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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts of the Month~May

Started by JudyB, May 07, 2018, 10:42:33 AM

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Happy Saturday, everyone!
I love Saturdays, because I usually don't have to leave the house unless I want to!  All the other days have commitments and obligations, so it's nice to have a day with none of those!

I got another 2000+ words written on the book yesterday, and have a renewed zeal about getting it finished.  Peggy's words of encouragement really gave me a boost--and yours, too, Larry!  Thank you so much.  I'm sitting in my new office chair and I think it's going to be a big help.

Carol, so glad you get to keep your same doctor.  Those changes are surely not fun.  Nice that your kids are visiting, I know you enjoy that!

Marilyn, it doesn't seem possible that those grandkids of yours are old enough to be out o their own already, but I know how time flies for me! And for sure, our kids and grandkids don't always do what we believe they should do.  But we didn't always please our parents, either.  I guess that's part of life.

We got a tiny taste of rain last night--one tenth of an inch.  Praying for more!

I love the verse at the right of this page! 

Pat, if you're peeking in, please know that I love you!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Been glued to the tv, watched the wedding..( times like this I am proud to be British..) One thing that was made clear is we all need " LOVE.." think Bishop Michael Curry got that message across...  <3  I had to smile when he broke in saying, " we gotta get y'all married.?  ;D
Well it certainly was a fairy tale book wedding, they even had the perfect weather...  Link to full transcript...


" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We had another nice rain last night and will only get into the low 80's today.  I did accomplish what I set out to do yesterday, i.e., getting strawberries, stopping at Lowe's and then at Aldi's.  By that time I knew I was tired to try to get to the meeting.  I got a couple of ears of fresh sweet corn at the fruit stand so we had that with a big bowl of the potato soup that Pat had made a couple of days ago and it made a great supper along with an ice cream bar each that I had purchased at Aldi's. 

Today I will just be going to Sunday School and Church and then will pick up Jennifer and bring her to the house to let me off and she will take the PT Cruiser back so Scott can use it to get to work.  I will probably pick up a Firehouse Sub for our meal of the day. That will be it for today other than to watch the last of the golf tournament today.

Janet, glad you can have a free day to do just what you want without having other commitments or obligations.  It sounds like you are making good progress on your book.  Glad you are happy with your new chair.

Jackie, the Royal Wedding was covered over here on Fox News and probably the other channels as well.  It was a beautiful setting and it appeared that everything went as planned.  I felt for the newlyweds with all of the other obligations they had the rest of the day with the receptions and party.  There were certainly a lot of people lining the roadway. 


Our son and dil have been here three days and she left for the airport at 4:30 AM - he just took the car and is driving back to their cabin in the mountains.  He has two doctor appointments this week - not easy having pneumonia at high altitude.  We wanted to go with him but he said he would be alright. 

It is too quiet with them gone and the little dog as well.  I know that just taking the dog for walks isn't for me anymore.  This week is filled with activities - and the quilt group meets as well at my house.  Now there is a total of 9. 

Blessings to all.


Chris Saunders
18 May at 03:08 ?
When we say someone is" blackhearted" we mean they are cruel, wicked, evil..and we stay well away from them, yet their heart is the same colour as ours..when our Lord spoke about the wickedness of the human heart He meant something quite different, something soulish, something of the very internal being of man, the Jews always took things literally.."how can a man be reborn when he is old..can he go back into his mothers womb?"
The rest of the world is just like the Jews, they need to see things before they can believe them.
The true Spiritual life begins when one is truly reborn, the eyes of one's Soul are opened, the Holy Spirit joins with one's own spirit.
A terrific transformation takes place, those who know you think that you have gone mad.
You are never the same again..thank God for it!
You see differently, you live differently, you turn your back on an old sinful life, your desires are all changed, and your hope is now in God, forever. "He only, is my hope and stay."
Jesus Christ our Saviour said," I am the Light of the world, he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the Light of Life."

" All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give,
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His Presence daily live,

All to Jesus I surrender ,
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Take me Jesus take me now."

