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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts of the Month~ June/July

Started by JudyB, June 05, 2018, 07:02:56 PM

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:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


From Chris Saunders

As our great friend Tozer reminded me again this morning, the Cross on the hill must become the Cross in our hearts..he is so right!
It is easy to keep Christ at a distance and just pay Him lip service, your friends and acquaintances can believe you to be a believer..when you may in fact not have a personal relationship with Christ at all.
Death to self begins with crucifying the flesh..but don't try this at home as they say!😉
Only the Lord Jesus can kill and make alive..all in an instant..that is the work of the Spirit taking that which is His, and revealing it unto you.
Can these bones live?
Answer..Lord Thou knowest!
And only God knows how to give life to the dead, a man completely dead in sin cannot change his circumstances like making a New Year resolution.
Do you really think that Lazarus was going to rise up and walk out of that tomb?
The man was very, very dead.
Jesus Christ was very, very dead when they laid Him in the tomb, but death could not hold Him for He was the sinless, Lamb of God.
Death had no power over Him..but sin and death have great power over everyone born into this world, and it takes the Son of God working In the Power of the Holy Spirit to raise the walking dead ..mankind.
New Life in Jesus can be yours today, for whosoever will may come, and take the Water of Life, eat, drink, it's all free, the Great Price has been paid..once for all, on that Cross on the Hill of Calvary.
Carpe Diem..choose Life.


We Have An Anchor
(Click to hear music)

"An anchor for the soul, firm and secure." Hebrews 6:19

Words: Priscilla J. Owens, 1882.

Music: William J. Kirkpatrick


Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift, or firm remain?


We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love.

It is safely moored, 'twill the storm withstand,
For 'tis well secured by the Savior's hand;
And the cables, passed from His heart to mine,
Can defy that blast, thro' strength divine.


It will surely hold in the Straits of Fear—
When the breakers have told that the reef is near;
Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow,
Not an angry wave shall our bark o'erflow.


It will firmly hold in the Floods of Death—-
When the waters cold chill our latest breath,
On the rising tide it can never fail,
While our hopes abide within the Veil.


When our eyes behold through the gath'ring night
The city of gold, our harbor bright,
We shall anchor fast by the heav'nly shore,
With the storms all past forevermore.



I'm sorry this is late in posting.  I have had a rough week. just very tiring.

A quick update on Pat.  She has had a few hiccups in her recovery, however today she got the word that there is an opening in a Kitchener rehab facility.  It is for a few weeks.  She is wishing she could be in Guelph however there are no openings there.  So continued prayers are coveted.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. This should be another partly sunny day, no rain in the forecast and a high of 91. 

This afternoon I will make a trip to Target to have the SIM cards changed over to the T-Mobile lines to see if we get better service before we cancel out the Consumer Cellular plan for our cell phones.  There was a T-Mobile store in the shopping center where Pat picked up her shoes yesterday and I checked with them and they said we should have strong service in our location.  I may have to spend $30 a month more to get service through them if what I plan on doing today doesn't work. 

This evening Scott and we don't know who else in terms of Elizabeth and Jennifer, will be out for the evening.  Pat fixed a Jello salad yesterday and the green beans and this afternoon will fix mac and cheese with ham chunks for our dinner tonight.  Yesterday we did eat out at IHOP and had a very good meal. 

Judy, thanks for the update on Pat and so happy to read that they have found a rehab bed available for her even if it is in another town.  I looked it up to see the distance and see that it is only 25 kil. or 15 miles so that seems very reasonable.  Sorry to hear of the hiccups in her recovery.  Thanks for sharing the writing from Chris and the Hymn for this week.  I hope the rest of this week will be less rough for you.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It looks like we are in for another hot but otherwise nice day here in the South.  I had a very busy day yesterday and this morning will be the same.  I did go to Target yesterday afternoon and had our phone put on the T-Mobile system rather than the AT&T cell phone plan.  I had to wait while and elderly lady was trying to get put on the Cingular Cellular phone plan only to find out her phone was not compatible.  She just couldn't understand why not and the patient man who was helping her explained the situation over and over.  He then helped me and all went well with my phone but when he tried to connect Pat's phone he got a message it was locked, although I had bought it as an unlocked phone.  The AT&T store was near by so took it there only to find out they couldn't help me or won't willing to try (a continuation of the lack of service with AT&T in their stores that I had previously found).  Anyway last evening Scott was able to help me and we got the unlock code by jumping through the hoops on their website and all seems well and I think Pat now has good service. Unfortunately, I hadn't taken the little folders the sim cards came in to get a refund on the two sim from AT&T so this morning left early and was at  Target when they opened and got my refund.  In a little while I will  go pickup my friend and we will go to the Thursday coffee group downtown.   


