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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts of the Month~May

Started by JudyB, May 07, 2018, 10:42:33 AM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


From Chris Saunders

Unless we can preach condemnation we cannot help anyone.
It has always been this way, God through His laws must first condemn and show someone their heart and their true state of moral and spiritual decline, before He can show them grace and mercy.
The soul that does not see His need to turn and repent of his sinfulness will never be saved.
To "accept Christ" " put your hand up, "say this prayer, " now go and live a Christian life".
Is nowhere found in scripture, that is why we have so many false " churches."
Conviction of sin is a great gift from Almighty God, and preceeds the Gift of Salvation.
Conviction..condemnation, The Lord Jesus Christ taking the sinner's place, the Atonement being accepted by the Father.
Salvation given, cleansing, sanctification, justification, sealing by God the Holy Spirit.
You never "accept Christ" He accepts you, by grace alone.


Just As I Am[/size]
(Click to hear the music)

Author:  Charlotte Elliott, 1789-1871
Musician:  William B. Bradbury, 1816-1868

Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thy love unknown
Hath broken every barrier down;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, of that free love
The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove,
Here for a season, then above,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!


It must be true to say that no sacred song or hymn has been more used to bring sinners to the feet of Jesus, than this one.

Sung by grand choirs in vast crusades as hundreds have come or by congregations, large and small, as one's and two's have come; this hymn has moved the hearts of multitudes.

"Just As I Am," rings with a clear, positive note. It invites the sinner, just as he is, with all his sin, in all his unworthiness, despite his fears, though poor, wretched and blind, to come to the Saviour.

That's an invitation which is absolutely scriptural! We don't need to wait until our lives have been straightened out before we come to Christ. There's nothing we can do which will ever make us more acceptable in God's sight. The Bible clearly teaches that God loves the sinner, just the way he is, and wants him to come like that.

Only Jesus Christ can deliver us from the guilt and penalty of sin. Only He can solve all the problems of life. Only He can give us peace and joy and hope for the future. It was out of her feelings of frustration and hopelessness that the daughter of an Anglican minister in Brighton, England, wrote the words of this fine hymn.

One day in 1833, when Charlotte Elliott was in her forty-fourth year, she was feeling unusually depressed and alone. The other members of her family had gone off to a church function while she, an invalid and bedridden, remained at home.

Before her illness she had lived a happy, carefree life enjoying its many pleasures and gaining a measure of popularity, as a portrait artist.

Now, all of this past and stricken with the sickness which was to plague her for the rest of her life, she felt utterly useless and cut off. In addition, although she had been a Christian for many years, she began to have doubts about her relationship with the Lord. How could she be sure that all was well with her soul?

In her distress she began to list scriptural reasons for believing that she was, indeed, a child of God. She recognised the power of the Saviour's precious blood. She remembered His promise to receive all who come to Him by faith; and His ability to pardon, cleanse and save.

As she meditated on these great truths her heart was warmed and very soon Charlotte Elliott, who was also fond of writing poetry, was putting down her thoughts in verse:

Just as I am, without one plea,
but that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

It's just here that we encounter a new slant to the story.

Charlotte Elliott's brother was anxious to start a school to benefit the children of poor clergymen, and had organised a bazaar to raise funds.

It seemed that everybody in the town had helped with the project. Everybody, that is, except Charlotte, who was so stricken with paralysis that she could barely drag herself around her room.

So she published her new poem "Just As I Am," in the hope that from its sale she could contribute something to her brother's school fund.

The poem was instantly successful and was soon selling all over England in large numbers as well as being translated into a number of foreign languages.

Charlotte Elliott never did enjoy good heath for the rest of her life. She remained bedridden until the Lord, at last, called her home when she was eighty-two years old.

However, before her death she received more than a thousand letters of thanks and compliments from people who were grateful that she had written "Just As I Am."

Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

John 6:37   All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.


Judy, I'm just thinking about the many, many times I have heard that song sung as preachers waited for just one more person to come!  To say I memorized it well is an understatement--every word is indelibly imprinted in my memory!  But I didn't know the history of the poem/song; thanks for that.  I haven't heard the song in years!

