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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts of the Month ~ September

Started by JudyB, September 01, 2018, 02:34:21 PM

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 :lol:Marilyn!  Spell Check did it!  LOL!  I usually always proofread my posts before posting, didn't that time and got caught!  Thanks for the correction--yep, fermented tea!

I can see how you could tolerate a dropper full, I thought you were just drinking it straight!  Wow!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a bit foggy here this morning after we had considerable rain and storms around her yesterday afternoon and evening.  The forecast says a 90 percent change of more rain today.  There were 7,000 people without power as a result of the storm and lightning struck the newspaper building in our County seat resulting in the loss of some of their computers and the ability to get the front page of today's newspaper printed.  It is suppose to be included with the tomorrows newspaper.

We spent the day at home yesterday as Pat wasn't feeling up to getting to her morning meeting.  We did enjoy a nice meal at Church last evening and then Scott came out for a short visit. Today will be my typical Thursday to pick up my friend and go to coffee.  I plan on stopping at Walmart on the way to pick up prescriptions for Pat and to put one on file and after we come back from coffee need to stop at the Credit Union, which is close to the Walmart to take care of some business. I have nothing else on the schedule for today. 

Pat took her new Rollator to Church last evening and it worked out very well.  I notice she has put away the walker and started using the Rollator here in the house as well.  One of the suggestions in the little booklet that came with the Rollator was to get the little plastic shower caps to put over the wheels when putting the Rollator in the car to keep the seats clean and also to use the handy wipes to clean off the wheels after having it outside where it could pick up dirt and girt.  I am not worried about the car seat as it is leather and will clean easily but may still try the suggestions. 

Hi Rebot. 

Janet, since you have the young fellow coming to help you with the Word software I will not do anything at this time but let me know if you still have problems and I will see if I can help you.  Regarding the photos you probably have a setting in your file manager that will let you change the view of the files and one of the settings is for a large thumbnail, which makes the pictures show larger.  I know this exists for the Windows software and have to think it would also for the Mac.  It sounds like you are making good progress on the book although sure you would like to have it finished now that you are close to the end of the process.  Hard to believe that Alexis can be 11 years old.  Is she having a birthday party that you can attend?  The Rollator that Pat got yesterday says it is a walker on the pamphlet.  I think the main difference is the seat and the wheels and the brakes and that it is more heavy duty.  It doesn't have the tray over the hand grips like is available for the walker.  The one Pat has uses the 8" wheels on front and back, turns very easily and the hand brakes will slow you down and then can be locked when needed. 

Marilyn,  I have never heard of Kombucha so glad you explained what it is. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We have an overcast morning and suppose to be mostly cloudy all day long with a small chance of more rain.  Yesterday we had three separate periods of heavy rain with a lot of lightning and thunder.  Yesterday was a very busy morning but I accomplished all I had set out to do.  Pat fixed us a delicious dinner with meat loaf, green beans, potatoes, apple sauce and a dinner roll.  There was enough left to put three dinners for both of us in the freezer for future use. Today I plan on staying home and taking it easy. 

Rebot, I return your nice greeting and hope today finds you well and as busy as you want to be.   


Hi there
I took Keith to his Urologist appointment yesterday, His stomach was very distended from him not being able to pee and he had refused to have the catheter. Well they got 2200 mls of urine from the bladder, installed the catheter and did blood work. we got home I had time to feed the animals and eat a bowl of soup and got a call to get him to ER stat. He was going into kidney failure. He is still in the hospital. I left him there in ER because I had to come home and let the dog out. By that time it was 7 pm and getting dark. I can't see well enough to drive after dark. The urologist as of yesterday afternoon, was going to use a camera to go into the bladder and look for problems as well and look to see what is going on with the prostate. Anyway I had a long day. His oldest son (the dr) called me at 9:45 and told me I am doing everything right and that his boys will be here this weekend, he had to  get some one to take his shift at the hospital. Then Gilbert My son called me at 10:30 and I had to tell everything again. I had tried to keep them all updated as the day progressed. I didn't get to sleep for quite awhile feeling guilty that I didn't stay at the hospital with Keith.  I need to take of Me too and I will keep you updated.

This  is all because of him being so darn stubborn and refusing to let me get him to the doctor.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It looks like it is to be another cloudy and rainy day but the temperatures are suppose to stay in the 80's, which will be nice.  I have most of the kitchen chores completed other than to get Pat's breakfast when she gets up.  I am looking forward to the day as seem to be feeling better this morning than I have for several days.  I plan on attending my Saturday meeting this morning and then will watch college football this afternoon and probably some this evening.  Otherwise expect to have a quiet day.  I just stayed home yesterday and didn't do anything of note.

