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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts of the Month~ June/July

Started by JudyB, June 05, 2018, 07:02:56 PM

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Larry: Thank you for the devotion.  I don't believe in coincidence and that is a great example of a lesson to be learned. 

I am still struggling with the Windows 10 that for some reason flips my typing to a different space - for instance, I stalled here for a nano second and looked up to find that my typing was going to the first line of this note.  If anyone has an idea of this issue, please let me know - am about to google the weird problem. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I have problems with right shoulder -  I can't lift it to comb hair.

So typing is almost impossible. This has been a rough 3 weeks.

Love to all,

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Hi everyone on a day that starts out at 70 degrees with 100% humidity and will get to the mid-90's or above on a sunny day with no chance of rain.  I did water the lawn this morning.  Yesterday at Church was our Associate Pastor's last Sunday with us and he preached a really good sermon.  He is headed to Hampton, SC and will pastor two small churches.  Our new Associate Pastor will start on July 1.  I had a nice quiet afternoon and evening.  Nothing on the schedule for today but sure I will find something to keep me occupied. 

Carol, I think your problem with the cursor moving to a different line where you don't want it is the result of you accidentally touching the little touch pad below the keyboard.  There should be a setting, on my laptop is it Function Key + F8 key that toggles this function on and off.  There is also a setting in the Control Panel where you find printers that should disable this function.  We don't need this function when we use a mouse.  In the past I have also taken a piece of card board or several index cards Scotch taped together and used Scotch tape on placed over the touch pad and this prevented me accidentally grazing it and moving the cursor. 

Ruth Ann, so sorry to see you have a new problem with your right shoulder.  I knew we had been missing your postings for a few days.  I do hope you will get better soon.  Thanks for letting us know.   


We are back home again!  The Zurvita convention was great; we learned a lot and saw so many receive awards for their success in the business!  We don't really expect that level of advancement, as we are lots older than most; plus we just aren't "hungry" enough. (But don't tell anyone in the company I said that!)  :-X

We are happy to be home, and I'm feeling pressured to do five days worth of work today to get back on track!  Think I can do it?  ;)

Judy, I sincerely think Zeal would help you with your low blood sugar problem.  If you're interested, I can send you some samples, or you can contact me and I can get you in touch with someone who knows a lot more than I do!  So good to hear Pat is home, hope she doesn't try to overdo now that her pain is less.  I know that's always a temptation!

So good to read the posts here, but I'm sad that so many have stopped posting.  If you're looking in, please know that we miss you!

So much to do, so little time!
My book Rising Above available at


Ruth Ann, nice to see your post.  Sorry for your shoulder pain.  Don uses Bio-Freeze and sometimes I make an Epson Salt poultice and tie an old kitchen towel around it for about 15 minutes then he takes a warm shower.  None are perfect but sometimes it will ease the pain. 

More computer and my old E-reader problems - it just gets so frustrating having to fix things all the time.  Larry, we keep on fixing things and it just seems like we are slower every year.  Thank you - it is turned off.  We did that two days ago and it did not stay off - go figure! 

We had a gulley washer yesterday with a lake forming in the ravine.  Tonight, the storm looks like it is heading to the north end of town. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are headed to 98 degrees with high humidity this afternoon.  I am meeting a friend for lunch around 11:30 this morning and beyond that plan to stay home and in where it is cool the rest of the day.  I just fixed Pat's breakfast and have the other kitchen work done for this morning. 

Janet, I know conventions like you attended really boost up ones enthusiasm.  I sure hope you didn't try to do 5 days worth of work yesterday  as that would be too much.  I second your comment about missing those folks who used to post here or those that may be looking in but haven't joined us in the conversations we have.  Sometimes, like today, I don't have much to write about but post anyway to be sure we keep the discussion active.  We always welcome new folks who very quickly become cyber friends. 

Carol, I relate to your comment about getting tired trying to keep things fixed.  Now Pat has a problem with her printer and I haven't a clue.  I sure wish one could buy a simple printer.  I really like my inexpensive black and white Brother's laser printer as it never fails me and the cartridge makes many copies.  However, it will have to be a color printer as Pat prints copies of a lot of things.  Unfortunately it seems that a gully washer doesn't do too much good but guess it is better than none. 