I got up at 3:45 today, spent an hour in prayer, Bible reading and journaling; then two hours working on my book.  By then Darrel was up, we went to the gym; then home to dig in my flower containers and set out the flowers Diane gave me Saturday.  Now I'm showered and dressed; ready for my lunch date with the nice boy I met at the Senior Prom.  His mom is addicted to alcohol; left home in September, and was arrested for drunk driving last Friday night.  Dylan needs someone to talk to outside the family, and I consider it a blessing to be able to try to encourage him, and to pray for him.  Our time will be very short, as he has a bit less than an hour out of school for lunch.  Prayers appreciated.

Talk to you later!!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Thank you Janet.  It is amazing the history behind some of the well known hymns.

I went to visit a Christian elderly neighbor tonight.  The political debate was on and I really didn't want to hear it.  She twisted her foot/ankle 2 weeks ago and still is in a lot of pain.  We had a nice visit.  As you go about your day could you keep Bunny in your prayers?  She is a dear lady, and a good friend.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another beautiful morning and we will be in the low 80's this afternoon and party cloudy, although it is to be sunny this morning.  I have a busy morning planned as have an appointment with my podiatrist to get my toenails trimmed.  I should get a discount as only have 8 nails left to trim but sure that won't happen.  I then plan to stop at Lowe's to put some painting supplies so that Elizabeth can paint our front porch columns, which she prepared last week.  Then I hope to stop at Costco for gas and a couple of items and finally at the strawberry stand to get another half gallon of strawberries.  That will be plenty for today.  I did wake up around 3:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep so finished listening to an audio book and then got up and ready for the day. 

Judy, thanks for the special postings of the writings of Chris, the hymn and its story.  I have sung that hymn many, many times but never knew the story behind it. Are you still harvesting the maple sap?  I hope you and John are doing OK.  It was kind of you to visit with your elderly neighbor.

Janet, I grew up in a very small Disciples of Christ (Christian) Church and we have an invitation given each Sunday and often this was the hymn we sang.  Glad you are willing to listen to Dylan and hope he was able to open up to you. 


Yes we are done with the sap we got about 10 pints.  It wasn't a good year, the weather didn't co-operate!  LOL

My neighbor is a very special lady I love to visit with her.

Have a great day everyone!


I missed yesterday, I see.  And got here through a different route today because it was locked. 

Larry, I grew up in a little Baptist church where Just As I Am was sung many, many times!

My young friend Dylan only had less than a half hour for lunch, so too short!
But we had a good visit, and he wants to meet again when he has more time. I'm pleased that he does!

Abby texted me today that she is a bit over $1000 short in getting all of her support for her summer missions trip; I told her this is a lesson in learning to live by faith, and that I will continue praying with her for the support to come in.  She said, "Yes, please keep praying!"   :)

Darrel and I skipped gym and got out early to work in the garden.  He's been soaking it for several days to get it soft enough to sink a spade into the ground!  Whew!  That's hard work for two kids our age!!  :P  I am hurting from stem to stern!  And we didn't even get half done.  I still have more pots to prepare and more flowers to plant.  I don't know why we want to do the garden---maybe because those fresh, home-grown tomatoes taste so good!!!???

Judy, that sounds like a ton of work for only 5 pints of syrup  Hope you have enough to last until this time next year!

Carol--hello to you when you pop in!  Hope all is well with you in Colorado!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It looks like it well be another nice day here in the mid-80's.  Pat has a doctor's appointment this morning and then we are going to pick up Elizabeth to come out to do some more projects for us.  I picked up the paint and brushes yesterday for the porch columns.  Then we she will install the two remaining slide out shelves we have for our bathroom.  There are several other things we will ask her help with as well.  It was such a relief yesterday to get my toenails trimmed and my toes no longer hurt. This evening is our Wednesday night dinner and then visit with Scott.

Judy, sorry that it wasn't a good year for the maple sap as know you and John put a lot of effort into the project. 

Janet, you are right it is a good lesson that Abby is learning to put her trust in God and living by faith.  I hope your garden work will be worth all of that effort.  I expect you have to do a lot of watering of it during the growing season.  Other than our bushes, small trees and azaleas we have no special planting outside.  I hope your tomatoes do well.       


