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Bird Photos In Snow

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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week~Sept. 18

Started by Pat, September 18, 2016, 06:19:22 PM

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Jeanne Lee

Janet, I'm glad you're happy with me "being me" because I sure wouldn't know how to be anyone or anything else.   ;D

And I certainly agree that "Maranatha" is the call for today. 
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Oh, I hope this day gets better!  I left for SD yesterday to attend my cousin's wedding rehearsal so that I can plan where I will be shooting photos from during the ceremony tomorrow.  My wife and daughter are meeting up in Wyoming this morning and will be arriving tonight.  About a half hour ago Alesia called me to let me know our bank sent her a "suspicious activity alert" email regarding our savings account.  I logged in and found that multiple electronic withdrawals were made over the past couple days, amounting to a significant chuck of our savings :(  Of course we don't recognize the name of the recipient nor have any relationship with the bank receiving the money.  This comes just three days after having to get a credit card account stopped because someone charged several thousand dollars worth of airline tickets.  This makes me want to just deal in cash and keep it in a hole in the back yard!  Lots of anger and other emotions right now, and am praying that God helps me keep things in perspective.  But I remain disgusted by a society where actions like this are so rampant.
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this cloudy Friday morning.  I am happy to start the day feeling much peppier than yesterday and am looking forward to a nice day at home.  I don't intend to get the car out of the garage today.  Yesterday was not a good day for me but I did get most of what I planned on doing accomplished.  If I hadn't made a commitment to my old friend to take him to coffee yesterday I probably would have stayed home.  However, he looks forward to Tuesday and Thursday's when he has a ride to coffee.  I did elect not to attend the Wisdom group at church and after I took him back to his retirement residence I did stop at Walmart and used the cart to get the few items I needed.  I came home and skipped lunch and went and laid down for about three hours, then got up and took Pat to her appointment and we decided to get a quick dinner out so stopped at Chick-fil-A.  I then went to bed about 7:30 and didn't get up this morning until about 7:30.  The housekeeper will be here later this morning and the yard was cared for yesterday afternoon.  I plan on making some chili, which we will probably have for our dinner this evening and maybe a couple of other things.  That is going to be it for today. 

Jeanne, at noon yesterday it was only 75 degrees here, which was most enjoyable.  However, the forecast is for warmer days for the the next several days.  Glad your neighbor is helping you out but sounds like the shopping is becoming too much for you. I seem to remember you mentioning the Agency for the Aging before but perhaps they need to come for a reassessment and perhaps they can get you some help with your shopping and cleaning. 

Ken, as I indicated above I spent a good part of the day yesterday in bed resting.  In addition to being tired I just didn't feel good and was having some infrequent chest discomfort.  It has happened before so not terribly concerned. It sure is getting cool out your way.  I hope the wedding photography turned out to be an enjoyable experience. I agree with on the rioting as more and more communities seem to think because others have done it they should too.  I am not against marching in peaceful protest but there seem to be too many thugs using it as an excuse to stealing, destruction and violence.  This was certainly not what Dr. King advocated and it certainly wasn't the example that Jesus set for us.

Carol, I didn't really think much about hard winters as I was growing up in Missouri as that was just the norm.  However, I have no plans of ever moving back to Missouri or away from the South where are winters are mild although the summers are really hot.

Janet, it sounds like you are a celebrity making the front page of the newspaper.  You have now done your part so should be able to enjoy future Home Products Dinners.  The food serving should like a job for younger folks as you paid a big price with the leg pain and sleeplessness.  I hope you are feeling much better today.  I bet Abby will be glad to see you today.  You all are not the only ones going to the store for a particular item or two and ending up with other things and realizing you forgot to get what you went after.  I know it is aggravating but is one of those "not really important" items in our life.

Ruth Ann, it sounds like you were really a "social butterfly" yesterday.  Glad you had a nice time.

Ken, sorry to read of the bank problems but surely the bank will restore the money to your account as they pursue the fraudulent transactions.  I just read yesterday where seniors are becoming afraid to leave their homes for fear of attacks and robbery on the streets.  Lawlessness seems to be taking over this country.   


Look what I found!

Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17

Jeanne Lee

Ken, thanks for that photo of our celebrity!   :thumbsup:  Doesn't she look great and as though she's enjoying what she's doing?  Yup!  That's our Janet, all right. 
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Good morning, I have Apples in the Crokpot that I am cooking down for Apple Butter, I think ther will only be about 3 pints by the time they are cooked down. I have at least 30 more lbs too cook and can. Some will be Apple Sauce, Morfe Apple Butter and perhaps some Apple Crumble pies for the freezer, it is going to take time for me to get this all done but I don't have any visits  next week until Saturday.

Yolu look great Janet. Sorry for all the pain in your legs and sleeplessness.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Nice picture of our Janet! 

