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Bird Photos In Snow

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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts of the Month~ June/July

Started by JudyB, June 05, 2018, 07:02:56 PM

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Hello from The Land of Enchantment!  (NickName for New Mexico). I have tried to post several times but failed.  I hope all of you are doing well today.
I have to go back to Amarillo Wednesday for eye doctor appt again.  Will this ever end? 😃

Some of you have been telling about trips outside the USA....interesting.  My few
trips include Canada, Mexico and England.  We flew to London the day our grand daughter was born (late at night) Son-in-Law picked us up at the London airport in the afternoon. He said Elaine ( our dtr) was checked in at the hospital which served the Air Force members at Lakenheath, north of London.  When we returned up there, still no baby.  Several hours later Sara Janice was born. This is the same Sara who now works at the local library, the library that was shot up by a young man, high school age, a few months ago. She witnessed it.  So thankful he did not shoot at her.
My portable phone just rang, I keep one beside my chair within reach.  If the caller is unknown I don't answer it. 

My 2 step-sons came and did some pruning of trees one day last week.  One lives in Amarillo, the other one in Georgetown (wherever that is?) Texas anyway.  They are so good to me!  And my trees look ever so much better.  One of them had 2 branches that drooped down due to the weight...Elaine and I both had bumped our head on that droopy branch. I also have one step-dtr who lives near Dallas.  These 3 are so precious to me!  I got to help raise them, their mother had died young.  My own son died a few years ago, from a stroke.  He was right at age 50,

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


My goodness, is it STILL Monday?  This day feels two days long already and it's only four o'clock!  Darrel had to go to Garden City to have the new lenses put into his glasses, and I got some wildflowers (Well, they only look like it) really silk ones, at Hobby Lobby, then home again.  John was here, so I visited with him a little.  He's all excited about finding some of our family members as he is into ancestry search.  He is trying to find Beth's ancestors, to merge with his family...or something.  Good luck to him!  ;)

Beth's friend Becki went on an NF walk, and to honor Beth, carried Beth's picture, a purple rose and had a purple flower painted on her face.  How sweet is that?

I forgot to tell you why I bought those flowers--I want to use them in still-life setups, for painting.  I can keep changing them any time I want.  Boy!  Those things are expensive!
I was shocked!!  :o

Janice, how great to see a post from you!  Hope your eyes are improving!  I got my driver's license in the mail today!!  Yea!! :excited:

Larry, I love it when I have a day that doesn't require me to do anything much!  But I won't have one of those this week!

Marilyn, not sure I understand what you're doing about Hawaii.  That doesn't matter-I just wish you a wonderful time!  ;)

I need to work on the book a little, and also to contact some of my Zurvita people.  See you later!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet  we are traveling to Kauai Hawaii in June of next year for our vacation. It is my dream vacation. Keith was there 40 years ago, I haven't   been to a lot of places. Hawaii  and an Alaskan cruise is on my bucket list. I want to do these things with Keith while he is still able to go places.  I am trying to make some great memories for us. I don't know how much he will remember  in a year but I am trying. It makes me sad to think about how much or how little he will remember, He isn't progressing very fast at this time. I am taking him to Vancouver next month to be with his sons and the grands so the kiddoes will remember their grandpa Keith while he is mostly OK.

We own a timeshare so there are many places we can go.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Thanks, Marilyn.  "We own a timeshare" was the missing piece of information--now I understand.  Where is your timeshare?  I assume this is a swap deal?
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone on a day that starts at 80 degrees and headed to the mid-90's.  Once again last night we had popup storms around the area.  We got maybe a quarter of an inch of rain as the storm didn't stay around very long.  I guess this is the time of the year for these storms. 

Yesterday was really at down day and hoping to have more energy today.  I hate to admit it but I became a bit grouchy and that is not me.  I went to bed at 8 pm last night and had a good nights sleep.  I have the kitchen chores done except to fix Pat's breakfast when she arises.  Today is the run-off day for the Primary elections.  I hope to go vote as the polling place isn't very far from me at an elementary school.  The main race is the governor's race.  We had a good dinner last night as Pat had put together a meat loaf and we had some packaged steamer potatoes and some steamer white sweet corn and that made a good meal.  We will be using more of the frozen vegetables that come in the steamer bags as it made a quick and easy dish that is ready in the microwave in a few minutes.  Tonight may well be a TV dinner night as we have a couple in the freezer or a salad night.  The yard people are here bright and early this morning.  I just went out and told the young man doing the edging to skip our backyard this week. 

