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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts of the Month~ June/July

Started by JudyB, June 05, 2018, 07:02:56 PM

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Ruth Ann:  Nice to see your post.  I do hope your hand mends soon.  Belated Happy Birthday to you. 

The rain came yesterday after months of drought.  It did bring mudslides in some areas where the hills are so steep so that is a mess and problem too.  The air is so clear and heavy with moisture today - something very welcome on this unusual year.  We heard the western slope crop of peaches is damaged due to a fungus and they are painting the bark on the young trees to try to save a future crop. 

I have a quilt meeting tonight and just am not in the mood to go - Don has two friends coming to play Cribbage so I need to get out of here.  A good friend of ours has taken in a granddaughter - our friend is considered elderly.  That is quite an undertaking and huge change to have a teenager in her house again.  I am praying for her health. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. There are storms predicted for our area today but they may miss us as they did yesterday.  It is to be another day in the 80's.  The only thing on the schedule for today is we plan on going out for our main meal around lunch time and then Scott plans on coming over this evening for a couple of hours.  I just finished fixing Pat's breakfast and had already emptied the dish washer.  I also folded up some kitchen towels and other related type items.  Other than fill my pill boxes for 2 weeks and take out the trash a little later I don't really have much else I expect to do today. Yesterday was just a nice quiet day of rest. 

Carol, glad you got some rain but too bad about the mudslides and the harm to the peach crop.  I sure feel for grandparents who have to take on the responsibility of raising grandchildren but there is a lot of that occurring and perhaps always has.   


We had flood warnings along with severe hail damage near our area yesterday - the cell phone alerts us.  So, there was no way anyone was going to drive across town for the quilt gathering.  This may occur in the afternoon today as well. 

Reading daily "Jesus Always" and "Jesus Calling was the first one I read.  Nice to start the day.    I cleaned and oiled my neighbor's sewing machine and it still has a loud sound to it probably for not being used in ages.  We had a nice two-hour visit anyway.   :)

Chicken soup is in the crock pot.  We have already had two meals out of that chicken and now there is still a lot of meat & bone to simmer. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Late last evening we had a nice rain and it was perfect timing as the lawn people were here just yesterday.  It is to get to the low 90's again today but only a slight chance of rain.  I will go to coffee, after a brief stop at Walmart for a prescription, and then picking up my friend at the retirement home.  Yesterday didn't really turn out much like I thought it might.  We decided to not go out to eat (maybe will do so today) and although Scott came over he stayed for only maybe 30 minutes or so as he had been fighting a migraine headache all day long and he thought it was better when he came over but it came back after he got here. 

Carol, glad you avoided the hail as know you have already been down that path a couple of times in years past.  I don't have either of the two devotional books you mentioned although I think Pat does have one of them.  I know they are sometimes the source of our Sunday School devotional readings.  The chicken soup sound delicious.  Pat will make that often when we have had a couple of meals from one of the rotisserie chickens we get at Costco and there is still a lot of meat left on the bones.   


It is quiet before another storm.  Yesterday, we watched a car disappear (on the news) into a massive sink hole that was right on a street.  Fortunately, the driver was rescued. 

Larry:  The fat baked chickens from COSTCO yield at least three meals plus a sandwich or two. It is a bargain.   There is a two quart container of soup in the fridge.  Glad that you like it too.  Sorry that Scott had a severe headache - do you think it could be an allergy? 


Where is Janet, are you ok....
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Our high temperature is suppose to get to 90 degrees again today with the possibility of more afternoon showers.  We did have a nice shower yesterday right after noon.  We had decided to wait until mid-afternoon to go to Wifesaver's for our main meal of the day and by then the rains were over.  Today the housekeeper will be here and that is all that is on the schedule.  I don't expect to go anywhere today.  I am well into an ebook and another audio book so will probably spend time on both today. 

Carol, I saw the pictures of that car as it suddenly sank into the sink hole.  Certainly glad they were able to rescue the driver.  We usually have about the same experience as you with the Costco chicken.  The last time I got the rotisserie chicken strips and they worked very well for us and avoided having to deal with the chicken bones. 

Jackie, I have been concerned about Janet as well.  I know Darrel was in the hospital and she had the county fair to deal with as well as the surgery site in her lower leg breaking open and was in a lot of pain.  I keep hoping each morning to see a posting from her. I just looked at her Facebook page and she had posted about 8 hours ago saying they were home.  I will let her explain her situation but if you do Facebook you can just search for her and see her posting.   