It took some time but Don figured out how to Block the spam in my email.  It should be automatically blocked since it is so obvious - being sent in from the UK.  Always something. 

The storm yesterday caused heavy damage with hail north of the city - as everyone say, "There goes our roof insurance bill!  In three years time, we have had two new roofs. 

All of the above thoughts are meaningless - we have other issues to pray about.  It is a "Let Go, Let God" time. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone on this already hot morning and a day headed to a heat index of 105 degrees this afternoon and still a day to go before summer officially begins. Nothing particular on the schedule for today until this evening when Scott will be coming out to spend a few hours with us.  Pat is fixing ribs in the Instant Pot and will fix some of her delicious baked beans to go with some macaroni salad and perhaps a lettuce salad if anyone wants one. We have some ice cream bars in the freezer for dessert so it shouldn't be a hard meal to prepare for this evening.   

Carol, glad the spam in your email has been blocked.  Are you having more hail out your way than usual this year.  Glad it missed you this time.

Jane Walker

Good Morning, once again, from the beautiful south coast of Oregon! :wave:  I happily made it home yesterday evening, after about a week and a half in the "warm" California sunshine.  Actually, just ahead of more triple digit temperatures.  :-[ 

I managed to attend graduations and 8th grade promotions and help celebrate two birthdays for great grandchildren.  Also, got four of my grandkids together for the first time in many years ? we had dinner at Olive Garden Saturday and Dot and her three girls (with accompanying children and boy friend) were able to greet and visit with my grandson David and his two sons, whom they haven't seen since Jean's funeral. They were able to become "friend" on Face Book, so hopefully that means they will stay in touch with one another. 

I had my return trip via train cancelled, and rescheduled, three times until finally I just asked for a refund and came home via Greyhound. Just another adventure, but quite tiring and I was very happy to see Nita waiting as the bus pulled in, and bring me the rest of the way home.  :thumbsup:

Now it's back to basics here ? I need to unpack and do laundry and get hold of the man who is supposed to keep my yard looking decent -- which it does not at the moment! There are a few other chores that have been neglected around here that need my attention, and I'll need to make a grocery run before too long.

I just thought I'd check in and let y'all know I'm back from my sojourn in California and possibly ready to dig in again and get stuff taken care of around here.

I was able to keep up with all your posts and prayer needs while away, because I had access to my granddaughter's computer, so I kept an eye on y'all.   ;)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Jane:  That was very nice of you to keep an eye on us!  What a wonderful visit you had with so many of the family.  That train schedule has a problem - so nice of Nita to pick you up at the station.  I haven't seen her posting in here for quite some time. 

Larry:  Dinner sounds delicious - when Pat is making it!  Hail isn't uncommon here - it was terrible for the crops in other counties this time.  The news showed where one man secured quilts and other things on the roof of his car - still, the front window was cracked.  --Don makes birthday cards for everyone on the printer and they like the personal touch.  I started with an old Hallmark program and he now enjoys making every card/

I am steadily clearing things out of the house - the worst decisions are when I look at fabric and/or mementos from my parents, grandparents - anything from Sweden. 


I guess I'll go green again today!  But our blue lady is still among the missing--where are you, Jackie?  Come on back!
Jane!  Good to have you back--welcome home!  Sounds as if your trip/visit was really nice, but I know it always feels good to get back home, whether we have been away for only a few days or much longer.  Glad you stayed up with us, and thanks for praying!

Yesterday was my birthday!!   :) :thumbsup:  I get to start a whole new year, and see if I can make it the best one so far!  8)  I'm very thankful to still be well and strong as I begin my 78th year.  Abby texted me yesterday and asked how old I am, I answered 110; she said "Cool!"  :lol:

I enjoyed my painting class again today.  Did another WC still life, this time of an old coal bucket with some flowers and an American flag.  Another lady and I found it (the actual item, I mean) in the "antiques" side of the place where we paint.  She did hers horizontally; I did mine vertically.  They look very different from the other! We did have permission to borrow it for a few hours; then we put it back!