Good morning!  I'm on hold waiting to get a snafu straightened out with airline tickets to Guatemala.  Pastor's wife made a wrong click that caused Pastor, Darrel and I to be put on a different flight, resulting in a 10 hour layover in Guatemala City, (spending the night) while the rest of the group would be on their way to where we will be staying.  Pastor got his straightened out, then she called to tell me how to do it.  She couldn't do it for us because it's our credit card.  So I'm typing while I listen to annoying "music" coming from my phone.  She said it took Todd 30 minutes to get his done.  I'm thinking it will be longer because I'm on hold so blasted long!

Larry, Elizabeth is really a blessing to you, isn't she?  So glad you have strong young arms, etc to help you out with the chores that have become too difficult over the years!

If they answer, I will click out of here, even if it's in the middle of a sentence, so if this  stops abruptly, that's the reason!

I signed up a new Zeal customer yesterday!   :) :D  And another very well-known Doctor has signed on with his approval!  This is one who has spent his entire career studying Alzheimer's and other related problems, trying to find help for those people, and to prevent those problems.  He says Zeal is by far the best product he has come across to help with that.  This should be welcome news to all of us!

Today is Wednesday!!  Yea!  I get to go paint with my friends again!  I really missed that last week, but getting the van sold was too important for me to not be available.

Welcome to all who pop in later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


We finally have spring like weather here in the north.  What strikes me as funny is Great Britain which is further north than we are, has flowers and trees blooming, and has had for some time.  Chris has been posting pictures of his flowers for a few weeks now.

Keep Chris and Margit in your prayers, they are dealing with some serious health issues. They are both wonderful people.

John and I are working on the outdoors spring clean up.  With over 40 acres of cleared land it is quite a process.  We have brush to burn and lawns to scrape.  John has said we will be in to mowing as early as next week.  That is earlier than last year.

Oh Larry I checked what I put as our finished sap, it was 10 pints and that is enough for us and a pint each for the family.  Some of the sap was turned into sugar and is delicious in tea!
The next project is honey, we are picking up 2 packages of bees on the 9th of June and that will be the first time in quite a number of years.  We want to go off store bought sugar completely.  There are so many with diabetes problems, and with honey it is twice as sweet as sugar.  So 1 teaspoon full of honey is equal to 2 teaspoons of sugar.   

Anyway back to work and wishing you all a blessed day.


I Surrender All
(Click to hear music)

Author:  Judson W. Van DeVenter, 1855-1939 alt.
Musician:  Winfield S. Weeden, 1847-1908

All to Jesus, I surrender;
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessèd Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender;
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.


All to Jesus, I surrender;
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.


All to Jesus, I surrender;
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power;
Let Thy blessing fall on me.


All to Jesus I surrender;
Now I feel the sacred flame.
O the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory, to His Name!



~I Surrender All

       For five years, Mr. Van de Venter wavered between the challenge of the Gospel ministry and that of becoming a recognized artist. Here is how he tells it:

       For some time, I had struggled between developing my talents in the field of art and going into full-time evangelistic work. At last the pivotal hour of my life came, and I surrendered all.

       A new day was ushered into my life. I became an evangelist and discovered down deep in my soul a talent hitherto unknown to me. God had hidden a song in my heart, and touching a tender chord. He caused me to sing."

       Dr. Billy Graham, wrote this tribute to Mr. Van de Venter:

       One of the evangelists who influenced my early preaching was also a hymnist who wrote 'I Surrender All'—the Rev. J.W. Van de Venter. He was a regular visitor at the Florida Bible Institute (now Trinity Bible College) in the late 1930s. We students loved this kind, deeply spiritual gentleman and often gathered in his winter home at Tampa, Florida, for an evening of fellowship and singing.

Mark 10:28

28 Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.


Many thanks for the music.  It was played just like I remember - I have not heard it in years.

A friend and I are back from our annual breakfast/brunch at church with a huge gathering and each person brings a dish to share.  You cannot imagine the amount of food is set on many tables.  It has been so good to meet the gals from our round table - one is a missionary who goes to Indonesia. 

I had to order a new but cheaper cell phone.  It will be fine - the old iphone doesn't have a ring tone when someone is calling and this one has a flip top and we will save on this plan anyway.  Don spent the morning at the VA and everything went so smooth so he is back after having three appointments.  Record setting day.  Not record setting in the amount of time it takes to drive through this pot-full city. 