My Windows on this laptop had a half day of working up to date.  It has been a challenge.  Don as well - we are so tired of having to change passwords. 

Our daughter was going to meet us for lunch since she had planned a light work load day - did not happen.  She works average of 13 hours a day and thought this would be a good day to meet.  So, I finished a quilt for a two-year old.  Yes, I will take a picture - it has moose, elk and bear on it - not a baby quilt and is all flannel for the cool Seattle nights.  Found a box that was going to be recycled so that saves a bit of money.  Now to contact the parents and see if they are available for it to be shipped.  A friend of mine had her beautiful gift quilt stolen from her son's door so I always remember that story. 


Well that  half of a crock pot only  made 2 pints of Apple Butter, Next time I need to add a lot m ore than 5lbs of apples. It is not one o0f the smaller Crock pots it is very large.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Thank you, Pat, for this week's devotional and I humbly thank you for choosing to use a photo of mine with Scripture to "illustrate" your devotional.

Thank you, Jeanne, for your kind and sweet compliment to my photo. It is much appreciated.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a bright and clear Saturday morning.  It is going to be warmer today getting up to about 90 degrees.  I am looking forward to mid-afternoon as I have a ticket to a Barbershop Chorus and Quartet Concert.  This is their annual concert and is being held out our church in our Fellowship Hall.  Other than that I will work on getting our dinner prepared and a couple of other projects.  Yesterday was a nice stay at home day and I got the washing done and the chili made among other things. 

Janet, good picture and it looks like you were enjoying the experience of serving others.

Marilyn, it sounds like apple week in your household.  I remember my mother and grandmother preparing apples in various ways, including apple sauce. 

Carol, It sounds like your daughter works too hard as a 13 hour day will wear a person out quickly.  Hope you enjoyed the lunch with her yesterday.  We have had a lot of packages left on our front porch or at the front door over the years but have never experienced thief of any of them.  I expect that is more of a problem in big cities and apartment buildings but one never knows.

Judith, it that a photograph that you have made to look like a painting?  I like it.



Thank you very much for your kind compliments, too. In 2006 Alan and I went on a Scripture Distribution campaign with the Baptist Couriers for Christ to Lodz, Poland to spend 10 days with 5 missionary families there to distribute God's Word, then there was a final "rally" at the end of this time. It was a wonderfully, emotionally, God-blessed time to say the least! This photo of Alan was one of the days when we were on Piotrkowska Street, which is considered the longest tourist walking street in Europe, we were told. I tried to photo record many of the 30 Americans we were with as each of us handed out John/Romans in the Polish language and an invitation to attend the final meeting. God really moved and many received the complete Bible in the Polish language, besides many making professions of salvation. Blessed memories we have of that time.




That is a photograph taken by Evangelist Max Alderman, but he worked with his photo to make it look like a painting. I remember seeing this little lady on the harbour walk at Halifax, Nova Scotia. You will find many street musicians along the walk. When Brother Max and his wife were with us for a meeting (Alan pastored a church there then) he stopped and snapped her photo, then created this "painted" look.


Judith, I love your avatar!  It's always so nice to see what a person looks like when reading their posts!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Thanks, Pat! Yes, I wonder what people look like when I see something they have posted someplace and there is no photo of them.   :)


The Country Poet


Thank you, Colin, for your compliment on my poem. I truly appreciate it.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this beginning of the last week of September.  It is a nice 71 degrees this Sunday morning.  This will be a busy morning as have Sunday School and Church and then need to find something to bring home for our Sunday dinner and finally a quick stop at Aldi's for just a few items.

Yesterday afternoon I did attend the 53rd Annual Concert by the Augusta Barbershop Chorus.  The theme of the show was the music of the 60's.  They have a very pleasing sound.  There were also three quartets that performed and the ladies Sweet Adeline's Augusta Chorus.  The concert turned out to be 2 hours long including a 15 minute intermission.  The real highlight of the show was an the Signature Quartet from Florida that had won the 4th prize in the recent International competition and they were excellent.  The lead was a black man with a wonderful voice.  There were about 600 people attending yesterday afternoon.  I had gone early and was able to get a handicapped parking spot close to the entrance.

Judith, that mission trip to Poland sounds like tremendous experience as you and Alan shared the Gospel. Thanks for the info on the Max Alderman photo that looks like a painting.  Our pastor is an avid photographer.  I agree with Pat that is it nice to see your avatar so there is a face with the name.   The last photo you posted is also beautiful. 

Colin,   wow has it been a long time since your name last appeared on a posting.  I do hope you will stop by once in a while and bring us up to date on your life.  Are you still writing that wonderful poetry?



