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Bird Photos In Snow

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts of the Month ~ September

Started by JudyB, September 01, 2018, 02:34:21 PM

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Greetings Larry   I will try and follow your Instructions



Matthew 6:14

"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."


Hello, everyone!  Another week is almost gone!
They seem to fly by so quickly, at least to me, they do!

I am suddenly so sleepy I can barely keep my eyes open.  Maybe I will take a short nap.  However, when I try to nap, I usually wind up being wide awake!

I don't seem to have any news at all today, have suddenly gone blank in that area.  So along with a hearty hello to all, I will add, see you later!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  This morning started out at 65 degrees here but will again climb into the low 90's this afternoon.  I would like to attend my Saturday meeting this morning but will have to find a little more energy before that time or I will be staying home. 

I really wore myself out yesterday.  When I got to the doctor's office parking garage I had to park quite a distance from the stairs that go into the office building and then up a long hallway into another building.  I had to wait an hour beyond my appointment time to get my pacemaker checked.  Everything was fine with it.  Then I had to make the trek back to the car.  I stopped at Costco, which was on the way home, and ate a bite of lunch at the little snack bar they have.  When I got there are of the riding carts were in use and I decided I was just too tired to walk that big store to get what I needed and that I would just come on home and shop another day.  However, when I went outside there were two riding carts available so I got one and was quickly and easily able to do the shopping.  As I was unloading the items into the truck a nice Costco employee said he would take the cart back up the doorway where the carts are kept (I expect that is the only time he is allowed to sit down).  By the time I got the items unloaded and into the house I was beyond ready to lay down.   

I plan on watching some football and probably some of the golf this afternoon. 

Marilyn, it is good that products like the Depends are now available for both men and women. 

Rebot, do hope the instructions were not too hard to follow. 

Janet, I sure agree with you on time going by so quickly.  I often don't sleep very long, if at all, during the couple of hours I rest each afternoon and if I do it is usually for just short periods of time.  I usually listen to an audio book with my eyes closed.  I set the timer for 15 minutes on the book so if I do go to sleep I don't have to search very long to find where I last remember hearing the story.   


Good Saturday morning to all of you.  I have been up for a couple of hours, but am feeling tired and draggy today.  I know I need to get back to my exercise program!  If you don't use it, you lose it! and I can tell I am losing strength and balance, since we haven't been to the gym in about three months now.  I know Larry cannot do the kind of exercise we do, but neither of us has any heart problems, and we do so much better when we exercise regularly.  I really hope Darrel will feel like starting again next week.

I have some ideas for painting that I'm wanting to work on--found some nice birds, and I do enjoy painting birds!  One of the ladies I paint with never paints anything but cats!  I would get tired of doing the same subject every time, but she's really a cat lover.  :)

Like you, Larry, I am hoping to find a little more energy today.  What I really think I want to do is go crawl back into bed, but I won't do that.
I know if I did, I wouldn't sleep anyway.  Maybe I will find the gumption to look up a you tube instruction about moving photos, and putting them into a file so I can at least find them again!  :-\

It's really cool here this morning--58*.  It started out at 46, and predicted high for today is 78!  So all in all, a very pleasant day.  I can really feel Fall in the air!

Darrel just got up, so I'll see if he has any plans for the day.  I hope he will do something other than sitting in his chair and reading.

Did I mention that John and I are going to "Comfort Zone" in October?
It's a three day camp at Camp Lakeside near Scott City, for families who are grieving the death of a loved one.  It is done by Hospice, and I have heard really good things about it.  We stay two nights, and get all meals, for a cost of only $10.00 each.  Amazing.  Some of the memorial money for Beth went to this project, so I feel a connection through that, as well.  I think I am doing well in my healing, but John seems to be "stuck".  He keeps talking and talking in circles, saying the same things (about Beth and himself) over and over and over.  He is totally addicted to his cell phone and spends 90% of his time on it, arguing politics with people on Facebook!  :-\  I told him it's useless, that he will never change anyone's mind, nor they his, so why waste his time?  But he will do what he wants to do.  I wish he would find a part time job or something.

Okay!  Shut up, Janet!!!  I'll talk to you later!
My book Rising Above available at


Greetings Larry  Your instructions I found to be soo helpful.  Sunny here and a pleasant temperature of 53F.


Good Saturday morning, I have been up since 4:30. I got up to help Keith who had removed his depends and was trying to put his sweatshirt on for pants.
After that I took Freckles out for potty  then went back to bed. I do not feel well this morning, I came down with this bad cold yesterday and it is  kicking me in the backside. I will have to go to Walmart for more depends and a few other things to  feed us and the cats until I feel better.

