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Bird Photos In Snow

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Owner: iamblessed

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Over The Rooftops, First Results From A New Lens

Started by Summicron, October 31, 2009, 02:04:22 PM

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It's a Leica 135mm APO Telyt, I got from a Leica specialist in Manchester, second hand of course, and this was the first shot I took with that lens, as I've just got the film back from processing, the film was Fuji Velvia 50 ASA, ISO, I always go by to old rating what I grew up with. Anyway the picture was taken through the back bedroom window of the roofs of the houses across, it was a dull day but the clouds were magnifficent, echoing the tones of the pantiles across the way, I love the deep muted tones of the ochre litchen garlanding the chimney.



The next picture is a view looking down Borough road towards the new academy that is rising just beyond the center of town, apart from the contrasting shapes and colours of the buildings there is nothing much of architectural noteworthiness, to speak of, a tile shop, a bank, the post office, and a rather old whitewashed terrace of houses set against th college itself. I took this one afternoon as I came out of the health center after having my feet bandaged for no other reason than I liked the piled up architectural shapes.

What I've found with rangefinder cameras is, that you have to visualise everything in the viewfinder, there is no sense of wide angle spaciousness or telephoto compression within the viewfinder, as there is with single lens reflex cameras where you are actually looking through the lens itself, its a challenge, but I'm enjoying it tremendously, its also a far different experience to digital, where you can review the pictures there and then, sure its a good notebook, but getting that box full of slides back through the post and viewing those little stained glass (well celuloid) windows back, well its like opening your presents on Christmas day, there's always the element of surprise and delight, and the disappointment when there are the failures.


Jeanne Lee

I love the first one with the cloud formation over the rooftop.  Very striking!  And the second one does show an amazing mixture of architectural styles in what looks like quite a small space.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


I too love the cloud formation on the first one. The second one looks like it could be from Mary Poppins!





Now isn't that funny, Halloween, Judy is reminded by the second photograph, I thought right I'll find a little image of Mary Poppins and place her in the photograph somewhere over the town, no sooner had I posted it, than something came to mind, witches, then came the thought that although broomsticks were a witches traditional mode of transport, they could I believe use all sorts of household objects to fly around on, you've seen the idea of the magic carpet. I came quickly to one conclusion. The character of Mary Poppins is a witch. Unlike The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, witchcraft in the form of Mary Poppins is being presented as acceptable and harmless in the minds of young children. Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious, becomes an incantation, or a spell that influences others. In other words what can seem harmless, and innocent can be exploited as a means to condition peoples minds especially the very young and vunerable. I'm in my sixties and its only today that I've come to see this.

I actually prayed, this little prayer, when I noticed the similarities of Mary Poppins and how we perceive witches to be, the prayer was this. "Why does Jesus want me to see this." The answer is that Satan uses the most subtle tactics to draw people into the occult, to gain power over peoples minds and lives. And by reaching out to the minds of the young, they are being conditioned from a very early age that, the occult, witchcraft, Satanism, and whatever else is out there is not wrong, but highly acceptable. Again Halloween is not good, its a demonic trap to lure people into the occult and eventually, to hell.

Think about it this way, Halloween is nothing more than spiritual paedophilia, you wouldn't like your kids to be molested by a paedophile would you? And yet through the occult, you are giving your childrens souls over to a molestor, Satan. It's that serious.


Amen Michael.  Oh and my LOL was to your response, not to Mary Poppins.  I do agree with you  as you will see in the other post.


I find it absolutely unbelievable the number of "Christians" who send their children out on  Halloween and let them "Trick or Treat" the folks around...all in "good fun"  I have not allowed Halloween at all ever since my adult children were toddlers, much to the dismay of family members.  I really didn't care that they felt the kids were "deprived" they didn't need the experience or the candy.