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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts of the Month~ June/July

Started by JudyB, June 05, 2018, 07:02:56 PM

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...what a wonderful and beautiful way to have put this, I found it very touching and moving...no we cannot blame our God as He is now the one to put us back together again......
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is to be another typical July day here in South Carolina.  I do have another pretty busy morning planned although not difficult.  Right before 9 am I will pick up an online order of groceries at Walmart and then make a quick stop at Aldi's on the way back to the house.  At 10 am I am meeting someone here in my office for an hour.  The rest of the day is clear.  My eye appointment went well yesterday and he said my eyes are in great shape other than I have developed dry eyes, which I can take care of with over the counter means.  I was fortunate to have a riding cart at  Costco so that make my shopping their much easier.  However, I was ready to rest when I got home about 3 pm.  Jennifer and Elizabeth were here starting to do cloths washing as their washing machine won't be fixed for several days. They didn't leave until about 8:30 last evening.  I expect the yard maintenance company to be in our neighborhood this morning for the entire day. 

Judy, I know your heart is troubled at losing Kimi but as you said it is only for a season and you will be reunited for Eternity.  To some questions there are no answers such as the loss of life of the young.  It is our faith that sustains us in these times.

Jackie, well said. 

Janet, sure hope your recovery is going well.   


Dear friends, we all have experienced losses in life; but with every life lost, there is another family left to deal with the grief. I wondered which granddaughter this was, now I know it was Kimi.  I didn't know that she had physical limitations.  But I can totally empathize with that, having walked with Beth through all her years of loss and disability.  And for sure, I can celebrate with the family in knowing she is set free of all disabilities and pain, forever!  I hope the ones who are blaming God will open their hearts to the truth of His love and find the peace their hearts need.

I'm progressing nicely in my recovery, I think.  Last night Darrel and I took the bandages off (they said we could on Monday) so I could shower.  The Ace bandages were wrapped so tightly they were causing a lot of pain and swelling, so it was really a relief to get a shower, then we managed to put them back on, with fresh gauze over the wounds. And we didn't wrap the Ace so tightly!  I had a good night of sleep after all that!  ;)  My leg looks really strange--all caved in where so much tissue was removed!  :o

I made a deal with a publisher yesterday, so am making the final push to finish the book.  Goal is to get it published by the end of the year!  I "lit a fire" under John today to get done with the part he wants to have in the book ASAP!  He said he will bring me what he has done today, then try to finish what he wants to say.

Goodness!  I need to stop!  Bye!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone on this 4th of July.  We had planned to all get together to celebrate Pat's birthday a few days early but Scott told us yesterday that once again he has traded days with another employee and will be working tonight.  So now we may do it on Saturday at noon.  I expect to have a pretty quiet day today.  I have done the kitchen choirs except to fit Pat's breakfast.  I split a big ripe and juicy peach and a banana between  but will add a couple of strawberries to Pat serving with her breakfast. 

Janet, great to read that you are progressing nicely with your recovery and that you have a deal with a publisher.  I hope the fire works under John so that he will finish up his part of the book soon. 


Freckles and I at Mingus Park Family fund Day that the Fire Dept does every year. We take our dogs and everyone gets to pet them.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Larry, what day is Pat's birthday?  I guess I need to add fuel to that fire; John hasn't brought me anything yet!

Marilyn!  What a lovely photo!

I went and painted today; taking along a little stool and pillows so I could prop my legs up.  I did another card, this one in honor of Beth, as it has some of her flowers and a little angel I was given when she went to heaven; and it's in her colors of green and purple.  I have two little things to finish on it; then will photograph and share it.

I get this drain out of my leg tomorrow, am anxious to get the "all clear" that I am confident will be the lab report!  Also wonder what's next in the recovery process.

I'm not planning to go to the fireworks display here tonight, not even stay up late enough to watch any on TV.  What's the deal?  Surely, I'm not getting that old, am I?   :lol:

It's supposed to be about 10 degrees cooler here tomorrow, for that I am thankful!

Hope you have all had a wonderful Independence Day!  I see on the news just now, they nabbed the crazy woman who was climbing on the Statue of Liberty!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


...if you have seen one fireworks display, you have seen them all...as the well known expression goes...