Larry Hanna...
...no, I dont do facebook but, happy you came across a posting from Janet, it puts my mind more at ease...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Jackie, here I am!  Thanks for asking!  What a week we have had!  In the middle of all the work at the county fair, Darrel suddenly started having terrible pain in his upper right side.  Thinking it was the ribs that pop out of place sometimes, he had 3 chiropractic treatments in two days, by Wednesday night, he stood up all night holding onto the kitchen counter, groaning in pain, unable to sit or lie down.  I kept asking him what he wanted to do, he didn't give me any answers.  Finally, at 1:00 AM, he said, "I can't stand it!  You've got to do something!"  My response was that I'd been trying to do something all night!  I told him he had to go to the hospital, but he said he couldn't get in the car because he couldn't sit down!  Call the EMTs!  I told him they couldn't haul him standing up, either, and the first thing they would do, before leaving the driveway, would be put in an IV, delaying his relief even longer!

By 2:00 AM I got him in the car and took him to the ER here in Ulysses.  They put in an IV and got orders for pain meds, so he could get some relief.
Called the PA on call, took him for a scan, which showed fluid in his lung, possible pneumonia.  Other guesses were kidney stones, gall stones, and two or three other things I can't remember now.  PA asked if he could admit him to hospital and watch him for a day or two, and Darrel agreed. 

After they got him settled in a room and he seemed more comfortable, it was around 7 AM Thursday.  The rooms we'd been in for hours were as cold as meat lockers and I was chilled to the bone!  I came home, took a hot shower and washed my hair, then slept for about two hours.  Went to check on him, he was still having pain; they were still doing tests.  I went out to the fair and told them I'd probably not be able to finish my duties, found people to cover for me.  The hot shower had soaked the steri strips off my ankle wound and it was open and oozing; so the next time I was at the hospital I had a nurse look at it.  She said it was open, deep, and I was in danger of getting infection in the bone and losing my foot!  :o  Not something you want to hear!  She said for me to get myself back to the surgeon in Garden City and get it taken care of asap!  Sigh....

Well, not knowing what they would do in GC, I called my daughter Diane and asked if she could drive me to the app't I had made.  She did, it wasn't that bad, they just said to do wet-to-dry dressings every day (something it turned out to be difficult to do by myself, very awkward.)  Anyway....We were halfway to Garden City when the hospital called to say they were transferring Darrel from Ulysses to Garden via ambulance, as he was still in horrible pain and they don't have the personnel or facilities to take care of him.  I told them we were already halfway there and to tell Darrel I would meet him there.  We did; they were just moving him into ICU, for possible chest tube placement.  Soon after that was done, the surgeon told us it wasn't going to work, as the fluid around (not in) the lung was too thick and sticky to drain.  He said he isn't an expert on the kind of surgery needed next and recommended calling Eagle Med to fly Darrel to Wichita!  I agreed; they were called from Dodge City; and I kept asking if I could fly with him, not getting an answer.  Finally, the nurse who was making the arrangements came in and asked me how much I weigh, I said 150# and she said, "You can go!"  If I'd been really big, I couldn't have!  It took a while for them to arrive, get him and the equipment on the gurney, go via ambulance out to the airport, load him on the plane; then about 55 minute flight to Wichita airport, then via ambulance to Via Christi Hospital.

I looked at the time as they were getting him into bed; it was around 8:00 PM.  I had gone to Garden with Diane without a purse, a credit card, checks, only some money in my pocket to buy Diane's and my lunch!!  Of course, no pills, no change of clothes, etc.  So, for the first two nights, I sat in a terribly uncomfortable recliner in his room in the CTICU, getting a few snatches of sleep. 

On Saturday, he had a big surgery, involving a 9 inch incision, removal of part of his right lung, because of a huge abcess on it, taking out over a liter of infected fluid around the lung, and installing two separate drain tubes. He was really miserable afterward, but the initial pain was gone.  They all told him that once the chest tubes came out, he would feel much, much better.

On Saturday night, my faithful Diane brought me what I needed from home, as they had to go to Manhattan and help Abby move.  So I was able to get a room at the 316 Motel across the street from the hospital.  What a relief (and there's another story about that, for another post!)