Part of a package of chicken thighs are in the crock pot and the other part will be baked later - some for dinner and most go right into the freezer for future meals.  Even though there are only two of us now, as opposed to when there were six at the table, I really like to have something in the freezer handy. 

Two more afternoons of sewing the binding on a queen-size quilt and that should do it - that will be like two full days of hand work.  I have spent too much time on quilt things this week. 


Not much happening in my world...I did go to a mobility store yesterday and for the first time sample ride three mobility scooters around the block...Choosing the right one for me wont come overnight, cant afford on making the wrong choice, they dont exactly come cheap...
I had to cut the trip short as I was expecting a metal man to come fix a pair of rails, one each side to the concrete steps leading from the decking gate to the pathway which leads to the set of concrete steps to the car...I was given a four hour time slot so timed it to get back by the earliest time just in-case, when we arrived home, metal mans van was already there...He was such a nice man...This pair of metal rails wont cost us anything, but are not nothing pretty to look at...Now looking out the back garden, all I can see is metal rails everywhere...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We are to have a sunny day getting into the low 90's this afternoon.  I guess summer is here.  Yesterday was a very busy day.  While Pat was at the doctor's office I made a quick trip to Aldi's.  Her appointment took quite awhile.  Around noon we picked Elizabeth up and she came out and had lunch with us and then went to work and painted the three columns on our front porch, put the bug spray barrier around the outside of the house and did a couple other errands.  I took her home around 3 pm and then at 5 we went back to the Church for dinner.  It was just Pat and I at dinner last evening.  This morning I will pick up my friend and we will go to coffee.  I have to get some money at the ATM and want to stop at the Dollar Tree after I have taken him home to pick up some sunglasses and toothbrushes to donate for our mission team that will head to Bolivia early in June. 

Janet, I wonder who picks out the annoying music we hear when put on hold.  I hope you got the ticket situation straightened out.  Elizabeth is a blessing to us.  That is good news on the Zeal front getting the doctor's endorsement. 

Judy, nice to read that Spring has arrived in your part of the world.  Forty aches is a lot to deal with.  Glad you got enough sap to make the syrup for you and your family.  Thanks for the hymn posting and the article about the writer of it. 

Carol, that sounds like it was quite a feast.  I hope your new phone works out well for you.  Glad Don's appointments at the VA went so well.  I am seeing reports that some officials in Colorado are having some second thoughts about pot and it impact on society and the safety on the road.  Our County newspaper publishes the Police Blotter and another Crime Report daily and I look at them fairly often.  The vast majority of the cases and arrests deal with illegal drugs and DUI's. 

Jackie, you are wise to take your time to select your mobility scooter.  Stacey had two of them and then went to the electric wheelchair.  They are expensive over here as well.  The first one she had we bought used but it hadn't been used much.  Glad you are getting the additional metal rails to help keep you safe when you are outside.   


Larry, after a whole hour, half of it on hold, I did get the ticket problem solved.  And the amazing part was, we were listed on the same flight as the rest of the group!  So it won't cost the additional $39 each, after all, plus trying to figure out how to catch up with them in Guatemala!  Then there was a problem with a credit card's expiration date with my new Zeal customer, resulting in ANOTHER hour on the phone getting that resolved.  Her bank had it wrong--she and I had it correct!   :crazy: So anyway, I do not want to spend two hors on the phone today, for sure!

I had a pleasant day painting--not a whole day, but a few hours.  I was quite tired from the garden work, and needed to be home early to go to Moscow for the two oldest g-grands' school awards night.  They both did quite well!  :)

Our dining chairs are worn out, at least the cushions are!  We've been using them for about 20-25 years already, so it's no surprise.  Anyway, Darrel likes the ones with casters so well, and I could't find them on any of the furniture store sites I checked, but did find the same ones, only improved so we ordered one, to see if we liked it.  We put it together this morning, and it is perfect for an office chair for me!  This solves another very annoying problem, so I'm praising the Lord for that!  And these (this) chair cost not much more than what the upholstery shop quoted us to make new cushions! God is good.  We will probably order six more of them for dining chairs, will wait a few days to be sure that's what we want.  And Darrel got back the chair I'd been using at my desk, making him happy, too!   ;)

Jackie, it's sad but true that the things necessary to keep us safe aren't necessarily always beautiful.  But life is, so we always have reason to rejoice!  Beth's power wheelchair served her well until she could no longer use her hands or sit erect enough in it to use it.  It cost nothing, as Medicare paid for it.