In the last 3 days Keith hasn't eaten as much as I have in  a whole day. Just  parts of a sandwich and a little soup. I know he needs water too., He should have gone back to have his bladder drained and the bag put on him, but he insists he  doesn't need that the depends are doing the job.  I can't convince him other wise

I will be going to the county seat on Monday to transfer the house into my name and register The POA. Then I have to draw all but  as couple of thousand out of his bank accounts leaving one open for his Social security, The rest I will put in a savings. I am doing all this so he  can get Medicaid and on  the advice of his sons and am attorney friend of his. Otherwise the state can take everything for his care even the house./size]
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Marilyn, I have some idea of some of the things you're going through.  In order for the Care Home not to take Beth's trailer, we put it in my name, and I had to keep an eye on her bank account to make sure that big $62 a month they left her for her needs from her Social Security check didn't build up over time to above the maximum allowed.  :(  They are still billing her for over $1000 they say she still owes.  The last bill I got, they wrote like a letter to her, telling her she still owes the money and asking for her new address!  I am thinking about writing and giving them her new address:  Beth Brandt, 402 East Golden Street, New Jerusalem, Heaven--- or something similar.

I'm sorry the Alzheimer's is progressing so quickly in Keith.  It's a very difficult situation for you, and you are doing well in getting the legal stuff taken care of now.  It will make things easier for you down the road.

Rebot, Larry is really good with computers, his suggestions I have found to be very helpful.
My book Rising Above available at


We are about to drive to one son's home just to check out the new kitchen.  The old one was crowded and so dark and they took out a half wall to open up and still have a large kitchen.  Otherwise, our oldest son and wife and doggie left - driving straight through today to Montana.  We all feel relief from the better check-up - he will be back in December for another full week. 

I remember arguing with bureaucrats after my mother died and Social Security had her listed as living.  They did not listen to me even giving them dates and everything.  I had to return their checks that kept coming. 

Larry:  I cut and ironed the binding this morning and now to attach it - taking a break.  Every day this week is full with friends & family.  Church is out tonight because they have an outdoor picnic with all the music and noise,, Don would not be able to enjoy that service. 

Our area near Denver is now # 8 on the list of places to live.  Crum - we are trying to be hidden.  Too much traffic already.  Everyone is complaining loudly over the crazy uptick in population. 

Time for tea!   

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another bright and sunny Sunday morning on this first full day of Fall.  Our high today is suppose to get to 88 so maybe we will finally see a break in the 90+ degree days.  I stayed home all day yesterday as wasn't feeling very good.  I had a several hour spell where I was wheezing and coughing and then around dinner time it went away and I was fine all evening. I did have quite a bit of angina yesterday.  However, even after more than 9 hours of sleep last night I am still tired and am seriously considering not trying to go to Church this morning.  I hate to miss Church but I think I just need a day of rest. 

Janet, I wouldn't last 5 minutes trying to do the exercises we used to do at cardiac rehab. I did do cardiac rehab for four years three times a week but at that point I kept having trouble and my cardiologist told me that I needed to do what I felt I could do.  I hope you and Darrel will be able to resume your exercise program.  You had not mentioned the Camp for grieving family members.  That sounds like it will be a very worthwhile endeavor for both you and John.  I guess the time John spends on his phone at least gives him something to occupy his time and mind.  I got bills for Stacey for quite awhile.  Initially I called and told them she was no longer here but just ignored second and third billings of the same thing and eventually they stopped. 

Rebot, the instructions helped you.  It always gives me joy to be able to help someone else. 

Marilyn, so sorry you have come down with a cold as you need your strength to deal with the situation you have with Keith.  Like Janet, I am glad you are getting the legal matters taken care of ASAP. 

Carol, a remodel in a house can really make a difference.  I think Hospice notified Social Security regarding the disability check that Stacey was getting at the time she died because I called them the next day and they were already aware.  Do you find sewing on the binding a relaxing thing to do?  I would also pass on attending an outdoor picnic. 


I read the posts before leaving for church.  Larry, did you stay home to rest?  Sure glad your wheezing and coughing stopped! And also hope you will feel a lot better tomorrow - or later today!  :)

Larry, Im thinking we will be starting more or less from square one on exercising, as we have missed so long.  But I know we both do a lot better when we exercise.  We could just go to the senior center for that, but they do everything sitting down, which I don't think is as much benefit to us.

