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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~Nov. 13

Started by Pat, November 14, 2016, 12:33:12 AM

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If you take photos around your table tomorrow, maybe we could share some of them in here!

I'd love to see them!

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Jeanne Lee

May we all enjoy this special day of giving thanks for the blessings we receive all year.
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone and Happy Thanksgiving for those of us celebrating God's generosity and safe keeping today.  We have an overcast morning but it is a bit warmer than the past few days.  We are looking forward to a nice day with Scott as we celebrate and of course there is football to watch this afternoon.  We will eat sometime between two and three this afternoon.  Last evening we had a nice time with Scott as he had dinner with us and we visited. 

Yesterday as I went to pick up the groceries we had ordered online at Walmart I stopped at our Belk's Department store to get a new watch battery as I had bought the watch at Belks.  I was advised they do not change watch batteries only sell the watches and adjust the bands.  The store, which is like a Macy's, was so stuffed with merchandise and there were so many people shopping that I determined not to set foot back in the store until after Christmas.  One of the things I am thankful for this year is Internet online shopping.

Jeanne, like you Pat has finally had to admit she is just not up to making the big meals for the holidays.  Today in your area sounds like it will be a good one to be in one's own home. 

Marilyn, I sure hope Gilbert and family will be able to join you at the Thanksgiving table.  Sorry to hear your hospice patient had passed on.

Pat, do I read correctly you are takiing the prednisone 5 times a day and could go to 6.  I sure pray that you will soon find some relief from the pain. 

Jane Walker


It's a good day to be thankful .... actually, every day should be  :)

I am watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade ... it's been a tradition on my family since we've had TV.  Next will be National Dog Show ...  and then my dinner should arrive so I will probably watch a movie and relax some more. 

Enjoy your day, whatever you're doing and wherever you are. 
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jeanne Lee

My neighbor has a houseful of guests and still thought to send over a full plate with some of everything they're having - enough for at least one more full meal and an extra sandwich.  And a sample of the dessert they're having hasn't arrived yet.    :ppie:
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Pat:  You are taking heavy duty prednisone - I hope it heals you from all this pain. 

Marilyn:  I too, am glad that Keith has no medical problem after his testing. 

Here in Tucson, it is too warm for Thanksgiving for sure.  No snow and icy roads.  I am fighting being in a funk over not having all the children together but so very thankful for what we have.  We had a wonderful time watching and walking oldest son's dog.  We met a friend for a long outdoor lunch one day and another day visited my favorite thrift store haunts - one is a hospice 2nd. hand store and they have a lot of art work.  We went to a massive asian market and I bought a few spices - one is on the three turkey thighs I am baking right now. 

We were invited to a gathering and intended to go but the list of attendees grew so large that Don was afraid to go as all that background chatter means he would hear  no one.  So, I sent over two store-bought pies.  Feeling sad for a little bit on this day as mom died on a Thanksgiving - when the roads were glare ice and the patrol shut down the freeway so we had to get a motel for the afternoon and night.  Long story - but we are doing alright now and so thankful. Don has a VA appointment early tomorrow.  Thankful for their attention to his health. 

Jeanne:  Nice, enjoy your neighbor's food. 

Larry:  The Vikings (Vikes) lost in the last few minutes -Don is disgusted.  It is just a game !!!   

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on an overcast but warm Friday morning.  We enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving Day and dinner with Scott yesterday. 

It was in our tradition except for the baked chicken rather than turkey and I think that will become a new tradition for us.  During the last stages of the dinner preparation Pat accidentally turned off the oven rather than the timer and was wondering why the dinner rolls were not browning and the a couple of other things in the oven not getting hot.  Fortunately the problem was found and no damage done.  I did eat plenty but small portions as just don't have the appetite that I used to have.  I won't need to cook anything but Pat's breakfast this morning as there are enough left overs for our evening meal plus we sent another meal home with Scott.  We did use our Lenox fine china for the first time in several years and that added a nice touch to the dinner.

Pat has always wanted one of the old Singer Featherweight sewing machine.  I was able to locate one that was owned by a friend from our previous church and bought it from her.  Other friends of our that go to the same church and have a son and family that moved to Augusta for his military assignment at Fort Gordon.  I arranged with them to bring the machine over when they came this way for Thanksgiving.  About 5 pm last night he called and gave me the address where they were.  It was about 15 miles from our house so I asked Scott to go with me, which he did, and we found where they were with the GPS (another thing I am very thankful for) and picked up the machine.  Scott took it home with him so Pat won't see it before Christmas.  It is going to be her gift from both of us. 