They took out the chest tubes on Wednesday, and he did feel much better, was able to walk better, etc.  And on Thursday morning, they said he could leave in an hour and a half!!!  I said, "No, he can't, because I don't have a car here, and my daughter has a 4 hour drive to get here!"  They said as long as she was on the way, we could leave when she got there!  And that's enough of that long story for today!  He is doing well, with my help.  And I'm okay, too.  ;)
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


...oh what a nightmare week you both had, one you dont ever want repeated...as they say..." we never know what is waiting for us round that next corner " and it certainly rings true with that age old adage of..." no two days are ever the same..." sending a :grouphug: now you need to take care of you and your leg wound...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Ruth Ann Bice

i am sad to learn of janet and their problems.

so good to hear all comments.

may our lord bless us as we need his comfort daily.

love to all.

ruth ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It looks like we are in for another hot and humid day with not much likelihood of any rain.  This was one of those morning I didn't want to arise and get going.  The only thing I plan to do today, besides the morning chores in the kitchen and getting Pat's breakfast, is to attend a meeting this morning.  I hope to watch some golf later this afternoon.  About the only thing I completed yesterday was to finish the ebook I was reading and also listen to a couple of hours of my audio book.  We did get a very pleasant and unexpected surprise yesterday when I got the mail as there was a check in the mail from our local hospital for a sizeable amount marked as having been a refund.  There was no indication what it related to and I have to wonder if an audit was performed on last year showing we had been over billed.  I don't expect the mail to be as friendly today. 

Janet, it was certainly good to see your posting this morning and my what an ordeal for Darrel and for you.  He, at least got to lay down while in the hospital.  Hopefully much better days are ahead for both of you in getting healed up and able to resume your normal lives.  I sure hope you both feel better everyday and so glad the infection hadn't started in your leg before you had it checked out.  So glad that if this had to happen it was before you were away on your mission trip. 

Jackie and Ruth Ann, I join you in being relieved to see that Darrel and Janet are back home.


Larry Hanna...
...remember the well known Idiom of...

" never look a gift horse in the mouth.."

Now how are you going to spend your unexpected windfall?
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Janet:  Such a trial for you and Darrel.  I have heard too many stories of mis-diagnosis  lately and great that the doctors found the cause of pain.  I have never heard of that problem before you wrote this message.  Our neighbor and friend had a sudden surgery for a gall bladder removal.  He is doing fine after a lenghty wait at admission - that was so wrong for an emergency station. 

Our weekly greeting from the USAF - fly boys - just came through.  Always a treat (to me) to know they are on duty. 

Reading about the terrible fires in California and I just saw my brother on Facebook - he is a volunteer fireman in the eastern Washington area.  Fires have started there too. 


Thank you, Ruth Ann!  I know you have a hand problem and are typing with only one hand.  So sweet of you to think of us!

Larry, Jackie, and Carol--thanks to all of you, as well.  We are doing pretty well, I think.  Got Darrel showered this morning; changed his bandages, but he was too tired for me to cut his hair, will get that done later.  And he really needs to shave!  ;)  Then he will look much better as well as feeling better!

I asked John to make a quick trip to the store for bread and some pills Darrel needed.  He (John) had come out to bring me more that he wrote for the book, and he's always happy to help out.  He watered for us and took care of the cat while we were gone; called me every day with reports.  :)

Carol, I surely had never heard of this problem before, either!  So painful! The fires are so devastating!  And floods in other areas!  This old world is being shaken!

Larry, what a nice surprise windfall!!  Happy for you!  That doesn't happen often, for sure!  We got the bill for the air transport to Wichita already---$47,500.00!!!  So glad we purchased the insurance!  Like you, I finished an ebook on my phone yesterday.  I was so tired I told Darrel I needed to sit down and rest, he said, "Well, sit!"  :)  (I wasn't asking permission!   :lol:) So while sitting, I read.

My month as "guest artist" at The main Artery starts on Tuesday, which means a lot of work for me to get paintings chosen for display, make sure the frames are clean and have proper wire for hanging, etc.  They want 15 to 25 pieces for that.  All the press releases have already been sent.  So guess what I will be working on this afternoon?  I had the best night's sleep last night I've had since this nightmare with Darrel began; but I'm still feeling tired.  Guess I need more than one night to catch up!

I wish you all a wonderful day!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.Hi everyone.  It is a bright and sunny morning with some possibility of rain later today.  The only thing on my schedule for today is Church this morning.  Pat will not be going as she has been fighting a cold for the last two or three days.  After Church I will pick up something to eat for our main meal of the day.  I did attend my meeting yesterday morning and then stopped at Arby's for lunch and the rest of the day was pretty quiet.  I did prepare the salads for our salad dinner last night. 

Jackie, I do remember that Idiom and often use it.  I am putting those extra, unexpected funds, into the savings account I use to pay our taxes and insurance on the house.  The taxes are once a year and the insurance is once a year except for the car which is every six months.  Both require a fair outlay of funds to pay. 

Carol, I didn't really understand your weekly greeting from the USAF?  Is this a general newsletter from the USAF.  Do you have relatives in the Air Force?  I don't remember you speaking of having that situation.  Sorry to hear the fires have now started in eastern Washington and having your brother back on the firelines. 