Carol, I wish you a soon finish with your quilt!  I'm not sure I could sew by hand for hours, as my fingers have lost some sensitivity, and I keep dropping the needle.  The last time I wanted to do some embroidery, I had to give it up.   :(  All things in their time, I guess.  I can still hold a paint brush!!  :)

I need to go to town and find a gift for my sister Jeanie, and something to eat for the little party the scrapbooking gals are having for her today.  So I'd best be about it!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


The new cell phone is not working - recharging it again. 

Janet:  I only know how to paint a room - not any art.  Anything we do as a hobby should be mentally therapeutic - that is my thought.

It was so good to see and hug some of the women yesterday.  They have tremendous family concerns and live with total faith.  I know that we were meant to move to this neighborhood and meet these people. 


Hello from a soggy island!
I have caught up on reading the posts for the past few weeks.  Have been feeling sort of sad as it was necessary to put my dear cat Billy Bob to sleep.  He is the cat who lived next door, fell in love with my cat Misty, and decided to live with us.....After 14 years it is really hard to say goodbye to such a dear companion.  With both Misty and Billy gone, only my daughter's cat Squeek remains.  She lives upstairs with them but comes down to my suite for her food, etc.  Tomorrow she will be 22 yrs. old.  I think that it is her aim in life to outlive me....I am 85.  I had both cremated and they are side by side on a shelf....

With all the requests for folks to post, I decided to come in and say Hi!  I do not do very many interesting things now and have to stay close to home unless with one of the kids.  My GD turned 31 today and we all went out for a lovely lunch in Cowichan Bay at a great restaurant.  It was also to celebrate Mother's Day coming this Sunday.  Amanda was actually born on Mother's Day and I  always say she is the best present I ever got!!

I have been enjoying the hymns very much as we always sang them in  choir and the Baptist churches I attended.  Thank you for posting such interesting things Judy. 

Have been doing some watercolours and painting again.  Also doing Acrylics like watercolours.  Have you ever tried that Janet?  My depth perception is pathetic now but find ways to overcome!  If fail, can always say it is an abstract. :-[

Like you Larry, have been having computer problems.  The last Windows update did not sit well with my desktop and I had to resort to a System Restore to get it back on track.  Use my ipad more than the desktop but still like both for different things.  Glad it was not necessary to do a new install as that takes such a long time to resolve things.  I am getting too old for such things >:(

What a sad state our poor world is in.  I am so grateful for having my daughter, SIL and GD.  Looking back over the many years, all the troubles and despair, I realize that God has always been protecting me....even though many times my doubts were almost as strong as my faith.  At this stage in life, my mind keeps playing back so many things like a video on repeat.  One thing that stands out very clearly is that what goes around, comes around.  I wish the world would learn that and change the things that are happening.

So time to close and say God Bless.



Oh Liz...
..you took the words straight out of my mouth when you say..." One thing that stands out very clearly is that what goes around, comes around.  I wish the world would learn that and change the things that are happening.." Oh how true, I too am a firm believer in that...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are in for another summer like day with us again reaching into the low 90's this afternoon.  My schedule is clear today so plan on just taking things slowly and easily.  Yesterday morning was very busy and I came home tired.  We cancelled our plans to go to the shoe store and then out to eat.  Pat baked a loaf of banana nut bread using her Instant Pot for the first time and it turned out very well.  I just had a slice of it with my breakfast this morning.  I do have tentative plans to clean out my closet and bureau drawers. 

Janet, glad you had success with your phone calls even if it took two hours.  Glad you stayed with it.  With your great grandchildren being of school age you will have many opportunities to go to school and sports events to see them participate.  Glad you found chairs that you like.  Our dinette chairs have casters and arms on them.  The arms make them much less likely to roll out from under us as we sit down.  We have had them for quite a few years but they have held up well and we use them at our dining room table.  I have never liked the chairs that came with the dining room set.  Sure glad you can still hold on to your paint brushes. 