Marilyn, it sounds like it doesn't make much difference what time of year you visit Hawaii.  A 5 hour plane ride is tiring.  At least you will have a week to rest up when you get there before doing the long ride home.  I had made a whirlwind trip from Atlanta to San Francisco a few years ago and I was beat when I got home and decided never again would I take such a long flight.  Your time share will certainly help on the cost of the trip. 

Janice, I was happy to see you were able to post yesterday.  I hope you trip to Amarillo goes well tomorrow.  I have never been overseas and made only brief visits across the border into Canada and Mexico many years ago.  It was nice you could be there when your granddaughter was born.  It sounds like your step-sons love you a lot and enjoy helping you with things like your trees. 

Janet, I bet you picked out some very beautiful silk flowers.  We have some in our house and they always are pleasant to view.  I need to get two artificial ferns for two small planters that sit in the alcove to our front door. When we moved here the builder had put in to tiny little trees and they didn't survive and so the container have been empty for a couple of years.  Nice to see that John has found something to interest him in doing the ancestry searching.  I remember you mentioning that Becki had been good to visit Beth over the years.  It was nice of her to participate in the NF walk.  It doesn't seem you ever find a day when you don't have a lot to do.  :)


Larry, I was hoping that today would be one of those "less busy" days, but it certainly hasn't started out that way!  We did get back to the gym, though, that is a big plus!!  When I took my two younger girls to Hawaii many years ago, the flight from California was 8 hours!  And that was following the flight from Denver first.  We had a place to stay once we got there, so that really helped with the $$ part.  ;)

Our county Fair is coming up fast!  I'm still superintendent of the Art Department, so that means working quite a few hours; we are having a commercial booth for Zeal (more hours) and an outdoor "fun" booth for the Guatemala Mission trip (even more hours!)  Makes me tired just thinking about it!  I'll need FOUR Zeals a day!  :D 8)  There are other people helping with both the booths, but we wonder how much help we will get with the Zeal one.   :-\

Larry, I hope your pep returns to your step today!  I also tend to get grouchy when I'm over tired.  I try not to, and when I notice I am, I am now quick to apologize and get a handle on it.  Sorry to say, I wasn't always good about that!

I have much still to do, stuff I dislike doing, so I'd best get it over and done with!!
My book Rising Above available at


Our timeshare is with Vacation Internationale there are many places we can go, not an exchange although we do have that option but VI own many places we can chose from for just the regular maintenance fee, and $20 booking fee So I paid the 20 bucks and booked Pono Ka'i resort.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a cloudy morning and about 75 degrees but only headed up to about 90 this afternoon.  We had another popup storm last evening and it looks like we had about 1/2 inch of rain.  There must have been significant wind as my artificial flowers were blown out of their ceramic vase on the front porch clear over to the side of the house and halfway back between the houses.  I was able to get them and they don't seem to be any worse for wear.  We have a chance for more rain today.  I have a light schedule today and the only thing planned is to meet Jennifer and Elizabeth at IHOB for our evening meal and then they will come out to the house for a little while.  Scott is working tonight as had traded his day off with one of the other employees and then he will have Sunday off.  While yesterday was another down day for me I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. 

Janet, it sounds like you will have your hands full at the county Fair.  I hope others will help you with your Zeal booth.  Happy to say I was grouchy yesterday and it is very unusual for me to be so but when I feel so tired things seem to irritate me more than normal.  I try to do the stuff I dislike doing first so I don't have to think about it. 

Marilyne, when we had our timeshare for 20 years we exchanged our week and went to other destinations three or four times.  Glad you are able to utilize the benefit of the time share while Keith is still able to travel and enjoy it.  I looked at the website for that resort and it looks beautiful and like it would be very restful with very nice accommodations.   


Larry, so happy to read that you woke feeling refreshed today!
I really dislike feeling cranky and out of sorts, and am thankful that doesn't happen too often. Our temperature was 63 when I got up, headed up to 103 today!   :P  I will surely need to put up the folding shade in the windshield of the car today while I'm at my painting class!  Even then, you could bake something inside the car!  Ugh.  But I'm very thankful we haven't had any of the damaging weather being experienced in so many areas of our country!  :)

We had a timeshare in Mexico for a few years; the maintenance fees per year were more than we could rent a place; so we finally abandoned it.  Now they have services to help you get out of them without losing your money; I've been hearing the ads for them; I think they call it "Timeshare Exit." I hope you get the full benefit of yours, Marilyn!

