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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~Oct. 10

Started by Pat, October 10, 2016, 12:30:22 AM

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Jeanne, you are most welcome and it is my great privilege to serve The King of kings and Lord of lords; my precious Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am not a
"bold-go-out-on-the-street-witness," but I do love sharing God's Word with others along with using His Word with the photos of His creation
He has allowed me the ability to do. NO camera, really, can fully capture the wonders of His created world and all therein, but we can
snap some pretty wonderful photos with these great cameras today. :)

I truly appreciate your sweet compliment!


Happy that you have your phone and/or your laptop with you in the hospital, Jeanne. 

Praying for you.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Larry I never mentions the PTSD before  because I was very private about all the years of Domestic abuse and didn't want anyone to feel sorry for me, or think very bad of me. It is something I have had to deal with  on my own. Jesus has helped me more than I can say, after I got saved and came to know Jesus in 1998 it was a hard road. living alone with just my dogs and dealing with the PTSD, I didn't want to answer my phone because I was afraid it would be my abuser. And He wasn't the only abuser it started with my first marriage in 1956. I seem to pick abusers every time ( Alcholics or Druggies) for quite a few years. I really got a lot better  better when I moved to McKinleyville in 2003 where I was far far away from anyone who could hurt me. Every now and then I have nightmares taking me back to those awful times. Or I see someone who resembles one of the abusers or hear a certain phrase.  That is one of the many reasons that I can't stand Trump. i get anxious just at the sight of him  I do watch the debates but with Freckles on my lap holding tightly to her and snuggling my face into her fur. I will not vote for either of the two top candidates, for myself they are both evil. That is just me and my own inner feelings that I can't put aside I have to live with that for the rest of my life. I am so blessed to even be alive as I have been so close to death at the hands of another so many times.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Jeanne Lee

Marilyn, it has been a blessing as I have watched your transition from when I first"met" you when you were living in the desert.
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Thank you Jeanne, I have been so blessed by being a member of CP and knowing the people here. I met Al Moak here CP then in person the day after I moved to McKinleyville from the desert. We had many conversations over the years on the phone and visiting back and forth. I visited his church and  they visited mine. This family her on CP became my family as well. Meeting Jane and Nita, Pat and Paul, Al and Marbeth has blessed me so very much.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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We made a trip to Liberal today.  The last big update on my iPhone caused the pairing between it and my hearing aids to fail, and I couldn't get it back.  Also, Darrel needed to go to the VA about a prescription they got wrong, and we wanted to get the car washed.  We did all that, plus taking our son in law to lunch.  But he really took us to lunch, as he paid for it, as Darrel's birthday gift!  :)  We also stopped in Hugoton to see daughter Diane for a little while, so it was a good day.

So sorry to read that our Jeanne is back in the hospital.  Praying you will be out and back with us soon, Jeanne.  And I will send you some photos of my paintings!  ;)

I'm off to bed now!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on another clear and beautiful 66 degree morning here in South Carolina.  I basically have my normal morning chores done for today and as soon as Pat gets up I will fix her some scrambled eggs and the strawberries she likes as well as her coffee. 

The calendar is clear for today.  However I plan to put together a couple of casseroles that we will freeze to take to the church bazaar next Wednesday.  Pat has a recipe for a Tator Tot recipe that is good.  I will have to brown a couple of pounds of hamburger with two chopped onions and then layer the other ingredients which involves frozen vegetables, cream of mushroom soup and cheddar cheese.  At the first of the week we will fix a cake to take also.  Yesterday after Pat's chiropractic appointment I fixed a meatloaf and acorn squash to go with the coleslaw I had made yesterday morning and we had it for dinner. 

Judith those are beautiful flowers in your graphic and a wonderful verse from Psalms to go with it. 

Jeanne, it was encouraging yesterday to see your posting and to see you were feeling well enough to do it.  Hope you will soon be back home and feeling better.  You are in my prayers.


Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I went out in the drizzling rain to pick up some groceries. By the time I returned to the parking lot, it had actually begun to rain, so I'm praising God that I was close enough to the doors that I didn't get soaked by the rain.

I'm so sorry to learn of the PTSD, Marilyn, and to learn of Jeanne's continuing health issues.