We have had electronic hiccups - my old laptop is useless.

Larry:   The Cellular phone company was very cordial helping us to return and pull their sim card which we put into the old & bulky iPhone.  This saves us at least $20 per month.  I was thinking of our first married days when we bought almost nothing - we had to feed the babies and so forth so I could never afford to call parents and friends.

So happy to read the news on Pat and her rehab beginning.  Hooray!  Thanks Be!!!

Weather news showed a tornado in Cheyenne - which is just up the road.  I remember living off base newly married with wind all the time - dust and horses in the field behind our rental house. 
Today, a son came for a visit.  Then, a newly widowed friend came with her phone problems, etc. and Don was able to change some things for her.  My sweet neighbor brought her book of "Jesus Always" by Sarah Young.  I have that book and also the one "Jesus Calling" but loaned it out and cannot get them back until fall.  I really like the little reading for the day.  Also, my new bible arrived - mom's old one has such small print that it  wasn't useful. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is going to be another sunny and hot day today getting into the low 90's this afternoon.  I plan on a quiet day at home to rest up for the weekend.  Pat's new iPhone 5 came yesterday afternoon and this morning I put in the SIM card and got it mostly setup.  She is now trying it out.  She held it yesterday and things it may be a fine size for her to hold and  to carry in her pocket. 

Carol, we now have good reception using the T-Mobile cell towers rather than the ATT.  I also remember our early married days with a young family.  There sure wasn't the budget for anything beyond the necessities with perhaps an occasional movie.  A few years ago I bought a new Bible with larger print and a leather binding.  It is a study Bible.  Unfortuantely it is now too heavy to use other than in my office.  We have pew Bibles at Church so don't have to carry one to Church with us. 

Jackie, I am missing seeing your postings. 


The new bible has a nice print but they did not send the leather binding.  It is heavy too - very nice to read at home.  It is a keeper just for my reading chair because the paper is fragile.  . 

I have been purging the shelves around here and donating or just giving away.  Clearing the clutter.  Very much like clearing our lives too with too many meaningless things. 

Larry:  I hope you get your quiet time and rest.   

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another bright and clear morning but headed into the low 90s this afternoon.  My morning kitchen chores are done and have fixed Pat's breakfast.  I plan on attending a meeting this morning and then stopping at Aldi's for just a few items.  I may pick up something to bring home for our main meal today but Pat hasn't decided yet whether that is what she wants to do.  Plan to rest this afternoon and watch some golf and that is my planned day.  I did spend an hour or so trying to help my SIL with her Cricut craft machine without any luck.  I use a program called Teamviewer that allows me to have access to her computer.  She called later to say she had gotten on the phone with the Cricut tech and after working for an hour with her with no success they said they will send her a new machine as there is something wrong with the one she has.  I guess that explains why we had no success when I was trying to help her. 

Carol, the Bible I referred to yesterday came with the Bible bound in the leather.  I had always wanted a nice Bible so treated myself to it.  I know we could still purge a lot of things and never miss them but it is hard to part with things that have been received as gifts.  My friend and his wife are moving out of their big house into about half the space and will move just what they want and have an estate agent come in and sell the rest.  I did get quiet time yesterday afternoon and some rest.  Unfortunately when I got up I didn't feel very chipper so didn't try to do the walk with the oxygen mask.  I will try to get that in today. 

Janet, welcome home and I hope you have returned feeling rested after a good week of painting. 


Thanks, Larry, and I did have a wonderful week painting, but felt really tired when I got home.  I slept good, though, and today I'm fine.  I got four paintings done, all small. Darrel asked why I did such small ones (not my norm) and I said I guess I just felt like painting small this time!  I have taken pictures of them, so will probably post them on FB soon.