I surrender all......


I Surrender All
(Click to hear music)

Author:  Judson W. Van DeVenter, 1855-1939 alt.
Musician:  Winfield S. Weeden, 1847-1908

All to Jesus, I surrender;
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessèd Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender;
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.


All to Jesus, I surrender;
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.


All to Jesus, I surrender;
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power;
Let Thy blessing fall on me.


All to Jesus I surrender;
Now I feel the sacred flame.
O the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory, to His Name!



~I Surrender All

       For five years, Mr. Van de Venter wavered between the challenge of the Gospel ministry and that of becoming a recognized artist. Here is how he tells it:

      For some time, I had struggled between developing my talents in the field of art and going into full-time evangelistic work. At last the pivotal hour of my life came, and I surrendered all.

      A new day was ushered into my life. I became an evangelist and discovered down deep in my soul a talent hitherto unknown to me. God had hidden a song in my heart, and touching a tender chord. He caused me to sing.

       Dr. Billy Graham, wrote this tribute to Mr. Van de Venter:

       One of the evangelists who influenced my early preaching was also a hymnist who wrote 'I Surrender All'—the Rev. J.W. Van de Venter. He was a regular visitor at the Florida Bible Institute (now Trinity Bible College) in the late 1930s. We students loved this kind, deeply spiritual gentleman and often gathered in his winter home at Tampa, Florida, for an evening of fellowship and singing.

Mark 10:28

28 Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is another cloudy morning and we have a good chance of rain this afternoon.  We expect to get only into the low 80's today.  This is the day for our Senior Luncheon at Church.  We have a speaker today who is one of the weather persons on TV.  Pat doesn't plan to attend but I am going and will come home via the Produce Market to pick up some more of the delicous sweet corn.  I have nothing else planned for today,  Yesterday I did call the Insurance company and put Scott on our policy for the PT Cruiser.  We did get the AC fixed on it yesterday to the tune of over $325.  However, still cheaper to do occasional repairs than to buy a different car and this is the most solid car I have ever owned.  It is really too bad they have quit making them. 

Carol, so sorry to read that your son has pneumonia.  It sure is hard enough to breath without dealing with such a problem.  A house is very quiet when company leaves. 

Judy, thanks for sharing the writing of Chris.  That is a wonderful message.  The hymn "I Surrender All" is one I have sung many times in my life and its background is also inspiring.


Larry you sure are up early. I get up early too. This morning I awoke at 3:45 too early, I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't

Freckles and I are working the school program 3 days in a row this week. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is a busy week for me..
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


There were only two appointments for me today yet it turned into about 4 hours of sitting in doctor and testing offices. I ended up going to Safeway bakery for tonight's treats for the quilters.  Yesterday, my banana bread flopped - apparently, I must have shut the oven off when I was setting the timer.  It was a nice taste but looked so weird.

Our oldest son has three days of testing for his pneumonia - two trips to Steamboat Springs and the other day to a little clinic. There is snow on the hills but the roads are clear now.

We do have the gift of  Grace-- each and every day of our lives.   


I have read here every day but guess I haven't posted.  Sorry.  Lots going on and I'm having backaches, which really are slowing me down.  :( I have had one adjustment, have another appointment tomorrow, even though it means leaving my painting class early.  I do not want to be in pain all the way to North Platte Nebraska and back this weekend.

This morning I went to the dermatologist to see if I have any more trouble spots.  Nope!   :)  That's good!

We are trying to get everything needed for our mission trip to Guatamala. We will work with all the team members on fund raisers to help those who need help with their expenses to go.  I think there are 12 going besides the leader.  Darrel needs to get a tetanus and a Hepatitis A shot; I've had mine and tetanus was only about a year ago.  They said it needs to be within last five years.

Larry, I sure liked my PT Cruiser.  I'm sorry we let it go.  It was very comfortable to me.

I'm going to get my nails done when I get a call, not sure when that will be, as the gal has another job and will do me after she gets off.