May our Lord bless us all as we serve Him today.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Busy day, but I got little accomplished.  I'm on a hunt for something, and realizing that a good, general cleaning is needed, including getting rid of a lot of stuff--again!  The church is having a bazaar soon, so I will start putting things into boxes for that.  Other things will go to our new second hand store Restored by Grace.  And I'm quite sure there will still be too much stuff around here!  :-\

Talk to you all tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on an overcast Saturday morning with mild temperature here in South Carolina.  I awoke at 4:30 this morning and wasn't able to go back to sleep.  About 6 I picked up my phone and started reading the email and then the postings here and in the Seniors and Friends and other discussions that I follow.  Pat got up early this morning and have fixed her a breakfast of scrambled eggs with ham, cheese green onions and peppers.  This was a large breakfast. 

This evening we are planning on going to Pizza Hut for our main meal of the day. Pat likes the chicken wings and I will probably have a pizza or pasta dish.  I plan on having an easy day today as yesterday turned out to be very busy.  We did get the casserole dish made and it is in the freezer until Wednesday morning when I will take it to the church.  I plan on watching college football this afternoon and taking a nap.  Not an exciting day but one I am ready for. 

Ruth Ann, glad you were able to escape getting soaked in the rain.  We could sure use some rain over here now as this ground dries out very quickly. 

Janet, it is shocking how quick things accumulate in a home.  Hope you found what you were hunting for. 

Hope today finds you feeling better Jeanne and that those who visit here today will be blessed and have a very good day.  I sure intend to do so. 

Gord Brown

 :)Well Good afternoon.  I am so glad I came on to C. P. and was able to see the different thing's that are going on in the lives of our group here on C. P..   

Marilyn;  I am so sorry to here of your many trials that you have had through out your life and when the Lord is in your life now he will direct you what to do and it is so wonderful that your family here at C. P.  will be praying for you.  I know that when Noreen and I have needed  your prayers you all did it for us and we were so thankful.  o have faith that the Lord will always be there. :)

Judith:  Where were you from when you were in Canada?  THEreason that I ask is your husband looks familiar..  If you wish give me your phone number and I will give you a call. :thumbsup:

Larry:  Hi to you and Pat.  It sound's like you are becoming a good cook. I know what it was like when Noreen was sick and could not do any cooking.  Hope that you are feeling good and that Pat is getting stronger.  God's richest blessing's to you.

To all others at C. P.   Can you all pray for my son Dan as he has to have an other surgery on the 25th. of October on his left eye and right now he cannot see  anything out of it.  He is not a Christian but does no the way but I pray that a miracle could happen it is in the afternoon.  Thank you all.  May the Lord richly bless you.  Gordon and Noreen. :coffee: :cp: :rocker: :bananadance:
T Gordon Brown

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a beautiful Sunday morning.  We didn't see the sun yesterday as it remained cloudy all day.  Yesterday was pretty much a lost day for me as was feeling so weary that I spend most of the day laying down.  I do feel more normal this morning (whatever normal is).  I was glad that I really hadn't planned on accomplishing much as it wouldn't have gotten done.

Last evening we did go to Pizza Hut as we had planned and took our absentee ballots with us to get someone to witness our signature.  Just as we were getting out of the car a good friend from church pulled up beside us and I asked her if she would witness our signature, which she willingly did.  We also had time to sit and visit a bit before her carryout order was ready. I will drop the ballots at the post office this morning and that will be accomplished for this election cycle. 

Pat's breakfast is ready for her as nothing to cook this morning other than to heat the sausage muffins and push the buttons on the coffee maker.  I have watered my flowers and am ready for church. I will definitely bring something home for our main meal today and then spend the rest of the day as a day of rest while watching some football and listening to Don's wonderful radio show. 

Gord, good to read your posting.  You know what is involved when your wife isn't able to do much due to pain.  I am just glad that I have been able to step in and do the cooking and few other chores needed around here.  Pat is doing better and actually basically did the laundry yesterday.  She is beginning to do a few things in the kitchen although just can't stand for very long.  It sounds like your life is pretty busy with working, family and your church responsibilities.  Are you still singing in the choir?

Jeanne Lee

OK, here are some answers.

With my fourth trip to the hospital since July 1, more tests were taken - CT scan, EKG, echo cardiogram and all sorts of blood work.