It's HOT here!  So thankful for AC!  Especially in the car!

Our pastor's wife's mother passed away this week; it was also Bible School week and so busy.  Lisa (Pastor's wife) is heading up the Guatemala trip, and called a meeting for right after church tomorrow; I'm wondering if she asked someone else to do it; it was about a fund-raising meal we are to have.  Her mom lived in Oklahoma City, and funeral is Monday, so I'm quite sure she won't be here, nor Pastor either.

We will be going to Dallas for the Zurvita Convention Thursday to Sunday this next week.  And I MUST get my Driver's License renewed before then, as My birthday is the 19th and it expires that day!  So I know what I have to do on Monday.  I am praying I can pass the eye test!

Judy, thanks for the update on Pat.  I sure hope she took the available bed in the rehab place!!

Hi Carol!  Sorry about your device problems!  I have several videos in email which are MP3 files (?) and I have no idea how to play them. :(

Jackie, where are you?  Please come back!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Today is to be a carbon copy of yesterday weather wise with it being hot into the 90's this afternoon and a slight chance of rain. Pat left me a note to wake her at 7:30, which I did, as she wants to go to Church this morning.  I will go to Sunday School and then come back to the house to pick her up so we can go back to Church.  It is just too much for her to sit through both of these. I did make it to my meeting yesterday, but decided I could wait awhile longer before going to Aldi's.  On the way home I stopped at Wifesaver's and got us each a delicious chicken dinner and this time added a small banana pudding for Pat and a piece of Lemon pie for me, which I had last evening.  We will be eating somewhere after Church this morning before we come home.  The rest of the day will be spent quietly. 

Janet, good to see your posting and know you had a good time even if you came home tired.  I look forward to see your paintings.  Sorry to read of the passing of your pastor's wife's mother. It sounds like you have a busy week ahead.  Hope you don't have any problems getting your driver's license.  An MP3 is not a video but an audio file.  Video files will be MP4's.  Just click on either and the Windows Media Player should load and start to play the file you have selected. 


Happy Sunday morning to all of you!!  We will have another really hot day, with more to follow, and the wind is already blowing hard.  Ugh.  But I get to say, "This, too, shall pass!"   :)

I guess Lisa is still here, as I got a text message from her last night reminding us of a short meeting right after church.  I'm sure they wil be heading to Oklahoma City right after that!

Larry, glad Pat feels like she will be up to attending church this morning. I know my week doesn't seem right if I don't go to church--sometimes I have trouble remembering what day it is when I miss church.

Time to head out!  See you all later!!  I hope more of you post today, let's not lose this sweet place of fellowship and friendship!!
My book Rising Above available at


This is now a week later and Pat is still at the hospital.  There have continued to be hiccups.  Now it seems she (when released by the Dr's) will be going home to finish her convalescence there.  This has been quite a ride for Pat, and it looks like the ride will be on going for a bit yet.  Your continued prayer for her is coveted.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a bright and sunny morning here in South Carolina but we have good chances of storms this afternoon.  Last evening we had a big electrical storm but we didn't get much rain from it.  Pat did go to Church with me yesterday and after the service we went through the drive thru at Arby's and got big sandwiches to bring home for our Sunday main meal.  Nothing is on the schedule or today so hope to finish up the audiobook I am listening to.  I had put one on hold and it became available and was added to my loans several days ago so the clock is ticking on it and am anxious to get to it. 

Janet, It sounds like Lisa is very dedicated to the responsibilities she has accepted.  It has been several weeks since Pat has felt like attending Church.  I seriously doubt she will be going back to Sunday School as that has become just too much for her.  I am like you in that attending Church is just a big part of my life. 

Judy, thanks for the update on Pat.  I had just a few minutes before I read your posting left a Facebook posting on Pat's page showing her with the birthday cake and saying I was happy she was in rehab.  I did go back and left another brief posting acknowledging that she was still in the hospital. 


Judy:  Thank you for the updates on Pat! It sounds like she will need care at home and perhaps the rehab regimen can be at home as well.  Prayers for Pat and for you and John as well. 

Janet:  We are experiencing hotter than normal temperatures as well as afternoon high winds plus smoke from the western side of the state.  They believe one of the fires was caused by  humans.  either way. 
Two grands left yesterday - they are so sweet and want to help around here.  Talk about energy! 