Carol, hope you get your phone to work.  I am like you as have no art ability and marvel at those who do.  You do express your creativity through your quilt making. 

Liz, what a pleasure to see your posting and hearing the update on your life.  Sorry you have lost your cat and hope that Squeek will be around for a good long time yet.  Your granddaughter is about 5 years younger than mine.  I hope yours had a very enjoyable birthday.  We would be willing to take our granddaughter out to celebrate hers but she has declined for her own reasons.   Glad you are still able to enjoy your painting.  I hope you have your computer problems resolved.  The iPads are really great little devices.  Mine is getting very outdated but have no plans to replace it as it still works for what I want it to do and actually don't use it very often.  My iPhone has basically replaced using the iPad.  It appears we don't learn much from our past so we keep repeating the same things over and over and expecting to get a different result.  I think that is called a form of insanity. 

Jackie, we seem to be of the same mind on "what goes around comes around".  Has Spring arrived in your area.


Good morning!

Liz, how sweet to have a posting from you!  I've missed ou!  And please don't think your life any less interesting than anyone else's--You have beauty and value in this world, and you have friends here in our cozy little place who love you and are interested in whatever you're doing.  Actually, you are quite active and involved, more than so many your age.  Age is only a number, anyway!  :)  Sorry about your loss of beloved pets.  I don't remember ever hearing of a cat living to be 22 years old!  I know she has had loving, excellent care!  Your granddaughter is 10 years older than my Abby, who will be 21 in July.  I would love to see some of your watercolors! Another nice thing about watercolors--we can crop out the good part and use the rest of the paper for testing colors!  I'm enjoying re-learning how to use them, after many years working in oils.  Yes, I have done a little bit using acrylics like watercolors, that's handy to know, too!  Wish we could spend a few hours painting together!  What a treat that would be!  Also wish you could send some of your rain down here to our parched area of Kansas! And please come in again soon with another update!

Larry, I really need to get our Instant Pot out of its box ad use it!  It's not doing any good sitting under the bench!  I know it's a very versatile and useful appliance, but maybe not while it sits in its box!   :-[

What goes around comes around!!  Syria (and Iran) are learning that in spades by throwing rockets at Israel!  All I know is, we all need to live ready, for Jesus is coming soon!

My sweet young friend just texted me that he needs prayer.  His 16 year old brother passed away last night from a seizure!  He was a step-brother, but still, Dylan feels the loss.  He has such a tender and loving heart.

Ruth Ann, we are missing you, too.  Hope all is well with you!

I wish you all the blessings of our loving Father today!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


...quoting: All I know is, we all need to live ready, for Jesus is coming soon!
...all I know is that, I would rather Jesus stay there, where one day I shall be heading...I dont want to miss his welcoming...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


I lost part of my post so I am starting over.

I have been her to read  your posts from time to time of late without posting myself.  So here I am today. Lize it is so good to see a post from you.

I got an new student in my Tai Chi class today.  Slowly but surely the word is getting out and new people are coming, I have 11 students now. The new lay gave me a wonderful compliment today. She loves the way I teach and doesn't want to go to anther class she has asked me about attending in the afternoon earlier. She prefers to come to my class as the the afternoon class is taught by a different instructor, and is the one I attend. This is Tai chi for Seniors ad is called Tai chi for Better Balance so we aren';t doen't some of the complex movements.

Yesterday Freckles and I went to the Coos bay Head start school to do a presentation of Responsible  pet ownership and Safety. The little ones  mostly love the see the dogs, so the lesson is short then the dogs do some tricks and we tell them about our dogs and let the kids pet them.I always tell them that Freckles is a an Australian Cattle dog also called a Blue Heeler, and  is supposed to head cows and sheep but we don't have any cows or sheep at my house so she herds my 5  cats.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are in for a very hot day as expect the temperature to reach the upper 90's with no rain sight.  The only highlight from yesterday was that Jennifer stopped by for about 30 minutes.  We hadn't seen her for several days so good to see her.  We got to wish her a happy birthday in person as we won't be seeing her tomorrow.  If Pat is up to doing so we plan on going to breakfast at IHOP and then attend a meeting.  Scott plans to come over briefly to get something before he goes to work this afternoon. This will be plenty for us today.  I plan on watching some of the golf later this afternoon. 

