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Bird Photos In Snow

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts of the Month--January

Started by Larry Hanna, January 01, 2019, 09:15:35 AM

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Greetings Everyone  It is a wet day here on dear old Ellan Vannin.   Not a day to go out, though I will get hubby out later in the afternoon.

Janet Yes splendid seeing Larry posting.  How did your fund raiser go last night Janet?

Larry splendid seeing you posting again, missed your posts!


So good to see your post Larry. I was  concerned about you. All is well here, Keith may be getting the wound vac removed on Monday when the Home Health nurse comes. He will be so happy  to finally be rid of it. I am doing well with the new meds  after the AFIB incident  just before Christmas.   

Janet I hope you are finally getting some sleep.

Hello Rebot where is Ellan Vannin I assume in  the UK but just what part of the UK?
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a beautiful sunny and cold morning here in South Carolina and we are to enjoy the sun all day long.  I had another cup of Camomile tea last night before I went to bed and had the best nights sleep I have had for a long time as slept at least 10 hour.  Wish I could say I have more energy this morning but that is not the case but will just take things one day at a time.  I don't have anything I need to do today so sure I will be watching some college basketball games this afternoon. 

Jackie, the kidney disease hasn't progressed for a long time and is not something I have been concerned with.  Actually I don't spend much time worrying about anything.  ;D

Janet, I hope your fund raising soup dinner last night was a big success. 

Rebot, thanks and I was glad to feel like posting a little more yesterday.  I hope you and your husband enjoyed your outing yesterday. 

Marilyn, I am sure it will be a relief for Keith and you bothto get the drain removed.  Glad you are doing well on your new meds.


Greetings Marilyn  I imagine you know we live on the Isle of Man, well Ellan Vannin is the Manx language name for Isle of Man.


Greetings Larry  Sleep is good for us all, especially when health matters affect us. 


Larry Hanna...
...I am one of life's worriers but I know worrying doesn't get us anywhere...Anyway, at least it gives me something to do... :D

It is raining " cats and dogs " here...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


We finished chatting with one son - he and friends are going to the annual rodeo in Denver today. 

Rebot:  We just checked out Elan Vannin (Isle of Man) and the photos show some wonderful and ancient places.  Very interesting. I don't believe all of the news anymore as some only show the worst side of every story.  Take care - I imagine you are looking forward to some spring-time weather just as we are in the states. 

Larry:  Words of wisdom from you - on not worrying.



Greetings Jacqueline  My hubby told me a few years ago, that if he did not have something to worry about, he would worry why he was not worrying about something.

My vocation in life or my job, saw me advising people  about positive thinking.  Then again, only for people who it would benefit.


Greetings Carol I have only lived on the Isle of Man for a few years, the time since we were married.  My hubby has lived here all his life and I know like him, it is a lovely place to live.

He often says Island living is much different than living in places like the UK and large countries.  And I am beginning to understand that.  Here you can go out and leave your front door unlocked, which I did not do in the UK. And people have more time for you.   

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. Just checking in today.  I just don't have the energy to make individual comments.  I am reading the comments and that will be it for today.


Greetings to you today Larry. Rest as long as you need. 


Greetings Everyone  It is much colder today on the Isle of Man.  And Gale force winds overnight and through until about 1.00pm  A washing day for me and looking after hubby!


Larry:  I hope you had a good restful day and continue to take care. 

Don tells me that St. Peter, Minnesota will have a minus 57*F.  That is where one grandson plays hockey and actually goes to school.  He has a summer job again teaching hockey to youngsters - they asked for him to be their coach as he did this last year.  I don't think we will ever get him out of the small city and Minnesota.  He loves it.  He also attends the church on campus so he doesn't have to walk far.

Rebot:  Years ago, even in a city, we could leave a car with windows down and unlocked - even houses were not locked.  Laughing over how some would lock the front door and not the back door - as if a thief wouldn't go to the back.  Mom used to fix a plate of food any time of the day as we had hobos _(usually, men who were poor and traveling) come to the lawn and sit outdoors until we noticed, then I brought a meal for them.  No problems in those days.  It sounds like you are in a peaceful part of the world.  Best wishes for you and your hubby!

Off to a class in genealogy - wishing that I never signed on. 


Hi everyone. Well another day at home with the school bus parked. Buses were cancelled this morning due to severe cold in our area. It was minus 40 F. in this area this morning at 7am. To cold for the kiddies to stand out and wait fro the bus to come along. So put an extra log on the fire and stay in where it is warm. Will take some pictures soon and post them of the snow in this area. About the middle of January we had already doubled last years snowfall for the whole year. We have another 20 inches or so forecast over the next 2 weeks. Fun times in the north. Till next post. Blessings everyone.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. I am really late posting today as had to go early to have some blood drawn.  Scott take me and I was able to use the transport chair.  By the time he left this morning I was ready to lay down for a couple of hours.  I have decided until I get to feeling stronger I am going to use the small rollator we have here in the house as I am weak and want to avoid a fall.  Hopefully using this will be short term and I will soon begin to feel stronger although my doctor warned me this may be a slow process and I think she was right as have really seen no improvement and have no energy or stamina.  I will go again next Monday for a second blood draw and will see my cardiologist on the 7th.  It was nice to get out this morning as it was bright and sunny and in the low 40's.  Once again I am going to beg off from individual responses to posting but I have read all of them.  I feel for you all up north with the brutal weather hitting you all.


Larry, it's best to use safety devices until you are stronger and don't feel you need them any more. Glad Scott could take you for your blood draw.  We will hold the fort here, and keep you in our prayers.

John, good to see a post from you.  Minus 40????  BRRR!! That's some kind of cold, all right.  And I cannot imagine having that much snow!  Wow!  Glad you are doing well, and do pop in more often.