Don is off to the VA hospital this morning as he is going to help a neighbor navigate the system.  My To Do list is so long - it is hard to start.  I had to put CP on this computer - everything is different with Windows 10.

Larry:  Wifesaver sounds interesting and helpful.  I need to go to Sprouts for more veggies - and do want to make Italian Wedding Soup in the crock pot.  We seem to gravitate to the Saturday night service because it is quiet and peaceful - communion after the sermon and softer music.  Much better for Don's hearing issues. 


Hello, all!  It's so pleasantly cool here this morning--and still!!  I know the cool won't last, but am so thankful that it always cools off at night!  Still praying for the much-needed rain!

I made more progress on the book the past couple of days.  Have gone back to the beginning and done more changes, etc.  I'm three days before Beth's death in the timeline, so lots of tears, and that's okay.  I'm thankful God gave us tears.

I have allowed time to sneak up on me--must renew my drivers license before the 19th!  And I cannot pass the eye test on the machine at the courthouse!  I went yesterday and license area is closed Mondays but they let me try to read the line required, and I can't.  Not enough light in the machine!  I think I got 3 of the 8 numbers correct.  :(  So they gave me a form for eye doc to fill out; they are only there Wed. and Thurs. (my Dr. just retired) So I called Garden City and got an app't for today at 11:00, and am praying so hard I can renew my license!  I already can't drive after dark, and I really need to be able to drive around our little area for at least a few more years!  So that's on our agenda for today.  Prayers appreciated!

I'm thankful to live in a small town, even though it doesn't have many things we need.  The people are friendly and I know so many of them. As long as Darrel can drive, we are okay.

We went to visit Maxine, my 101 year-old friend, at the Care home on Sunday.  That place is so depressing now!  Since being sold to a for-profit outfit, many changes have been and are being made.  The residents are not at all happy, several have been moved to other facilities.  The ones I talked to were full of complaints.  The physical plant is showing signs of neglect, both building and grounds.  Grass hasn't been mowed, ceilings leaking in places, just over all grubby looking and depressing.  I told Darrel it has gone from being a home for the elderly and disabled, where they were cared for with love, to just a warehouse where people are waiting to die.  It makes me so sad.

Okay!  Get off that topic, Janet!  Today, I GET TO praise my Savior and look for the beauty He created in nature and in people!!  I love you, friends!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It looks like today we will finally get a little break in the temperature as it is suppose to only get into the mid-80's with only a slight chance of rain.  Once again yesterday there was rain around us but we didn't get any unless it rained a bit during the night when I was asleep.  We plan on going to Ruby Tuesdays today to take advantage of their $5 salad bar day.  It is usually $10.  Pat placed a big online order with Walmart that we will pick up on the way back home as Walmart is just up the hill from where Ruby Tuesdays is located.  Other than that it should be a quiet day.  I need to order Pat some ink for her printer and a different iPhone Charger as the one that came with her phone appears to be defective.  I also need to get a charger for the car for the iPhones. 

About every time I see the youngsters and observe their energy in always moving and jumping and running I think I wish some of that could be bottles for some of us who could really use it. I expect you will need a day of rest after having the two grands around.  Nice they wanted to be of help.  I saw on the news about the wild fires in the Durango area.  It is helpful of Don to help your neighbor navigate the VA system.  At the beginning somethings seem overwhelming and a guiding hand always helps.  I am sure you will soon adapt to Windows 10.  A couple of suggestions for using Windows 10.  The search bar in the bottom left of the screen is very helpful in finding things in Windows that have been placed in different places.  Also one can usually find a little video on YouTube about how to do most things on the computer.  I have found this most helpful.  I know where our new Sprouts store is located in Augusta and it is easy to get to but doubt we go there as shopping is becoming pretty difficult.  Glad you have found a Worship Service that you both an enjoy and Don can hear.   

Janet, it sounds like you will also be enjoying a cooler day today.  Glad you are making progress on your book and I am sure writing about the last three days of Beth's journey here on Earth will be difficult.  I am also thankful that God gave us tears.  Maybe John would be willing to drive you around if you feel safe with his driving.  It would give him a purpose for some of his days. I don't mean to be meddling.  Sorry to read about what has happened to the care home.  You mentioned looking for the beauty around you and as I look out my office window I can see the beautiful crepe myrtle tree across the street that has burst into bloom. 


