and the speakers and also the music was fantastic  I was so glad to be there again praise the Lord. I will sign off for now and please continue to pray for all of our families who are not following the Lord or have back slidden.  God"s richest blessing's.   Gordon and Noreen. :) :snowball: :bananadance: :rocker: :cp:
T Gordon Brown


Amen Jane  I am so pleased for you and Joy and the family. 

Mark 11:23 (KJV)   For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Jeanne Lee

Have you seen out latest photo challenge?  It's "Bridges" and there are some great shots - two pages of them!  :o  We're voting right now - until Monday - and we'd love to have you vote for your favorites.  HERE
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a beautiful clear sky day here in South Carolina.  I have been operating on slow this morning because my schedule is basically clear for today.  The housekeeper will be here in a little while and after she leaves Pat and I may go out for a late lunch and then she won't have to prepare a meal tonight. 

Janet, it sounds like things are progressing nicely on the wedding preparations and that you are perhaps not so stressed about it. 

Ruth Ann, a respiratory virus is a miserable thing to deal with.  Glad you are staying in and taking care of yourself. 

Gord, I have missed your postings but nice to read that things have finally been going well for you and Noreen.  It is so nice that Noreen is now able to get about and enjoy life once again after all those months and months of pain and struggle. I haven't heard anything about Promise Keepers here in the USA for a long time.

Judy, hope all is well with you and John and that you are being able to enjoy John's retirement.  I miss seeing you posting here very often but appreciate it when you do. 

Jeanne, I will vote in the Photo contest.


I voted--not an easy choice, from so many good entries!  Thanks to all who entered.  I need to go, but I shall return!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a chilly 49 degree morning but I see blue sky with a few puffy clouds out my office window.  Yesterday was a pretty quiet day.  We did go to Ryan's for a late lunch, early dinner after the housekeeper left.  We then make a brief stop at the AT&T store as Pat had a couple of questions on her smart phone.  Today I have nothing particular planned so will be able to just take it slow and easy.  I think Pat plans on going to Publix to get some items needed for Thanksgiving dinner and I might go with her.

Janet, I had the same thoughts regarding selecting just 5 entries from the photo contest to vote for.  I thought they all were really outstanding photos.


Her I am!  You would never guess what my morning activity was!  So I will tell you--I ran a 5K!  It's called the Turkey Trot and Shuffle, and there are seven age divisions.  The top one is for 60+, and I am 75, so I was competing against people as much as 15 years my junior.  Prizes were frozen turkeys,  Large for first, med for second, and small for first place in each division.  I came home with a large turkey!  I did not win first in my division; but there was one left and Kristi told me to take it.  I asked if it was my "consolation turkey, and the said, "Yeah, whatever!"  I think she was proud of me for doing it. The others in my division were all men from Garden City who belong to a running club and compete regularly in races all over the place.  I had paid my entry fee last year but got sick a couple days before, so didn't run.  Well, I didn't really run this time, either.  I did trot some, but mostly, I shuffled!  I told Darrel he might have to help me out of bed in the morning!

The temperature was 22* when we started and 34* when we finished, so I got well chilled.  We are going to go get in the hot tub as soon as Darrel gets back from an errand.  That will feel good and maybe prevent some of the stiffness and soreness.  (I hope!)

I got the ring pillow made last night!  Yea!  One more item off the list!  I looked at them in Hobby Lobby, but no way was I spending $39.95 for something to be used for five minutes!  I wound up cutting up one of my best tee shirts, because I didn't have anything to make it out of that was the right shade of green, but I don't wear green much anyway.  And there is no place here to buy fabric, and I was determined to get that done yesterday!   :thumbsup:

Time to go warm this bod up!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

Janet!  Good on you!!!  Run, jog, shuffle, walk...  5K is a long way to go.  :thumbsup:

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We spent another day at the VA hospital this week and had time with a really smart standard Poodle - he is a therapy dog and knows a lot of tricks so while everyone waited in stiff chairs for hours - this dog knew who to really pay attention to in the waiting room.  We did wait a long time because... there are scores of veterans needing health service.  You should see the young women as well as the men. 

Sat out another wind storm - 80 mph at times - with snow so that makes it a blizzard.  I will never forget the three DAY blizzard in Minnesota where we all made it home just in time. 

Bible study was so great - so  blessed to have this experience with wonderful women.  Now, if we can only get the music calmed down a bit in the chapel....

Now to get busy with Thanksgiving prep and 3 of the children won't be with us this year  :'(


Time to start a new week HERE

Eph 2:8,9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Please Feel Free To Critique My Photos

Canon 20D
(Nifty Fifty) EF 50mm 1:1.8
EF-S 17-85mm 1:4-5.6 IS USM
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Extender EF 1.4x