I tried to work with my photos after watching a you tube video instruction; it didn't work. :(  I don't have the same icons or tool bar on my Mac as he showed, so all I accomplished was getting very frustrated. Darn.  I watched several; none were what I need.  And the thing specifically said "on my mac."

Carol, it seems you deal with so many frustrations because of the area where you live.  I know I would hate the traffic and congestion too.  If you really want to get away from it all, you're welcome to move to Southwest Kansas! :lol:

We have a nice pot of ham and beans cooking, I can hardly wait, as they smell so good!

Maybe I will do a bit of WC painting this afternoon.
My book Rising Above available at


Greetings Larry  If I can help someone along the way, it so pleasing.  Both my hubby and I prefer to look out for others, before our needs.   

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We have a cloudy morning and expected to be partly cloudy all day with a small chance for rain.  I had a better day yesterday than Saturday although, as they say, not something to write home about.  I didn't do as much coughing yesterday but experience that extreme exhaustion.  I did get a good nights sleep.  I only have two or three small things I want to accomplish this morning and then will take it easy the rest of the day. 

Pat's new walker did arrive as scheduled yesterday but I didn't feel up to getting it out of the box and assembled.  Mainly it is putting on the front wheels and the back brake type feet.  I am anxious to see if it is going to work for her as it only weighs 12 pounds.  I also need to shred up another pound of cheddar cheese. 

Janet, I did miss Church yesterday as was just too tired to go.  I am hoping this will be a much better day.  I am sure the sitting down exercises would not be as helpful as the more physical ones and the walking as they wouldn't get your heart rate up nor exercise the muscles as much.  I had forgotten you were working with a Mac so understand why the videos probably wouldn't be too helpful.  I have never used a Mac so really can't be of much help.  Pat used to make a 15 bean type soup with ham and it was very good.  However, it has been a long time.

Rebot, there are many kind and caring and helpful people.  I do know that I must take care of myself first or I won't be much good or help to someone else.  I do find that I get a lot of joy and satisfaction out of being able to help someone else even it is a small thing.


Good morning everyone. I am feeling better this morning  I must be on the mend from the cold. I didn't go to the gym this morning.

I was thinking about how long we have "known" each other in this group. We must all be getting uyp there inb age. I joined you all back in 2002 I believe, so I must have been 62 then with my first computer. Wow  this group has been together almost 20 years.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Right, Marilyn!  And I know that several of us are within a few months of the same age.  ;)  But, it's not the age, it's the mileage, right?  This group is special to me, and I miss several who no longer come in, and those who have gone on to heaven.

I'm going for a chiropractor treatment in a few minutes.  Haven't been adjusted in months, and my neck is telling me about it, too!
My book Rising Above available at


Apples are cooking in the crock pot with a bit of cinnamon and agave syrup.  I did get the fridge cleaned and sewed half of the binding on the quilt.  The basement is ready for company - I need a nap sometime. One son came over for a visit - he is not the one who wants to drive (share driving) with us this weekend to Tucson.  The youngest has a meeting in Phoenix so will rent a car and the company will fly him back home. from Phoenix.  That is our most disliked airport - so confusing. 

Janet:  I do love little towns - we raised our children in a Minnesota town of 500 with no grocery store, The kids played hockey, and otherwise were on the lake or biking all around.  7  miles to church or groceries so we had to be prepared for blizzards, etc. 

Larry and Marilyn - nice to read you are both feeling better.

Rebot:  It is nice to see you posting.  Do you have any hobbies?  Or, even have time for a hobby? 



Greetings Larry

Perhaps you misunderstood my thoughts om helping others.  In relation to health matters, without a doubt, we must look after our own health and our loves one?s first.    Our predilection is helping others in life, be it assisting them in what ever way we can and sometimes in giving to those who find it hard to make ends meet.


Greetings Carol

Do I have a hobby!   I like crosswords, sudoku and working out puzzles.  Though, are they hobbies?   

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are to have another partly cloudy day getting up to around 90 degrees again this afternoon with very little chance of rain.  We didn't get a drop yesterday.  Our main activity for today is for Pat to see the GP for a regularly scheduled appointment around 10:30 this morning and then we will go from there out to have our main meal of the day.  We haven't been out to eat since the last Wednesday night dinner at the Church if I remember correctly.  Nothing else is on tap for the day.  I did feel a lot better yesterday afternoon and did not have a recurrence of the wheezing and coughing and I am hoping today will be even better.