I worked on the book yesterday, am praying for fresh inspiration as to how to finish it.
I want it to be inspiring, not depressing.  In telling the story of Beth's life, there is much good; how courageous, patient, good natured and uncomplaining she was, etc. in spite of all her pain, problems and disability.  I'm finding it to be sort of a balancing act, and I so want it to give glory to God, for only He could do what He did for her, and for me, as we walked that road together.

I wish you all a wonderful day!  I know I will enjoy this day, as I am going to be painting with friends!!  :thumbsup: <3
My book Rising Above available at


Hello again from a cool island.  We seem to have one day of sun and many of cloud and rain.  Sure does help the gardens and they stay green!

I am feelin sad and lost as we had to finally put our Squeek (cat) to sleep on Monday.  She had been doing well until the last few days and then did not want to eat...I have been getting up every 3 hrs. or so during the night on a regular basis and thus fed, cleaned the box and gave fresh water, many times during the day and night.  Have done this for months and she seemed to still thrive!  We were so lucky to have her for 22 yrs.  But it was time to let go and she knew it....went into the carrier without being prompted.  We have such a caring Vet Clinic and they took gentle care of her as with Misty and BillyBob.  I could not go along this time.....Amanda went with Wendy.  It was time to say goodbye.

Amanda is moving as her place is being taken over by a relative of the owner.  So she will no longer be 5 min. away....going to be living in Langford (Victoria) and at least that will help with driving and gas as no longer will have to travel that dangerous Malahat.  Rents are so high here on  the island.  It boggles the mind!!

At age 85 my life is not very exciting.  Made 4 batches of Strawberry Jam last week.  We have a great new Farmer's Market that opened a short distance away and there berries are really great.  Plan to make Peach and Blueberry Jam shortly.  Will not likely be able to do this next year...?

I wanted to see your paintings Janet and so joined not know how to view them!  I'm not a fan of Facebook but thought it might be nice to check on a few things.  Do not plan to stay a member for very long.  I had my glasses adjusted today and plan to do some acrylics in a few days.  Prepared the canvas with Gesso so good to go...?.

Birds and Squirrels are sadly missing in the numbers from last year.  So much change every where.  The island has lost the charm it once had.  Now with pot becoming legal, it will only get worse.  I am so grateful for my family and even though my income is very modest, my blessings are many. 

Ralph had to go into the hospital by ambulance a few days ago.  He has a kidney stone and it is so painful.  I had one years ago so speak from experience.  They give medication, pain killers and send the patient home to go it alone now.  The med. is supposed to help dissolve the stone.  He has had a bad time but the pain is getting less now.  I ended up getting infected and spending a month in hospital and almost dying.  Do not want a repeat.

This is turning into a novel.  Time to close.  Take care everyone and you will enjoy Hawaii Marilyn.  I went 30 yrs. ago and it is so lovely. 

God Bless,


Liz!  How lovely to see a post from you!  Sorry about Squeek, felt I knew her since you've been telling us her antics for years now.  For sure, she had a good, and long, life!

When you are on Facebook, just type my name (or anyone you want to find) in the search bar, and their page should pop up!  And that's about as 'techy' as I get!  8)  And since you may be looking in soon, I shall go take photos of the watercolors I did today and post them!  They're not great, but I'm having so much fun, and I am improving!  Today we each chose and set up our own still life from which we painted. Oh!  Some of the others' work is on my page, too, as Tracy put them on there.

It's great to sort of 'catch up' with you here, and may I wish you many blessings in the coming days?   <3
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  For the 4th night in a row we had a pretty good storm last evening.  My rain gauge shows over 1/2 inch more of rain.  It is only suppose to get to 90 this afternoon and we have more possibilities of thunderstorms today.  I will go to coffee a little later this morning and run by the Community Thrift Store and food bank to drop off three bags of clothing.  I think that will be it for today. 

Janet, I hated to see yesterday morning end as I was feeling so well.  However, this morning am not so peppy but otherwise OK.  That is quite a swing in temperatures in one day you were to have yesterday.  I use those folding shades in our car all summer and they really help and we usually crack open our front car windows to let the heat escape.  I am sure your book will be uplifting and you did that very well in your first book. 