Marilyn, so sorry to read of Keith's new problems and now having to be hospitalized.  It sounds like he waited almost too long as kidney failure is certainly concerning.  I hope you have better news today and that the kidney problem was found in time and he will soon be home.  He is fortunate to have you there to see that he gets the medical attention he needs even if he wants to resist. 


Greetings  Larry   We have a dry day and sunshine,  Oops the sun has gone in!   When you say College football, is that American football?   Which I no nothing about and neither does my hubby.  He hope to watch some of the Ryder Cup on television or if not highlights.  Do you take an interest in the Ryder Cup?   


I came here "for just a few minutes" and got involved in reading emails concerning the Cavanaugh hearings and all the associated drama.....so sad our country is even allowing such unsubstantiated accusations to get this much attention. 

Anyway, my intention was to work on my book!  I am determined to get it 'buttoned up' soon!  My young friend was such a help with the photos, but I still have to change their identification to a number, so I can write "Insert IMG 1.jpg here" and on through #30.  Not an  easy task, but I shall persevere!

Larry, so happy to read you are feeling better now!  I didn't get enough sleep Thursday night, and we went to Garden yesterday.  I was so tired while we were shopping I kept thinking, "I don't want to do this.  I don't even want to be here."  Very uncharacteristic for me.  But I feel much better today.

Marilyn, so sorry to hear of Keith's mounting problems.  Yes, you do need to take care of you.  I surely do understand about night driving and eyesight problems!  And you knew Keith was where he was being cared for, so it's not like you abandoned him!  I hope his kidneys do not shut down, as that's a very serious problem, as I know you are aware.  I will continue to pray for you as you deal with this situation in your life.  And I'm SO glad you have his family's support!!

I didn't go out to Farmers' Market this morning, as we had been to Garden yesterday and didn't need any produce.  Darrel is cooking a nice roast with veggies for our meal tonight and tomorrow night.  We have a potluck at church tomorrow.  I am doing two dozen deviled eggs for that.  Our Guatemala team is doing a "cookie caper" fundraiser tomorrow, too, so we are helping with that.  Hope we do well. We want to help, even if it turns out we don't get to go.

Rebot, feel free to address any of us here, we are a friendly bunch!  ;)

Jackie, come out of hiding and talk to us, please!  :)
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


ay. Keith was released from the hospital at 11, back in ER by 12:30 he had pulled out his catheter. He is still there and two of his sons are with him. Keith will be  recommend to hospice on Monday. I just have to find peole to sit with him while I go teach my Tai chi class on Tuesdays and Fridays( I get paid to teach the class) and if I need to go to the grocery store. He is now eligible for medicaid unless  I spend all his money and  perhap selling the house maybe included before he can get medicaid. I still have to find out  from the  social worker if I put the house in my name if I can sell it and move to a smaller place without the state taking the $$$.

This is really getting too much for me to deal with and my Dr agrees. Grief from one of my sons passing  this month and now Keith. Sometimes I feel like  just sitting down for a good cry. I am waiting for his son to call me to go pick Keith up from ER since he wont be able to get into  their car. 
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Today we get our first real break in the summer weather as it is suppose to only get to 83.  Of course, this morning we have 90 percent humidity and it is cloudy.  I am ready for Church and Pat is not eating her breakfast.  As far as I know she plans on attending Church with me.  I will come home from Sunday School and get her.  There is just enough time that we get their by the beginning of the service.  We will go somewhere to have our main meal of the day and the rest of the day will be free.  I did watch  2 1/2 football games yesterday.  I only lasted the first half of the evening game.  Two of the three schools I am now rooting for won although the game was in doubt until the end for Clemson, which is a South Carolina school, until about the very end. 

Rebot, yes I do refer to American football.  However, your type of football, which we call Soccer (if I am correct) is really taking off in America and most colleges now have a Soccer team and many younger people also play it.  It is certainly good exercise.  I really have little interest in the Ryder Cup and just last week had to look up the rules of how it is competed.  I think the European team has a hefty lead on the American team. 

Janet, I am glad your young friend was so much help to you on dealing with the photos.  At least you don't have too many photos to deal with so hopefully the job won't be too difficult.  Glad you were feeling less tired yesterday and hope today finds you also feeling better.  It sounds like Darrel fix you all a very good supper last night and today you will not have to worry about fixing a meal.  Is Darrel feeling better now. 