Marilyn, good to see that you were feeling better yesterday.  Those old colds really drag a person down.  I started writing daily on SeniorNet  in 1997 or 1998, about 6 months after the discussions were started and there were only a few discussions at that time.  I have been writing daily on these discussions since almost day one.  I feel I know many of you much better than most of my relatives.  We have supported each other in our ups and downs, illnesses and losses in our families and our cyber families.  These discussions and friendships have met a lot to me. 

Janet, I also miss so many cyber friends who are no longer with us or have stopped participating often health related.  I hope your chiropractic treatment smoothed out the kinks and you are feeling better.

Carol, I don't think Pat has ever used agave syrup.  It sounds like this is the weekend for your winter living to begin in Arizona.  When I was growing up on the farm we lived only about a mile from our little town of around 100 people but there was a drug store, grocery store, barbershop, gas stations and post office in the town.  However, all of those are long and all the businesses are located in the college town about 6 miles away. 

Rebot, I didn't mean to argue with you on taking care of others as I do think as long as we are able to do so we should do what we can in that regard.  I do a couple of crossword puzzles on the computer everyday but they are ones when you get the wrong letter it turns red.  I do not care for sudoku but love to work the jigsaw puzzles on the computer screen and also do a couple of those every afternoon and evening when possible.   


You know; only one couple from my church have offered to help and actually brought over some wonderful  chicken soup to help me feel better. I was raised that when someone needed help you helped them, if they needed food you fed them., if they needed their house cleaned  because then couldn't do it you just went over and cleaned the house. You checked on them daily if they were ill to see what their needs were. My how things have changed. It seems like so many people are  either just for themselves or their  particular group or Click  The church in McKinleyville did all those things for each other. Well that's my  contribution for today. It is kind of depressing when you think about it.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


This morning, Don did a google search and checked out a business question.  We had (immediately) 4 phone calls and an email from companies who have access to the sites.  We are being tracked all the time.

Marilyn:  My parents used to send me outdoors with a plate of food for the hobos - now, everyone would think that would be child abuse by the parents.  Next time you need help, let a couple of good friends know and I bet they will understand you do need some help.  Keep getting better.

Rebot:  I love Sudoku and work on it almost daily.  My main hobby is chatting with friends and even sometimes strangers.  There is always someone who needs a bit of company or distraction from reality.  Quilting is a hobby too but  I am far below the level of my true quilting friends.  They are kind to me.  Baking and cooking come in there too - last of all, knitting but that is only a back-up when sitting and waiting for someone's appointment - Don goes to the VA several times a year and the wait is long.

Speaking of the new VA in Denver - they built a larger building than previous one - they built a parking garage that is too small already.  Don had to drive around blocks trying to find a parking spot.  He had a long walk - to the hospital.  Fortunately, he can walk.  5 years late in opening and $$$ over original cost. 


Greetings Larry  Sometimes the written word can be misconstrued in what it says.  I try to never dispute with people if I can, but instead prefer to become acquainted with people.  If it is with people in everyday sort of conservation or over the airwaves as my hubby calls social networking sites.   I take pleasure in talking over the airwaves with people.

I bring to mind most days the wise and inspirational words of Nelson Mandela.  There can be no greater gift than that of giving one's time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return.


Greetings Carol
I forgot to mention I like quizzes, as does hubby.

Quilting is something I am not very good at, but I soo enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.  Though hubby has a very limited choice of what he likes, so when I do try a new recipe, more for me 😊

Is VA the Veterans Association, as I know little about if it is.


Hello everybody!  I was determined to get moving again on my book, but run into a brick wall everywhere I turn!  I called the acquisition manager who was the first contact I had and expressed my frustration at getting NO help from anybody on my "team" and he was kind and understanding.  I did get some forms filled out regarding the book; however, I am no closer to finding help with the photos than when I began.
I guess I will go to Pioneer Communications and ask them if they know someone here in town whom I can pay to help me with the photos.  Sigh.....sorry, please forgive my moaning!  It will all work out!  I know this because I'm attempting to do what God told me to do.  The enemy doesn't like it, so is hindering--but he is UNDER MY FEET!!

Larry, glad you are feeling somewhat better today, that's always good to read!  And my adjustment did help me, too.

Rebot, where do you live?  I was thinking you were a man, because of your screen name.  :-[  One should never jump to conclusions!  I'm definitely not a quilter, either.  I love to read, paint, write, and travel.  Those are my main 'hobbies' I guess.  So happy to have you with us!