...you are smiling but I dont see Freckles smiling...he must have been eyeing up the situation...

last night I went to one of my monthly MS social gatherings ( I have two ) where we just had a quiz followed by the usual table raffle of stuff members bring in, nothing expensive....This meet-up is a 30 mile one way car journey into the next county but is worth the long 45-50 minute trip ( which is a nice clear run, only problem I have to hold my bladder until I get there, ) it is something to always look forward to for those couple of hours... 
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is going to be another typical July day but only getting into the low 90's.  Not much planned for today.  I will pick up my friend and we will go downtown to coffee.  After I drop him back off at home I will stop at the Dairy Queen and pick up a small ice cream cake for Pat's birthday celebration on Saturday.  I also need to check on getting her some flowers as a gift from her sister.  I may make a quick trip over to Costco as they have some beautiful cut flowers and the price should be quite a bit less than the florist.  I already have the card and the gift I am giving her so then should be ready for her birthday.  Yesterday turned out just to be a quiet day and the girls did not come out for dinner as decided to just wait and come out on Saturday.  I did watch the Capitol 4th of July program and saw the beautiful fireworks at the end.  I enjoyed it and there was some entertainment for everyone.  The singing of Renee Fleming was gorgeous.  There sure were a lot of people there on a very hot night but they seemed to be having a great time. 

Marilyn, nice picture of you and Freckles.  I bet Freckles liked all of the attention.  How many dogs were there?

Janet, Pat's birthday is on Monday, the 9th.  John sounds about as reliable as some of our family in doing what they say they are going to do at what time.  I no longer expect it so I am not let down when it doesn't happen and if it does that is great. Things eventually work out.  Is there any chance your painting yesterday could be an illustration in your book as it sounds like it would be very appropriate? Hope you get the good doctor's report today and know you will be glad to have the drain taken out.  With the quality of the TV pictures now seeing the fireworks on TV is far better for me than being their in person.  You get to see the beauty without the noise and the smell of fireworks.  Those I watched last night were accompanied by the 1812 Overture and then more patriotic music until the 90 minute program ended at 9:30 after about a 30 minute fireworks display. 

Jackie, you are right about the repetition of the fireworks.  In fact, after about 15 minutes of watching on TV I was seeing the same displays done over and over. Glad you could attend your MS social gathering.  Was the raffle table good to you? 


I woke up singing this for 2 days now...


Our Lord has been with Heather and I this week giving promises of peace and strength. Hebrews 12:1 has been heathers verse through this, she is compassed about by a great cloud of witnesses praying for her.... Thank you and please keep praying for her please.


Jackie I had my hands under her  neck to keep her still and she was watching a puppy playing in front of us. She kept her eyes on that pup because it was so rambunctious an d  Freckles didn't want to play with the pup.

Larry there were 8 dogs there that belong to Furry Friend members.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hello, friends!
I've had a lot of pain in my leg/feet today.  Went to Garden and got the drain out, but the stitches weren't healed well enough to take them out.  She told me to get my feet higher than my head for at least 20 minutes, four times a day.  Easiest way to do that will be using the adjustable bed.  Rather hard to get stuff done in that position, though!  ;)

Judy, have you had Kimi's service yet?  What was the cause of death, on the certificate?  Did she have heart problems?  18 is so very young; but when we know Jesus, we can rejoice for the joys that await us in heaven.  It was hard to have Beth leave us, but I'm so glad she's entered a more wonderful life in heaven than we can really imagine!  I pray that is true for your sweet girl, as well.  And I thank God for His promise that we WILL see our loved ones again, and that we will know each other!  Prayers continue for all the family.  How is Pat doing?

Larry, thanks for your suggestion about using the painting in the book. I hadn't thought of that, but it's a great idea!  I posted a picture of it on Facebook today.

I took some Tylenol and the pain is less, so I need to go to bed and get some sleep while I can!

Oh!  Jackie, good to have you come in and chat a bit!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It appears that the posting I wrote yesterday I must have forgotten to post here as I don't find it.  I am writing early today as I couldn't sleep after getting up at 3:30 and so decided to sit in my easy chair until I got sleepy again.  This is going to be a busy morning if I feel up to doing what I hope to do.  Today is our 56th wedding anniversary and we will have the family here around noon to celebrate that and Pat's birthday, which is Monday.  I hope to attend a meeting this morning and then will stop by Firehouse Subs for subs to share for lunch.  Pat has good sausage, cheese and salsa recipe that she fixes in a small crock pot.  I got a couple of bags of chips at Aldis the other day to go with the dip and subs.  Then we will top it off with a slice of Ice Cream Cake that is in the freezer.  I did not feel well yesterday but did get to Costco and quickly picked up a bouquet of 24 beautiful red roses that Pat's sister asked me to get for Pat's birthday.  I thought the sign said the roses were $30 but when I checked out they were only $18 plus a few cents.  Since we are celebrating Pat's birthday today I need to get the card ready and the gift wrapped before she gets up this morning. 