Marilyn, I am so sorry that Keith's health has deteriorate so quickly and you face so many challenges ahead.  I think you are a very strong person who has faced many challenges iin your life and you will get through this also.  I know your faith will help you deal with the day to day situations.  I will continue to pray for you both.  It would probably be a good idea to get an appointment with your local Social Security office and find out where you stand with regard to your home and other financial situations.  I know when my Dad decided he needed to let Mother have the help she needed in the speical care unit of the local nursing home he went to the SS Office and got the information and forms he needed to establish what would be required financially.  You can probably get a lot of this information by looking at the SS website.  He was allowed to keep his home, furniture, car and half of the assets should Mother's expenses have to be used up to get Medicaid help for her.  Fortunately they never got to that situation. I am glad that Keith's sons are supportive of you.  I believe you said you have experience working with Hospice so you know what a caring and helpful organization they are. I know you have many folks covering you and Keith in prayer and that God doesn't put on us more than he gives up the ability to cope.   


Greetings Janet  I don't do politics, though hubby does.   However, in listening to the story surrounding Mr Kavanaugh, those speaking against Mr Kavanaugh, have the right to do so. The whole debate should not be conducted in the public domain, as it is in the press and TV programs.   


Greetings Larry  What most of the world know as football, has become more than a game. It has become big business with huge salaries being paid. Those who started the game in 1863 never intended the game to be the way it is now. 

My hubby used to play golf and agrees with you on it is good exercise.  But he said it also taught him to be rude to the golf ball (he shouted at it), as it would not go where he intended it to go.  I tried to explain, was he not at fault,  not the golf ball!  :)   

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is a beautiful clear and sunny morning.  However, it is to be a mostly cloudy day with a high of 84.  I did come home from Sunday School yesterday and got Pat for Church.  Following Church we went to the Sunshine Grill, a favorite little local cafe that has really good old-fashioned hamburgers cooked on a grill.  It came with potato salad and we had to wait just a few minutes as they had to make more potato salad and when it was served it was warm and very tasty.  I came home and rested and then watched a the end of one football game and then the full game that followed.  It was a nice quiet afternoon.  Today will just be staying busy in my office this morning and then after lunch resting as usual and then a quiet later afternoon and evening.  As of now there is no plan to leave the house today other than to the mailbox late this afternoon. 

Rebot, it seems there are huge salaries in most of the professional games.  It was the big involvement of television and the ad revenues that generated so much money for the owners of the teams and so I am glad the players benefit from it as well.  We now have American Football Franchises valued at over 2 billion dollars.  College Football also generates huge revenues for the major schools.  I didn't play golf long enough to consider it might be the balls fault that I couldn't get it into the air.  I only played a few times.  I know lots of people really enjoy it but I was not one of them in terms of playing it. 


Greetings Larry   That was my humour about hubby being rude to the golf ball.  As it has to be the golfers fault not the ball.

I decided to look at American footballers salary and one gentleman earns over $20 million a year.  Not sure any sportsperson is worth that amount a year.  Given that they will pay huge taxes, their take home salary is well beyond what I could ever imagine to have earned during my working days.   

Did you receive my email of three days ago?


Good morning!  It is again very foggy here, and the temp was 50* earlier, but I'm sure it is warming.  Predicted to be 78 this afternoon.  Fall is certainly in the air~!

We had our fundraising "Cookie Caper" yesterday, and did pretty well, I think.
I haven't heard the total we made, but there are still cookies to sell, which we will offer on Wednesday night.  I bought a dozen for my young friend who helped me with my photos for the book.  I put them into a gift bag, attached a thank you card and delivered them to the high school office this morning.
It wasn't long before I received a sweet text from him!   :)

I'm praying really a lot about this:  I feel God wants me to design and paint the cover for my new book.  I have a pretty clear idea of what I want, I just do not feel confident in doing it.  But I am going to give it my best shot!
Prayers appreciated!

Marilyn, It's understandable that you feel overwhelmed with all the changes in such a short time.  God understands, and it's perfectly all right to sit down and have a good cry.  Sometimes, that's the best medicine.  Be gentle with yourself; you will make it through these trials.  (((hugs)))

Rebot, I must say I agree with you that no sports player deserves the obscene salaries they get.  But I know others disagree, so we just have to agree to disagree!!