Today will be a relaxing day with only the laundry to take care of a little later this morning.  I have no plans to go anywhere today.  The dishwasher has been emptied and I have things ready to fix Pat's breakfast.  I am going to start another project to create a cross-index of a large number of recipes Pat has printed out but are hard to find what you want.  I have an idea that I think will work. 

Pat, I hope today finds you feeling better.  I did take a couple of pictures yesterday as we prepared to eat our big meal and uploaded them in the Gallery for Larry Hanna.They are nothing special but more pictures than I normally take. 

Jane, I recorded at least a part of the National Dog Show as it is always enjoyable to watch.  Hope you enjoyed your dinner and a quiet rest of the day. 

Jeanne, you sure have nice neighbors to share with you some of their Thanksgiving dinner and dessert.  It looks like you won't have to cook today either.  I lied the pumpkin pie graphic that you included at the end of your postings. 

Carol, I can understand your feeling down as I am sure holidays with family have always been a nice tradition in your family.  At least you were able to have lunch with a friend.  Nice of you to share the pies even though you decided not to attend the gathering.  I am happy to see that the VA is providing good care for Don. Sorry about the Vikings loss.  I watched some football yesterday but not too much.  However, the weekend is coming.


We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with  my friend Ingrid here. I  did the whole traditional dinner, Sweet potatoes with marshmallows and the works. Ingrid brought the Sparkling Cider and several jars of the the tune that she canned.  for my cupboard. She left before it got dark, neither of us likes tod rive after dark as it is too hard to see.

Freckles and I and 4 other teams of furry friends visited the patients at the hospital just after they had their lunch several were asleep and there were a few that we couldn't enter their rooms due to chemo or  knee surgery, all together it took about an hour to hits all the rooms that had patients and the Psych ward.

This morning Keith's middle son and fiance took us out to breakfast, that was my chance to have my favorite breakfast of buscuits and gravy. The just left here to go back to  the boys mother's house.

This afternoon I am to pick up the patient info for another Hospice patient, I just may try to go visit todady after what happened to my last hospice patient.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another sunny morning and we expect to get to at least 68 degrees today.  Yesterday got up to 80 degrees in our area.  Not much on the schedule for today.  I do plan on making a quick trip to Aldi's to get eggs and a couple of other items.  I will watch some basketball games this afternoon.  Yesterday I did make the sausage muffins and as I was turning them out of the pans one got away from me when splosh onto the floor. It was not a pretty site and I ended up with only 11 muffins rather than 12.  We did get the washing done yesterday but got a very late start.

Marilyn, it sounds like you had a full day and that Gilbert and family didn't make it up to share your Thanksgiving dinner with you all.  Nice of Keith's son to take you both out to breakfast.  I hope your hospice visit goes well.


Well just to bring an update, now that I have seen my neurosurgeon in regards to my back problem. He says I have 2 conditions that he calls serious. 1 is spinal stenosis and a 2nd condition called spondylolthesis. Apparently the only way to fix it is through surgery and he recommends as soon as possible. I have asked to wait with the surgical part to wait till march so we can get the winter out of the way as we have to travel approximately two and a half hours one way to the hospital to get this done. Anyway on a lighter note the weather has turned winter here where we are and this has got us out on the snowplows to keep our roads safe. The prediction this winter is that there will be lots of snow as the great lakes have warmed up and this causes an effect called lake effect. The winds travel across the warm waters of the lakes and pick up moisture and then drop it on land when the air cools in the form of snow. Should be an interesting winter. So we shall count our blessings one by one, looking forward to what God has in store for us. Wishing everyone God's riches blessings John. 
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.


Thanksgiving has come and gone, Christmas will soon be here!  And I haven't done a thing toward getting ready for it; but I don't plan to do very much.  I spent a whole day cooking and baking,and another cleaning up and putting away.  It seems to be a lot more work than it used to be.  Could that be because I'm not as young now?  ;)  We had 12 here for dinner, with Dine, Jeff and Abby; Curtis and Toni and three girls, Beth and John and Darrel and me.  I need a bigger table!  We had a good time visiting and playing games after dinner.  Beth's back was hurting, so she asked John to take her back to the home before anyone else left.  I visited them today and read more of the book I've been reading to them.  She seemed to be feeling a bit stronger, and I was able to figure out some of what she was telling me.

I don't understand why I am not getting the email notifications for this site anymore.

So good to read bits of news from each of you and keep up a bit with your lives.  Pat, I am so sorry for your pain, and hope the prednisone begins to help more.  Jeanne, so nice of your neighbor to think of you on the holiday!  Larry, glad your Pat is dong some better, and that you are able to be near Scott and enjoy time with him.  Carol, I was disappointed that our youngest daughter didn't come, but when they are adults, they do what they choose to do.  Marilyn, Freckles seems to be giving you a lot of pleasure and helping you meet more people, too.  What a blessing!  Jane, I miss seeing your posts, but understand why you don't often feel like posting.  God bless.  Ruth Ann, how are you doing?  John, sorry about your need for back surgery and hope it is very successful when you have it.  And any others of you who read this, please know I didn't deliberately skip you, but my memory isn't what it once was!  I consider all of you my friends!