Thank you very much. I probably do better than I give myself credit for, but I am thankful for my camera and just like to try to capture a wee bit of God's creation. But no one can properly do it justice.  :)



Yes it has been a long time Larry and probably not many of you know I am a granda now except those who are friends with me in facebook! I have not written many poems recently but I did write one for our Ruby Wedding Anniversary which was made into a song and got played at the hotel to surprise my wife. Yes I am forty years married on the 3rd. August 2016! Dont know how to put the songs or videoes up here! Catch you all later!
The Country Poet




Third of August in seventy-six
That is the day we did fix
To have our wedding that sunny day
When your father give you away
To stand so closely by my side
There you became my lovely bride
Outside the church the sun shone bright
You were a picture in your dress of white
In my heart there was no more room
I was filled with pride to be your groom


Forty years forty years
Sharing happiness joy and tears
A life together filled with love
Blessed by God from up above
What a marriage, so many cheers
To celebrate now these forty years

A home of love was ours to be
Built together by you and me
No matter how bad the stress of life
Peace I found with you in the strife
We shared the ups we shared the downs
Our smiles added more than the frowns
If I can say how much you meant
To me all these years, you were heaven sent
To make my world to make my life
Marlene I am glad you are my wife


Forty years forty years
Sharing happiness joy and tears
A life together filled with love
Blessed by God from up above
What a marriage, so many cheers
To celebrate now these forty years

Years that have quickly come and went
All their days with you I spent
I love you now as I loved you then
I would my dear marry you again
We had some tears but lots of joys
Truly were  blessed with two fine boys
Now we are slow and growing old
But our sweet love has never grown cold
Thanks to the Lord who sees and hears
And blessed us both these long forty years


Forty years forty years
Sharing happiness joy and tears
A life together filled with love
Blessed by God from up above
What a marriage, so many cheers
To celebrate now these forty years

Colin Moffett
The Country Poet


Hi from the island!

I have not posted for a long time....but come to read on a regular basis.  How nice to see Colin and Judy posting again.  Love the pictures from Ken and Judith.  Love birds and often paint them.  The third bird in the picture of birds at the bird bath, seemed to be hanging its head and saying...NOT AGAIN.

Jane, I am so very sorry about your daughter.  Have followed your posts for so many years...am still sorry that we could not meet when you visited the island.  Another missed memory.

Have made it thro another year and celebrated my 84th birthday yesterday.  Each year brings more discomfort physically but that is simply part of life.  So fortunate to live in a suite in my daughters home.  Do any of you remember our cat Squeek.  She is 20 yrs. plus and still going strong.  Seems very fragile now and needs a great deal of love and attention.  So of course...she get lots.

My niece from Australia visited this summer.  She brought her Mom and Dads ashes home to Canada and took them to where our Mom, Dad and brother are buried.  It was wonderful seeing her again and it brought my other niece out of hiding for a visit.  Both of them are university professors and I am sure they found us very boring. 

What a sad and broken world we are living in now.  Read that we are living in a Dictatorship of Relativism that does not recognize anything for certain and highest goal is ego and personal desires.  That certainly seems to describe the politicians of our world.

I spend time on a site about rescued animals and find that it helps to restore my faith in the goodness that still exists in our world.  LoveMeow.com......there are lots of them but that is my favorite.  Good people will still win in the end because God is in control.  Our garden is like a sanctuary for wild birds and rabbits, etc.  So much building going on that they do not have a place to live.  We have a large flock of Quail that have come for years, Band tail  pigeons, songbirds, etc.  Even an ornery owl. 

Time to go.  Janet, I love that picture of you.  Also like the white hair.  Mine has not really changed color except to get sprinkled with grey.  So no need for a new photo as still look the same.  Drat....

God Bless. 





Read your poem, "Forty Years," and listened to it on YouTube. What a blessing it is! Alan and I celebrated 47 years this past August 23. We have a daughter and a son and 8 grandchildren. Thank you for sharing this with us all!


Happy Sunday all, It is cooler today and has been snowing in the mountains.  Blessed snow is so important for water for many states- we need more than has been falling in the last few years. 

Colin:  So nice to see your note, I'll listen to your music next. 

Ruth Ann:  Family and friends - they make the best days.  :)

Liz: Good to see you posting.  It sounds like you have had some nice visiting as well.

Judith:  I am in envy of your talents - keep it coming.  It is so enjoyable to see your work.  Thank you for your work in Poland.

Gord:  Nice for your posting as well, take care.

Larry:  Yes, all our children have lots of hours working and they take a lot of plane trips as well.  There seems to be no other choice at least at this point in their lives.  Is there any way you can find a person to come and help with meals, etc a few days a week?  It would be such a relief for both you and Pat.  Take care of yourselves. 



Time to lock the door on these "Thoughts for the Week".


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"