I have never played golf, and only miniature golf a couple of times.  So I have no opinion at all on that subject!  (aren't you all glad?)   ;D

I must be about my business or I will not get the things on my list crossed off today!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


  Greetings Janet  The sportspeople on huge salaries more than likely give to charitable organisations and I admire that.

But there are people through no fault of their own, without enough to eat in some western countries.  And some of that salary money could be used to help others.

For there will never cease to be poor in the land.   Therefore, I command you, you shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.

Deuteronomy 15:11

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It looks like we will have another nice with some possibility of rain later this afternoon.  My schedule is light this today.  I thought Pat had placed a Walmart grocery order that I would pickup nearby this morning but don't see any email that it is ready so that may not have happened.  A friend will be here for an hour later this morning and that is all that is on the schedule that I know of now.  Pat made some delicious enchiladas for our dinner last evening and there was enough left for three more meals later on.  They will go into the freezer for now. 

Rebot, I took your comment on the golf ball as humor.  I think the pro players blame their clubs after a bad shot as often see them beat them on the ground or throw them.  I agree that the salaries of some pro-athletes for one year far exceed what most of us were able to make in a lifetime.  I did receive your email from three days ago and answered it as well as the new one yesterday.  I see a new one in my mailbox so will answer that later today.

Janet, think we are all ready for fall as it has been a long and hot summer.  Nice of you to reward your young friend with the cookies.  I am sure you would do a great job designing and painting the cover of your book and what do you have to lose in doing it. 


Good thought about the book cover, Larry!  Nothing ventured, nothing gained--right?  I spent quite a long time yesterday drawing the figures of Beth and me and modifying them.  Am pretty satisfied with one; the other needs more work; and both are too large, so will need to be resized.  Not a problem if I can get them the way I want them.  I'm rather excited about actually doing the cover myself, as that will make the book more personal.  Since it's a very personal story to me, that is fitting.

We had soupy fog early, it has burned off and it's going to get HOT here today.

Darrel and I went back to the gym this morning!!!  YIPPEE!  We need it!
While I was searching my studio yesterday for something; then moving paintings, I found I have lost so much strength and balance, it really shocked me!  I knew it was happening, but didn't realize how much!  So I hope we can stay at it and regain what we've lost in the past two or three months.

Today, I will officially join the gallery.  That means taking in enough paintings to fill my allotted space.  I sorted them out yesterday.  I want to have all different ones than I used for my "artist of the month" display. And I heard from my frame company that my catalog is on the way, so that's a step toward being able to do framing again.  Now I need to find a source for matboard and glass.

Gotta run!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Greetings Larry  I read your email and replied, and now have replied to me.  It is splendid that with the techno age we can keep in touch with each other.  And long may that continue.     


I've had quite a day!  Got paintings moved to the gallery and hung, signed my contract, came home and made tags for the paintings, then painted two sunsets in acrylic, from those, I will choose one as the background for the book cover.  And I'm tired!  Hope I won't be too sore tomorrow from today's gym workout.  Of course we didn't go at it full bore; we know that would make us sore!

It will prove helpful that Tracy (gallery owner) can reduce the size of the figures I have drawn!

See you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We have a bright and sunny morning.  We will be in the high 80's again today with little chance of rain.  Pat's breakfast has been fixed and I have grated the pound of cheddar cheese as wanted to use some with her eggs and bacon bits. I have a number of things I want to accomplish today here in my office.  This evening is our Wednesday night dinner at the Church and it is fried chicken week, always a popular meal.  Yesterday we went to the Honey from the Rock Restaurant restaurant at noon and had a great meal.  I had meat loaf, creamed corn and sweet potato casserole with a dinner roll.  The food appears to be made right there and the serving are large.  Their pies look delicious but by the time I finished the main meal I wasn't hungry anymore so was good and by-passed the dessert.  This is the restaurant owned by a Church right next door and the people are so friendly and helpful.  I have to say it is one of my very favorite places to eat here.  It is served cafeteria style and they are open only 3 hours a day at the noon hour. 

Janet, I am sure each stroke of your pen and paint brushes will be one expressing love for Beth.  In a way your book and drawing/painting is one final external expression of that love.  Glad you and Darrel were up to going to the gym yesterday.  You sure have a lot of projects on your agenda with your framing business, the book, the art gallery and I am sure many other things. 

Rebot, years ago who would have imaged being able to communicate anywhere in the world.  I hope have a good day over your way. 