Carol, we only began locking our door a few years ago, and same with the car doors.  My mother in law used to say that if you locked your doors, no one could get in to bless you!

Your grandson is surely learning what COLD is, too!  I have a niece in Benson, Minnesota; wonder how cold it is there?

I baked a loaf of chocolate banana bread today, haven't baked anything in ages.  Will take to my painting group on Wednesday.

Our car died, I mean stone cold dead.  It wouldn't do anything this morning.  So Lincoln had to call a fellow to come load and haul it to Garden City for repairs.  We are hoping it isn't the batteries for the hybrid power! That will cost a bundle if it is the problem.  We shall see, in the meantime, I'm glad we have the old Mercury and Darrel's nice pickup.

Tonight really is the fund raising soup supper by the Ministerial Alliance.  We plan to go again, and this time, we should even get to eat!  ;)
My book Rising Above available at


Greetings Everyone  A cold day on the Island again today, but some good sunny spells, so it felt pleasant in the sun.  The temperature was 44F.

Greetings Carol  When I have been in London, I see so many people living on the streets, homeless people and it makes me sad to see them.   /font]

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is already 10:45 and I am still trying to get my breakfast eaten.  I did sleep well last night except for a stint around midnight when I couldn't seem to get enough air in my lungs so got up and sat in my easy chair for an hour or so.  However, I went back to bed and had a good night sleep.  This morning I got up again very short of breath and have been moving very slowly ever since.  I will just read yesterday and today's posting so far but don't have the energy to make individual comments.


Greetings Larry  Sorry to hear you are short of breath today.  Keeping you in my thoughts as I am for any of us not having good health at the moment


Larry, as always, wishing you better health and energy, and keeping you in my prayers. Thanks for checking in, and it's fine if you can't say much.

Rebot, when out temps are in the 40's we feel it's a really nice day!  We had 13* this morning as we left for the gym.  :)

Not sure what I will be doing this afternoon, but hope I can get in the mood to paint!
My book Rising Above available at


Greetings Janet   Cold day here!  Temperature is 43F and parts of the UK are forecast to have snow. Nery little on the Island, only on high ground. 


It is nice to see responses from a few of you who have been missed - take care in the weather situations around our global community. 

Judy:  How are you faring?  And, please tell us how Pat is doing now - I have not seen anything from her in quite some time.  I am glad the bus was stopped for at least one of the winter days - best to be safe for everyone. 

Larry:  Blessings on you and your family.   

Our daughter's house had more than 14 inches of snow one day this week.  The dogs had a lot of fun. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a sunny morning and we are headed to a cloudy afternoon.  It was below freezing last night but we should probably get to 50 this afternoon.  I did have a good nights sleep last night and didn't want to to get up this morning.  I had to take my shower this morning and then lay back down for awhile to rest.  It is almost 11 am and I am just now getting around to eating my breakfast so this will also be my lunch.  Pat just left to go to Walmart to pick up an online grocery order and will put the frozen things away when she gets home and ask Scott to bring in the rest when he come this afternoon.  He will take her to dinner at the Church and bring me home a box meal of what they are having.  I am just too tired to try to write individual responses but let you know that I am still alive if not perky.  Each day I hope to gain a little strength but it hasn't happened yet.  This looks like it is going to be a long period of recovery.


Greetings Larry  Sleep is so important to our wellbeing. And I cannot stress enough  that a solid night's sleep is essential for a long and healthy life


I have decided the bed is the reason for my restless nights and lack of sleep.  So last night I slept in the other room on the tempurpedic mattress, and did a lot better.  This morning I ordered two twin size MyPillow mattress toppers, which we are hoping will alleviate my problem.  I have been doing well until about one or two PM, then my back starts hurting and I have to stop whatever I'm doing and rest a while. Maybe I need to see a doctor, but I don't know who to see.
Well, this problem may pass--I hope soon.

I went to paint today but wore out early and came home. Still driving the big pickup.  Last word we had, they hadn't even taken our car in to check on it.  :(

I need to rest before time to go to dinner at church. We are talking about Guatemala tonight and showing our pictures.
My book Rising Above available at


Greetings Everyone  From a cold Isle of Man.   


...that is what we tend to do isn't it?....wait and hope it will pass...I finally made my appointment for today to go see my dentist about my two plus months of inside cheek mouth problem, I too have been waiting for it to fizzle itself out but it hasn't...If only to put my mind at rest as this has been plaguing me, worrying me more than my MS has been doing...

...cold here and we may get snow within the next three days in the South West...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Greetings Everyone  Another cold day on the Isle of Man, but we are lucky as hardly any snow, except from the Mountain and hills.

The BBC news highlighted the plight of the homeless on the streets in an in depth news report. It was sad to hear how some people have to live.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a bright and chilly morning but I think it will be sunny all day and we will get a little above 50 degrees.  I am just going to check in for today as have started the day exhausted.  I give credit to that cup of Chamomile tea for helping me get to sleep last night.  I was so tired at bedtime last night that I forget to drink it before retiring.  A little after midnight I got up and fixed it and sat up for an hour or so and then went to bed a was soon asleep.


Larry, I'm going to have to try the Chamomile tea!  But I got a good sleep last night, and yesterday I ordered two twin size MyPillow mattress pads for our adjustable bed.  We are hoping that helps both of us.  I guess if not, I will continue to sleep in the adjoining room on the tempurpedic mattress!

Jackie, I know I probably need to see my chiropractor about the back pain, and I will do that soon.  Maybe I will call today for an appointment.  Hope you get answers about your inside cheek pain!  That would be worrisome.

Rebot, our "Polar Vortex" weather has moved on so now we should get a warming trend, which will be welcomed.

I"m working on Valentine's bottles and doing laundry, so see you all later!
My book Rising Above available at