Liz, sorry to hear that you lost your beloved Squeek. It sounds like no one could have given her better care.  We know it is time to say goodbye but still very difficult.  I am sure you will miss seeing Amada as often.  How far away from you all will she be living.  I bet you will enjoy the jam you have and plan to make in the months ahead when the fruit is out of season.  I have never had a kidney stone buy my son has had several and now my granddaughter also has them.  Thanks for stopping by and sharing with us yesterday.   


Record setting heat expected today.  We are so fortunate to have air conditioning.  Remembering having two summer babies here without any air or fan - it was normal to have cool evenings and mornings but now that has even changed.  July is usually monsoon and everyone should be praying for rain.

One son is staying with us for at least this one week and most likely will stay into next week - not sure of the schedule.  He is going through extensive tests at Jewish hospital - they specialize in lung - heart work.  I was frozen in place for about two days and but now back to a normal heartbeat - Let Go. :Let God  People come from around the world - the care is tops of the nation and we are so fortunate to have it right here. 

Daughter and family are home from a lot of countries - they did train and rental car and are just exhausted.  After 5 interviews that went really well - she is not getting the job she is well qualified for and so the job hunt begins.  Granddaughter is going to stay for school in London for a semester & study Economics - same as her mother. 

Larry:  An Instant Pot arrives today - I hope I don't take the lid off too soon as I did that years ago on a pressure cooker.  I hope I do it justice and don't make mistakes - will read the directions first - I promise! 

Liz:  Losing a beloved pet - you can treasure the years of fun and I know you will miss your pal. 
So much to be thankful for.......

Janet:  Your art projects have been a good thing for you - keep on enjoying. 


Carol, parenting is the one job that is never finished!  Prayers for your son's health and daughter's work. 

I am to check in at the surgery center in Garden City at 8:00 AM; surgery supposed to be at 9:00, and they have reserved an hour and a half for the procedure.  I just hope things move near schedule; don't want to be there all day!

Judy, we'd sure like another report on Pat, please!

Yes, Carol, I am getting so much joy from my artwork again.  Thanking God for that oasis of peace in my week(s).  Just such a pleasant time.

I'm sleepy, so why not go to bed?  Can't think of any reason!  G'Night!
My book Rising Above available at


It is almost 80 degrees here this morning - there is a fire at Grand Lake.  Evacuations yesterday - we are concerned about a cabin & garage.  We do hope they catch the culprit who flew a drone into the area and it stopped a water dropping by a helicopter.  This is all very close to Rocky Mountain National Park. 

This morning is a treat as 4 or 5 of us gather to celebrate a birthday.  Birthday girl chose the French  Bakery & they do have wonderful food.  These friends are true treasures and I am so fortunate to know them. 

Janet:  You are probably up and about - may surgery go on schedule and be very helpful.  Thanks for your message

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a beautiful clear and sunny morning here and we are only to get to around 90 degrees by late afternoon.  Today is the day for the housekeeper and she is going to put on the treatments for the granite countertops.  While the granite is nice looking it sure isn't easy to maintain.  A couple of windows will have to be opened to get good ventilation so will be a good day as won't be quite as hot this morning as many other mornings have been.  The housekeepr is going to start on washing the windows while they are opened. 

I did not have an enjoyable day yesterday and spent most of the afternoon laying down with my eyes closed as my leg muscles were aching.  I am thinking it has to do with fluid accumulation perhaps around my heart preventing enough oxygen getting to my leg muscles.  I took a couple of Tylonal and it didn't help.  I seem to be feeling OK this morning. 

If the barber Pat likes is working today we plan on going out for our main meal and then getting haircuts.  I will get one regardless as I have a coupon for $4 that expires from Great Clips tomorrow and I do need a haircut.  The restaurant is just a few doors down from the Great Clips store.  That will be plenty of activity for us for one day. 