Good morning everyone.  It is cloudy and chilly here in north eastern Ontario.  Trees are changing colour and it will soon be picture time.

Larry several years ago you gave out a link that would save passwords.  I have lost one important password... Could you please give it tome again?  Now to get into the site that has the lost password!


Good Morning \everyone.  It is getting so daunting to get things done that need doing especially  with the house. Now I find that I need an attorney to get my name put on the deed. If my name is not on the deed and if Keith has to go facility, I lose the house. If my name is on the deed I can sell it and get into a smaller place.

Taking care of Keith is another daunting project to deal with. At 4:30am I was up taking care of his bag. He has somehow got the  clamp  undone and the urine leaked out I don't know where. I can't find it. That is the 4th ti8mne in 3 days  that has happened. He drags the bag behind him, forgets that he has to pick it up. I will be so glad that he will be able to go the bathroom on his own after his surgery on the 23rd.

The hospice intajke worker will be here tomorrow so then I can get some help.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Greetings Larry   Sometimes cell phones can be time consuming, as some young people seem as if it is glued to their hand!

I prefer a desktop computer, call me old fashioned or just old! :)

And may your day be a good one. 


We just had the Presidential Emergency test on our cell phone.  It works! 

There is no internet or land line phone working and everything should be fixed tomorrow.  We are at a coffee shop  after internet was down since Saturday.  Fortunately, we do have a cell phone thanks to the children handing us their older models. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is to be another beautiful mostly sunny day getting up to around 90 degrees.  I had difficulty sleeping last night and didn't get much sleep.  This will be a busy morning usual Thursday morning.  Pat put in a Walmart grocery order that I expected to pick up at the Walmart close to where I take my friend home.  However, when I looked at the reply back I found she had forgotten to switch the locations from the one over in Georgia, about 25 minutes or so away, to the closer store.  It was too late to chance it and it isn't a difficult drive up to Evans to get it I will do that after coffee.  I am hoping that the man who picks up my friend on Tuesdays and takes him to coffee will be there this morning as I know he will take him home and then I can go on to Walmart directly from coffee.  We did have a nice time at the dinner last night at the Church and then a good visit with Scott afterward.  I think he was shocked when he got here and I told him we had no chores for him to do for us. 

Judy, good to hear from you.  I really like a program called LastPass for keeping my passwords.  You can store so much information in it and only you have the master password as it is not kept on their site.  They use heavy encryption on the passwords so I feel they are safe.  We use the paid version  because we can access our passwords from any platform like our phones, tablets, laptops and desktops.  They used to have a free version that would hold only a limited number of passwords and would only work on one device.  Another one I used years ago is called Roboform.  I hope this is the info you were looking for.  The link for LastPass is just www.lastpass.com .

Marilyn, you certainly have many challenges ahead of you.  I hope you can find a good attorney to help you with the legal matters.  Could you tie that bag someway to his leg so that if he got up it wouldn't drag on the floor.  Hopefully the hospice worker will have some good ideas to help you and will be of help otherwise. 

Rebot, I think my granddaughter's phone is attached to her as it is constantly in her hand. 

Carol, I got a text message as the alert but no emergency sound as expected for the Presidential Emergency test.  Are you in Arizona now? 


Larry, I and several others who were at The Main Artery got both the sound alert and the text message from the Presidential alert system.  Amazing what technology is capable of doing; and I only have the vaguest idea of its capabilities.

I'm happy!   ;D :thumbsup: :cheer: :banana: :bravo: :pine:  I got the painting for the book cover finished yesterday!  Whew, that's a relief.  I got an email telling me if I can get everything to the publisher before the end of this month, I can have the books here before Christmas, so am working hard toward that goal.  I'm getting really close!   :thumbsup:  Will need to make a trip to Garden City to Staples to have the painting scanned and sent.  They suggested Kinko's, but there isn't one of those anywhere in our area.

I'm just waiting for Darrel to finish drinking his tea so we can go to the gym.  Now that we have started going again, I'm determined to stick with it, even though my body is feeling sore this morning.  :cool:

It's 47* here, completely overcast, with predicted high to get to 52*.  Not bad.

I will probably come back in later, if we don't go to Garden!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Greetings Larry  It is moan time about cell phones!   Lots of people walk,  texting as they go and don't look where they are going!

No 90F here, about 65F - send some of the sun to us.  :)


Greetings Janet   The thought of the word gym makes me feel tired.  Tea drinking sounds more my style.  :) 


My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com