Carol, I was thinking about you when we saw all that hail up your way on TV.  We finally got a nice rain of 1.2 inches last night!!  Scott City, about80 miles North had over 8 inches and is flooded!  And Falfurious, Texas, near where Darrel's brother lived, got 14 inches!   :o

The scrapbooking gals I meet with at the library are "celebrating me" tomorrow with a little birthday party!  So I get to enjoy "my" day even longer!  ^-^

I'm headed to bed now.  G'night!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is going to be another very hot day.  I have already watered my lawn this morning.  I had thought I had set it to automatic but obviously hadn't so I had to manually set it this morning.  My main activity will be to pick up my friend and we will go to coffee for an hour.  I don't have any other errands to take care of this morning.  I think we may go out to eat for our main meal today but it will depend on how Pat is feeling this morning.  Scott was out for awhile but was so weary from working extra long hours that he didn't stay very long after our dinner.  The ribs and the rest of the meal were very tasty.  It was just the three of us for dinner.  We did get to speak to the youngest and the oldest of our great grandchildren on the phone. 

Jane, welcome home.  It sounds like you avoided the hot temperatures down in the area you were visiting.  I am sure getting to have your four grandkids together will remain a highlight of your trip. Sure glad you checked in to let us know you are safely home.  Sometimes we need an eye kept on us!! :)

Carol, yes Pat made the dinner.  She put the baked bean casserole together in the morning (I had set everything out for her) and the macaroni salad was made a couple of days ago but she added more eggs and mayo to it as it had become a bit dry.  The ribs came out so fall off the bone tender from the Instant Pot.  She waited until Scott got her to fix them.  He took all of the left overs home with him.  He still loves his mother's cooking as do I.  I used to make our birthday and other cards we sent but haven't done that for a long time.  We also have the old Hallmark program as well as the old American Greeting card software. 

Janet, Happy Birthday.  I was shocked to read elsewhere that it was and you hadn't mentioned it.  I rely on someone mentioning a birthday as don't follow or have a list.  You are about 8 months older than I am.  Do you wonder sometimes where the years have gone.  I know you will enjoy your special little party at the scrapbooking group.  I am always thankful to have been given another year to live.  I bet your painting was beautiful.  Are you going to post it on Facebook? I sure wouldn't want to get 8 or 14 inches of rain at one time. 


Good morning!  I have a to do list today, and as soon as I post this, I'm going to town and start on it!

Larry, I did remember that I'm a few months older than you.  But Pat Scott Halbach is 9 days older than me!!  ;D  We always joke about that.  I sure miss her being able to post.  I hope Judy gives us another update soon.

Yes, I posted the new WC on FB, but it is sideways; I didn't get it edited quick enough.  So you will have to exercise your neck to see it right!   ;)

Ruth Ann, I hope your shoulder pain is much relieved by now.  God bless you.

Janice, how are you doing?  I hope your MD is better and your body pain is less.   <3

Time to go get busy on that list!  And if I have a little time, will get back to work on the book.
I got the laundry all done already except for taking out the last load from the dryer and getting it processed.

See you later!
My book Rising Above available at


...I am here, I am ok, thank you for missing me... :wave:
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Jackie, that is beautiful!  Thank you so much!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet:  Belated happy birthday! 

Jackie:  Nice to see you posting.

Every time I walk downstairs, I try to bring up one more thing to donate.  The problem with having a basement is there is too much room to stash everything - just in case someone wants it later.  As for weather - it seems to be looking milder in the afternoons now. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another bright and sunny morning that started out at 75 degrees and headed into the high 90's. 

When I got up this morning I worked on Pat's printer and it seems to be printing OK now.  It kept telling me I didn't have a real HP print cartridge in for the yellow color but I did.  I had another one so put it in and after turning the printer off and back on it finally decided to print out the test page I had created. I am still interested in getting the color laser printer but will put that on hold for the time being.  I have nothing particular on my schedule for today other than to fix Pat's breakfast when she gets up. 