Janet, I hope by now your legs ae feeling better and not causing so much pain. 

Marilyn, thanks for the information on how many dogs participated in the special event you spoke of.

Judy, I had not heard the hymn for which you posted the link.  I know this is a difficult time for you, Heather and all of your family dealing with the loss of Kimi.   


Good Saturday morning to you all!

Like Larry, I have been up since 4:44--the only reason I remember is that it was all 4s when I looked at the clock!  The doctor told me I could start wearing my compression stockings (knee highs) instead of using the Ace wrap.  That's fine, once I get them on!  But it's a hard and painful job getting them on!  Darrel helps me hold them away from the incisions while I tug and yank to get them on.  Phew!  Wears me out!

Larry,  I hope you feel better soon.  Darrel often gets up, then takes a nap in his chair soon after.

I want to go out to our little Farmer's Market for a while.  I'm tired of staying in, and always see friends there.  I won't stay long, as my ankles and leg are paining this morning.

Happy Anniversary, Larry and Pat!!  And Happy Birthday, Pat!!  May you have a sweet celebration and many more happy years together!  That #50 is a real milestone to celebrate! :hb2: :hb3: :cheer: :cheer:

It's only 63 here this morning, feels wonderful having the windows open.
And only a slight breeze, so far.  Temp will head up to 90, still not too bad for July!

I made some progress toward my book Treasures from Grant County yesterday.  The deal I made with the publisher is for both books.  This one will include all those stories I wrote about the elderly folk here in our county; I will only need to write the forward or preface or whatever!  And I'll be so happy to have it published, as I know many will want the book containing their loved one's story.  At least, I would!  :)

Now I need to go searching in my photos to find all those folks' pictures that go with their stories!  More computer work, not my favorite job, for sure.
But so glad they are in there somewhere!

Have a happy!!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Yesterday was not as hot a day as we have been experiencing and I think today is to stay in the 80's.  We had a brief shower last evening, maybe five minutes.  The birthday and anniversary dinner we had planned for yesterday was just Pat and I and Scott.  The girls backed out at the last minute.  I had just placed the sub order at Firehouse Subs when I got the message from our son that the girls were not coming.  Fortunately, they hadn't made the extra large sub yet so I was able to cancel it and get a refund.  We made the decision yesterday afternoon that we are dispensing with trying to be the Wednesday night dinners as it is becoming too taxing on Pat and also a burden on me that I don't need.  I have also written the Church secretary to remove 2 of the 5 reservations for the two Wednesday evening dinners at the Church this month and have notified the girls.  I have been thinking we needed to make this change for sometime and yesterday was sort of the straw that broke the camel's back.  I told them we wanted them to come visit us on Wednesday evenings or any other time as long as they call to be sure we are home.  I will be going to Sunday School in about an hour and hopefully Pat will feel up to attending Church with me.  We will not be eating out or bringing home something for our Sunday dinner as we have enough left overs from the tortillas that we had the other night.  Yesterday I did give Pat her cards and birthday gift.  I had ordered her a set of Boll and Branch sheets and pillowcase.  They are fine quality and I think she will enjoy them. 

Janet, I can't image trying to put on those compression stocking with stitches still in your legs.  I wear them and sometimes it is difficult to get them on.  Glad you have Darrel to help you.  I did feel good yesterday and think today will be the same.  I don't nap unless I am laying in bed.  Thanks for the Anniversary and Birthday wishes as we appreciate them.  I hadn't realized you were planning on publishing a second book. 

Jackie, thanks for the very nice Birthday card. 


We had excellent services at church this morning.  I sat in the entry with my feet up, and could hear and see just fine.  I was having a lot of pain from the compression stockings being too tight.  It hurt so much putting them on it made me cry! :'(  But we stayed for Pastor's small group, and when we got home, those stockings came off!  I might have to wrap my legs again with the ace bandages, but I'm not putting those stockings on again!  (At least not today!)