Janet, I am sure not shaving isn't a very important thing for Darrel and since he isn't out and about there is no rush.  However, I am sure the shower felt mighty good.  I am glad John was faithful to what he said he would do and kept in close contact with you while you were so far away.  Since we have access to good hospitals not more than 6 or 7 miles from us we should never need to be transported by air to another hospital but I knew we should probably never say never.  Glad to see you sat down to rest and please don't push yourself too hard as it sounds like you might be getting back on that "gerbil wheel".  I know it must be a nice honor to have your painting featured at the Artery. 


Larry, it looks as if you have been the lone sentinel here in our CP site today!  But now I'm here, too!   :)

Darrel didn't feel up to going to church this morning, so we just took it easy.
He did let me cut his hair, but hasn't shaved yet.  Since he needs to see the doctor tomorrow, he will probably shave tonight or in the morning.  He's still having significant pain and eating next to nothing.  But he is getting up without any help and walking without using the walker.

Our church had a fellowship dinner today, so John called me when service was out and I drove in and picked up food for us.  Darrel ate a very few bites of it.  It was nice to see and greet some of my friends there. 

I got my paintings rounded up and cleaned; took them in and we got them hung; so that's one worry off my list!   I'm really trying not to get over-burdened again.  Really.   8)

I hope everyone is enjoying a restful Sunday.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We have another overcast morning with only a low percentage chance of rain today.  Yesterday we had some thunder but no showers in our neighborhood.  It looks like we will stay in the upper 80's this afternoon.  The weather forecast says we are in for very heavy rains this week. We had a very good Sunday School and Church Service yesterday.  Our new Associate Minister gave an excellent sermon, the first time he preached in our Church, as our regular pastor was up in North Carolina on a well earned weeks vacation last week.  My calendar is clear for today other than getting Pat's breakfast when she arises this morning.

Janet, I am glad I am up to posting here each day and helping keep this discussion active.  I keep hoping some new people will join with us but am thankful for those who do participate, even if they are not able to leave a posting everyday. It would have been pushing things a bit for Darrel to try to go to Church yesterday after what he has been through in the last few days.  We don't realize how much energy some of the things we do without thinking about them, such as shaving takes.  Just being in bed in the hospital for several days does a number on ones energy plus the trauma of the pain and surgery.  Also if he is eating very little that would impact his energy, as I am sure you know.  It does sound like each day he is making improvement.  Nice of your Church to share their fellowship dinner with you yesterday.  Glad to read your painting exhibition preparation is completed and hope you will be able to find some period of time just for Janet this week to recharge your batteries. 

Larry Hanna

I had to come back and share this link to a wonderful and inspiring video I just watched.  It will inspire you and hope help make your day.  It is called "the Wisest Person I Ever Met". 

Click Here


Oh Larry Hanna...how my face and smile changed when he told the story of the loss of his wife...I so wasn't expecting that...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Larry, thanks for sharing that.  It puts my present problems into perspective, for sure.  "How am I living?"  I'll try to remember that question often.

I finally succeeded in getting hold of Darrel's doctor this morning, and got a 3:30 appointment for him---YEA!!

AND.....I finished the book Walking Beth Home yesterday!  Now I have to figure out how to transmit it to the publisher as a Word Document.  Always new problems to conquer.  I just remembered that I want to do a dedication for it, also.

Inch by inch, the things a cinch........so they say!  So I need to go make an inch worth of progress!   ;)
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

good morning.

i'm thankful that this site is still active, too.

our apartments are being renovated so i have to  move to a motel for 8-10 weeks. this happens friday.  i hope i can stay in touch.

love to all
ruth ann

...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


...I really like the title you have given it, it has a twist to it...as walking is now one of our hardest things to do, as we are no longer in control of it anymore...I am more than sure Beth made the journey by placing one foot in front of the other...Yes she " walked " back home....
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Ruth Ann:  I sure hope that you will have wi-fi as we almost come to expect it at a motel anymore.  Take care and continue to keep in touch as much as possible. 

This brother is a volunteer fireman and he drives a water truck plus does mop up - washing down the areas after the guys have been raking, etc.  He had to drive out very suddenly because the fire came up so fast - it sure peaked his adrenaline.  Last year, he spent an entire night hosing down a house and they saved a house so he does what he can - retired now and a volunteer , he usually goes to car accidents. 

Larry:  I love planes and Don was Air Force - I like to call it my personal greeting. 