It is a bit cooler mornings this week and that is more normal for Colorado.  Fine and dandy to sleep with windows open.  I checked last night and found that our son & DIL were driving north and stopped for an hour on a Wyoming road - for a cattle drive.  So fun to see - we had that experience several times over the years always great to step back in time and slow down. 

Larry:  It sounds like a deal for the salad special.  I made Wild Rice soup in the crock pot again - it is always different because I just keep on adding stuff.  The drive through downtown is the hardest part of going to the VA.  We try to use the online shopping for grocery pick-up because it would go away if it isn't used enough.  They are notorious for not stocking products that are not flying off the shelves - my pet peeve and I do mention it when anyone cares.  Yes, I have learned a few things on #10 - this new laptop has the keyboard to the left and numbers on the right so my hand wants to stray over and I used to type from the center out. 



?So ignorant was I that I did not know there was a God. My Sundays were spent on the streets (of London) in play.? Those were the words of Edward Mote, who rose from an unruly childhood to become a great writer and minister. He composed only one song, but a great song it is, indeed. It has been a favorite of people around the world.

In his early adult years, Mote attended Tottenham Court Road Chapel where he heard sermons by the noted John Hyatt. He soon learned from Hyatt?s sermons that Jesus Christ could take away all the fears of life and give him the peace of heart and mind that he had long desired.

He became a carpenter apprentice and through hard labor and conscientious efforts came to own his own cabinet shop. One day while walking to his work, he began thinking that he should write a hymn. Before he reached his shop he had the chorus:

?On Christ the solid rock I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand.?

Before the day ended, he had four stanzas. The following Sunday, he visited in the home of a friend, a minister, whose wife was at the point of death. During the afternoon, they read from the scriptures and prayed with her. As the preacher looked for a hymnal to sing from, as was his custom, he could find none. Mote reached into his pocket and pulled out his verses and asked if they might be sung to her. And so they were. She seemed to enjoy them very much. Mote was so pleased that she found comfort in his verses, he had 1,000 copies printed for distribution among his friends.

?My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus? blood and righteousness.

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

But wholly lean on Jesus? name.?


?On Christ the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand,

All other ground is sinking sand.?

Sometime later, Edward Mote became a Baptist preacher. His efforts made it possible for a house of worship to be built for his congregation. They were so grateful they offered to deed the property to him, but he replied, ?I do not want the Chapel, I want only the pulpit; and when I cease to preach Christ, then turn me out of that.?

He served this congregation for more than 20 years, never missing a single Sunday for any cause.

In his 77th year, as he lay on his bed of sickness, he replied, ?I think I am going to heaven. Yes, I am nearing port. The truths I have preached I am now living upon, and they will do to die upon. Ah! The precious blood, which takes away all our sins. It is this, which makes peace with God.?

What a victorious ending of a useful life. He was reared in a godless home, learned an honorable trade and gave it all up to become a preacher. His memory will remain for generations because he took time one day to write a simple gospel song.

?Therefore whosoever heareth

these sayings of mine, and doeth them,

I will liken him unto a wise man,

which built his house upon a rock.?

- Matthew 7:24


Whew!   What a day!  But, mission accomplished--I got my license renewed!  I cannot tell you how relieved I am.  :)

I'm pretty wiped out, but we need to meet with the three others who are going with us to Dallas on Thursday for the Zurvita convention.  That should only take a few minutes, but I wish I didn't even have to go!

Tom orrow I get to go paint again!!  Yippee!  That's one reason I was determined to get the license problem solved today--trying to keep those Wednesdays free!

Larry, I have asked john to drive me a few times when Darrel was 't here and I needed to go somewhere after dark.  He is a good driver.  We will have him water the plants in the house and the garden for us and feed the cat while we are away (only four days).  He likes to come out and love on the cat, and she enjoys it, too.