Good to read the posts today, and God bless you all, my friends!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are suppose to have occasional rain showers or thunderstorms throughout today and tonight but it will get only to 79 degrees. We experienced the same type of weather yesterday.  I plan on staying close to home until late this afternoon when I will go to the Church for our next to last Wednesday night dinner. 

I did attend the Senior (Prime Time) luncheon yesterday at noon.  There was a small attendance as the mother of one of the very active Church members passed away on Saturday night and the service was yesterday in another town.  Apparently quite a few of the folks who normally attend went to the funeral to support support Laura and her family.  We had a nice program presented by a young lady who is working at her first TV weather job as the weekend morning broadcaster.  She had some slides and told us a bit about what is involved in forecasting the weather and presenting it on the air.  The meal that followed wasn't one of my favorite as it was an Italian Pasta Salad.  I did not feel well all afternoon and laid down about 7 pm and then actually went to bed around 9 pm. 

Marilyn, sometimes I wake up early and can't go back to sleep as I can't seem to turn my mind off.  After a while I decide I might as well get up and do something and that was the case yesterday.  It must be great enjoyment to see the school children respond to Freckles. 

Carol, it is very tiring to spend that long waiting to see a doctor or get tests done.  Sorry your banana bread flopped.  The last that Pat made was in the Instant Pot and it came out fine and stayed very moist until it was gone.  One time Pat baked an angel food cake for a special dessert when we were having guests.  It didn't turn out well so she broke it up into small chunks and put Dream Whip or a similar topping on it and served it with a fruit topping.  It was very well received and very delicious, as I remember.  Sure glad your son is taking care of himself and getting the necessary medical attention.

Janet, I take it that your new chair hasn't helped much with your backaches.  I hope your adjustment today brings you relief.  Is this the upcoming weekend for your annual family get together in Nebraska?  It must be quite a job to get everything in order for your mission trip.  Our Church is sending out two teams to different countries and the preparations have been going on for sometime.  I am doubtful I will get the PT Cruiser back and I really don't need it.  I was able to put Scott on our insurance as a driver on the car but since it is being garaged at his home there is a limit of six months I can do that.  We will see what happens then.  I have offered to sell the call to him at that time and agree to pay the costs of insurance and maintenance on it but we will see what the needs are at that time. 


Good morning!  And it's really a good morning here!!  :) :)  We finally got some rain--6 tenths this time!  We are so thankful for that,  The air smells so fresh and clean, and it should really help those who suffer from allergies, as well as bless the crops and gardens!

Larry, you are such a generous person, and God blesses that.  I am praying all the time to be a more generous giver, and God is really helping me in that.
Last week I gave a new recliner chair to our chiropractor, and he is loving it!  ;)

Diane and abby both have appointments this morning here, with the chiropractor.  They will stop by my art class to see me for a few minutes, and of course I'm looking forward to that!  Then I get another adjustment this afternoon after class.  Actually, I have to leave a little early for it.

I'm out of time, have more I want to share, so will be back!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


The quilting group met at my house last night and I will have to check when my turn comes again. 

I didn't write about the traffic jams yesterday. Total gridlock. 

Janet:  How nice of you and Darrel to take the time and really the challenge of going to Guatemala to work.  Is it city or country area?  Prayers for your safety and health.  A soft and gentle rain is a blessing for the crops and fresh air to boot. 

We do things differently now and do not get up and go just to miss the heavy traffic.  It is not my style as I have always been an early riser. So -  the Lord must be trying to get me to understand that I cannot control everything - taking time to give a few minutes more of thankfulness - truly grateful. 


Carol, we will be working in the mountains of Guatemala, among a very remote people group, mostly unreached.  We have been warned that it's really tough walking, uphill and very rocky.  So we will bring our walking sticks!

I'm so glad we do not live where the traffic is so bad, not sure either of us could handle that!  Not I, for sure!

I don't want to sit here too long, as it might mess up my back again.  I'm supposed to ice it tonight and tomorrow night.