We did not go out to eat yesterday so perhaps may do so today.  We still had a couple of the stuffed peppers from Costco in the freezer so we had that with a salad of cottage cheese and pineapple and topped it off with an ice cream bar.  It was very tasty and very easy to prepare. 

I have enjoyed looking at the cam sites this morning and those little kittens were very active and so cute.  I sent that link to Pat and the kids.  The bears were not at the falls this morning and the eagles were not active and it was a bit difficult telling them from the tree trunk and branches.  I will check on them later. 

Janet, I also miss seeing Pat's postings here and sure hope she soon will feel up to joining us occasionally if not more often.  I keep praying for her recovery to the point that she can find some enjoyment in her days.  I will check out your painting on Facebook after I finish with the discussions this morning.  I can still turn my head to the side so sure I will be able to view it without a problem. 

Jackie, sure good to see your posting yesterday and that was a beautiful graphic you created to wish Janet a happy birthday.  You are very talented.

Carol, after having a couple of basements I didn't want anymore.  Of course, now we have a large attic storage space but at least is isn't a full as the basements used to be. I guess we didn't use to think about having to dispose of the things we stashed away in case they were needed.  Fortunately moving numerous times over the years helped us as we always did some decluttering before we moved.  Glad you are getting some cooler weather.


Larry and Carol, I heard years ago that we should all move every ten years or so, just to get rid of the excess "stuff!"  We haven't done that, so we sure have a LOT of stuff we need to get rid of, some way!  I don't want the kids to have the problem of disposing of it when we go home to heaven!

I went to the hospital yesterday for lab work and an EKG in preparation for a little surgery next Friday.  The surgeon will remove two masses from my right leg, below the knee.  It's out patient surgery, and I don't expect to be incapacitated, maybe have to take it easy for a few days.  Imagine that!  :)  I will have two incisions about two inches long.  There are also some of these below my left ankle; will see how this goes before getting them removed.  She's almost sure they won't be shown to be malignant, but not 100% sure until lab reports come back.  Prayers appreciated, as always.  :)

I want to do a couple finishing touches on two watercolors from last week, then will take photos and post on FB.  Thanks for looking and commenting, Larry!

I have a hair appointment in a little while; tonight will meet with the others going on the Guatemala mission to prep food for the fund raising dinner we are doing on Sunday.  Darrel marinated 4 pounds of chicken breast since yesterday and has already grilled them this morning.  It's a chipotle style dinner.  Sounds really good!  And many hands make light work!

Must go, talk to you later!
My book Rising Above available at


Don is helping our friend with her phone service.  I am about to make the  sauce for white asparagus for our mostly vegetable meal tonight.  There are a few meatballs in gravy left over from last night.  Leftovers - always so easy.  We took a trunk load to the Salvation Army and stopped at the store for vegetables. 

Not our imagination but since being away for six plus months, the traffic seems almost tripled.  No more nice manners - We are being hounded to sell the house and move - where???  Today, a flyer came in the mail and it states we can buy marijuana and have it mailed to the house.  This is over the top insulting to our community and with all the illegal issues of drug use while driving etc., just makes a lot of us mad. 

Janet:  We did move many times - always for the location of the job.  It didn't help, even though I am not a shopper - So nice of your group to aid the people in need. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  This Saturday is starting out overcast and at 70 degrees.  It will be in the 90's again this afternoon.  Last evening late we did get a little rain shower.  The high this afternoon will be 94 degrees and I expect to be inside where it is cool when that happens.  Pat and I went to the Dollar Tree and then to Dairy Queen for our main meal of the day.  She used the transport chair as a rollator while at Dollar Tree and could sit down and look at the card.  There was only one problem and that was she didn't realize there were brakes on the chair so when she was sitting it in it kept moving backwards.  I just checked as my memory was it does have breaks.  So next time perhaps that won't be a problem for her.  I plan on attending a meeting this morning and will also stop at the Post Office for a roll of stamps that Pat needs for her Sunday School class card ministry.  Later this afternoon I will tune in to the PGA Golf Tournament and that will be it for today. 