Larry, that was not considerate of the girls to back out at the last minute. I understand why you made the changes you did.  Do they have any idea the amount of effort it takes for you to plan and execute things?  I hope this makes them think about it!

John is still procrastinating on getting his writing to me.  He can't remember specifically what it was Beth had one time they thought was pink eye, so he's not budging.  I've told him it doesn't matter at all to the reader what it was, but I can't get through to him.  I told him to skip it and go ahead; then if he remembers, come back to it.  But he said, "That's not my writing style!"  So I told him he needs to be a little more flexible!  I'm getting frustrated with him, as he promised every day last week to bring it to me 'today.'  :ticked:

It seems our church will be moving ahead with the renovations to the sanctuary.  People turned in their pledge cards this morning so they will have an idea of the amount of funds they have to work with.  We're excited to be moving ahead with the project.

I need to go get my feet up in a more comfortable position.  I will be so happy when I get back to normal!!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are looking forward to another very nice day with it staying in the upper 80s but with low humidity and then typical summer weather will be back for the rest of the week. 

The only thing on our schedule for today is we are going to go out for a mid-afternoon main meal at a nice restaurant that we have enjoyed in the past but haven't been to in the last year or so.  Scott will be going with us for the final celebration of Pat's birthday, which actually is today.  Later this afternoon we expect the girls will come over and do a load of laundry as they are still awaiting the repairman to get Scott's washing machine fixed. 

I enjoyed the Sunday School and Church service yesterday and this was the second Sunday for the one combined service.  I hope this will become an annual tradition as it gives a chance for the Church to come together as one congregation.  However, by the time I got home I wasn't feeling well and spent a lot of time laying in bed yesterday afternoon.  I did have a good night's sleep and am feeling OK this morning although not peppy.  So will try not to over exert today. Pat didn't feel up to attending yesterday.

Janet, glad you were able to enjoy your Church services yesterday.  Sorry that the compression stockings didn't work out for you.  At least with the bandage you can control how much pressure is put on your legs.  I don't think the girls have any idea of the effort required on a weekly basis in planning, buying and getting food prepared.  Unfortunately our granddaughter is very self-absorbed and everything that happens is always someone else's fault.  We love her and just accept her the way she is.  We plan on just inviting them occasionally to join us when we go out to eat. Sorry to read that John is still procrastinating in doing his writing.  Perhaps you will just have to give him a specific date by which time the book must be finished with or without his contribution.  It sort of sounds like his "writing style" is not writing anything at all.  :)  I hope your Church renovations move forward quickly. 


Taking a break from moving furniture - a rug cleaner is coming this afternoon.  I cannot clean carpets and move all the furniture anymore - I did move most of the furniture.  A neighbor and I were talking about how our lives are so busy - that is good to a point.

Praying for all the children in the Thailand rescue operation from the cave.

prayers for everyone in CP. 


...I have been glued to this story, 8 out, with 4 to go, and not forgetting the man coach...I have prayed for each ones safety, and of the rescue team....
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Here it is evening and I'm just getting around to posting!  It's been Monday--all day!  :-\   We did go back to the gym today.
I walked on the treadmill for 15 minutes (.75 mile) then did a couple of arm exercises.  But I have felt draggy all day.

I did enjoy a nice lunch date with my friend the judge.  She got to tell me about their trip to Ireland; they had a wonderful time!

I managed to struggle into a pair of Darrel's compression socks today, as he uses a lighter compression than I.  I wore them until about an hour ago, and they weren't too bad.  It's jut getting them on that is the pain--seriously!

Larry, John brought me out what he wrote today.  I don't think he did a very good job, but will revise it a little and just add it at the end under "tributes from friends and family."  I can tell he just wrote something as quickly as he could so I would stop bugging him.  Sigh.....  And part of it isn't even right. Well, I tried!

I got our sheets washed today and Darrel helped me remake the bed.
That will be nice to have nice fresh sheets tonight!

I'm so happy they have gotten several of the boys out of the flooded cave.
We have been watching that carefully, too, as we are scuba divers, but NOT cave divers!  So sad the Thai Navy Seal drowned in the effort.  Praying the rest get safely out tomorrow!  Can you even imagine the joy and relief of those families?  And of course, the boys!

Carol, My life is busier than I want it to be!  Of course, I am the one who could change that, and I have given up quite a few of the activities I was involved in, but still I don't seem to have enough "quiet time."  I am thinking that this will be my last year to serve as Superintendent of the art department at the fair.  The problem is, younger folks aren't stepping up to help; and there a lot of us older folks still carrying the load.