Was so sweet to get hugs from Abby today.  Love that granddaughter!  She had lunch plans with her Dad, in Liberal, also an eye appointment, so it was a short visit with me!  I hope to have a little time with her after we get home from Nebraska, before she leaves for San Diego.

Jackie, I still want to click on your link and see the royal wedding!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. After a somewhat rainy day yesterday we ar expecting more of the same this afternoon.  We had a very good dinner at Church last evening with Beef Stroganoff, peas and baby carrots, salad, bread and a chocolate bread pudding.  Pat decided at the last minute that she was up to going to the supper.  We then stopped at Walmart to pick up our online grocery order and didn't even need to get out of the car.  When we got home Scott and Elizabeth, who had been a dinner with us and came on out to the house, carried the groceries in to the kitchen from the car, which I really appreciated as wasn't feeling on top of the world. I have a very light schedule planned for today. 

I decided not to attend coffee this morning but do have to make a quick trip to Walmart for a prescription and to pick up a couple of items that the other Walmart were out of yesterday but that we need.  Later this afternoon we plan on going to Ruby Tuesday's for our main meal of the day as they have another buy one-get one entree special and that is really hard to beat. 

Janet, glad you all finally got some rain.  That was a very nice gift you gave your chiropractor.  Glad he is able to be back at work.  I bet that was a first for him to have a patient be so generous.  I hope you had a great time at your class yesterday.  I sure hope you and Darrel can handle the rough walking in Guatemala. 

Carol, the lack of heavy traffic is something I certainly don't miss living here versus in the Atlanta area. 


Good morning!  My phone keeps alerting me that heavy rains have been detected in our area, but it isn't raining here.  More will be welcome!  I had a really quick chat with a friend yesterday, we were saying how we were praising God for the rain, and she said God probably was saying, "Nice to hear from y'all for a change!"   :)  That's likely the case!  (He hears from me very often.)

My back feels so much better today, and I'm thankful for that.

Did I tell you that John is going to Nebraska with us?  It will be good for him to get out of that apartment and be with family, for sure.  He said he knows if Beth were here, she would want to go--and he's right about that!

I have a hair appointment at 9, so am watching the time.  ::)

Talk to you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


It seems no one has come in to chat while I've been away!

I wanted to let you know that Pat Scott Halbach texted me as we were driving home from Garden a while ago, to tell me she is having the first of two hip replacements in the morning.  She requests prayer cover--and I'm sure we will all be praying for her.  She said she is in shock, as the surgeon canceled someone else's surgery to get her in!  She has been waiting for many months to get that done, and I'm praying all goes better than she even dreams!

Talk to you tomorrow!

Larry, if you haven't already done so, please check your email!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Our morning has started off with rain and it still continues.  We are expecting more late this afternoon with only a small percentage chance until then.  I arose early this morning and realizing I wasn't going to go back to sleep I decided to get up and get busy.  One of the things I did was peel the three peaches we have had ripening on the counter for several days.  I split them with Pat and she will have them with her breakfast.  They were so juicy that I ate mine over the sink.  These South Carolina peaches are really, really good. 

We did go to Ruby Tuesdays yesterday afternoon as we had planned for a delicious meal.  Today should be a quiet day and may just stay home all day.  I may make a quick trip to Dollar Tree to see about getting one of those chains that go around your neck that your glasses attach to.  I am constantly having to take my reading glasses out of my pocket and putting them back in my pocket.  If they don't have what I want I will go into the Walmart Pharmacy area at the front of the store and see what they have.

My thoughts and prayers are on Pat Scott Halbach as she undergoes this long awaited first surgery.  It must certainly be an answer to prayer that she has gotten in several months before she expected to.  Let's all keep her in our prayers and thoughts today and in the days ahead as she recovers over the next several months and then has the second surgery for the other hip.  Janet, thanks for letting me know with your email and then your call. 

Janet,  I really enjoyed talking with you last evening. I do hope you get some more rain.  Yesterday some of the close by towns around Augusta got a lot of rain but we didn't have any at that time.  It did rain more last evening and is in the forecast for several days.  They are saying they think our drought will be over by the time these rains cease and that is very good news.  Nice to read that your back was feeling better yesterday.  Happy to see that John is going with you all this weekend.   