Janet, I have the same concern about the stuff we have either when we can no longer live in this house or we are gone.  However, I know that it will all work out so I don't really worry about it.  Glad to see your surgery is out patient and hope you will experience a quick recovery and the tests will be negative.  I look forward to seeing your two new paintings.  Our mission team that went to Guatemala got there when the volcano had erupted and it prevented them from landing at the airport where they expected to land and had to go to another and wait a few hours and then were flown back to the original airport.  They made it to the mission site and now are safely back home as is the mission team that went to Peru on the medical mission.  This time that team had a dentist and they saw over 650 patients in the few days they were there.  Were the chicken breasts for the fund raising dinner on Sunday? 

Carol, congrats on your delivery to the Salvation Army.  I have about three bags of clothes to take to our Community Ministries Thrift Store that have accumulated over time.  I think I will try to do that next week or could do it today on my way home from downtown.  I picked up a brochure that is available on the house being sold across the street and the ad indicated it was under contract.  The house prices here are definitely going up.  It sounds like the marijuana situation is out of hand.  I have to wonder how these people that use the drug all the time can hold a job and they sure must not be pleasant to be around.  I read that Canada will soon make it legal to use.   


I'm using blue again today--it's always been my favorite!

Larry, yes, the chicken breasts are for the dinner.  They were to be sliced, but Darrel misunderstood and had half of them diced when I got home from errands.  So he sliced the rest.  Lisa said it doesn't matter, so all is well.  ;)  They sure smelled good, and I snitched a couple little bits and they taste very good, too!

Yesterday I stayed on task all day!  And I got a lot done, which is always a good feeling.
I even made the final touches on the watercolors, and will have Tracy scan them in for making cards.  Fun to use my own paintings on cards, and the insides are blank, so can use for any occasion.  I mailed four, some were anniversaries, some birthdays.  The first batch I got had all started out as cards, but she can scan in larger pieces, up to 9x12 and still use for cards.  That's what these two I just finished are.  Okay!  TMI!  :-X

Carol, I just couldn't live in such congested areas!  I would be literally housebound, as I'm not even comfortable driving in Amarillo, and that's a small city without too much traffic.  And I think this marijuana thing is just horrible!  I could accept its medical use, but not just all out drug use; without even good limits as to age!  Darrel and I were talking about stuff and we agree that we're both glad we are as old as we are!  And yes, I do try to stay positive--but these things do not make it easy!  Pray, pray, pray!!

I really need (WE) really need to start getting rid of stuff!  We have several buildings full of things.  Much is useful; I'm sure lots is not!  Well, all things in their time, I guess.

Hey, everybody!!  Come in and Join Larry, Carol and me!  We want to hear what you're up to! ;) :D
My book Rising Above available at


I got home home on the 17th and have just been running crazy ever since getting caught up with all I needed to get done. Happy belated Birthday Janet. I am going to book our next year's trip to Kauai Hawaii for Late June or early July. I am hoping to have Gilbert and Sonja go along with us. I am trying to make some memories with Keith before the dementia gets  too far along for him to be able to go. If he can't go  neither can I.   I am planning  a few things that I want to do with him. and go places I've never been.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are headed to a 99 degree day with an even higher heat index.  The first thing I did this morning after getting dressed for Church was to make a quick trip to Walmart for a few items we were out of.  I am going to go to Sunday School and Church.  Yesterday Pat said she would like to go to Church today but hasn't made a final decision yet. I told her that I will go through a drive thru to pick up something for our lunch so I didn't to to make another trip in the heat as getting in the car after church will be enough.  This is going to be plenty for today.  I still have to make her breakfast and empty the dish washer but she said she wasn't in a hurry for her breakfast and that she wanted me to sit down and eat my breakfast and rest a little bit. 

Janet, your painting would make beautiful and very nice cards.  If offered the chance to be young again I think I would decline.  It has been quite a journey but sure wouldn't want to have to take it again. 

Marilyne, a trip to Hawaii sounds very nice.  We never made it to Hawaii or anywhere overseas.


A friend is picking me up for the 7:30 AM service today - Don can't understand much of any sermon anymore so he has opted out.  We used to always go to this service and I was awake at 5:30 AM so it must be that I should be going early again. 