Carol, it appears that weather patterns are changing in a lot of places.  Glad you have the AC to keep you cool on the hot days.  I sure hope that your son doesn't have a serious heart or lung problem.  Glad you have a good hospital there to deal with such problems.  I am sure you will enjoy the extra time with your son.  It is my philosophy, as I have often stated here, to Let Go and Let God.  We have to do our part such as get the medical attention that is needed.  Sorry that your daughter didn't get the job she would have liked.  I hope you like the Instant Pot.  On some recipe you release the pressure valve (Pat uses a wooden spoon to stay away from the hot steam, and on other you let the steam come down naturally.  One thing sure with it is that the lid is not going to blow off as it is very heavy duty as you will see and has a great latch, which will only latch one way.  We had a little problem figuring that out at first. What size did you get.
Sorry to hear of the fire at Grand Lake.  It seems that the drone flying is getting out of hand.  What a great place to celebrate a birthday and French Bakeries are usually very good and have great pastries.  I don't think we have any of them around this area.  Friends are wonderful. 

Janet, hope the surgery went well and you are not in a lot of pain and will have an uneventful recovery.   


This was one of Chris Saunders' post on FB:

Amos 3-3. John 4.
"Can two walk together unless they be agreed?"

Friends, this is the sum of your Salvation, this sums up perfectly what Salvation is all about, Our Lord said " You worship you know not what, Salvation is of the Jews" a harsh word to the Samaritan woman, but she needed shocking out of her lifestyle, she was living in sin but still professing to be religious, talking about her father Jacob and discussing where one might worship. A religious smokescreen which our Saviour blew away so that for the first time she could see clearly..her past sins, and her life now, completely unacceptable to God.
Can two walk together unless they be agreed?
But Jesus brought the woman to get knees spiritually, she saw herself as the sinner she was, she saw her need for her Messiah, the gracious One Who sat before her and Who was offering her the Living Water to heal and cleanse her very heart and soul, the conviction of the Holy Spirit came within her, she repented of her sins, and was able to answer the question put by God to Amos..for when you agree with God that you are a sinner in need of His mercy, and surrender to His will..soon the two of you can walk together!

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It looks like we will have another pleasant day getting only up into the low 90's this afternoon.  We have a fairly busy morning planned.  I want to attend a meeting at 10:30 and then will come home and get Pat and we will go downtown to Great Clips for haircuts and then to the Sunshine Grill for our main meal of the day.  I will probably tune in and watch some of the golf later this afternoon.  The rest of the day should be nice and restful and peaceful.  Yesterday we just ended up staying in all day and had a nice salad dinner.  I always have tuna on my salad and Pat prefers the canned chicken.  It is a very easy meal to prepare. 

Judy, thanks for sharing that fine piece by Chris. 


"It is well, with my soul", I keep hearing that in my mind this morning.  What a treat to see five male deer in the back - the ravine -sitting and walking around for about 3 hours now.  Such gentle creatures - always a privilege to spot them.

Janet:  Thinking of you - praying your pain is controlled.  My cousin's son is a missionary overseas and his wife had to be flown to Turkey for both ankles were injured when a horse bucked.  That is two big horse injuries by two different relatives in a couple of years.  Anyway, I thought of both of you today - rest and recuperate.

We had to drive to the airport and it was a trial of which we hope to never endure again - terrible drivers - everyone driving is unhappy and they feel so special.

Larry:  It is the middle size, 6 quart.  I have taken it out of the box and bought the steam release thing that directs steam away.  Thank you for thinking of our family - we will be alright. 



Here I am again!  Got home around 3 yesterday afternoon; didn't do much, of course.  The pain was pretty bad for the first few hours; throat hurt really bad from the darn tube!  I looked with a flashlight and there are two cuts or abrasions in the back of my throat.  Bad job on that!  I gargled a few times and that really helped.  They gave me an opioid for the surgery pain, so I'm not taking it any more--only took the one before leaving hospital and one at 8 last night. Pain is much less now, so have switched to Tylenol.  I have a drain where the biggest mass was removed, that will stay one week.  She said she was shocked at how large the masses really were!  She called them "abnormal" but said she didn't see anything that looked like cancer; of course sent them to lab to make sure!  She even took my cell phone and took photos so I could see what they looked like!  Nice of her!  She knew I wouldn't be awake in time to see them!

John came out to see how I'm doing and visited with me for an hour.  Sweet of him!  So far, nobody else has called or visited.

I want to go to church tomorrow but don't know what to wear!  I don't have any pants with wide enough legs to get over the drain.  Maybe I will wear a long skirt, and put my feet up on the seats; as I'm not supposed to let them hang down.  I have a footstool under my desk now!  Won't stay here long, as it's not at all comfortable!

Larry, I hope Pat gets "clipped" today, along with you!  ;)  I got my hair cut on Thursday, but am not happy with the job.   :(  But it will grow, that's for sure!