Good morning!  We are ready to leave for North Platte, Nebraska in a few minutes.  John just called and said he has "a stupid stomach bug" and will not be going with us.  We are truly disappointed about this turn of events, as the trip would really be good for him.  He asked me to reserve a room for him; I did, but when I called to cancel it, they said that since I reserved it on Expedia, I would need to cancel through them.  Well--that is a ripoff!  Don't ever use Expedia or its affiliates!  They say you have to cancel over 24 hours in advance, or there is a 100% cancellation fee!  GRRR! And I used my credit card for John's room.  I guess there will be a dispute on the card billing; I don't know what else to do.  Expedia doesn't have a phone number anywhere that I can find! Sorry; thanks for letting me vent!  I will stop and pray, and thus regain my normal good humor!  ;) :)

Larry, I was delighted to hear your pleasant voice last night; and do so want to come visit you and Pat.  I think we are about done with our world traveling, and will just travel within the US after this year.  Unless Darrel agrees to go to Iceland!  That's on my bucket list!  ;)  Maybe I will call you occasionally--earlier in the day--just to chat a bit; if you don't mind.

I must get my stuff in the car!  See you when we get home!

Love to you all, Janet
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Prayed for Pat S H and her hip replacement.  So sorry that she has had such a long delay as all I have heard about hip surgery is that it is much easier than knee surgery.  Having had neither, yet - I am not an expert.  So glad that she will have the surgery and recovery now! 

Janet:  Have a safe trip to Nebraska.  Lots of traffic on the roads now. 

Huge Kindle problems and my old iPad has not worked for months so I am trying to boot it up.  I have an appointment with my doctor for my physical today at no charge.   I had the appointment before the office changed to another insurance (that did not include coverage out-of-state.  Doc is so sweet and I must get other coverage - working on that problem.  Don made a pen for her so I will give that away today. 

Drive safely! 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We had another rainy day yesterday and expect more rain today.  The lawnkeepers haven't been able to take care of the lawns this week as it has been so wet and the yards have really grown as they do this time of the year.  I plan on picking up a prescription at Walmart this morning, stopping by the fruit stand for more strawberries, sweet corn and peaches and then if I still have any energy left I will go to a meeting.  I plan on watching the golf match later this afternoon.

Janet, sorry to read that John isn't going to be able to make the trip with you.  I have found that it generally is as good just to call the hotel/motel for the reservations.  It does sound like you are being taken as I expect the room will be rented to someone else.  I sure hope you and Darrel will be able to make it to South Carolina and visit with us. 

Carol, I thought about Pat Scott Halbach many times yesterday.  My wife did find the hip replacement easier than the knee surgery. Sorry to see you still face the health insurance problem. 


I was talking to Pat this AM, she is doing well.  She was up during the night to go to the washroom, and is in much less pain with her left side than she has been in for some time. Except for getting up to the washroom she slept through the whole night. The weight of the bedding was too heavy however that is an easy remedy.  She said the pain was like a dull headache.  Now comes rehab.  There was talk of her going to a rehab facility for about 6 weeks, that will be good as she is alone at home.
Thank you everyone for praying. Please continue to pray for continued strength and rest.

Larry Hanna

Judy, I was hoping you would give us a report on Pat.  Glad to read she is doing OK and recognizes less pain than she has been experiencing.  It sounds like rehab is where she will need to be and they can do some great things in that length of time. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I've spent hours trying to get caught up with the conversations.

It's really good to hear from you.  My sister in law finally is scheduled to leave the rehab facility on June 6.

I've had several doctor visits, and have several more coming up.