Gonna watch the Wheel!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  I just now saw the headline that the 12th boy and the soccer coach have now been rescued from the cave.  What an ordeal.

It is another beautiful and clear morning here in South Carolina.  It is 66 this morning but headed up to 98 this afternoon.  I am thankful I am staying home today where it will be cool and have only a commitment at 10 am, which will be accomplished here at the house. 

We had a delightful and delicious meal at Cheddars yesterday.  Then soon after we got home the girls came out and did a load of laundry and while it was washing the girls played some games of Farkle.

For the last several days we have noticed a very unpleasant smell in our garage and then in the car when we were out.  We couldn't locate the cause until yesterday we isolated it to the car.  On the third check of the trunk I finally located the problem.  It was a package of beef I had purchased at Costco last week that is sliced for sandwiches.  Some way it had gotten to the back of the truck entangled with the transport chair.  The packaging was black.  We were checking the truck again and I got in just the right position to see the package at the back of the trunk.  It was tightly sealed but very puffed out but that didn't stop the odor and it is now out on the patio and will go into the trash Thursday morning. 

Carol, do you have those sliders you can put under the legs or edges of the furniture?  They work really well but you still have to lift one corner to get them under legs or bottom surface and have to do this for each corner. 

Jackie, what a miracle that all of the boys and the man have now been saved from that terrible cave situation.  The coach is being called a hero for being able to keep the boys alive during this ordeal.  I haven't heard any report on the condition of the boys or the coach. 

Janet, it sounds like you must be doing better if you elected to go to the gym yesterday.  Glad that John finally gave you his input for your book.  Those divers who rescued those boys are certainly heroes in my book.  Fortunately                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  they didn't give up and now all have been rescued alive.  I have observed that younger folks do not step up as long as longer folks continue to take on the responsibilities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


It is so hot here that the air conditioner started at 7 AM and we keep at 78 plus I usually use the oven early in the morning.  Lack of rain, high temperatures, fires burning both set by campers, etc. - this is not a good air quality year.  There is one huge fire burning where the plane dropping water had to pull back because - some people in hang gliders were right in the fire area - taking pictures from above.   :(

Larry:  It has been nice for you and Pat to have the girls company while they wash their clothing.  Wishing I lived closer to our grands - all are in school and one is in another state /  Everyone is working & going to school.  Just like I did and Don too.  It sure is difficult to visit.  It has been interesting to watch the Thai soccer team and the effort put into searching and saving them.  Many people coming together in prayer in several religions.  ---It is too hot here too - stay indoors as much as you can. 

Don took the water filter out under the sink yesterday and the new one looks fine but neither of us can get it in place.

Janet:  It seems that John walks to a different drum beat - he will never change at this age.    /b]


Good morning!  (At least for one more hour, it's morning here!)  I risked just wearing soft anklets rather than the compressions this morning, and did okay; walked a mile, then did three sets of arm/shoulder/core exercises.  It sure doesn't take long to start losing strength!   :-\

I see they had heavy rain in Phoenix, after hardly a drop for four months!  I do wish those rains could dump on Colorado and the other places where those awful fires are raging!

Carol, I cannot imagine what's going on in the minds of people to go hang gliding over a fire, just for pictures!!   :idiot:  And to keep the firefighters from doing their jobs, too.  :(

I am feeling pressured because of so much to do in the next three weeks, beginning with the fair next week.  But Father God told me to just take deep breaths, settle down; focus my mind on Him, and just do the next thing.
That really helped me.  I can only do what I can do, right?

Larry, I was thinking exactly as you said, this morning--that the younger folk won't step up until we step down.  I'm ready to make room for them to serve!  It's a blessing to serve; but too long and too much, and it can become a burden.

So thankful the soccer team and coach are now safely out of that terribly scary ordeal.  I cannot imagine being trapped for so long, so far underground, in the dark and the damp and the unknown!

Larry, your story of the package of meat in the trunk reminded me of this: Several years ago we were on a trip, I think to South Texas.  Anyway we stopped at a roadside stand and Darrel bought a watermelon.  That's a very long road trip; two long days at best, and it was really hot.  When we got home and started to unpack, we found the melon had rolled around and busted open; was soured and stinky, and oh! what a mess!!  So I'm glad you found your stinky problem before the package ruptured and things got even worse!  Yuck!