I'm gonna stretch out in my recliner for a few minutes!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It will be another hot day here after a relatively cooler day yesterday.  We enjoyed the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday's yesterday and did pick up our grocery order.  This morning Pat plans on attending her Gift's Group at the Church and I will take her and go on down to the coffee group at the cafe while I wait for her.  Scott is planning on making our dinner tonight when he gets here.  It will be his specialty Taco Pie and we have plenty of salad mix to go with it.  I had to refilll my medicine boxes this morning and fix Pat's breakfast. 

Carol, it must have seemed like visiting the old West to see and actual cattle drive.  I have only seen them in movies other than the small cattle drive I used to do to take our 20 milk cows to the pasture and then bring them in and that as on foot.  I am sure you will soon adjust to the new keyboard.  It is convenient to have the separate key pad although I often just use the number keys over the regular alpha keys. 

Judy, thanks for posting the hymn and the very interesting and inspiring story of the man who wrote it. 

Janet, sure glad you had success in getting your driver's license.  For how many years is it good until the next renewal?  Glad to read that John is willing to help you when you ask him.  We all need to feel useful and often it is the small things that do the trick.  Glad you will be able to paint today.   

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is another bright and sunny day but we will be up into the 90's again this afternoon.  This is coffee morning and will pick up my friend on the way.  Either going or coming home I will stop at the Strawberry Stand and get some strawberries and peaches.  Yesterday I did take Pat for her gifts group bi-weekly meeting and while I waited I went to the cafe and spent an hour by myself.  We then stopped at Chick-fil-a for a quick lunch.  It was about 6 last evening when Scott got here and he made our dinner with the Taco Pie and we had a nice visit until after 9:30 and then really had a good nights sleep. 


There is smoke in the air - one of the mountain fires is caused by human - [almost predictable) and a new one popped up east of us.

Larry:  The computer is making mistakes - not my fault.   ;)

Don is picking up two men here for the monthly breakfast meeting. 

Judy:  Thank you for the music.  Very nice clear voice!



Well Pat my dear sister is home from hospital at last.  She went home with a bad case of pink eye, however she has medication for that and will be home free soon.  Now for physio to help her get mobile!

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Another beautiful and sunny morning.  We are expecting to get into the low 90's this afternoon.  Yesterday we had a heat index of 105.  The housekeeper is due here this morning.  After she arrives we will head to Costco for a few items.  Pat is up and dressed and wants to go with me today.  I just hope the riding carts are available. 

Carol, I am sure the smoke in the air is very annoying and probably not very healthy either for those with any type of lung problem.  They had on the news last night a piece about the many fires burning in the West and a number of homes lost and more in danger.  You know my computer keeps making spelling mistakes also--bad computer!  :)

Judy, it must be a relief for Pat to finally be back in her home although I am sure it will be a struggle for her.  She has been done so long that it will probably take quite a bit of therapy to get her very mobile again but hopefully the hip pain will be greatly lessened.  Thanks for letting us know. 


Pat is home.  She has a bad case of pink eye, is now on medication for that. 

My blood sugar battle continues, as long as I don't exert myself I am fine, any exertion and the bottom drops out of my glucose.  I sometimes think that diabetics have it easier, they can exercise, walk do whatever and their glucose goes to normal.  I do any of that and I have to have candy with me, and feel like I am always eating...... Well God has a purpose for this as well.

We have beautiful weather here, lots of sun, and more than enough rain.  Another week and John will be working on hay with our neighbor.

Please pray for Chris Saunders and his wife Margit.  She is in a bad way, Stage 4 (I believe) cancer.  She is not wanting to eat or drink.  Please pray.

Have a great weekend folks.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another beautiful Saturday morning here in South Carolina.  Last evening we had a very nice 20 minute or so shower.  There were more storms in the area but fortunately we only got some lightning, thunder and rain.  Again today it will get into the lower 90's.  The heat here yesterday was very oppressive as the humidity was high and probably will be again today.  I do have to get out to do a little shopping at Aldi's and will likely attend a meeting this morning before doing the shopping.  I plan on watching the last 2 or 3 hours of the third round of the golf tournament.  Pat is going to fix a roast in the Instant Pot so we will be having a tasty dinner tonight.

