Here are a few that we thought were fun from the Houston Zoo.
Great shots!
Quote from: buddywoods on January 03, 2013, 06:24:46 PM
Great shots!
Thank you, Sir.
Here's a few others:
Beautiful pictures, such expressions!
My what a tail that gray one has! Great shots, Joshua.
Found one more that I thought was fun.
Good catch. My first thought was a chickadee - then I saw the webbed feet. What is it, Joshua?
Quote from: Jeanne Lee on January 26, 2013, 05:08:49 PM
Good catch. My first thought was a chickadee - then I saw the webbed feet. What is it, Joshua?
Ha ;D
I'm learning that more learning is necessary on my part. I'm getting that question a lot (what is it?).
I really don't know it is, but it looks like a little duck :).
I'm going to do better about knowing what I'm taking photos of. I have a friend who is really into birds and he has a bunch of books so I'll start there.
That's what I saw, a duck. You can see his head curving around to preen his feathers....
Quite a wonderful collection of photos!!
Joshua, I think you'll find that the more you learn, the more there is to learn! :D
Ah ha I can now see the duck! She (I think) is very well taken. Good work!