Our oldest son will be at the airport tonight - we will wait in the cell phone calling area and pick him up.  he has a doctor's appointment in the morning and we will take him downtown. 

Yesterday, my friend and I went to the craft store and she ordered frames for two of her husband's paintings.  He is the good friend who passed last November - he took up painting and did some very nice work.  We called him Grandpa Moses.  She is doing very well - a faithful friend!

Marilyn:  Best to you on caring for your husband. 


Janet:  When do you have your knee area surgery.  Prayers  Yes, do take it easy - feet up and good reading.  Listen to all the music you like. 

We have been waiting all afternoon for a plane from Missoula - we are still at home, and the messages of delays keep coming.  I meant to tell you - there will be a huge water shortage this year.  A fourth grader could have figured that out. 


Carol, my surgery is to be Friday.  When I called to ask what time I was told they will call me on Thursday between 3 and 4 to assign me a time as they don't know farther ahead when an OR will be available.

We worked hard yesterday afternoon helping prepare the food for today's chipotle style dinner. Darrel and I chopped lots of tomatoes; then I did all the slippery and hard to work with mangoes and juiced limes.  Not the things I would have chosen, but all needed to be done. I had severe leg pain most of the night, so got very little sleep.  This morning we were there at 8, and helped finish what had to be done today; then after church we carried ice, filled all the cups with ice tea or water, etc.  Everyone worked equally hard.  So much work!  It was free will offering, and we made around $1200.00.  And that was with a really low attendance today, as so many are gone on vacations, etc.  Then, of course, there was all the cleanup afterward!  Whew!

Marilyn, you will love Hawaii!!  But I'm wondering why you don't plan to go in the Winter? It's very nice there then.  I didn't get to go to Kauai when I went so have wanted to go back, but there are so many wonderful places to go and to see!  I do hope you can go asap, to make memories with Keith.

I've been sitting here ever since we got home from church, and I've got to get off!!  My legs hurt!  Been trying to sort out darn Facebook.  >:(  Not much luck there, either!

See you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet the time of year we go depends on the availability of the timeshare condos. In order to get 7 or 8 days in a row is the m ain reason for June or july. I would love to go during the winter but unfortunately that would have had to be booked last year. Praying for your surgery. I go to the Ortho Dr. on July 3 to make the arrangements for the MRI on my left know.  Hopefully it won't be surgery by arthroscopy

I have my Mammo on the 9th and bone scan on the 11th I see my eye Dr  Tuesday. It is every 6 months n ow for the eye dr.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are headed for another very hot day.  Last night a heavy thunderstorm hit us and we got about an inch of much needed rain.  I had just started by sprinkler system when the rain started so went into the garage and turned the sprinklers off.  We may see similar storms develop in the next day or so.  It rained for about two hours and the lightning and thunder continued through all that time.  I have nothing planned for today so will just take things easy as am feeling the results of a pretty busy weekend, especially yesterday morning. 

Carol, nice to see you got to attend the early service with your friend.  Those cell phone calling areas at airports are very nice.  Atlanta has a similar lot as I expect a lot of airports do.  I hope your trip to the airport wasn't too bad.  Did he come into the big Denver airport?  Maybe he will do the driving to the downtown appointment this morning so you don't have to deal with that heavy traffic.  I don't envy you the water shortage your area faces this year.  We had one in the Atlanta area for several years and I still am very cautious when I let the faucet run and try to avoid wasting any water. 

Janet, it sounds like you did a yeoman job for your after Church dinner.  We had a big attendance at our Sunday School but a low attendance at our Church service. 

Marilyn, does the temperature vary at lot by season in Hawaii?  How many hours does it take to fly from Oregon to Hawaii?  It sounds like you will be keeping the doctors busy in July.


Larry The temp doesn't vary that much according to google. the high is 81? low 69?. I just booked us for June 1-June8 next year. I was told by one of Keith's boys it took them 4.5 hrs. But when I checked it says 5.5 on the internet. We will probable fly from here in N orth bend to San francisco then on to Hawaii. i  will check all that later. The best time to buy tickets is 54 days prior to flight.

Still overcast here this morning. but I have already taken Freckles for a walk,.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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