POSTING FOR AL MOAK...Recently Al Moak had his mobile home painted.
Nice, eh?
That really does look nice, Al! Good on ya! ;D
Hey AL .... Looks good to me! :D
Beautiful paint job Al...did you do it yourself? We had our home painted last week. I'm hoping Pat will drop over and take some pictures for me, so I can show you. I'm anxious to know if you like the color I've chosen.
OOOooooh is that Azure blue? I like it lots Al ::)
Thanks for the positive comments! No, I didn't paint it myself. The fellow that lives directly across the street has painted about 20-30% of the places in the park here, so he did it. We're very happy with it, though it's my understanding that there are one or two in the park who don't like the color.
Thanks Pat.
Are the ones that don't like the color in the 70% -80% that haven't had their mobile homes painted? Why wouldn't you choose are near the ocean, aren't you?Â
I think those shades of blue are uplifting and give the view a sense of happiness.
Well said, Etta Sue. I love the color Al and like the flower bed in front. Neat!
Al, I like that blue and it looks like your neighbor did a very nice job.
Al & Marbeth, that should cheer you up no end!
Be proud of it, it's lovely, stay young!!!! :) :D
Very colorful Bro. Al, as compared to the others in the court. Won't have no trouble finding your house. Actually y-all there ain't that many homes in the park. hahaha
:) :) :) Love that trailer, Al. The color, blue, is just what is needed in that trailer park. ;)
We like the color. We don't know who it is in the park that doesn't like it. Maybe it's just a rumor. We cancelled an old insurance policy because we didn't need it anymore. Didn't know it had a cash value to it. So when we cancelled it, we received a check for over $1100! That paid for the paint job and a new gas range (the old one was almost completely shot). So now we just need a little gravel in our driveway and a carpet in the LR, and then no more spending for a long while (it says here). Thank You Father, for the means to do these things!
Oh, Al, isn't our Heavenly Father just so wonderful? Before we call, He answers. I'm so happy that you got that money.
And I love the colour.
That is sure a pretty shade of blue!
Thank y'all. Thank you Pat and Daryl. And thanks be to the One Who provided. Amen.