Marilyn, I know how you feel.  I have sometimes felt that way, too.  But I know everyone is so blasted busy with our own lives that we often fail to see the needs of those around us.  Your post makes me want to do better!
Hope you are feeling better, as we don't want you sick, and besides, you are contending with big problems just now, with Keith's illness.

Carol, so glad you stay in touch, whether in Colorado or in Arizona.  I think if I were in your place, I'd opt to just stay in Arizona--or somewhere else you like that doesn't have such overcrowding!  I pray for good travels for you as you return to Arizona.

I do have some Agave syrup, but forget to use it! :-\
My book Rising Above available at


Today I am going to make some Fire Cider,  Gilbert and Sonja have inspired me, they made some two weeks in a row  and now I am going to amke some.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Greetings Janet   Thank you for the welcome to the site. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It looks like it will be another hot day here in South Carolina.  At least we have a 50% opportunity for rain this afternoon.  Pat plans to attend her Gifts group this morning so I will take her and go on down to coffee with the guys.  Yesterday I found that our downtown drug store had medical equipment on display so we stopped there after Pat's doctor visit as the doctor told her she definitely needed the Rollator and gave her the prescription for it.  She found just what she wanted and I am going to be able to get it into the back seat by placing it on the seat rather than between the seats.  I don't know why I hadn't thought of that before.  I can slide it in and out and not have to lift very much.  So that is a problem solved.  We will be going to dinner at the Church this evening with Scott and then look forward to our weekly visit with him. 

Marilyn, we experienced our Church friends helping us when we needed help and our current Sunday School class is very good to help with the needs of others.  We also have tried to help over the years.  Maybe more of your Church members will step up to help in the future. 

Carol, I have experienced the same thing with trying to gain some information on the web and almost immediately having someone call me on the phone.  I really don't care for this experience.  We are being tracked.  Yesterday at the doctor's office the receptionist who checked Pat in didn't complete the process and let the staff in the back know she was there.  After and hour of waiting beyond her appointment I spoke to the nurse who had come to call another patient that came in well after we did and shortly Pat was called for her appointment. 

Rebot, I agree with the statement of Nelson Mandela. 

Janet, so sorry you are having such difficulty with the photos.  If you would email me with the information about the software you are using for the book perhaps I could help you.  No guarantees but I am certainly willing to try to help.  Nice to see that your adjustment did help you. 


Greetings Larry   So do I regarding the Nelson Mandela quote.


Hello, Friends!  I have been painting today. I didn't accomplish much, but enjoyed being among friends.  Several were missing today, we always miss those who aren't there.

Larry, I'm just using Word to write the book.  I need help in locating and moving the 30 photos I'm allowed to put in the book, and the icons are so tiny that I cannot tell what they are without opening each one.  A painting friend said to go into my settings, and there I will probably find the way to enlarge them.  Also, my friend Carolyn brought my manuscript back today so I can go into the computer and make the needed changes.  Little by little!

Marilyn, that Fire Cider sounds like it would burn from your throat to your toes!  Is it as hot as it sounds?  I have some Kombucha fermenting.  It is said to contain so many of the prebiotics and probiotics we need.  One of my scrapping and painting friends gave me a start with the Scoby in it, and will write the instruction out for me.  She let me taste a few different kinds she had made, and they all tasted good.

And my young friend we met at the Senior Prom last year says he will come after school tomorrow to help me with the photos.  He has Musical practice at 7 so I hope we can get it done in that time period.  I told him I will pay him, but he said no, he would love to just help me.  Sweet boy, that Dylan!

Yesterday was Alexis, my eldest great-granddaughter's birthday.  She is eleven already!!  I can hardly believe it!

Glad you got the rollator for Pat, Larry.  I still want to know the difference between a walker and a rollator.  Is it that the rollator has wheels on the front?  On all four legs?  What?  I had never heard that term until Jackie talked about hers. (Inquiring minds want to know!)  ;)

How I pray that the lies of the enemy will be proven to be lies and Brett Cavanaugh will be confirmed tomorrow!  Those who tell outright lies, trying to ruin the reputation of good, honorable men, should be arrested, tried and thrown into jail!  Okay, off my soapbox!

I'm so glad we have dinner at church tonight.  I'm hurting and need a rest before we go, my back is acting up, likely from very little sleep last night.

Blessings on each of you!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet I think you mean Kombucha. It didn't burn when I put some in my OJ this morning. The batch I made has to  sit for a month with daily  turning  up and down for the flavors to "marry". I bought some from the helath food store that is commercial. it only used a dropper full. It is very spicy thogh
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website