Janet, you thoughts to Liz on seeing her posting were right on.  If having something new and interesting to write about each time was the requirement these boards wouldn't last long.  I find a lot of my postings relate to past events in my life, some of which I have probably already written about in the past but that isn't important, it is just the sharing with each other.  I doubt your Instant Pot is going to do much in the way of cooking until it is unboxed.  Pat looked at a lot of videos about cooking in them and has found many recipes telling how to fix things in them.  So sad for Dylan in losing his brother at such a young age.  His life certainly hasn't been easy up to this point. 

Jackie, I think Jesus will be wherever we are as long as we have given our life to him and accepted him as our Savior. 

Marilyn, it appears your class is flourishing and the word is getting out.  Nice of you to take Freckles to the Head Start School and do a some teaching about pet care.  It is beyond me how anyone would not love a dog. 


Happy Saturday to you all!  It's lovely and cool here right now, but the temp is expected to get to 90* later.

Jackie, Jesus lives in our hearts, if we have invited Him in, but He's also in heaven, at the right hand of the Father, praying for us!  But He has promised to come and call His church up to heaven with the blast of a trumpet and the command, "Come Up Here!"  That's when the dead in Christ shall rise and join us as we fly to meet Him!  So that's what I am looking forward to--flying through the air to meet Him and be escorted to my eternal home in heaven! Oh, what a day that will be!  Can you even imagine it?  And you need not worry about missing His welcoming, for He knows our every coming and going.  When we are His, He is with us every moment of every day!  :) <3

I went to the High School Art Awards ceremony at The Main Artery last night, and was blown away by the amazing talent of the young people! It truly was incredible the subject matter and complexity of their artworks.

I'm taking a little silk painting class from 1-3 this afternoon.  I used to do a lot of silk painting, even taught it, but haven't done any in years, so am doing this just for fun.  It will be a small project.

As soon as I finish this I want to spend time working on my book.  I'm sort of stalled, and want to get moving again!

Marilyn, thanks for posting.  I have missed you!  Always like hearing about your life, Freckles, Tai Chi, etc.  Say hi when you come to read!  Once you've said that, you will likely have more to add!

I signed up another Zeal customer yesterday!  :thumbsup:

Time to get to work on Walking Beth Home!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Liz:  How nice to read your note.  We are having a cool morning here just south of Denver,

cool and misty much like your neck of the woods.  Best to you!

Don hung a bird feeder off the deck and he was thinking little birds would enjoy it.  Not so, only the big bullies have taken over and they push seed over the deck. 

The news last night is of the plane that crashed by the smaller commuter airport and an engine fell on a house.  I was on our deck trying to see the multi-colored drone that was up to search for any more fatalities.  Those planes never fly over our area - instead, we will get the Air Force Academy ones testing their skills. 

Yesterday, our oldest son stopped by from the airport and he was driving to the mountains.  He treated us and one younger brother to a lunch outside and brought a present for me from his wife and him as they cannot be here for the family gathering.   


Good afternoon everyone. I am just back from my second walk today with Freckles. I spent a good part of that walk talking with my neighbor about her garden and Keith's health., (she's a nurse and has known Keith since in the 90's she is the same age of  one of his sons.). She has noticed the changes in him and wanted to know what is wrong with him. So I explained the atrophy in his brain and the dementia. She said he will never get better, the atrophy will keep growing and he will keep deteriorating. I knew that, but It helps to come home and tell Keith what she said. He tends  to think I don't know what I am talking about and that is so frustrating.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I think this has been the longest day of my life. No real reason except no one to talk with.  I guess when you have relatives visiting off and on for a couple of weeks, you get so used to it and want it to continue.  The phone rang and the caller did not help my mood at all..."Is Earl there?"  My husband passed away over 6 years ago.  My little Boston Terrier has had several naps, so she has been quiet.  Oh well, tomorrow will be a better day!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Janice:   Prayers for a better day for you --- tomorrow is Sunday and a perfect reason for you to have a wonderful blessed day.