I have, as we already were aware, emphysema/COPD.  This time, swollen lymph nodes in the lungs were discovered and a  biopsy was done.  The findings were non-hodgkins lymphoma, indolent type.  This is a very slow cancer, for which the oncologist is treating by...OBSERVATION and only at 2 month intervals, no chemo, radiation, surgery.  He told me it is more likely that I'll die of something else.  I told him I'm not afraid of dying, I know where I'm going then.  It's only the path to get there that I was concerned about and I'm sure the Lord has those plans all set.  :D  So that's the situation.   I intend to continue as I've been doing here. 

I have definitely experienced the loving hand of our wonderful God, and have the wonderful support of prayers from you and other.  This last visit to the hospital found me in a room with a lovely born-again lady and when she left the next room mate was also a Christian lady.  What blessings those two ladies were.

So, thank you for the prayers and please continue.   :thumbsup:
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:thumbsup: You've got it, Jeanne!  Prayers for you continue!

Larry, sorry you have had a couple of "down" days.  I understand that, as I seem to be having them more often.  And no, I never did find the journal of our trip to Israel I was hunting!  I am to teach a Bible study class, and what they want is for me to share what I have learned in our travels to other countries/cultures, about what they believe about God and how they worship.  I learned so much while in Israel, and really wanted the journal to help me remember it all.  I think I can just concentrate and make notes and get most of it covered, but I still want my journal--for me!  :-\  But God is faithful, He knows my every need and HE knows where that journal is hiding!!  ;)

We went to Dodge City last night to the dinner theater and saw Sherlock Holmes' Last Adventure.  I'm sure it is a lot better than we were able to get out of it.  While we heard plenty loud enough, none of the six in our party could understand the dialog well.  I caught maybe one-third of it.  So that was a disappointment.  Of course we got home late, and then had trouble sleeping.  It was 3:00 AM before i got into a sound sleep.  So I'm draggy today.  :P

Abby texted me that she was home, so we went over and had lunch with her and parents after church.  Abby had to leave by 1:00 to get back to school for something at 6:00.  But it was great to see her!

Gord, good to read your post.  You seem to be staying busy!

Maybe I can take just a short nap and still sleep tonight.  I might try that, anyway.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Thank you Gord, Larry, Jeanne, and Ruthann for your thoughts and comments on my situation. Prayers are always welcome. God is in control, He knows my past  and future (the end) from the beginning. He made me strong enough to withstand the enemy and kept me alive for such a time as this. I've never been happier with life in general. He has blessed me with wonderful people and prayer warriors as well as teachers in my life.

We are safe and sound here  although there was a lot of lightening and thunder that scared our animals. We did get some sun yesterday long enough for me to take one walk with Freckles. I had been taking her out 4 times a day.

I finally used up that approx. 40 lbs of apples my friend gve me..  Apple Butter, Apple sauce and A couple of Apple pies later they are gone.

Hospice classes are going well. This Tuesday  is very busy for me, A Therapy dog visit in the morning, Hospice class at 1. Library at 3:30 for the children to read to the dogs. Just being home for lunch  and back again in time to fix supper.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this sunny Sunday afternoon.  This has been a good day.  When I called Pat after church to see what she would like for lunch she said she had put the small roast in the oven and would add some canned potatoes and peel some carrots to go with the remaining coleslaw.  So I didn't need to stop and bring something home to eat.  I then had a nice afternoon nap as I was tuned into Don's program and then we had out big meal for the day.  I have been watching football and working (playing) on the computer.

Jeanne, it sounds like you had a good diagnosis even if it wasn't what you wanted to hear.  I understand the watchful waiting as have been doing that with the prostate cancer and just put it out of my mind and get on with my life.  Sure glad you are home and hope you will get the help you need.  You can be sure I will continue to pray for you.  God does take care of us.

Janet, too bad you couldn't hear all of the dialog from the play. Hope you find your notebook on your trip but I bet you will be able to give a fine speech whether you do or not.  You and Darrel have been to a lot of different countries.  Nice you were able to see Abby, even if it was a short visit. I do hope you have had a nice nap and will also be able to sleep better tonight. 

Marilyn, glad you didn't have any bad impact from that storm in the NW.  Certainly glad that you are now having a happy life now.  I can't even imagine what you have gone through in your past but glad that it is in the past.  Are you tired of apples?  :)


Today's "Thoughts for the Week" is the first in Jack's series of the Shepherd's Psalm (Psalm 23). 

We'd be so interested in hearing your thoughts as each day we go through this wonderful Psalm.

Here's a link to this week's "Thoughts for the Week".   CLICK HERE

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