Carol, I also look for the beauty in nature, especially when  a family member is having physical difficulties.  It helps to return my mind to thankfulness rather than concerns.  Bless you, my friend! 

I need to walk around a bit; that helps the fluid to flow into the drain better.
And I need Tylenol again; ankles are paining!

Then maybe a little nap with feet up!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Like about everyone else we are going to be hot here today but not as bad as other areas of the country.  I am hoping we get some rain this afternoon.  As is often the case, we did not accomplish what we had planned as Pat wasn't feeling like getting out to go to get her hair cut and so we just stayed in all afternoon and evening.  I will go to Sunday School and Church in a little while.  Today begins the casual July combined services at 11 am.  We also get will be introduced to our new Associate Minister this morning.  As usual I plan to pick up something for lunch and then have a quiet and restful afternoon watching the end of the golf tournament later this afternoon. 

Carol, those male deer must have been a beautiful site.  I just don't see any wildlife here but know there is some in the wooded areas.  Do you have to take your son back to the airport or will he find another means of transportation.  That sounds like a nice size Instant Pot.  They are really well built aren't they?  I haven't heard Pat mention getting something to direct the steam away. 

Janet, good to see that your surgery is over and you are on your way to healing.  Unfortuantely pain is a part of that healing process.  In the surgeries I have had I have never had a problem from the tube in my throat.  I hope your throat is feeling much better today.  Sounds like it was a good thing you had the masses removed.  I hope you feel up to going to Church but don't forget it is important to take care of yourself.  I have always heard that the third day after surgery is usually the hardest. 


I am coming here with a completely broken heart.  Our grand daughter passed away yesterday.  Coroner said it was a heart problem.  Thus the determination of "natural causes".  However there is nothing natural about an 18 year old dying.

Please pray for Heather, her husband, their other kids, and the extended family.  We all are shaken by this......Please pray.

Jane Walker

Judy  :'(  I am shocked and so sorry to read of this tragedy.  Please know that my prayers are for all of you to feel the loving arms of our Father holding you close to His heart as you try to understand.  I know something about a loss of this magnitude.  My heartfelt condolences go out to all concerned.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


AMEN to Jane's Prayer
I am at a loss for words other than to say I am praying for the Comforter to be with Heather and the rest of the family.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Peace be with Judy and all of the family.  I am so sorry for the loss of a treasured grandchild. 


" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Oh, my!  My heart breaks for you, Judy, for Heather and her husband and the siblings.  What a dreadful shock!  I pray the comforter holds you all close and gives you the peace that only our Lord can provide at such a time.  I am so, so sorry. 
My book Rising Above available at


Thank you folks, I really covet prayer for Heather, her hubby Jon and the rest of the family. Everyone is in shock, tomorrow they are doing to deal with the funeral home.  This will be a difficult week.  Pray that I have the strength to support the family.

Larry Hanna

Judy and John, at a time like this for you all words are inadequate to express our sadness.  There are many things that our beyond our comprehension and your loss is one of them.  I will keep you both and Heather and her family and all of your family in my prayers. 


Thank you all....

I am OK, God is good the shock is over. I went to bed last night, totally tired, and ready to sleep, and my eyes popped open. I had to come down and start writing. It wasn't me writing, if you understand that.....

This is what I was given.

John 10:10 (NIV)
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

This has been the case in our family. The thief has stolen our peace, killed relationships, and levelled the ultimate destruction. We so often take this verse out of context and wonder where the abundant life is especially with the loss of Kimi. It is so easy to turn on God and blame him.
Our Heavenly Father is not responsible for our loss, He is wanting and waiting for us to turn to Him and have the life He spoke of in the above words.
Kim was upset over her inability to walk, jump, long-board, and have a normal life. Just think she is with our Lord totally healed. She can now do all those things with pure joy in her heart. The thief destroyed, only to have our Lord heal her. The thief has been defeated in our sweet Kimi's life!!! Our Lord has been victorious.
Someone told me that they don't believe in Faith Healing. I do, thinking about this laying in bed wide awake, I believe Kim has had the ultimate healing, never to be in any kind of pain again. I can hardly wait to meet up with her the twinkling of an eye!

Please continue to pray for Heather's family and my kids.....there is a lot of anger, and it is directed at God, "How can a loving God take our sister/daughter". Heather is solid.  She has turned to God for her strength.