We are going to Branson, Mo. for a few days, leaving Dec. 4, back on the 8th.  Another bus trip.  We will get to see "Moses" in the big Sight and Sound Theater, that's what I am most looking forward to seeing!  :D

I will try to come in the hard way more often so I don't get so far behind!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another clear and cool Sunday morning here in South Carolina.  Today will be our typical Sunday although as of last night Pat was talking about trying to go to church this morning.  If she decides to do so she won't try to do both Sunday School and church.  I have to decide whether to go to Sunday School and then leave about 15 minutes early to come home and get her or to skip Sunday School, which I really hate to do.  If she goes to church we will probably stop somewhere for lunch on the way home.  I watched the football games yesterday and was sorry to see Georgia lose to Georgia Tech.  Also South Carolina lost big time to Clemson, which really wasn't a surprise as Clemson has probably the second best football team in the country.  I will watch some of the pro football games this afternoon and also listen to Don's radio program. 

John, nice to see your message although certainly sorry to read of the serious back problems you have.  Do either of these conditions relate to your years as a truck driver. I watched a little video on spondylolthesis, which I had never heard of before. No wonder you have been in such pain.  It sounds like you are not letting that slow you down very much as you plow the snow. 

Janet, that is quite a crowd to cook for so no wonder you are worn out.  It was nice that so much of your family could be together.  Maybe the trip to Branson and seeing some of the Christmas shows as well as the Moses show will pep you up and you will have time to get some rest.  I was beginning to worry about your absence so was glaad to see your posting.   


Thanks so much, Larry.  It's nice to know someone missed me!

And I got an email notification today!!  Yea!! :thumbsup:

Our weather is awful today!  High winds and dust blowing, my least favorite kind of weather.  I hope it doesn't last long.  We are very dry again and need a good rain or snow!

Pastor Todd's message today was on Down to Earth.  He was emphasizing the need to "pay it forward" anonymously and had suggestions on ways to do that, only letting the receiver know that someone from the community of faith was doing the good deed.  We have already done two such things and have ideas for more!  Great way to share the love of Jesus during this Advent season!

We watched the Sunflower Showdown yesterday (Kansas State vs Kansas University) and our K-state team won handily!  Go, K-state!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:   Now, if it were basketball, then KU would probably win.  When they showed the stands, I said, "Hi, Abby!!"  I'm sure I could pick her out, as there were only 50,000 people there!  :lol:

Darrel is watching Houston Vs San Diego, and I don't care about that one at all.

I hope everyone is doing well today, and enjoying time with our wonderful Lord!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Good Sunday to all. 

We are meeting two of our sons for an early dinner at Casa Grande, which is about half way to Phoenix.  Youngest son is flying in today for a meeting tomorrow. 

John B:  We have a good friend who had the surgery for spinal stenosis and she came through it fine.  Prayers for you and special prayers for the pain you must be enduring - to end. 

Larry:  I have a 1947 Singer Featherweight and love to use it and listen to the clickity click sound.  It is so much lighter weight than the Bernina. 

Janet:  I agree with your pastor - anonymous gifting is very special.  No need for pats on the back - our gifts are known in heaven.  Abby probably knew you were looking for her! 

We have two more couples who want to visit this year and I think not all of the other visitors from last year are coming this way.  Otherwise, I need to put up a tent  ;D  Now that we have one son and his wife living in the Phoenix area for the next two years, we sure want to visit a lot with them and they have said they want to drive this way too - bringing their sweet dog, of course.



Hi Larry Thanks for your response. In answer to your enquiry, the doctor described my condition as being due to years of wear and tear. So I would assume that the years of driving certainly had it's toll, as well as the physical labour that went with it at times. I thank all of you for your kind comments. All we can due now is move forward and leave the details to our Lord. I take some pain killers and do a series of exercises to relieve the discomfort. I trust that God has a plan in all this and am looking forward to what that plan may be. It also appears that I have a high pain tolerance which is good in this case and try not to let it slow me down. I find that keeping moving keeps my mind off the problem.
On another note we have have a beautiful day here today weather wise. Free of any precipitation which has been a nice change from the past week. Hope all is going well for everyone out there in CP land. Every day that the Lord gives us is a good day and I for one look forward to tomorrow. I will end for now. Blessings to you all John.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.


Hi Everyone...

Here's a link to our "Thoughts" for the coming week...  CLICK HERE

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