Janet:  That is a horrible bill for an air transport.  I hope your insurance covers most of that bill.We carry evacuation insurance too but most people don't.  Glad that Darrel is home recovering. 

I had to take a break from sewing another quilt.  It keeps getting larger. 


Well Good afternoon folks.

The wedding went off without a hitch.  Elizabeth Martin looked lovely.  The 2 wee girls were wonderful.  We have welcomed Rob Martin into the family.

Had an accidental call from Pat last night.  She was going outside to pick some blackberries and encountered a skunk.  She backed up quickly and fell.  In doing so she avoided being sprayed.....and broke her wrist!  She has been through so much that this almost feels like the last straw.  Again Please pray for Pat. 

I can't get over the ingratitude of some people.....you give and give and give....and they are offended when we stop giving! Oh well God knows the dilemma!  It is iin his hands.

God bless you all.  I will change the page on Wednesday.


So sorry to hear of Pat's latest mishap!  Hope that wrist heals miraculously fast!!  Yes, Ingratitude is really a bad thing.  Judy, who took Pat to the Dr. or hospital?  I know you live a long way from her, so am wondering.

Ruth Ann, I surely hope, too, that you have a good internet connection!
Sorry you're being "displaced" for a time, but hope your "spiffed-up" apartment will be worth the hassle!   <3

Carol, I remember you said "No more queen sized quilts!"  What size is this one growing to be?

I took Darrel to our primary doctor today, and he said he doesn't really even need any rehab, as he is doing remarkably well!!  Praise God!!

Jackie, Beth wanted to walk again, so much!  She hadn't been able to walk in nearly 20 years!  Now she's running free!!  No more restrictions at all!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


...yes, Beth " walked " towards God, and He set her to " run " free....

...you have heard of that expression..." you give someone an inch and they will take a yard - mile.."
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Tuesday starts out overcast once again with a high percentage likelihood of rain this afternoon. It is suppose to stay in the mid-80's today.  I have something I need to do at 10 am for an hour this morning and then, if Pat feels up to it we will probably go to Cheddars again for our main meal of the day.  Nothing of note happened yesterday and the day of rest was appreciated. 

Janet, I enjoyed the humor but also the wisdom expressed in that speech.  I don't know when it was given but I hadn't seen it before.  That was a good report from Darrel's doctor and nice that he doesn't have to go through PT.  Did you have to format your books in a certain way in terms of margins, etc?  If it is a Word document I would think you should be able to email it to the publisher or perhaps furnish it on a thumb drive.  I do hope you have your manuscript backed up in a couple of places.  Facing life just a step at a time does make the difficult doable and not so overwhelming. 

Ruth Ann, I am sure you will appreciate a renovated apartment but having to live in a motel for 8-10 weeks sure isn't a pleasant thought.  At least you should have housekeeping services.  Will you have a kitchenette.  I hope you get one with a very comfortable bed.  Does everything have to be moved out of your apartment?

Carol, your brother does valuable work and sure glad he isn't having to do the manual work of handling the fire hose and spraying it on the fire or the other duties like the raking.  Obviously the fire fighters get satisfaction from their efforts to help others.  Do you have a large sewing table to help handle your quilts as they get larger?

Judy, glad the wedding was enjoyed as it is time for happiness for your family after the great sadness of the last few weeks.  I hope Rob Martin is a great addition to your family.  I was so saddened to read that Pat has broken her wrist as she sure doesn't need another set back.  It seems that after people have been takers for so long they gain a sense of entitlement and that is sad.  Thanks for changing the page.  May I suggest editing the title on this page to show both June and July.  I went in one day to do that and found I couldn't remember the exact steps and never came back to try again.  I appreciate your doing this for our discussion.  I hope you and John are feeling better each day.

Jackie, I appreciate your encouraging thoughts and your attention to birthdays as that is something I am terrible about keeping track of. 

Ruth Ann Bice

yes, everything is to be in storage.

so sorry pat's wrist is broken.

i will try to keep in touch.

ruth ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We had a very rainy night getting about 1 1/4 inches of rain and more on the way today.  However, it will stay in the low to mid-80's again today.  Yesterday afternoon Pat and I went to Ruby Tuesdays to enjoy their $5 salad bar and it was good.  We made it there and back between rain storms.  This morning I plan a trip to Costco for several items and hopefully Scott will go with me.  Then this evening we expect that Scott will be out to spend a couple of hours with us, something we really enjoy.  We just hope he doesn't have to work tonight as this is suppose to be his day off. 

Ruth Ann, what a job to have to move everything into storage.  Are they just doing a few apartments at a time for the remodeling?  It will be like moving to a new place when you can return and get resettled.