Judy, so sorry that Pat is having to deal with pink eye as well as all of her other problems as she goes into rehab.  I wonder if the pink eye was going around in the hospital?  It sounds like you are having quite a struggle with the blood sugar.  I don't recall hearing of anyone having such problems if they were not diabetic.  Is there any treatment for this condition?  I sure don't envy John having to work out in the hay field although I guess the big round bales do not require the manual labor that the smaller ones used to where you had to pick them up by hand and load them on a wagon.  So sorry to hear about Margit.  I will add them into my prayers.     


Tonight, two sons are coming for dinner.  The crock pot is just starting for a long slowo cooking of an old bean casserole.  Don was able to help a friend with her phone and she will save money now.   One of our boys will install a railing on the brick wall at the front door.  It is the north side and we have to be careful - good to have that safety bar either way.  I am forcing myself to clear the clutter.  There are many patterns being packed to give to Salvation Army and and a lot of stuff our children do not want.  Embroidery is becoming too difficult someone else can enjoy a bag of floss. 

Continued prayers for Pat - Judy & John, and Margrit & Chris.  Pat, I hope you are sleeping better in your own bed.

Judy, I have never heard of low-sugar problem not related to Diabetes either.  Could daily injections help at all?  Or, regular timed sugar pills? 

Larry:  We read Aldi's is coming to this area.  It sounds most interesting.  We do like our smaller store called Sprouts for fresh veggies and other things - and I check the discounts at two big grocery stores.  What size pot did Pat get?  It is becoming the popular thing here. 

We live a few miles from one of the busiest commercial airports in the country but today surpasses anything I have heard before - of course, doors are open here in the cooler morning. 


Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is an overcast morning and they say the rain has moved out for awhile.  I will go to Sunday School and Church on this Father's Day and then if Pat decides not to attend Church I will stop and get something to bring home for lunch as usual as we seldom cook anything on Sunday's.  I do plan on watching the end of the U. S. Open Golf Tournament this afternoon.  It is an extremely hard course and all of the players seem to be struggling.  I need to try to do the walking in the house as haven't done it the last couple days as just didn't have the energy and I had walked a lot at Aldi's yesterday morning. 

I thought this was a really nice, thoughtful and appropriate Devotional that I got in one of the reading I get each morning.

A Praying Father
(By Henry Bosch)
(Provided by Our Daily Bread, RBC Ministries, 6-15-03 devotional)

"Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications! In Your faithfulness answer me." - Psalm 143:1

A minister concluded his sermon one Sunday by saying, "If there's someone here who wants help in getting to know God, and you would like me to pray for you, please raise your hand." A young man stood up and said, "Please pray for me, sir. The burden of my sin is too heavy to bear."

After the service the minister talked with the man and led him to faith in Jesus. The young man had been wandering around the country for 8 years without contacting his parents, so he decided to write to them and tell them about the change in his life.

Several days later, a reply came from his mother: "My dear son, you must have accepted Jesus Christ at the same hour your father went home to heaven. He had been sick for a long time, and that day he was very restless. He tossed from side to side on his bed, crying out, 'Lord, please save my poor, wandering boy.' I'm sure that one of the reasons you became a Christian was Dad's unceasing intercession."

A praying father will "ask," "seek," and "knock" on behalf of his children, persistently trusting his wise heavenly Father to do what is best (Matthew 7:7-11).

Let's thank God today for faithful fathers who never stop praying for their children.

"We thank You, Lord, for fathers true
Who always spoke to us of You;
Their great concern and tender care
Assured us of their constant prayer."

A praying father reflects the love of our heavenly Father.

Carol, I bet your friend really appreciated Don's help with her phone and a penny saved is a penny earned.  Glad you will be getting the railing as we can never be too careful at our age.  I am planning on getting a ramp put at our garage door to our house and will put a hand rail on the wall and possibly on the open side as well although that is more of a problem.  Pat no longer does embroidery either.  I hope your new Aldi's will be close enough to you so that you can give it a try.  I find we save a lot of money by shopping there.  Pat got the 8 quart Instant Pot and it is pretty large.  We leave it at the end of our island where the post is with the plug in.  It is too heavy to try to store in one of the cabinets.  Getting the original appliance is just the beginning as there are a lot of accessory type pans and equipment you can get to go with it and I think Pat has most of them now.  It is very nice as she was able to make our roast beef dinner last evening in much less time than fixing it in the oven and it was very tender.