I took this photo yesterday from just up the hill from my house on Airport Road. If you look into the horizon you can see the Pacific Ocean and that is not a cloud hovering over it. It is the usual Fog Bank hanging out just on the edge of the coast waiting to cover us in its mist. A daily thing here.(https://www.christianphotographers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwebzoom.freewebs.com%2Fmarilyn_793%2FSept-04Fogbank.jpg&hash=8cd3ac3fae191205535f90a586651950ad25a129)
Great shot, MARILYN ... Don't yuh just love it? ;)
I sure do Janey.
Every day!!!!????? That is something!!!
Yes it happens every day. Just ask Jane it happens to her in Coos Bay too. Keeps us nice and cool.
Nice shot, Marilyn. Love the sky!
Nice picture, Marilyn.
Actually, Jane and Marilyn are wrong! Some days, it starts with the fog already on us and stays that way. Once in a while, too, it starts with the fog, then clears, then fogs again. And the interesting thing is - the weather man can't seem to bring himself to call it by its name. He sometimes calls it "overcast" (or even "cloudy"). But one thing is for sure - if any of you want a little fog of your own, just say so, and we will cut a little cube of it and send it to you. We'll even send the weatherman's report along with it, if you want.
But - that we will have fog - you can take that to the bank (fog bank).
Nice photo, Marilyn.
Interesting about this "fog bank".
Yeah, right, AL! ::) ;) 8)
Thanks for the explanation, Al, I guess it means that you have a good bit of humidity in the air like I do here in the South. Mildew is very prominent here. You should see my white roof....it is almost black. Next time I put a roof on it will be black so not to worry about the mildew.
Anyhow...the picture of really good, Marilyn
We have a lot of mildew and mold here too. the outside of the mobile homes have it on them. There was mold on some of my walls down by the floor when I movedhere and it doesn't come off either. At the hardware store they sell these bags of stuff to absorb the dampness to hang in your closets and put behind your furniture. When Gilbert moved they discovered mildew on the underside of the box springs. Yes a lot of humidity.
How long does the fog last each day? We also have a lot of mildew but usually not in the house. The air conditioning helps keep the moisture out of the house.
Yes, we get a little mildew/mold, but even though the humidity is up around 90-something percent, the temperature is only 50/60 degrees (without the sun) and 55/75 with the sun. In the southern states the humidity is about the same, but the temp. is 80/100 degrees. Makes a huge difference. That's why we LIKE the fog!
You got that right Al.
Praise the Lord for the fog, I love it.