Y'all have a good Sunday.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We actually start the morning with some sunshine.  It is suppose to get to 81 degrees today and around 5 pm on thought the evening the chances of thunderstorms increase.  I did not feel up to par yesterday and even though I had a very good nights sleep last night after going to bed at 8 pm I am already pretty worn down.  So I am not going to go to Sunday School and Church this morning.  I do have to make a quick trip to the grocery store for an Angel Food cake mix.  Pat tried to fix one yesterday in the Instant Pot as she had gotten a special Angel Food cake pan to use.  However, it turned out a disaster and very flat so she wants to fix one in the oven.  Today is Elizabeth's birthday and she and Jennifer will be out late this afternoon for a little surprise party for her 20th birthday.  We will have cake and strawberries and I don't know yet whether Pat is going to try to fix a meal but I hope not.  Other than that I just plan to rest today. 

Ruth Ann, nice to see your posting and to learn that your sister-in-law has been given a date to leave the rehab facility.  She has certainly been there a long time. 


Oh, how happy I am to read a good report on our Pat!  Thank you, Judy, for the update!  Maybe this is the beginning of her reclaiming her life after such a long time of pain and disability!  Praise You, Father God!!

We left the celebration a little early yesterday--it was wonderful and well-attended--but we wanted to get home last night, so we can go to Hugoton this morning to church, as they are "commissioning" Abby for her mission this summer.  We didn't know it was going to be happening, until Diane called me as we were driving to Nebraska.  God is good!

I know Darrel and I will not reach the milestone of being married for 60 years, and that's okay.  I'm happy for my sister and brother-in-law.  That is a testimony to the keeping power of our God, and the determination of a couple to obey the Word, and the results are obvious in their lives and the lives of their family.  :) :)

We are ready to go to church, see you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Yesterday, I chatted with our good friend here - her husband passed this last winter.  She is doing well and just needs help with a few things.  She had hand surgery last year and still it cannot function all the way so she needs help sometimes with simple things.  We talked over iced tea for 3 hours. 

My knees are painful upon rising from a chair, etc.  My doctor showed me 3 exercises to practice several times a day as the problem isn't arthritis but tendons.  Such a practical doc, I will miss her - she wants to meet for coffee sometime. 

Ruth Ann:  nice to read your note about your SIL recuperating. 

Judy:  We all appreciate your news on Pat and don't forget to include yourselves.  Growing older sure changes a lot in our lives - it isn't easy. 

Larry:  That Instant Pot sounds interesting.  Low carb recipes would interest me. 


Forgot to mention that I told my doc every time I drink too much coffee, I have a pain in my side and I said, I know what you are going to say.  Stop drinking too much coffee.   :coffee:

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone on this Memorial Day.  I think we have had rain all nigh and this morning it is still raining.  Our county, along with several others nearby in Georgia and South Carolina have been under a flood watch but it is being lifted shortly although more rain is forecast for different times throughout the day.  I have nothing particular planned for today but will probably finish an ebook I have been reading and just take things easy.  We did have a nice little birthday party for Elizabeth yesterday afternoon and then she, Jennifer and Pat played Farkle for a couple of hours.  I think Elizabeth was surprised and pleased with the fresh strawberries, cake, ice cream and toppings.  She enjoyed a second helping. 

Janet, it sounds like you had a very nice weekend and the commissioning of Abbey was an important event.  I know our Church did that yesterday for the two missionary teams who will leave in eary June, although it may be next Sunday.  I missed going to Church yesterday for the first time in a long time but just wasn't feeling up to doing so.  I do feel better this morning.  I am hopeful that Pat and I will be able to reach the 60 years of marriage as that is just a little over four years from now.  Was this the reason for your trip to Nebraska to help celebrate this hallmark for your sister and BIL?

Carol, it sounds like your friend needed someone to talk with and she must be easy to walk with.  You must have a special relationship with your doctor and such a shame she cannot continue to treat you.  I agree wholeheartedly with your statement about growing older changing a lot of things. Pat and I struggle sometimes just to do the necessary things in the day but so far we are making it.  Do a web search for low carb recipes using the Instant Pot and I bet you will be surprised how many recipes you will find.  The Angel Food cake is the only thing she has made in it that didn't turn out well.  I did buy an already prepared one at Walmart yesterday morning and it served the purpose very well and was pretty good and saved Pat the work of fixing it.