I'm thinking about eating at the Senior Center today.  We haven't been in a long time.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Another clear and beautiful morning here in South Carolina.  Nothing on my schedule for today except going to dinner tonight at the Church and then Scott probably will come out for a couple of hours.  I will help Pat with a load or two of washing and fix her breakfast.  We had another of our salad dinners with either chicken or tuna last evening.  We enjoy these and they are very easy to prepare.  So it should be a fairly restful day.

Yesterday a little after 4 pm I took a big bag of paper records over and had them recycled at one of our credit union branches.  There was quite a line and I had to stand out in the sun probably 10 minutes or so.  I had also parked where I had to walk back to the car up an incline but made it OK.  The AC in the car felt mighty good. 

Janet, glad you were able to walk and do your other exercises yesterday and got along okay.  They not only had heavy rain in Phoenix they had another of those terrible dust cloud come over the city.  You are right that you can only do what you can do and when things are broken down into small chunks they don't seem so bad.  If the younger folks won't pick up the jobs that need to be done then perhaps the organization or activity may have run its course.  I always thought that things would go on if I suddenly died.  We don't like to think that things will continue without us but most often they do.  Your watermelon story has mine all beat to pieces as ther was no clean up after finding the package of meat and getting it out of the garage.  I did spray some Febreze in the garage and car and then in the house where I had walked through to the back patio.  It was all fine yesterday and will keep that package outside this evening when we take the trash can to the street.  Years ago we bought a watermelon that had spoiled inside and when I cut into it the sour watermelon juice ran all over the counter and down the front of the counter onto the floor.   

Carol, there are some really dumb people who would fly over a fire scene in a hang glider.  It sounds like there is a need for another law or regulation to prevent that happening and the same with drones.  I don't think Pat would go for the air conditioner to be set at 78.  We usually keep ours set at 73 or 74 and down to 72 at night.  We do enjoy spending some time with the girls.  They do the talking and we do the listening.  This is the first time we have lived close to our granddaughter and now consider Elizabeth like a granddaughter.  I expect there was elation all over the world at the safe return of those 12 boys and the coach from that cave.  I spend very little time outside. 

Larry Hanna

This is a bit long but I thought it was worth reading and so decided to share it with you all:

I spent the week before my daughter's June wedding running last-minute trips to the caterer, florist, tuxedo shop, and the church about forty miles away.   As happy as I was that Patsy was marrying a good Christian young man, I felt laden with responsibilities as I watched my budget dwindle . . So many details, so many bills, and so little time. My son Jack was away at college, but he said he would be there to walk his younger sister down the aisle, taking the place of his dad who had died a few years before. He teased Patsy, saying he'd wanted to give her away since she was about three years old!
  To save money, I gathered blossoms from several friends who had large magnolia trees. Their luscious, creamy-white blooms and slick green leaves would make beautiful arrangements against the rich dark wood inside the church.
  After the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding, we banked the podium area and choir loft with magnolias. As we left just before midnight, I felt tired but satisfied this would be the best wedding any bride had ever had! The music, the ceremony, the reception - and especially the flowers - would be remembered for years.
  The big day arrived - the busiest day of my life - and while her bridesmaids helped Patsy to dress, her fianc? Tim walked with me to the sanctuary to do a final check. When we opened the door and felt a rush of hot air, I almost fainted; and then I saw them - all the beautiful white flowers were black.  Funeral black!  An electrical storm during the night had knocked out the air conditioning system, and on  that hot summer day the flowers had wilted and died. I panicked, knowing I didn't have time to drive back to our home town, gather more flowers, and return in time for the wedding.
  Tim turned to me. "Edna, can you get more flowers? I'll throw away these dead ones and put fresh flowers in these arrangements."

        I mumbled, "Sure," as he be-bopped down the hall to put on his cuff links.
          Alone in the large sanctuary, I looked up at the dark wooden beams in the arched ceiling. "Lord," I prayed, "please help me. I don't know anyone in this town. Help me find someone willing to give me flowers - in a hurry!" I scurried out praying for four things: the blessing of white magnolia;courage to find them in an unfamiliar yard, safety from any dog that may bite my leg, and a nice person who would not get out a shotgun when I asked to cut his tree to shreds.
          As I left the church, I saw magnolia trees in the distance.    I approached a house... No dog in sight. I knocked on the door and an older man answered. So far so good . . . No shotgun. When I stated my plea the man beamed, "I'd be happy to!"
          He climbed a stepladder and cut large boughs and handed them down to me. Minutes later, as I lifted the last armload into my car trunk, I said, "Sir, you've made the mother of a bride happy today."
          "No, Maam," he said. "You don't understand what's happening here."
          "What?" I asked.
          "You see, my wife of sixty-seven years died on Monday. On Tuesday I received friends at the funeral home, and on Wednesday....? He paused. I saw tears welling up in his eyes. "On Wednesday I buried her."  He looked away. "On Thursday most of my out-of-town relatives went back home, and on Friday - yesterday - my children left."
          I nodded.
          "This morning," he continued, "I was sitting in my den crying out loud. I miss her so much. For the last sixteen years, as her health got worse, she  needed me. But now nobody needs me. This morning I cried, 'Who needs an eighty-six-year-old wore-out man? Nobody!' I began to cry louder. 'Nobody needs me!' About that time, you knocked, and said, "Sir, I need you."
          I stood with my mouth open.
          He asked, "Are you an angel? The way the light shone around your head into my dark living room..."
          I assured him I was no angel.
          He smiled. "Do you know what I was thinking when I handed you those magnolias?"

                "I decided I'm needed. My flowers are needed. Why,  I might have a flower ministry! I could give them to everyone! Some caskets at the funeral home have no flowers. People need flowers at times like that and I have lots of them. They're all over the backyard! I can give them to hospitals, churches - all sorts of places. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to serve the Lord until the day He calls me home!"
                  I drove back to the church, filled with wonder.  On Patsy's wedding day, if anyone had asked me to encourage someone who was hurting, I would have said, "Forget it! It's my only daughter's wedding, for goodness' sake! There is no way I can minister to anyone today."
                  But God found a way. Through dead flowers.
                  "Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference."


Larry:  Such a nice story.  Thanks for sharing.

We are having a nice visit from our daughter and enjoying some quiet time now. 


Larry, thank you for sharing that story!  I remember having read it some time ago, but am so happy to read it again, as it's so inspiring!  We never know to whom or in what ways we can be a blessing!  My prayer is very often, "Lord, make me a blessing everywhere I go today!"   :)

I'm off to enjoy painting with my friends; praying my feet/legs won't give me too much pain today.  I get the stitches out tomorrow.

God bless you all!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jane Walker

Larry that story, and the comments, prompted me to tell of a similar event told at my daughter's memorial service.

There was an open mic and people were encouraged to speak of their experiences and memories of Joy.  One lady stood to tell how she had been absent from their ladies Bible study classes for quite a while because of illness.  She came to the class feeling pretty discouraged and spoke to the leader about that.  She ended by saying "Pray for me that I can have joy in my life again."  After she sat down, she said, "This beautiful, smiling lady sat down by me and said "'Hi, I'm Joy'" ! Joy was always ready and willing to seek out the new person, or just anyone she hadn't met yet, and introduce herself.  That day she was an instant answer to someone's prayer.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Sunday's sermon was about JOY - how timely it is with the posts today. 

Jane:  That is a wonderful remembrance of your daughter. 

Janet:  May your surgery totally mend - take care. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  I am late getting here this morning as have been busy with other matters.  I made a quick trip to Walmart while it was still cool.  I needed a couple more men's summer shirts so looked in the men's department and found two on the clearance rack that were marked for $7 and $7.88.  When I checked out one rang up for $3 and one for $5, what a nice buy.  I was able to ride the electric cart so didn't wear myself out doing the shopping.

At 12:45 this afternoon Pat is meeting three other ladies from our Sunday School class who also have birthday's in July.  They are going to have lunch at Ruby Tuesdays.  I will take her and then think I will go to a BBQ restaurant up the road for my lunch and then stop at the library, which is close by and wait for her call.  I haven't been tot he library for a long time.  That is going to do it for today. 

Carol, it is always nice to have time with our children and then also nice to enjoy quiet time when they go back home or away to do something. 

Janet, I have to believe you are a blessing to many people such as your writing up their stories and now preparing a book of the articles and your great devotion to the needs of Beth, just to mention two I am aware of.  I am sure it will be a relief to get the stitches out and hope you had a most enjoyable day of painting. 

Jane, thanks for sharing that lovely remembrance of Joy.  We can never know just how much a few kind words or even a smile may mean to people.